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shesus 03-28-2009 09:19 PM

Shows that over stayed their welcome
With ER coming to an end, I've been thinking of other shows that were on for just a bit too long. Shows that were great for awhile, but then got stale and overstayed their welcome. This is a list of some of the shows I think stayed too long:
  • ER
  • Charmed
  • Law and Order (although I've never watched it, but come on it has so many spin-offs and has been on for years)
  • Friends
  • Facts of Life (some people may argue the first season was a season too long)
  • Family Ties
  • Brady Bunch
  • Bewitched
  • Cosby Show
and a lot more, but I don't want to list them all. I'll leave some to other people or there wouldn't be a discussion.

Usually, the point you know a show has been on for too long is when story lines begin repeating or a new character is brought in to breath new life into it.

Feel free to argue if you disagree with my choices. I enjoy a nice back and forth banter.

Willravel 03-28-2009 10:33 PM

Fucking Smallville. We're on, what, like season 9? Let the man fly and call it a day. The series was supposed to be maybe 5 seasons, and they've already ruined the DC universe in a way that not even Electra could.

I'm starting to think 24 is overstaying it's welcome, too. I get that it's established a very insane alternate reality that Republicans think we live in, but the suspension of belief can only help so much. It's devolved into a self-parody.

Sopranos. "See? It's a guido seeing a shrink! And he has family issues just like us! Tony's just like you if you never grew up!" Yawn.

Crossfire started a good series but developed into a perfect example of why MSM news can't work. By the time it was finally canceled, the show was simply a joke.

Have you ever logged onto reddit to see like 12 youtube videos of gross misconduct, assault, and battery by the police? COPS refused to tell the whole story. It was always the brave young cop doing his or her duty and taking care of the drunk asshole, spinning some shallow, bullshit philosophy about "life on the street".

Inside the Actors Studio is really fun, but at the same time how many times can we see James Lipton ego-stroking a really shitty actor? I remember the episode where he interviewed Jennifer Lopez. I'm sure she's a master of the "craft". :rolleyes:

dippin 03-28-2009 10:46 PM

Scrubs. First few seasons it was a comedy that included medical drama and a few daydreams by a naive doctor. Suddenly, the guy is daydreaming about buying a fake testicle with a built in heater for his buddy that saves him during an ice fishing drop, from which he returns with burn marks on his face...

ngdawg 03-28-2009 11:02 PM

Murphy Brown.
I watched that show religiously every Monday night but once she had her baby, they should have ended it. That episode had to be one of maybe two of the funniest episodes ever on tv and it sank like a rock afterwards.

shesus 03-28-2009 11:15 PM

Those are great examples, I didn't even think that Smallville was still on the air.

I love the Sopranos, but the last season was one that could have better been left off. That makes me remember Roseanne. It stayed at least one season too long. I still can't figure out why they had the whole last season as a dream or whatever. It was odd.

Scrubs is also a show that I enjoyed for the first couple of seasons, but I agree that it did lose its charm after that.

Murphy Brown was good, but it did go downhill after the baby. They followed one of the rules of trying to save a show, but causing it to suffer to the end.

JumpinJesus 03-28-2009 11:36 PM

All in the family stayed too long. After Mike and Gloria moved, the show should have ended.
Laverne and Shirley should have ended before moving to LA
Facts of Life should have ended before moving to the store.

Punk.of.Ages 03-28-2009 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2615503)
Fucking Smallville. We're on, what, like season 9? Let the man fly and call it a day. The series was supposed to be maybe 5 seasons, and they've already ruined the DC universe in a way that not even Electra could.

Smallville was the first one that came to mind for me as well. Shouldn't he have moved to Metropolis already?!

That 70's Show. The fact they thought they still had a show worth watching after Topher Grace and Ashton Kutcher left baffles me...

mrklixx 03-29-2009 12:07 AM

Saturday Night Live - About 95% of it is just painful to watch anymore. Probably should have ended a decade ago.

eribrav 03-29-2009 03:20 AM

Any DeGrassi fans here?
The original show from the seventies/ eighties is brilliant.
The series of shows with the kids of the kids from the original show in high school is also great.
Now they seem lost, with those kids moving on to college, and a new set of young ones.
Why not wait another 15 years until Manny, Emma, Jimmy etc. have kids and then start up all over again?

Xazy 03-29-2009 03:21 AM

Sorry I am with you on almost all of them but Law and Order, I still love that show.

MexicanOnABike 03-29-2009 08:07 AM

My Name Is Earl. it was a good concept but went too weak very fast. the 2nd or 3rd season was a complete write off... bleh.

I agree on Scrubs. It's so repetitive that they even make jokes about how it sucks ON THE SHOW!

Willravel 03-29-2009 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2615522)
Smallville was the first one that came to mind for me as well. Shouldn't he have moved to Metropolis already?!

He did. Many seasons ago. And they still call it Smallville. Because they think it has brand recognition. Which it doesn't. :expressionless:

Originally Posted by mrklixx
Saturday Night Live - About 95% of it is just painful to watch anymore. Probably should have ended a decade ago.

The digital shorts are okay. Is that the 5%?

BTW, CSI's been around for a very long time, but I don't watch it. Is it as redundant as I think it is?

shesus 03-29-2009 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Xazy (Post 2615560)
Sorry I am with you on almost all of them but Law and Order, I still love that show.

I never could get into that show. I just can't believe how it continues to be original and entertaining when it has some many spin-offs and has been on for many years. They must have discovered the magic formula.

I have watched a lot of Degrassi in the past. It's amusing and totally goes there. ;)

Mexican, I also noticed that with Earl. I blame the writer's strike. Ever since they came back, the show has been different. The characters changed and the show lost its edginess. I still watch it because I keep hoping it can get back on track, but it's looking bleak.

Grasshopper Green 03-29-2009 08:56 AM

The Simpsons. I quit watching years ago because the episodes just weren't that funny anymore.

Zeraph 03-29-2009 08:56 AM

It's been said, but ugh, ER is by far the biggest one that should have been off the air a long time ago. Scrubs is second, not. funny. anymore. Friends is third worst, it became a soap opera.

Stargate SG-1. Should have ended at around season 7 or 8 at the latest when they ended the Gwa'ould (sp?) threat.

Buffy-after the third time or so she dies, maybe they should have thought about ending it :P

Simpsons-its hard to say but..it should have ended awhile ago, same with family guy and king of the hill

Willravel 03-29-2009 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Zeraph (Post 2615689)
Stargate SG-1. Should have ended at around season 7 or 8 at the latest when they ended the Gwa'ould (sp?) threat.

Goa'uld. And you're right, as interesting as it was to have a counterpart to the ancients, it really threw off the mythology of the show. And Ba'al became sort of a joke after the retaking of Chulak.

inBOIL 03-29-2009 03:54 PM

Happy Days. If only there were some way to figure out when that show jumped the shark....

KellyC 03-29-2009 07:43 PM

Two And a Half Men - I've seen a few minutes of this and, there's nothing funny about it. Charlyy Sean was the same guy I saw him in Spin City.
How I Met Your Mother - Save for Barney, the entire cast suck. Meet the bitch already.
Since we're talking about Law and Order, why not CSI? Do we really need to have one for every city?
7th Heaven

djtestudo 03-29-2009 08:45 PM

I know I'm risking a visit from Captain Obvious (and going blind from the flash), but you'll notice that every one of the shows listed, and likely any others that will be added, are or were popular.

Because of how many shows end up failing, networks are going to take established shows and beat them until the horse turns to glue just from the force and number of blows and is completely absorbed into the ground. That's the sad fact.

Just like how through life you will watch loved ones decline until they are gone, one must go through the same process with the shows we love unless they die a premature death.

I fully expect to go through this with House and Burn Notice, and am seeing the warning signs already with Law and Order: SVU.

Such is the fate of the television aficionado.

dippin 03-29-2009 09:19 PM

I think Breaking Bad is preparing to overstay its welcome. With one exception, the episodes in the second season so far have been really dragged out, and could easily be compressed into 2 episodes.

mrklixx 03-29-2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2615663)
BTW, CSI's been around for a very long time, but I don't watch it. Is it as redundant as I think it is?

The 2 I watch (NY & LV), are alot like House in that they are very redundant on the surface, but the characters keep it interesting.

Craven Morehead 03-30-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by mrklixx (Post 2615527)
Saturday Night Live - About 95% of it is just painful to watch anymore. Probably should have ended a decade ago.

at least a decade ago

ShaniFaye 03-30-2009 10:06 AM

Designing Women...loved loved loved it, but when Delta Burke left, it should have gone off the air
Joanie loves Chachi....should never have even had ONE episode
Head of the Class....should have been over when Howard Hessman left

kutulu 03-30-2009 10:15 AM

SNL: I disagree, I really like the current cast. They aren't the best cast ever or anything but they are definitely better than the average cast. Then again, it has always been the thing for people to talk shit about the current cast and say that the previous casts have been so much better. The show is unique in that every five or so years the cast/writers turn over enough so that it is like a gradual reset.

SG1: Absolutely. The last season was so painful to watch that I couldn't finish it. I have about two episodes left to watch and the two movies but I can't bring my to watch them. I feel like after all the years I watched it I owe it to myself to finish it but it just got so bad.

Charmed: That was always a bad show. I don't know why I ever watched it but I did for a while.

ER: Way overstayed

m0rpheus 03-30-2009 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Zeraph (Post 2615689)
Buffy-after the third time or so she dies, maybe they should have thought about ending it :P

Hey now, she only died twice (not counting alternate realities). Once in season one and once in season five.

ShaniFaye 03-30-2009 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by m0rpheus (Post 2616499)
Hey now, she only died twice (not counting alternate realities). Once in season one and once in season five.

Buffy wasnt long enough in my opinion!!

dlish 03-30-2009 10:41 AM


Gilligans Island

Xerxys 03-30-2009 12:00 PM


Days of Our Lives.

One Tree Hill.

The OC

I'm a soap Hater!! :lol:

Willravel 03-30-2009 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by kutulu (Post 2616480)
Charmed: That was always a bad show. I don't know why I ever watched it but I did for a while.

I know why you watched it as it's the same reason I watched it: Alyssa Milano. I'd watch Alyssa Milano doing her taxes.

Also Rose McGowan and Shanon Doherty.

Glory's Sun 03-30-2009 12:10 PM

Simpsons should have stopped when Conan left.

American Idol should have stopped after the pilot.

settie 03-30-2009 12:24 PM

Awww I still like Scrubs! Guess I'm the only one. :P
Then again, I only started watching in a year ago, took a couple days to catch up.
The first couple episodes of the current season with Courtney Cox were not necessary. I didn't like them at all. But it got back to its old funny once she left.
I didn't like that chunk of J.D. and his baby's mom. It was very out of character, didn't quite feel right. I also went from loving Elliot, to loving it when she wasn't on screen. Her funniest moment these last few seasons was the "ham baby" incident. :D
But besides that: Yay for Scrubs!

I really don't watch cable TV anymore, haven't for a couple years. So I hear about the good shows from friends, then rent/borrow the DVD's if it sounds good enough.
For example, I've been nagged enough to consider renting season 1 of Heroes. I hear its great.

I have to agree on ER. I watched it constantly for about two years, around the time Carter's grandma died, and Dr. Greene died. Dr. Greene was my fave, so when he was gone, it was game over for me. I have no idea what's going on now on that show. :P

Smallville is still on?! I watched the first season way back when, and I was fed up near the end. I can't believe its still going!

The only show I can add to the mix is Nip/Tuck. The first three seasons were cool, the last couple were really farked. I lost interest in season 4.

I also disagree about the Simpsons. Yes for a couple years it wasn't as funny, but its funny again. The new episodes are just as hilarious as the movie. :)

I might think up more. I feel like I'm missing one I can't name.

Glory's Sun 03-30-2009 12:28 PM

yeah I forgot about Nip/Tuck. It was good for a while, then it went so far off the deep end..that's it's lost any sort of quality for me

FoolThemAll 03-30-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by eribrav (Post 2615559)
Now they seem lost, with those kids moving on to college, and a new set of young ones.
Why not wait another 15 years until Manny, Emma, Jimmy etc. have kids and then start up all over again?

I watched a few episodes, couldn't get over how fucking annoying Marco was. And I don't think he was supposed to be annoying.

teshadoh 03-30-2009 07:35 PM

I was thinking My Name Is Earl but someone beat me to it. But the 80's may have been the peak of the sitcom that would never die - Night Court, Family Ties, Webster, Different Strokes, Cheers. They all ran their course & required new blood to resurrect the show.

dlish 03-31-2009 05:43 AM

xerxys...dont you fucking dare say neighbours overstayed its welcome!

ive never watched an episode in my life..and as an aussie, thats rare! ..... and Home and Away can join 'em too

fresnelly 03-31-2009 06:29 AM

Saved By The Bell and all of its descendants.

Grancey 03-31-2009 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by dlish (Post 2616511)
Gilligans Island

Seriously? This was a great program, and it only had three seasons. Unfortunately, it was cancelled at the last minute due to the unhappiness of a network president's wife. She wanted Gunsmoke on at a different time.

Roy Hinkley, you were the best.

The_Jazz 03-31-2009 09:04 AM

LA Law - once Roz fell down the elevator shaft, they should have wrapped production.
The Brady Bunch - Cousin Oliver. 'Nuf said.
Married With Children - or "let's make sure David Faustino can retire after this since he'll never work again".

Redlemon 03-31-2009 10:39 AM

I'm going to say "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy". The first season was a whole lot of fun, and you cared about the target guy and what was happening in their life. Even the reunion show was fun to see if they kept up with the changes. But soon the show became simply about the 5, not about the guy of the week. There it failed.

Willravel 03-31-2009 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Redlemon (Post 2617096)
I'm going to say "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy". The first season was a whole lot of fun, and you cared about the target guy and what was happening in their life. Even the reunion show was fun to see if they kept up with the changes. But soon the show became simply about the 5, not about the guy of the week. There it failed.

I found the show to foster stereotypes, which bothered me. I remember talking with gay friends about the show, and they were really torn because while they wanted gay exposure they also didn't want to be portrayed as shallow flamers that are only interested in fabulous clothing and interior design. Those cliches keep gay culture at arms length, preventing people from really developing a more complete understanding. Without understanding there can never be acceptance.

Don't get me wrong, I actually learned a bit when I did watch the show, but it seemed to come at a high price. Didn't Bravo also do that reality dating show where a gay man had to figure out if the men he was courting were gay or straight? Yeesh.


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