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UKking 08-07-2008 05:39 AM

Adult Swim comedies?
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Harvey Birdman
Sealab 2021
Robot Chicken

Can someone explain to me what these even are? I've never heard of a single one of what I'm guessing are TV shows?

I'm hoping this is a genre that isn't really around in England, and that I'm not just massively oblivious.

Poppinjay 08-07-2008 06:03 AM

Those are all cartoons geared towards adults, except Robot Chicken, which is claymation.

Squidbillies is redneck squids in a deeply dysfunctional redneck town.

Aquateen Hungerforce is a milkshake, french fries, and a blob of meat who have various adventures, such as being evicted, bagaining with their landlord who is some sort of demon.

Harvey Birdman is a superhero who chooses to practice law instead.

Sealab 2021 is a re-make of the 70's show Sealab 2020, except with ne're do wells and morons running the lab.

Robot Chicken is various short vignettes featuring dolls and claymation. It's voiced by Seth Green and frequently has big name guest voices. Green is more popularly known as Scott Evil from Austin Powers. The Robot Chicken Star Wars is definitely a goodie. He shares the same fascination Seth McFarlane has with the movie and there are occasional cross-over references.

Metalocalypse is a cartoon about a heavy metal band. Dethklok wears pelvic thrust mace belts to protect themselves from rabid fans.

Other shows on Adult Swim include Boondocks, Family Guy, American Dad, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, and Lucy, Daughter of the Devil.

Those are the only ones I recommend. There's also endless manga and some truly awful crap like the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Tom Goes to the Mayor, and Saul of the Molemen.

You can see videos online http://www.adultswim.com/

Nikilidstrom 08-07-2008 08:40 AM

On top of the descriptions provided above, the majority of these shows focus on absurdist humor, which I enjoy, but definitely isn't for everyone. Many of them are only fifteen minutes long, instead of the usual half hour. Harvey Birdman, Sealab 2021, Robot Chicken, Family Guy and American Dad all contain many, many, geek references to pop culture including famous movies, other shows, and comic books. Hope this helps.

snowy 08-07-2008 08:50 AM

You guys missed mentioning the Venture Bros., which uses Johnny Quest as its starting point for sheer comedic genius.

I watch a lot of Adult Swim. My favorites are the Venture Bros., Sealab 2021, Metalocalypse, Robot Chicken, Boondocks, and Lucy, Daughter of the Devil.

Poppinjay's list of ones to avoid is spot on, but I would also add Assy McGee to that list.

Poppinjay 08-07-2008 09:04 AM

Yes, cannot stand Assy McGee. It's just plain uncomfortable to watch.

I forgot about Venture Bros, and I was a HUGE Johnny Quest fan as a kid.

Punk.of.Ages 08-07-2008 06:23 PM

As far as I'm concerned, the only show on Adult Swim that's worth a damn is Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

I've never been a fan of anything else.

Bear Cub 08-07-2008 06:29 PM

Don't forget to add Stroker and Hoop to the keeper list.

I do like Tim and Eric, but Assy McGee, Saul, and Perfect Hair Forever don't even have their moments, they're just downright bad.

biznatch 08-08-2008 08:35 AM

I think Venture Brothers is one of the best of those, so do try and see some episodes on adultswim.com
Also, if you get into Aqua Teen, it can be quite entertaining.

Cynthetiq 08-08-2008 09:18 AM

hard to believe that assy mcgee was made by the same folks that did Dr. Katz, Home Movies, and Science Court....

ahh squigglevision how i miss you....

Bacchanal 08-08-2008 07:12 PM

All the shows mentioned by the OP are, in my opinion, awesome, with Metalocalypse being my favorite (followed closely by Squidbillies). I have a "religious" friend though that says Metalocalypse is uncomfortable for him to watch...

Aqua Teen is good most of the time.

Robot Chicken has some absolutely HILARIOUS moments!

I think there is one episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor that I like, and the rest of that Tim and Eric/Fat Guy Stuck in Internet/Saul of the Molemen bullshit sucks.

The Boondocks is by far my favorite of the cartoons made specifically for AS.

Bear Cub 08-08-2008 07:48 PM

I can't believe I left out Boondocks. Its one of the most true to life shows I've seen!

kate jack 08-10-2008 09:57 AM

The Venture Bros. Sunday evening at 11:30 is my favorite TV time of the week.

ottopilot 08-12-2008 10:39 AM

IMO Metalocalypse is best viewed with the subtitles on. The lyrics to the songs are hilarious. I usually can't make out the all words without. They are generally so stupid... try it.

dd3953 08-13-2008 02:37 PM

My favorites are Boondocks, Moral Oral, Robot Chicken, and ATHF.

I'd say the best way to figure these shows out is to sit down and watch them. They are great.

BTW: I can't believe I'm the first person to mention Moral Oral.

snowy 08-13-2008 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by ottopilot (Post 2505694)
IMO Metalocalypse is best viewed with the subtitles on. The lyrics to the songs are hilarious. I usually can't make out the all words without. They are generally so stupid... try it.

I have Dethklok's album :D

Poppinjay 08-13-2008 05:54 PM

Youses Rocks!

speshul-k 08-14-2008 11:36 AM

Giraffe in quicksand... nothing can top that!

Iliftrocks 08-18-2008 05:55 AM

Squidbillies rocks. I let my dad watch a couple of episodes and he laughed his ass off. Of course I'm sure he was laughing, all the while thinking of how offended Mom would be to see it. Plus it makes fun of Georgia. (He's from Mississippi, heh)

Venture Brothers is the best show IMO

Leto 08-18-2008 08:01 AM

I had no idea what Adult Swim was. Thanks! now I can impress my kids. I half expected to see a list of off colour (read: Technicolour) Esther Williams B movies!


Originally Posted by Iliftrocks (Post 2508782)
...Of course I'm sure he was laughing, all the while thinking of how offended Mom would be to see it. ...

You seem to have described the modern household in a few short words. Myself and my sons obtain a guilty pleasure out of watching Family Guy on the basement TV, out of sight of my wife who seems to have grown out of her sense of humour.

FuriousAvatar 08-20-2008 01:30 AM

I used to watch AS while living at home with my mom, and occasionally she'd come downstairs where I watched it to get something, like a glass of milk. She'd take one look at the TV, shake her head, and continue on her way.

My absolute favorites are Robot Chicken, Venture Bros., and Family Guy.

angelina03 08-20-2008 07:02 PM

i do watch a lot of Adult swim. My favorites are the Venture Bros,Metalocalypse,boondocks, and Daughter of the Devil.
I do like tim and Eric and perfect Hair Forever don;t even have their moments,they're just downright bad .And Venture Brothers is one of the best among all these.

URL Text or Anchor Text: http://sexygirlsandwomen.com/wide.html

Iliftrocks 08-21-2008 05:18 AM

Why, oh why is it so much fun to upset Mom? She's never had much of a sense of humour for cartoons anyway, but her disgust at Sponge Bob Squarepants is somehow very satisfying. Dad also likes that one....

I love my Mom though, she's otherwise pretty cool.

biznatch 08-26-2008 12:44 PM

Just wanted to say I love the collab album DangerDoom, with rap by MF Doom and beats by Danger Mouse, most of the songs have many references to Adult Swim shows, and Master Shake talking on interludes. Ghostface is on one of the tracks, too. You guys should definitely check it out.

FuglyStick 04-26-2009 08:26 PM

New episodes of Squidbillies next month :thumbsup:

SSJTWIZTA 04-26-2009 10:15 PM

New Squidbillies!? Sweet!

i pretty much watch everything on adult swim, with the exception of tom goes to the mayor. i cant stand that show.

FLCL was the only show i watched on the anime nights.

Jetée 04-26-2009 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by biznatch (Post 2513410)
Just wanted to say I love the collab album DangerDoom, with rap by MF Doom and beats by Danger Mouse, most of the songs have many references to Adult Swim shows, and Master Shake talking on interludes. Ghostface is on one of the tracks, too. You guys should definitely check it out.

I think this is my premiere DOOM album. Very well done album with a nice mix of shtick and melodic tunes. Glad someone is in my camp with this, even if it took nearly two years to find you (discovered it the summer of '06). I also highly recommend Chocolate Swim and Definitive Swim (especially!) for those that like the Williams' Street collaboration albums.

When I used to watch Adult Swim night after night, I found myself watching mostly Paranoia Agent, Futurama, Cowboy Bebop, along with similar-in-nature Samurai Champloo, and The Boondocks. I like that they added King of the Hill recently to the line-up, but I don't watch it anymore regularly.

Zeraph 04-27-2009 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2502620)
You guys missed mentioning the Venture Bros., which uses Johnny Quest as its starting point for sheer comedic genius.

I watch a lot of Adult Swim. My favorites are the Venture Bros., Sealab 2021, Metalocalypse, Robot Chicken, Boondocks, and Lucy, Daughter of the Devil.

Poppinjay's list of ones to avoid is spot on, but I would also add Assy McGee to that list.

Same for me and add ATHF, and Frisky Dingo. These shows are genius. If you count show for show, adult swim has by far the best quality of shows of any network. Demented comic genius seems to be attracted to cartoon mediums. The only thing they don't have is South Park :\

(and an honorable mention to cowboy bebop and samurai shamploo of course, but they aren't comedies).

Poppinjay 04-27-2009 09:51 AM

Hey, you guyses want to have a chat after Sunday's shows? 2am Eastern, which would be plenty of time for central, mountain, and west coast time. We could re-hash the shows.

lostgirl 04-27-2009 10:48 AM

Adult Swim fan here too. Venture Bros. and ATHF are my top favorite. Followed closely by Robot Chicken.

I still can't watch Squidbillies.

Anyone know if there is going to be more Venture Bros. coming out?

Wrexify 04-27-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by lostgirl (Post 2629217)
Anyone know if there is going to be more Venture Bros. coming out?

I think Season 4 is set to begin airing later this year- can't wait!

I'll be very upset if Spoiler: Henchman 24 is gone forever. 21 and 24 had some of the best moments of the show!

snowy 04-27-2009 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Poppinjay (Post 2629202)
Hey, you guyses want to have a chat after Sunday's shows? 2am Eastern, which would be plenty of time for central, mountain, and west coast time. We could re-hash the shows.


I watch most of the Adult Swim shows via OnDemand, so that I don't have to be up that late. I'm getting too old.

And lostgirl: Both of the dudes responsible for Venture Bros.--Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer--maintain web presences and do a good job of keeping fans in the loop with what's going on behind the scenes. JP has a LiveJournal that he updates now and again when something important happens (i.e. new season in production), and Doc has a MySpace page that he has been known to post on from time to time. Doc Hammer is the only reason I check MySpace.

MySpace.com - Soulbot - 102 - Male - NEW YORK - www.myspace.com/dochammer
Publick Nuisance

And there's also a LiveJournal community for Venture Bros. fans:
Fans of [adult swim]'s The Venture Bros

Poppinjay 04-27-2009 12:19 PM

Geez. Sunday is the one day I stay up late to watch Adult Swim. And I'm way older. And have a baby. Which is I guess why I find myself up at odd hours of the night.

So, all you go out and have babies and stay up and watch Adult Swim with me. I recommend crack as a natural aphrodisiac.

lostgirl 04-27-2009 12:37 PM

Thanks Wrexify and Snowy. I am very grateful for the info.

FoolThemAll 04-28-2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by dd3953 (Post 2506467)
BTW: I can't believe I'm the first person to mention Moral Oral.

I'm encouraged. Moral Orel is garbage. Scientific fact. I have studies.

It oddly reminded me of that Broderick/Witherspoon movie Election, which also sucked. Shit like this trained me to read 'failed attempt at' into the middle of every 'dark comedy' descriptor.

Venture Brothers, ATHF, Space Ghost, Robot Chicken, Squidbillies, and Boondocks were all cool, though I would never describe that last one as 'true to life'. I actually kinda liked the little bit of Assy McGee I've seen, though I'm willing to accept that my opinion there is likely incorrect.

Metalocalypse is forever solid just for that "we realized we could purchase our own psychological validation" bit.

Gotta love Stephen Colbert's characters in Harvey Birdman.

n0nsensical 04-29-2009 11:43 PM

I either love em or hate em. The actual nightly lineup tends to alternate between them.

Aqua Teen
Venture Bros.
Robot Chicken
Family Guy
Moral Orel
Drinky Crow

Assy McGee
12-Ounce Mouse
King of the Hill


Originally Posted by ottopilot (Post 2505694)
IMO Metalocalypse is best viewed with the subtitles on. The lyrics to the songs are hilarious. I usually can't make out the all words without. They are generally so stupid... try it.

Ah, yes. Such is metal.

carrot glace 04-30-2009 12:15 AM

superjail is insane, but i like it, my brother forced me to watch it, now im brainwashed
renegade angel isnt good, it just isnt
robot chicken needs to be longer
never got into squidbillies
morel orel has its moments, dont watch alot of it
love the boondocks, huey doing kung fu, :)

SSJTWIZTA 05-03-2009 04:37 AM

ahh, super jail is just 100% pure awesome.

has anyone given The Might Boosh a watch?
im hooked.

shinji 05-22-2009 04:57 PM

venture bros
home movies (does not get enough love! except for maybe venture bros, the best thing to ever grace the adult swim block.)
moral orel (i'm guessing you have to have been raised in a stifling christian household to really appreciate it. it's real.)
tim and eric awesome show great job
tom goes to the mayor
harvey birdman (colbert-era only)

most people hate tim and eric. i believe only people of a certain hopeless disposition are capable of laughing at it. no one else even seems to recognize the things satirized on the show. it's an abstract show of pure existential terror and loathing. where my peeps at?

a lot of the robot chicken sketches are painfully obvious. i don't really get it.

squeeeb 06-04-2009 02:30 PM

these are the best.

home movies
robot chicken
venture bros

i find morel orel funny only cause i used to watch davey and goliath.

im not a fan of tom and the mayor.

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