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Old 07-18-2008, 12:05 AM   #1 (permalink)
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The Dark Knight (Spoilers!)

TM and I just saw a midnight showing. Amazing movie. Our local AMC Forum 30 sold out all 29 shows at 12:01. It was insanity! Great movie... I'll post more tmw (no spoilers)
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:12 AM   #2 (permalink)
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I'm far too tired to do anymore writing, so I'll just copy and paste my review and wait for the discussions to begin:

The Dark Knight - 10/10

I just got back from the midnight showing and I have to say it: this film is in the top 5, if not sitting high atop at #1, greatest movies ever made. Now, I'm sure some will disagree, but this is my opinion so I'm keeping it.

Never have I seen a comic book movie that seemed so visceral and so real, that kept me guessing while keeping me emotionally attached, that made my heart race every chance it got, quite like this film. Nolan--both of 'em--should be proud to call this their film. And while there were cons to the film that I will mention in a bit, they are far too outweighed by the pros to give this any less than a 10/10 because, frankly, there is no such thing as a perfect film, and this one came about as close as they come.

Firstly, the cons: the film is full, FULL of material. Now, this is double-bladed. The material is all fresh and well-done, but the overwhelming nature of having all of this thrust at you at a scant (yep, I'm using that word correctly) 2 1/2 hours is almost too much. Almost. Beyond that very minor gripe, I could have used a little more added to some scenes and one character's final bit of screen time could have been handled better, but I can let that all pass because, frankly, wanting something and needing it are two very different thing. Bat sonar was kinda stupid as well, but I'll let that pass. Oh, and there were some predictable moments... about two, actually.... they could have been more well done, but they didn't hurt anything, and some people seemed genuinely surprised.

On to the ample pros... The film is long. Big pro here. The time zips by thanks to the previously mentioned material that keeps the viewer busy the entire time. The mostly pitch-perfect performances (aided by a very deep, well-written script thanks to the Nolan Bros.) help with the material, by making it engaging every step of the way. Big props to Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart, who do extraordinary work by adding seemingly all the emotion they can muster into making this a physical and emotional roller coaster.

Of course, everyone knows Bale does wonderfully, so I'll skip over him, suffice it to say he nailed it again, even though he could do better with the Batman voice, that's another one of those want it, don't need it things. Ledger is who everyone wants to talk about and talk about him I will. Perfection is the word that comes to mind when mulling over his performance. Not only is his delivery right on the mark (when he makes the pencil disappear is my favorite part of the whole damn movie), but the way he generally acts with a combination of bodily movement and the fine script given to him creates an atmosphere that really sets everything up as it should be in the Batman universe. It's really hard to describe without spoiling anything, but suffice it to say that if Nolan wishes to continue with the character, somebody has some mighty big clown shoes to fill.

I'm tired. It's 3:35 AM. So I'm going to cut this short with a few little things: the Two-Face FX (no spoiler unless you're a hermit) are astounding and gruesome and really pull of the Long Halloween look, the direction was fantastic and even the fight scenes have been handled with a more expertly hand than in Begins, and the plot is pure DC comics meets Heat.

See this fucking movie. Now.
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Old 07-18-2008, 04:41 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Roger Ebert says it's possibly the best comic book movie ever made and that this movie transcends what comic book movies are. I will be seeing it this Sunday. The first one is tied for my "best comic book movie" status so I'm already a huge fan.
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Old 07-18-2008, 04:49 AM   #4 (permalink)
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You guys know about World of Warcraft eh?

So the new classes name is "Death Knight" and someone is telling me there is a scene where they discuss something about the Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object.

can anyone confirm this quip/random coincidence? also, the NDA and beta invites started going out for this today.

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Old 07-18-2008, 05:55 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I'm seeing this tonight!

It's going to be insane. All tickets for the entire day have beens sold out. We'll have to be in line an hour before it starts.
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:13 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I didn't see the last few Batman movies (I think the one with Catwoman was the last one I saw). Can I jump in now, or do I really need to track down the last one (whatever the title was) first?
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:34 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Redlemon
I didn't see the last few Batman movies (I think the one with Catwoman was the last one I saw). Can I jump in now, or do I really need to track down the last one (whatever the title was) first?
The last one, Batman Begins, was the first of this new era of Batman movies, starring Christian Bale and directed by Christopher Nolan. They are such a departure from ANY of the previous movies, that I highly recommend watching Batman Begins before watching The Dark Knight. I do, however, recommend watching BOTH this weekend!

They really are that much better. Akin to what Lasereth quoted Roger Ebert saying, Batman Begins was my favorite (and one of very few that I liked) comic movie adaptations. This one was even better... I'd say by a factor of at least 5.

Originally Posted by Shauk
You guys know about World of Warcraft eh?

So the new classes name is "Death Knight" and someone is telling me there is a scene where they discuss something about the Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object.

can anyone confirm this quip/random coincidence? also, the NDA and beta invites started going out for this today.

such craziness /paranoia
Yes, the death knight... yes, this quip is made. I don't think that WoW was a motivating factor for it though. The further illumination made about that quote in the movie is far too sensible to have been a "toss in".
The prospect of achieving a peace agreement with the extremist group of MILF is almost impossible...
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:38 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Redlemon
I didn't see the last few Batman movies (I think the one with Catwoman was the last one I saw). Can I jump in now, or do I really need to track down the last one (whatever the title was) first?
Consider yourself lucky.

Yes. You must watch Batman Begins before seeing the new one. Not that you won't understand the plot and characters of the new one without it, but it'll help immerse you in the world.

However, do NOT bother watching any more of the previous generation of Batman films directed by Joel Schumacher. The ones with George Clooney and Val Kilmer are pretty much write-offs. They are failed attempts at marketing to 11 year olds.
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Old 07-18-2008, 11:36 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lasereth
Roger Ebert says it's possibly the best comic book movie ever made and that this movie transcends what comic book movies are.
That's a good description. I can't imagine people not liking it.
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Old 07-18-2008, 02:12 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Just got back from seeing this.... absolutely amazing. Loved it!

Heath Ledger gave such a fantastic performance, I can't imagine anyone being able to replace him.
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Old 07-18-2008, 03:16 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: Central Central Florida
Me, too. It was a stunning total package.

Regarding Heath Ledger, I have to ask this ...

Did anyone else fall absolutely in love with his character here? He manages to give The Joker this ever-so-slight vulnerability. I think I have this strange new fantasy.

And when did they start calling him The Batman? I don't recall that from Batman Begins.
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Old 07-18-2008, 04:23 PM   #12 (permalink)
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That movie left me reeling. I was quite prepared to be impressed, but not overwhelmed, after all the hype. Sometimes things that ought to be incredible just aren't. This was not one of those things.

As RG noted above, the Bale "Batman Voice" is a little...odd...but I don't think I have any complaints other than that. The movie was absolutely riveting from the first moment to the last. Well-written, well-directed, well-acted.

And it had that oh so rare ability to be a story whose ending I couldn't predict. Not in the whodunit sort of way, but rather the question of "when does this story end?" It means that the movie is great because there is no ending to the story. These characters, and their respective plights, feel persistent. You can't put a neat bow on the end of the movie. There's no happily or unhappily ever after. The characters survived (those who did) this particular ordeal, but their lives and struggles go on even though we're not there to watch it. At least for me, that is what separates a truly amazing entertainment experience from one which is great or good.

In a shameless plug, that's one of the reasons I like "Mad Men" so much. The exact plot arc is less important than watching the characters maneuvering around the conflicts in their lives, so when it ends, it doesn't have to be complete or neat. The Dark Knight captured this element perfectly. It could've ended before or after it did, and not made enormous difference in how I felt about the movie, because that wasn't what kept me riveted to the screen.

It wasn't what I expected, but it was much more than I would've hoped.

And uh, don't bring your kids if they are only age appropriate for Spider Man or Iron Man or even Batman Begins. This movie isn't for them. Not to get into a discussion of movie ratings, but the PG-13 is purely for bottom line purposes. This movie is dark, scary, unrelenting and haunting.

Last edited by Frosstbyte; 07-18-2008 at 04:28 PM..
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Old 07-18-2008, 05:22 PM   #13 (permalink)
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This was the best movie I have seen in recent recollection. The only two parts I did not care for have already been stated: the sonar and bale's batman voice. Ledger was perfection as the Joker.

jewels, I didn't detect any vulnerability in him. It was more of the Joker just being the Joker to me. That's just the way he is.
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Old 07-18-2008, 05:33 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I generally don't go for internet speak, but OMG this film gave me chills. It is hands down the best Batman film ever made and perhaps the best comic book film as well.

An amazing cast from top to bottom. While Bail, Caine, Eckhart, Freeman and all the others put forth strong roles, the shining star is Ledger. Simply put, Ledger stole the show as Joker and put Nicholson's 80s version to shame.

For anyone that is even a remote fan of Batman I suggest you go see this film asap.

Originally Posted by jewels
The Batman? I don't recall that from Batman Begins.
I think that's how he's referred to in the comics by Joker, that and as Bats.
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:03 PM   #15 (permalink)
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RE: Comparing various portrayals of the Joker, I don't know that it's fair to say Ledger put Nicholson's version to shame. I have zero doubt that if you'd asked him to play Joker like Ledger played him, Nicholson would do an outstanding job, but that's not the Joker he was asked to play. They're two very different and equally iconic portrayals of the same character and i think a preference between them is merely that, preference.

My personal problem with the Burton Batmans is Michael Keaton, who I simply can't take seriously. He's just a goofy-looking guy and I can't make that goofiness into a badass superhero. But you'll never see me argue with the Joker's GIANT revolver, frozen-smile killer make up or "Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moon light?" That shit, in the context of Burton's Gotham, is priceless.
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:29 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
As RG noted above, the Bale "Batman Voice" is a little...odd...
True. I was able to rationalize it in my mind by thinking he didn't want the public to recognize Bruce Wayne's voice.

Originally Posted by Prophecy
I think that's how he's referred to in the comics by Joker, that and as Bats.
That explains it. Haven't read any comic books since I was a kid. Thank you!

Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moon light?" That shit, in the context of Burton's Gotham, is priceless.
I dunno. I kinda think that "I don't want to kill you. You complete me," is pretty freakin' awesome.
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:48 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Technically, he was "The Batman" first, but later that was simplified to simply "Batman". Almost everyone in both new movies call him The Batman, too.
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:26 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Erm, my point was that they're both awesome, but in very different ways, and I'm glad both versions exist for me to enjoy, when my mood suits the noir/realistic or the gothic/hyperbolic.
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:09 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Good movie. Definitely too long. About 30 minutes too long. Acting was superb all around. Maggie Gyllenhal was definitely the weak link. She also wasn't attractive enough to be the love interest. While Heath Ledger was good, I don't think he's irreplaceable. Remember, people said the same thing about Jack Nicholson's Joker. Maybe some future actor portraying the Joker will put Heath Ledger to "shame". Morgan Freeman is awesome as always, Aaron Eckhart, Gary Oldman, all great. Definitely not for kids.
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Old 07-19-2008, 08:46 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Went to the 10:15 show last night. ZOMG. The movie was all kinds of awesome. To give you an idea of how awesome it was, in a packed auditorium of 300+ people, nobody has ever checked their cell phone or talked.
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:04 PM   #21 (permalink)
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The movie was absolutely intense. I plan on seeing it in the IMAX next time.

Maggie Gyllenhal was definitely the weak link. She also wasn't attractive enough to be the love interest.
I agree, if my friend was drunk and hitting on her in a bar I'd do the friendly thing and drag his ass away. Yet Bruce Wayne is supposed to be in love with her? Please.
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:11 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I think Maggie's gorgeous.
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:22 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Willravel
I think Maggie's gorgeous.
I agree.
Originally Posted by Seaver
I agree, if my friend was drunk and hitting on her in a bar I'd do the friendly thing and drag his ass away. Yet Bruce Wayne is supposed to be in love with her? Please.
She's interesting. She brought a lot more to the role than Katie Holmes did. Who is Bruce Wayne supposed to be in love with? A stereotypical supermodel?
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:26 PM   #24 (permalink)
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I think she's attractive in kind of an atypical indy sort of way. She looked really good in Strange Than Fiction, for example. She doesn't really cut it when she's up next to Christian Bale and Aaron Eckhart, who are very traditionally attractive. I agree that it was something of an odd juxtaposition and she didn't quite fit in. She did do an interesting job of channeling what Katie Holmes had already done with the character, though. It was curious to see Maggie playing Katie playing Rachel Dawes.

Spoiler: That being said, I do not think it is in any way a loss to the series that they killed her off. Between the change in actress and the general fact that the character wasn't all that compelling, I'm not going to spend much time worrying about it.

More interesting, I think, is whether or not Dent actually died and who, if anyone, could replace Ledger as Nolan's very much unresolved Joker. I can't tell you how much I would love to see the Joker return, if only so we could have Harley Quinn show up as his corruptible doctor at Arkham. Is that so much to ask?

Originally Posted by sapiens
She's interesting. She brought a lot more to the role than Katie Holmes did. Who is Bruce Wayne supposed to be in love with? A stereotypical supermodel?
In a word, yes, the negative implications of your diction aside. He's an absurdly wealthy, young, attractive billionaire played by one of the most attractive young actors of our era. The "matching principle" in my brain says that he should be with with the most attractive girl possible. And while she's certainly attractive, she's also certainly not making my top list. Katie Holmes is by far a weaker actress, but she has the "girl next door grows up beautiful" look pretty much locked down. I preferred Gyllenhal in the role, but Holmes looked the part.

Last edited by Frosstbyte; 07-19-2008 at 01:31 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:44 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
In a word, yes, the negative implications of your diction aside. He's an absurdly wealthy, young, attractive billionaire played by one of the most attractive young actors of our era. The "matching principle" in my brain says that he should be with with the most attractive girl possible. And while she's certainly attractive, she's also certainly not making my top list. Katie Holmes is by far a weaker actress, but she has the "girl next door grows up beautiful" look pretty much locked down. I preferred Gyllenhal in the role, but Holmes looked the part.
I don't see how my diction has negative implications. If you are referring to my "stereotypical supermodel" statement, the suggestion of a "stereotypical supermodel" was meant to highlight the focus on attractiveness alone evident in previous posts. I don't think that the only alternative is to Gyllenhaal is a supermodel.

Regarding the believability of Bruce Wayne being interested in Maggie Gyllenhaal's character, I suppose it's a silly argument, but:
1) Bruce Wayne is strange, distant, and emotionally unstable. (He has issues).
2) Bruce Wayne doesn't fit the mold of the stereotypical "absurdly wealthy, young, attractive, attractive billionaire". If he did, he wouldn't be much of a superhero.
3) There is more to mate value than physical attractiveness. Especially when considering a long-term partner.

I find Gyllenhaal believable in her role. I think that more than Katie Holmes, she was able to portray someone with intelligence, strength, and maturity. She fits the role better than Katie Holmes did. Katie Holmes wasn't believable as a district attorney. I don't see Gyllenhaal as a weak link. Perhaps the character could have been better written. If there was a problem with the movie, I think that it was too little time spent on Aaron Eckhart's character.

Last edited by sapiens; 07-19-2008 at 02:15 PM..
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Old 07-19-2008, 01:56 PM   #26 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by sapiens
She's interesting. She brought a lot more to the role than Katie Holmes did. Who is Bruce Wayne supposed to be in love with? A stereotypical supermodel?
Good point. When you look at the history of the comic book, the artificial Wayne often dates supermodels but he only has feelings for intelligent and often complex women.

Who do you suppose he loved more?
Gorgeous, somewhat shallow photojournalist?

Anti-social militant feminist vigilante?
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Old 07-19-2008, 02:02 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Willravel
Good point. When you look at the history of the comic book, the artificial Wayne often dates supermodels but he only has feelings for intelligent and often complex women.
Yes. Bruce Wayne is publicly a playboy. He dates supermodels, but he doesn't fall in love with them.

I think that the major flaw in this movie (and all superhero movies) is the notion that the cure to society's ills is a single man. This is alluded to in the movie and has been explicitly mentioned by Nolan.

Last edited by sapiens; 07-19-2008 at 02:04 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 07-19-2008, 02:26 PM   #28 (permalink)
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"Stereotypical supermodel" carries a lot of baggage as a phrase, but yes, I'm being picky.

I understand that having her be perfect isn't a great match because he's not perfect either, I just think they could have gone with a different actress who could have brought similar warmth and character to the role but who looked more like, well, Katie Holmes, if only she could act her way out of a paper bag.

Obviously it's a topic change, but isn't that an integral part of the fantasy of the super hero? That someone could come along and make everything better? I don't think it's supposed to be realistic, but it seems a fairly entrenched trait in human society to look for a hero to take care of our problems. Do you think these movies are feeding into that trait which you'd rather see downplayed or eradicated? Guess there is something to be said for forcing everyone to realize that they're in control, and that if they want things to improve, they have to do it themselves instead of waiting for someone else to come along and fix it.

At least Batman is doing a better job than Captain Hammer. Jerk.

P.S. Michelle Pfiefer as Catwoman may have been one of my first adolescent fantasies. I wonder if she's responsible for my latex and leather fetish. Probably.
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Old 07-19-2008, 02:31 PM   #29 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
Obviously it's a topic change, but isn't that an integral part of the fantasy of the super hero? That someone could come along and make everything better? I don't think it's supposed to be realistic, but it seems a fairly entrenched trait in human society to look for a hero to take care of our problems. Do you think these movies are feeding into that trait which you'd rather see downplayed or eradicated? Guess there is something to be said for forcing everyone to realize that they're in control, and that if they want things to improve, they have to do it themselves instead of waiting for someone else to come along and fix it.
Batman is less a superhero and more a vigilante. The fantasy is about breaking down the walls of restraint and acting without societal limitations, while still maintaining morality. It's not about bedding beautiful women. We've got James Bond for that.
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Old 07-19-2008, 02:34 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Sorry, I wasn't clear, my "that" was to Sapien's statement:

I think that the major flaw in this movie (and all superhero movies) is the notion that the cure to society's ills is a single man. This is alluded to in the movie and has been explicitly mentioned by Nolan.
Rather than the fantasy of being a superhero and nailing hot chicks, which a superhero has problems doing because of the whole secret identity thing.
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Old 07-19-2008, 02:45 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
Obviously it's a topic change, but isn't that an integral part of the fantasy of the super hero? That someone could come along and make everything better? I don't think it's supposed to be realistic, but it seems a fairly entrenched trait in human society to look for a hero to take care of our problems. Do you think these movies are feeding into that trait which you'd rather see downplayed or eradicated? Guess there is something to be said for forcing everyone to realize that they're in control, and that if they want things to improve, they have to do it themselves instead of waiting for someone else to come along and fix it.

At least Batman is doing a better job than Captain Hammer. Jerk.
Interesting questions! Yes, I do think the "single man" solution is an integral part of the superhero genre. I also agree that the perspective seems to be fairly entrenched in society. I'm reminded of an essay I read along time ago about Rosa Parks:
Originally Posted by Herbert Kohl
To call Rosa Parks a poor, tired seamstress and not talk about her role as a community leader as well is to turn an organized struggle for freedom into a personal act of frustration. It is a thorough misrepresentation of the Civil Rights Movement in Montgomery, Alabama, and an insult to Mrs. Parks as well.
This is a topic for another thread. I do think that the superhero genre misrepresents paths to social change. That said, I liked the movie, I like superhero movies, and I don't fault superhero movies for their portrayal of a superhero solution to the world's problems.

Last edited by sapiens; 07-19-2008 at 02:47 PM..
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Old 07-20-2008, 01:19 PM   #32 (permalink)
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I can't add more. Ledger's portrayal of the Joker was superb, a master at turning people into the monsters, he only being the agent of chaos.

Originally Posted by jorgelito View Post
Maggie Gyllenhal was definitely the weak link. She also wasn't attractive enough to be the love interest.
Gotta disagree on this. I think she was much better than Holmes, in my opinion isn't saying much, but personally I think she is much better looking.

And holy crap, that was Cillian Murphy back as Scare Crow.

Last edited by Hain; 07-20-2008 at 01:23 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 07-20-2008, 01:42 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Nothing I can say will describe how I feel about this movie better than this: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS GOD THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This movie had so much good in it, it's ridiculous. Harvey Dent = awesome, Joker = awesome, action sequences = awesome, Christian Bale = awesome, it just goes on and on!!!
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 07-20-2008, 02:06 PM   #34 (permalink)
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First off, Onodrim, I looked for you!

I loved this movie. I've gotten bored and/or dozed off and zoned out dueing every movie I've seen in recent months. Including Rambo, the Conans, the Hulk, Iron Man and Redbelt. I was wide-freakin' awake for this one. My favorite was learning how to make a pencil disappear. Perfectly executed dark humor. But the Bat-voice just sucks. He needs his nose unplugged.

Originally Posted by Hain
And holy crap, that was Cillian Murphy back as Scare Crow.
I wondered if anyone else caught that.
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Originally Posted by Plan9
Just realize that you're armed with smart but heavily outnumbered.
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Old 07-20-2008, 02:13 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
Ok so I dont really like comic movies, but I did really dig the last Batman (MUCH more than all the others). Y'all need to understand that the Joker is Dave's most favorite character in anything ever...god help me all the bookcase space thats devoted to him, so ever since the ending of the last Batman....he's been jonesing for this badly.

He's been like a kid at christmas all week and we'd long decided our viewing would be the first show on Sunday to hopefully not be in such a crowded theater.

Theater crowd was good, a little more than 1/4 full.

This movie was good (no way am I putting it in the "best ever" category, but as far as comic book movies I will put it as the best) and Heath was fantastic. Dave says he was SO much the joker from the Killing Joke and it impressed him greatly and that he'd built this movie up so much in his head he was really glad it surpassed that.

I enjoyed it....I thought there should have been way more Joker and less Harvey Dent though...oh and more Morgan Freeman

I think my favorite part was Spoiler: The Joker dressed in the nurses uniform walking away from the hospital and the 2nd detonation of the bomb oh and the "you complete me" line was great..."I wish I knew how to quit you" would have been classic as well lol

I'll give the movie a 10/10 but its still not the best movie ever....cant be here was no Alan Rickman ha ha ha
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 07-20-2008, 03:00 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye View Post
Spoiler: The Joker dressed in the nurses uniform walking away from the hospital and the 2nd detonation of the bomb oh and the "you complete me" line was great..."I wish I knew how to quit you" would have been classic as well lol
That's a very long-standing idea in the batman universe. Kind of like a one can't survive without the other type deal.
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Old 07-20-2008, 03:18 PM   #37 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
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I can not wait to see this one! But unfortunately I am up in the boonies for another week

I am all ready to go though. I will be getting someone in the city to buy me tickets for the Sunday showing on the IMAX screen, I can't wait!!!
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Old 07-20-2008, 05:51 PM   #38 (permalink)
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A fantastic movie. 10/10

Spoiler: I love how it kept taking away the feeling of hope in humanity over and over.
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Old 07-20-2008, 06:13 PM   #39 (permalink)
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I didn't love the movie as much as you guys. The Joker was great but I don't think Harvey Dent's turn was played very well. The action was dark and edited poorly. The dialog was great, especially the Joker's. As was mentioned before, The sonar was kinda silly and didn't really fit into the more realistic feel of the rest of the movie. I like the movie because it didn't feel like a super hero movie. It was very easy to suspend disbelief and accept everything that was going on.

One thing I wonder,Spoiler: If the people on the ferry decided to use the trigger, you think the other boat would have blown or their own?
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Old 07-20-2008, 06:50 PM   #40 (permalink)
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A couple of Box Office records: 'Dark Knight' sets opening weekend box office record - CNN.com. Not too shabby!
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