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Survivor 13: Cook Islands
I did a search, didn't find this, so don't yell at me!
Survivor's new plan in to divide the tribes up by race - 4 latinos, 4 whites, 4 asians, and 4 blacks as a way to stir up the old ratings. Some people are terribly offended by this - I see little difference between this and dividing the tribes up by age or gender as done previously to no consternation. thoughts? http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-ftr-surv24.html New 'Survivor' to divide along racial lines August 24, 2006 NEW YORK -- The new season of ''Survivor'' will be a race among races. At the start of the reality show's 13th edition, ''Survivor: Cook Islands,'' 20 contestants will be organized into four tribes divided along ethnic lines -- black, white, Hispanic and Asian, CBS announced Wednesday. The tribes, as usual, will merge later in the season, which debuts Sept. 14, the network said. Host Jeff Probst said the network was worried the racial divide might offend viewers. ''It's very risky because you're bringing up a topic that is a hot button,'' Probst said. ''There's a history of segregation you can't ignore. It is part of our history. ''For that, it's much safer to say, 'No, let's just stick with things the way they are. Let's don't be the network to rock the boat. Let's not have 'Survivor' try something new.' But the biases from home can't affect you. This is an equal-opportunity game.'' Probst said he and the ''Survivor'' producers wanted to bring more ethnic diversity to the competition. ''The truth is 80 percent of the people that apply are white,'' he said. ''And television, in general, is white. So all these criticisms were valid.'' On each episode of ''Survivor: Cook Islands,'' at least one cast member will be sent to a separate island miles away from camp, where an immunity idol will be hidden. If found, this immunity idol could save a contestant from being voted off the show. |
Here is the link they just put up for the new cast
http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor13/ (could we have the title changed to Survior 13: Cook Islands, like we normally do for each season?) |
I'm looking forward to this one. I don't see the division by race being any more controversial than what they did last year which was division by sex AND age. In the end everyone did pretty well for each other and no one demographic really dominated. I'm sure we'll see the same here.
(I changed title of thread :) ) |
I've been jonesing all summer for some probst time lol
and I agree, I dont see the division as all that big a deal either...you KNOW they are gonna do it somehow, what does it really matter how it is? |
I'm looking forward to this season, and I too have no qualms about the way it's getting split up. I wonder what the argument is that has people offended to this setup.
Whatever... Where were these people when the game was being Ageist or Sexist? (I was being facetious there by the way, I don't think this game is racist/ageist/sexist) |
Today on the way to work I heard about the new racially segregated Survivor and I was like "SWEET! Time to talk about Survivor again!", (because I love this thread and I've missed it dearly over the summer), so anyway when I got to work I was like "Hey everyone, did you hear what they're doing for survivor this season?" And every one there said "Meh, I don't really watch it." I couldn't believe it. Thank heavens for TFP, where said show can be discussed at length.
I'm super stoked for the next season, but I will admit I don't buy into the "twists" that they try to sell the show on every season. Each year they disappoint, but I keep coming back for the girls in skimpy clothes... |
Well, if the first few challenges involve swimming we'll know Burnett is some kinda crazy cracker - black contestants so rarely do well with the swimming events, for whatever reason.
Notice how the website groups the black people together and seperates everyone else? Didn't think we'd notice, eh, Mr. Burnett? ;) |
nothing to say
Actually, I'd like to see the hot-bi women versus the other hot bi-women in challenges involving jello week after week, but I'm shallow that way. :lol: |
I guess this means that they will need more than the standard token black/asian/latio man and woman...
I hope the girls are hotter than they looked in the cast pics. Last season there was an obvious lack of silicone |
It's going to be interesting and its generating buzz, over course some of it negative but I don't think MB and CBS cares buzz is buzz. I read one of the interview with JP and he said that 80% of the people that apply to the show are white so by being more diverse maybe they can attract a greater cross-section of viewers and contestants.
Of course, it may just mean white folks are the only ones dumb enough to apply for a show that strands you in the middle of nowhere for over a month with a bunch of strangers.. Nonetheless, I'm really looking forward to this season... |
just a heads up....Premier is tomorrow nite!!!!!!!!!!!
"survivors ready......." |
I read that they lost a few sponsors over this idea.. like GM and coke as I remember.
I think its totally ridiculous.....to me its no dif than diving up between age and sex last season, whats the big friggin deal? They end up merged anyway
Jeff was on the radio this morning and said when they got them to the island and told them what they were doing...all participants and the choice to back out if they didnt like it.....no one did I dont see coke getting their panties in a bunch because everyone on the chinese and japanese olympic teams are *gasp* chinese and japanese....every two years (winter/summer) we watch racially diverse teams compete against each other and themselves and nobody bats an eye at it. |
What the hell are you talking about?!? Everyone in the Olypics is American... Oh, wait - maybe Coke is just being a moron. I don't really care how they divide the teams, I'm glad that it's creating buzz, because the more popular the show the longer it stays on :D I'm looking forward to this season - however, did anyone notice a trend among the cast? Practically half of them are models/actors/actresses/entertainers of some sort... I'm just going to hope that out of the millions of people that apply, it was just coincidence that they managed to choose several people that were on CSI... right? :confused: |
People are pissed because Political Correctness has taught them that it is not nice to point out the differences in people ever.
We all know that by episode 3 they'll reshuffle them anyways. The only way I have a problem with this set up is if the producers/editors paint each group in stereotypical ways (Asians are efficient and inventive, Blacks are lazy, Latinos are hot-blooded with short tempers, or whatever). I also hope they didn't cast the show to feed into this. I love that it's probably the same people who bitched about the show being too white who are now bitching about the division of tribes. |
so what did we think of the 1st episode? I thought it was interesting how they have gone back to giving fire at trible council...they havent done that in awhile.
I LOVE the setting for this seasons tribal council hehehehe that ship is so cool....I think they should have made the person voted off *walk the plank* |
I thought they balanced the division well, in that they didn't focus too much on it. My biggest fear, was that the early episodes are going to be overloaded with emotional tesimonials and introspection on the meaing of race and culture in America. How tedious would that be?
Imagine, if you will, a Survivor where the initial teams are Firefighters, Cops and EMT's. Seems plausible. Given those backgrounds, it would be unavoidable to discuss life in public service as well as 9/11, but it would be a mistake to concentrate on those aspects, to the neglect of what make the show great. i.e: buff bods, bikinis, exotic locations and genuinely difficult challenges. I'm glad they don't appear to be making that same mistake with the racially grouped teams. All I want to see is crafty play and fun (for us) challenges. That said, I liked the one Philipino Woman's insight that her "Asian" team was actually quite diverse given the various nationalities of their backgrounds. Overall, the cast seems fairly engaging and attractive, so I'll continue to watch. At least out of the corner of my eye. :) |
So, it confirmed all the stereotypes. The black team failed in the water, the Asian team were smartest and did the puzzle quickest and when it came time to pick someone to go to exile island, Whitey had to go!
:lol: |
*counts again* Yep, pretty sure its 5 people per team unless you're not counting the blacks after their first tribual... |
I love Jonathan's quote about getting sent to exile island. I agree with him in wondering why Sekou and Nathan came up with sending him for stealing the chicken Yul had. They aren't even on the same team.
Usually, it takes me a couple of weeks to get attached, but I found that these 4 groups are all very engaging. The first hour was over so quick, I was wishing for the 3 a week shows that I'm used to with Big Brother ;) |
Although I'm a Survivor junkie, I have to admit that TALKING about dividing up the tribes into ethnic groups was a lot more fun than actually doing it. I've asked Grancey to wake me up as soon as something (anything) interesting happens.
Or maybe I'm just chapped that the first two people voted off were both musicians. Damn it. |
oh man but last nites tribal council was good lol I bout fell off the couch when he started talking about being in love with that chick.
from what was *shown* there was absolutely no reason to keep that guy. I just think they should have not made it so obvious they were throwing the challenge. I guess now that the idol has been found exile isnt really going to be interesting anymore....wow episode two that was kinda quick I was really glad to see that they DID review the tape for the winner cause I KNEW Jeff had made the wrong call |
darn...where are all the survivor people :confused:
I LOVED last nite when they told Candace that Billy was in love with her ahahahahaha What do you think of Yul telling Becky he found the idol? I think he should have clarified when he'd help her if need be....if she'd gotten the votes last nite I wonder if he'd have played it that early? |
I think he was a fool for telling her this early on. You hold that as long as you can and hope you can use it after the merge into 1 tribe. I doubt that he would play it on her last night, that would be a quick way to get voted off the next time he went to tribal.
Stupid for telling her. Stupid.
Also, now that all the tribes are reconstituted, how stupid was it for the Latino tribe to have thrown the challenge last week? They did it to make their "tribe" stronger, and now their tribe is gone anyway and somebody else's tribe is missing a Latino. Perhaps Billy's vote could have saved Cecilia last night, who knows? |
nah he'd have been to distraught over candace being sent away to the island alone lol
HAH, I was thinking the same thing! What a waste for the latino's last week. Serves them right for pulling a stupid, stupid move.
I can't wait for the finale when Billy proposes to Candace. Otherwise was a good episode, I almost thought they were gonna go with 4 tribes of men and women there for a minute. I like Yul a lot, but he shouldnt have shown his cards so soon. |
When the alliance was formed all I could think of was "The white people and the Asian people are gonna boot out the black and Hispanic people". I think the race game is still on, to some degree.
Just wanted to point out that my prediction that they reshuffle in episode 3 is exactly what happened.
I was pretty shocked at the Mutiny, didnt really see that coming. I hope Jonathan is evicted next and that Candice gets a nasty infection of some sort. They are traitors and I hope that Karma comes back and bites them in the ass in a huge way.
My absolute favourite players are Yul and Ozzy, those two are just incredible and I hope that they can overcome the difference and keep winning immunity challenges. My hope for the win is Yul. for the other team I like Pavarti, but that is purely because I'd like to see her naked in playboy. |
I really wish I understood why they keep talking about getting rid of Jonathan but THEY DONT DO IT ugh
They kept Johnathan because he should be easy to get rid of when they need to. Nobody on either tribe trusts him now.
The jury thing was a real shocker. What are the rammifications of this? Will the jury be larger or will they skip jury spots a few times? |
I assume that the jury will just be larger. I didnt really get excited about this one. Will it really make much of a difference do you think?
Great minds think alike :)
Right now they have an even number for the jury (10) so something else is going to happen. I predict either a Final 3 instead of a Final 2, or some sort of twist where members of the jury are voted out of the jury somehow.
Okay, so the note in the bottle would have been more of a surprise if the program info on DirecTV wasn't "two contestants get voted off". I hate that
I understand getting rid of Rebecca, but why would they get rid of Jenni? I thought she was one of the stronger members of her team, she was very loyal and performed well in challenges. I hope that tribe gets annhiliated, I really, really dislike them. I was soooo excited that Aitu's kicked ass yet again, and I almost hope for no merge, I really want them to get more Raro's out, they'll be outnumbered if they merge now :( |
I dont' watch the show at all, but I was reading the MySpace page for my old high school.. And it a big WOW!! That Brad made the show.. then they were all bummed out when he got canned.
I remember him playing QB on the Varsity football team and all. Would't have imagined he would have gone on to fashion design. Funny how things in life happen to work out. |
Dumb move by Jonathan? I'm on the fence here. Nate was done either way, as Yul would have pulled the immunity idol at the vote. Now Yul hasn't shown the idol and jonathan is going to get the brunt of it. Smart move on his part.
If Yul wasn't so loyal, his next smart move would simply be to throw a vote at Jonathan along with the old Raro. The farther he can go without showing the idol the better. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Jonathan got booted next week, and after his torch was snuffed, he looked over his shoulder and said "oh, by the way, Yul has the idol?" Not really, cuz i'm rooting for Yul (or Ozzy) to win at this point. |
I love these types of changes to the game (meaning Johnathan pulling the betrayal again). Nate, who I used to like, went out like a whiny bitch. Good riddance.
Go Yul & Ozzy go! |
I can't stand Jonathan and hope he goes next. I think part of the reason I dislike him so much is that my mother in law loves him:)
but jonathan is good for the show because he changes things up. the people you want to get rid of are the becky's and candace's of the game, as they do nothing but follow along with what everyone else does. The show is SO much more fun when you have people like Cao Boi, Jonathan, etc. in there.
The worst finale ever was when it was Neleh vs. Vecepia, as neither had done anything to get to the final two but do what someone else told them to do |
Ok look, there are only 4 people left in the game who have been to Exile Island. Hey Candace do you have it? no. Do you have it Adam? No. I (Jonathan) don't have it. Wonder who does? Dumbasses |
Possibly nobody... But it's fair to assume that someone must have found it by now I guess
It's starting to get interesting... Tonight's episode could dictate a lot of what happens for the rest of the series The balance of power is shifting!!! |
that was the most deliciously tense, uncomfortable, awkward episode ever. i loved every minute of it
Yul has an uphill battle here. the ENTIRE jury is ex-Raro people at this point |
I really enjoyed last nite...one of the best in awhile. I cant remember enjoying one like that since Johnny Fairplay's infamous deception hehehe
I hated Adam got immunity, I'd really liked to have seen HIM out. They have let Jonathon stay long enuff now that the smart thing to do would be to take him to the end cause everybody hates him so much. Still rootin for Ozzy!!! |
/Joining topic late, but have watched every episode...
All I have to say is Jonathan is my HERO! He is the ONLY one who completely understands the game (at least up to the final jury) in its entirity. It's all about numbers, exploiting weakness, and most of all, TIMING! True that if he makes it to the final 2, he probably won't get the jury vote, BUT he could always attempt to exploit the fact that he had been playing, playing, playing and therefore should get some votes. He is actually playing very much like Richard Hatch. BTW, has anyone else notised that Jonathan's voice sounds exactly like Alan Alda? About Yul, he has also played well, and the use of the idol served him well. Even by showing it to Becky early, that GUARANTEED that he would have at least one person that would be with him 100% to the end, or at least until he decided it was time for her to go. Ozzy is a great competitor, but he will be voted out before Jonathan, he's too strong physcially, and nobody will attempt to vote off Yul because he has shown the idol. Everyone else is just cannon fodder up to the final 4. Great season so far... |
The thing is... Johnathan becomes a very viable person to want to take to the final 2 because it's a guaranteed win
Is it possible Jonathan is playing for second prize at this point? He knows he's pissed off the jury, but second prize is still a bunch of cash as I recall, so maybe he's shooting for that now.
Why would Yul tell everyone he has the idol?? I don't see how the hell this is going to benefit him.
I think it will benefit him because people will not waste there vote on him knowing he will be immune (which automatically means the second highest vote person leaves) which would be one of the people who voted for Yul.
Even though he doesnt have to use the idol, it effectively makes him safe. |
Was anybody else completely annoyed by Candice getting all snippy because the other team wasnt sharing the food that THEY caught?
It was, very much, a case of someone laying around and waiting to be fed- like Jonathon said. I dont like him, but he had a point there. If you had no help in catching the food, no help in preparing the food, and youre laying in a tent smooching with your boyfriend and your friend- and then get pissy because you didnt get included in mealtime? Open up your eyes. Sheeminy. I like Parvati, but I hate that she was so dumb about the idol. And I love Yul, but it seemed like he was just showing it off almost to gloat... Im not sure why he did it. But whatever. |
Yul used the idol brilliantly. By showing it to Jonathan, and threatening Jonathan with the vote, he managed to swing the balance of power to his group. As long as that group stays true, that brings him to the final 4, at which point the idol no longer can be used. He figured (correctly) that after the vote that Jonatahn would tell the others that Yul had idol. Now that the cat is out of the bag, he went ahead and showed it to everyone, like Daval said, no votes will be cast his way because everyone knows they would be wasted.
All that adds up to a better use of it than simply keeping it hidden and playing it at tribal one time only. |
also, if Yul wins immunity, they have to worry about him giving it to Ozzy or someone else. It really makes Raro's voting strategy tough.
I'm pretty sure Yul is going to win at this point... He deserves to anyway... He's played everyone in the game.
Go YUL! |
Well, the show just got a lot less interesting.
I love how Adam bring integrity into the game, it's like he forgets that a million dollars is on the line. I guess he thinks looking good is more important than getting the money. I think Jonathan has played a great game, sure he's deceived everyone, but he's done all he can to get the money.
I couldn't agree more Derwood, the game just got a lot less interesting. But hopefully Yul or Ozzy wins it all now, they've played a strong game, Yul especially. |
Well, from the preview for next week, it looks to be a crazy show... Will Ozzy flip over to Adam's side? I don't see him biting on that one for some reason, but who knows, stranger shit has happened.
Well my hero is gone. For once the banishment to exile island really was played well and he got the boot as a direct result of that. Oh well, he was fun to watch, and I loved how pissed off everyone got when he was around.
As for the rest of the game, it's a toss up between Ozzy and Yul, and it makes no sence whatsoever for them to be in an alliance with eachother now. They are obviously the 2 strongest, with Ozzy being the best performer in physical challenges. Yul needs to make a play to vote off Ozzy while his immunity idol is still playable, but he seems like "too nice" of a guy to try that. Adam is the dark horse that could pull off something big if he can get someone to swing. |
voting off Jonathan at this point was just really, really dumb. Vote him off when you're up 5-1, not 5-2. Now it's 4-2, giving someone (read: Ozzy) a chance to flip the game again. Bad move by Yul.
Problem is, it's this point in the game that people always get caught up in "who deserves to win" instead of "I deserve to win, this is what I need to do to make that happen" |
Stupid, stupid, stupid move!
Hitler in the final two would win against Jonathan, so how in the HELL can they vote him out??!! Also, the smugness of the jury is really starting to piss me off, and I feel like the Survivors are dumb enough to let the jury influence how they vote. How will Jonathan's presence on the jury affect the jury's dynamics? Ozzy may be the greatest single player I've ever seen on this show. Yul needs to be slapped. |
Yul did what he needed to do and continues to impress me. Somewhere along the line Yul got pinned as the ringleader for the controlling tribe. The minority tribe told him straight up, get rid of Jonathan now or YOU will be the one held responsible in the final two.
Ozzy has been amazing at challenges but that is just a portion of the game. He has showed very little in the way of getting along with others and influencing the game. |
Someone needs to write a doctoral thesis on Survivor and what it shows about our society. I find it very interesting that after 13 seasons we have yet to see a woman be the person calling the shots. Every time a man wins the show, it's because he was strong, good at challenges, played the game, etc. Every time a woman wins, it's because she was flying under the radar, etc.
Im confused.....we have 6 people left, I realize tonite we'll prob be down to 5 (unless they do a "oh you have to vote two people off thing" How in the world is the finale Sunday nite?
I can't figre out that one, either.
And that damn hidden immunity idol has GOT to go next season. There have been two seasons now which were essentially decided after only three or four weeks. I liked it the very first time when they simply said "It's hidden somewhere," and everybody was looking and digging like crazy. No clues, please. Also, I always thought that the holder of the hidden idol could simply pass it over to anyone after the vote - but Jeff has said a couple of things that make me believe it must be in someone's exclusive possession BEFORE the vote. Does anybody know? |
This is only the second season for the hidden idol and remember that the dude that won it last time never even needed it. He also didn't win.
Something is up with either tonight's episode or the one on Sunday. There has always been 7 people on the jury. So far there are already 6 people on the jury with four more to be eliminated. They won't end up with an even number on the Jury, so something odd will have to happen. |
From what I've heard there will be 3 finalists.
Dear Jeff Probst:
You're the host of a reality game show. Yes, you do a good job and I usually enjoy seeing you on my TV screen, but these last few shows you've left a bitter taste in my mouth. Why all the Jonathon hate? It's very clear to viewers that you don't like him. Yeah, he seems kinda bossy and long winded, but certainly not deserving of the ire you seem to be spewing forth. I know we don't see everything happening between you and the contestants, but I doubt he's anymore loathsome that some of the cornballs you've had on the show. If you act this way towards him, why didn't we every see you physically beating on Jonny Fairplay? (THAT, I would have liked to see.) Jonathon's a good player. Yes, he's filpped back and forth on who he's loyal to, but is this the first time we've seen this? He played the game the way everyone should- for himself. Only idiots are suprised when they're backstabbed on a reality TV show. He's one of the "cleanest" players we've seen in this game since Richard Hatch. The conversations between Yul and Jonathon were a joy to behold. It was all about game. "I may not trust you completely, but I know what you're thinking in this game and we can work together." Such a refreshing change from the petty, "I thought we were buddies." style of gameplay we see from everyone else. I don't know what happened Jeff, but you didn't seem to like Jonathon. You were more than happy to call him out during competitions, including clueing everyone into his wife's strategy in the water/flag competition. Suddenly, everyone else was doing the same thing too and Jonathon and his wife lost. Is that your job, Probst? Speaking of Jonathon and his wife, it really ticked you off that he went over and kissed her goodbye before leaving for Exile Island and didn't ask your permission, didn't it? I think that's what it came down to out there Jeff, he didn't kiss your ass just the way you liked and you had a little snit. Someone doesn't recognize you as the god of Survivor and it puts your panties in a great big wad, doesn't it? I was even willing to let all that lie until last night, when you berated Yul for bringing back Jonathon's hat. What the hell burrowed up your ass Jeff? Is it possible that Yul was doing something nice for someone else, nothing more? Why do you have to go and hamstring the guy? It's not your game Jeff, it's their's. If they aren't smart enough to see the subtle things that are going on (and Adam, I'm looking right at you), then I really don't think it's your place to point them out. You did more than your share in getting Jonathon knocked out, don't go doing the same thing to Yul. Jeff, you're the host. You give the viewer a touchstone, a common sense of what they're watching. You raise questions at tribal council and you snuff out the torch at the end of the show. YOU DO NOT EFFECT THE COURSE OF THE GAME. Actions like what we've seen this season will send you back to Rock and Roll Jeopardy. Your friend, Troublebot |
I think Jeff is instructed by the producers to stir certain pots, and the Jonathan hat thing was one of them. Why else would they specifically show Yul deciding to bring the hat to tribal council?
Ozzy was smart to stick with the four. He needs to hedge his bets to get to the final four and flipping on Aitu isn't the way to do that. I think I predicted very early in this thread that there would be a final 3. |
I can't wait until Sunday night!!
Pretty predictable episode. Ozzy wins the challenges, one of the outsiders gets the boot.
Troublebot, you voice your opinions upon observations very well, but I think you are reading a lot farther into Probst's comments than you should be. Jeff always calls out the peole who flip alliances or stir up emotions of the other survivors. Plus it was obvious (at least in the way they edited the episodes together) that everyone either didn't like, didn't trust or simply was putt off by Jonathan. He was merely bring it to light at tribal. And I didn't think for a second that Probst was being snide or pissy when Jonathan kissed his wife, just made a comment. I don't know, but I didn't see anything wrong with his actions. |
You know, if I were an ambitious TV producer, I would build an entire show revolving around Mud-Pit and Hot Tub shenanigans. Why haven't they come up with this sooner? It's too bad they cut the footage of Yul, Ozzie and Pavarti's all-night threesome. "We bonded allright." indeed. :lol:
Seriously though, the Aitu alliance was right to stick together. Also, the tribal council flap over Johnathan's hat was just silly. It was a decent thing to do, altruistic or not. |
remember also that tribal council takes up to 2 hours to film, and then they edit it down to 3 minutes or so, so Jeff asked a ton of other questions, but the producers decided to focus on the jonathan stuff
But seriously, good final challenges, and I'm pleased with the results. Rarely do you see the two best players make it to the finals. Congrats to Yul and I can't wait until next season! |
I was pretty happy with the outcome. I was rooting for Yul over Ozzy, whereas my wife was going for Ozzy. The only person I knew who was going for Becky was my daughter and thats only because she's still at the 'boys are icky faze'
*sigh* I was wanting Ozzy to win!! At least he walked away with car.....He is so damn cute:)
I really wanted Ozzy to win, but I have agree this was one of the best seasons yet and the two most deserving did go to the end.
Dave pointed out the curse of the car still holds since they didnt give one on the show itself. The publics choice of who won the car went to the final but didnt win!!! |
I was for Ozzy all the way to the end since he seemed to deserve it more with his superior challange play. I thought when Yul played the race card in front of the jury that he was toast but then Ozzy had to screw it up by crying about his father. Their blatent attempts at getting sympathy was pathetic. Also, Ozzy pointing out that the two women couldn't even make a fire after 39 days probably cost him at least one vote.
I dont see how Ozzy could be blamed for the thing about his father, since he answered a specific question that was asked of him, its not like he brought it up out of the blue or anything.
They should make a rule "No crying in front of Survivor juries".:)
I agree that Ozzy crying was not something that should have been held against him, it's not like he had any idea that question was coming. Nor does he strike me as someone who likes to play upon others emotions to win.
That being said, I can't wait for the next season.....it usually starts the end of January or Feb. right? |
*normally* its somewhere around the superbowl. CBS doesnt have a page for Fiji up yet :(
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