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Survivor Samoa
Premiers Sept 17th
Meet the cast Survivor: Watch Episodes and Video and Join the Ultimate Fan Community - CBS.com Ashley Trainer (22) Hometown: Maple Grove, Minn. Occupation: Spa Sales Ben Browning (28) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. Occupation: Mixologist Betsy Bolan (48) Hometown: Campton, N.H. Occupation: Police Officer Brett Clouser (23) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. Occupation: T-Shirt Designer Dave Ball (38) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif Occupation: Fitness Instructor Elizabeth Kim (33) Hometown: New York, N.Y. Occupation: Attorney Erik Cardona (28) Hometown: Ontario, Calif Occupation: Bartender Jaison Robinson (28) Hometown: Chicago, Ill. Occupation: Law Student John Fincher (25) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. Occupation: Rocket Scientist (Im sure the jokes will be abounding) Kelly Sharbaugh (25) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. Occupation: Hairstylist Laura Morett (39) Hometown: Salem, Ore. Occupation: Office Manager Marisa Calihan (26) Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio Occupation: Student Mick Trimming (33) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. Occupation: Doctor Mike Borassi (62) Hometown: Marina del Rey, Calif Occupation: Personal Chef Monica Padilla (25) Hometown: San Diego, Calif. Occupation: Law Student Natalie White (26) Hometown: Van Buren, Ark. Occupation: Pharmaceutical Sales Russell Hantz (36) Hometown: Dayton, Texas Occupation: Oil Company Owner Russell Swan (42) Hometown: Glenside, Pa. Occupation: Attorney Shannon Waters (45) Hometown: Renton, Wash. Occupation: Sales Yasmin Giles (33) Hometown: Los Angeles, Calif. Occupation: Hairstylist Someeye candy this season in Kelly and Natalie, but I think Marisa is really cute |
Looks good. Can't wait. Need my fix. Thanks, Shani. :thumbsup:
Has anyone here ever known any of the cast in past episodes before they were on Survivor, besides the semi-celebrities planted? |
Let's do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a bump up, tonite is the premier!!!
The producers got some nice eye candy this season!
I'm really excited about the new shows starting tonight. In addition to this there is Bones, The Office, Community, and Always Sunny In Philadelphia. |
Well I already know who I'm pulling for (Russell).
Russell is doing what I always hoped someone would do, which is to lie about absolutely everything all the time and see how far it gets you.
Unfortunately, the early collateral damage was an awfully cute hippy chick who I would have liked to stick around a while longer |
Don't forget my special Survivor Drinking Game - you have to take a drink everytime someone says "chopping block" or "day one."
Epic first episode! Russell is evil! :thumbsup:
Just read Probst's first blog entry. He loves Evil Russell. Interestingly, the comments afterward are full of people saying they won't watch the show if it focuses on Russell every week. He already seems to be polarizing viewers
Oh my god how can people hate him. He's freaking hilarious. The Katrina/dog story had me in tears. Plus when he put the sock in the fire and dumped the water out...and then he goes around camp saying Marissa is next, and there ya go, she's gone. A+++ would watch again
its gonna be interesting for sure. But if that motherf**ker gets rid of all the eye candy I'll be pissed.
He will.....or else he'll try. I don't understand it, though....why make fake alliances with all these hot girls if you're just going to vote them out? Wouldn't it be smarter to rally the women around him to get rid of the strong guys?
Either way, I don't think he'll last. The female cop is already onto him, and he's going to lose his temper or someone will catch him sabotaging the camp and the whole tribe will turn on him. |
I absolutely hate Russel but I want to see how long he can last. I could feel better about him if he wasn't such a total asshole. It isn't cool to fuck with the water supply like that.
I'm with you guys. I like Russel, he doesn't need the money, but will play the game as a game. Good on him. But I sure hope he doesn't get rid of all those women first... the game would get awfully boring with just dudes.
it's about time the game was played like a game.
IMO, the sock thing should have got him booted off the show. The water thing, no big deal, they can get more water. Being a dick, no big deal, because eventually these people will have to vote for him if he expects to win. But theft and destruction of private property should fall under the same rules that would get him booted if he assaulted someone. And before anyone says "it was just socks", they could have been given to the guy by his dying grandma as a "good luck" gift, who knows. And "playing a game" does not give someone free reign to commit criminal acts.
Also, I haven't been able to find any proof that he owns anything. Every single search merely sites the survivor bio as an "oil company owner". Not a single mention of him in a business journal or trade publication. You would think that a "multi-millionaire" would have some information available. I'm thinking that the other "castaways" aren't the only ones he's lying to. |
Russell will appeal to the junior high, faceplant-video crowd who enjoy and thrive off anarchy for the fuck of it. At some point he will probably talk one of the other Survivors into eating a raw hot pepper, and CBS will show the screaming contestant's reaction in super slo-mo, and it will go viral on YouTube.
Ashley was on to Russell, like the cop lady is.
Ok, say what you want about Russell...he found the freaking idol with NO clues, thats pretty impressive
I was not at all impressed with Yasmin's little speech last week, and I was sad to see Betsy go :( ---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ---------- Coach has a blog going for this season Blogs - Survivor - CBS.com |
not really part of this discussion, but apparently a friend of mine was crew on this over the summer, I believe he was a cameraman. he's been filling me in on what happened from the tsunami that hit the other day.
Yes, I was reading about the fact some of the crew was still there because Season 20 is being filmed there too
Last night's episode was great. I can't believe there's no discussion of getting rid of Russel H.
I really like Jaison and I'm glad Ben got the boot. That tribal council last night was intense. |
Russell is starting to have to compromise. It will be interesting to see if he can get back to controlling every element of his tribe.
Russell's biggest problem right now is that he's potentially fucked come merge time (though he'll likely turn his back on his own tribe without thought if it keeps him with the numbers)
Last episode was really good. Man I thought Russell was screwed. His eyes were open but man he was out.
Good season so far. |
WOWWWWWWWWW what an episode last night. Good god.
This last episode is how to play the game. It was one of the top Survivor episodes, ever.
This is turning out to be one of the best survivor seasons ever. Russel might screw it up but right now that 4 man team could go all the way.
Great past couple of episodes!
Could there possibly be some validity to Russell's assertion that the rest of them are stupid and he's going to win? That's three immunities in a row! |
This season is fucking awesome. Russell is FTW.
This is my first season of watching the show. Russell makes this show immensely entertaining. I haven't looked forward to a show as much as this in a long time!
I didn't realize this show was so much about strategy. |
I've been avoiding the thread cause I havent been watching...with Dave gone I recorded them and didnt want to watch them twice, so I just got caught up last nite.
Best.Season.Ever If Russell doesnt win Im going to be crushed. The look on all their faces at the tribal where Kelly was voted out was AWESOME |
I agree with you. I'd like to see him win AND win fan favourite. If he does not win at least one of those two it will be an injustice.
I'd like to see him win but I think his luck will run out soon. It's funny, I couldn't stand him at first but week after week he keeps impressing me. Win or lose, he's already proven himself to be one of the best Survivor players ever.
I think we need to keep an eye on Natalie. I think she has a lot more connections behind the scenes than they are showing, as she was able to get everyone to vote Erik, and hasn't seriously been on the chopping block when Russell was available. I feel like Russell really will take her to the final 2 if he is able, at which point it's a tossup. Russell isn't so short sited to have not been securing votes, but I doubt he's got much support other than the "Good job player, play on" kind, which isn't always enough to win the vote. I think Natalie can probably focus more on the social aspect then the strategy aspect, and have more votes lined up, especially among the girls.
Spoiler: Season 20 is an all-star season, Villains vs Heroes, and Russell H is on Season 20 as well, and supposedly gets a lot of screen time there as well. They are done with filming which means Russ had the advantage of noone he is playing with having seen any of his episodes, whereas he has watched all of theirs |
ooooo where did you get that info? Awesome!
Survivor has a more active spoiler and speculation community than any other reality show. There is already not only a cast list but a confirmed boot order list posted for Season 20 on several prominent spoiler sites! I don't know anything else spoilery about this season, though, other than obvious stuff like who the next few boots probably are:
For now, Spoiler: Mr rocket scientist john is designated as the next boot. There is some speculation as to how the heck we are going to drop the numbers we need to drop by the Finale on the 20th. There are only 3 more episodes before the Finale, and we have to drop 4 people to get down to a final 5, unless they are going to try a Final 6 going into the last episode, and then do 3 challenges and tribal councils to get down to Final 3. My speculation about Natalie is just that, speculation based on their edits, but I do think she has a shot at winning. |
Yeah....its been awhile since I visited any of the community sites....Im doing it now though!!
The thing I hate though, I think if the "most popular" person actually wins, the money should go to the 2nd most popular |
Dang...Shambo is gonna be PISSED!!!
Yeah Russell may have just screwed himself over. I understand his decision, and I definitely think that John caught him totally off guard and basically forced him into admitted he had the idol, but not telling Shambo what was going on was a baaad move.
I need shambo to leave. She bugs me. Glad to see the expression on her face at the vote.
They just need to cut ties with Shambo soon. Foa Foa needs to be sure that no Galu make it to the finals (Shambo excluded).
It was risky, but Russell needed to reassert control. It sends a message to Shambo that she is NOT in charge. I think her "swing vote" power was going to her head
Well he could still have asserted his power and told her about it. But blindsiding him without saying anything to her may cause trust issues. Russell says his best alliance is Natalie but I'm not so sure. Shambo goes with him most of the time.
Shambo has dodged a full clip this series (1st episode, the two men getting injured resulting in no tribal council meetings, the merging of tribes just in the nick of time; everyone temporarily forgot about Shambo playing Chicken Whisperer; riding Russell's votes against her enemies, etc.) Otherwise, she's clueless.
Natalie would easily win final against Russell because most of her former tribe is sitting on the jury, as of now. Some of his tribe members will be joining soon, but Russell will have to be part of voting them out- and that won't be pretty- so he stands to lose some of those potential votes, too. He's made this series watchable and enjoyable.:thumbsup: |
I've said it before, I'll say it again.....one of the best seasons ever
Speaking of, I like how they managed to make a fairly tense action-packed drama-filled episode, the results of which were kicking off Dave and Monica exactly like I thought they were going to do when it was obvious Foa Foa had the numbers. Whole lot of drama for nothing...oh well, it was exciting, and I'm glad they didn't string it out over two episodes, this no-brainer was the perfect two-fer. |
^ D'oh. Right you are.
Good god how is Russell still in the game.
If they don't get rid of Brett he'll win the whole thing after doing nothing the entire season. They need to win immunity next time or Foa Foa is done for. |
I agree, it'd suck to have the pretty boy win at the last minute.
That said, damn, I was kinda getting used to Shamwow and her mop. Oh well, now the race is heated, and we'll see what Russell's really made of. Btw, he had brass ones in not playing the idol last night. |
wow they are fucked..........Brett just won 1st immunity in finale.
---------- Post added at 02:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 AM ---------- hahahahahahaha holy shit. Russell won the second immunity. Bye bye Brett. ---------- Post added at 02:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ---------- Russell's opening statement was the best. I really hope they don't give the money to the other two. He is simply the best player there, hands down. "may the best man win" = truth. Russell deserves this 100%. ---------- Post added at 03:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ---------- Natalie won. I'm literally not watching this show anymore. This show is stupid. This is my first season of Survivor and is now my last. Any show where the best person in the entire game loses doesn't capture my viewing. |
Yeah that was pretty stupid.
I think that what happens in the game and what they show on TV is two different things though. They show Russell being a power player, and he was, but I also think they edited the show to make viewers believe that the other players respected him, when they didn't. He never had a chance at winning because he screwed over everybody in the game basically and didn't hide it. Russell was pretty much the only player that made the show interesting this season and they capitalized on it, making him seem like an unstoppable force when in reality the other players never thought anything of him as they were voted off. It kills me to see Erik cheering whenever Russell fucked over people, but when it comes down to the vote, he didn't vote for him. He still deserved the win 100% though. At least Jeff even said that he should have won ha ha ha ha ha. Natalie winning is as bad as Parvati winning. |
:thumbsdown: Robbery, pure and simple.
I wish there was something that could be done about the jury system on the show because this one sucked as much as the series would have without Russell. |
I'm actually not that upset about him losing because at least he made it to the end with his strategy. Some seasons, none of the people who made it to the end did anything in the whole damn show. It's really awesome that the Foa Foa 4 did what they did. Also I would have raged way harder if Brett made it to the end because he would have won.
That's just how the game goes. You can't worry about the final outcome, just how they got there. Yes it was a huge dose of bitter jury syndrome but winning the jury is the ultimate goal. Galu was the biggest bunch of chumps out there, how can you really expect those babies to vote for the guy that exposed their stupidity?
I'm glad Russell was awarded the $100,000 popular vote, but he really screwed himself at the end out of the million. He was bragging too much.
'Course, that's Russell, no holds-barred. -- Anybody know when the Villains -vs- Heroes is? I missed the date. |
February 11th. Hopefully Russell does better in that Season. He got robbed this time :(
I think that Russell, using his Russell-like ways, found out beforehand who the winner was, because he seemed pissed off even before they announced the winner, and he didn't seem the least bit surprised.
Also, did anybody else think that Erik seemed like he was totally drunk on the final tribal council? |
Good god the internet is a raging hate machine today over Russell losing. CBS will have to do something to calm the tide (like when they gave Rupert $1,000,000 just because people loved him). I don't know what they can do but man people are seriously raging.
I have nothing to back this up, but I think Russell was doubly pissed because he probably didn't last long in Villains vs. Heroes. He looked to be in bad shape at the finale, most likely because he just got back from the V vs. H taping. Like Amanda, he had to play the 2nd season before finding out if he won the first one. Unlike Amanda, I don't think he made it to the end both times.
Again, pure speculation. Can't wait to see it unfold next month. |
Also, I think he's bent out of shape, because he thought his technique would win season 19, and therefore he probably played season 20 the same way. Noone on Season 20 knows what a player he is, whereas he could theoretically have watched all of their seasons, and know their 'tricks'. I bet he makes it to the top 3 in season 20 also, and is mostly pissed because he is just now finding out that his 'fuck everyone, they'll vote for me out of respect for my gameplay' strategy is not a winning one, after two iterations of it. |
that too is a good theory (kind of like how Amanda's "mastermind the moves but take none of the credit" theory blew up in her face twice)
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