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TylerDurden0083 03-15-2006 01:52 PM

Favoritve SHOWS?

Looks like its

1 - The Apprentice

2 - The Amazing Race (10? I dont even know how many they've had )

3 - SWAT USA on CourtTV.

Just nudged out to 4th : American Idol (I like it best before all the freaks get the boot, lol)

Willravel 03-15-2006 03:31 PM

I like:
1 - Battlestar Galactica: best new series in television, and one of the best in the past 20 years. Best writing by far, best acting, excelent directing and the sets are astounding.

2 - Rescue Me: Denis Leary set loose on a network that allows realyl cutting edge stuff.

3 - Nip/Tuck: It's like a soap opera for people who have issues with vanity. There's something superb about the complete lack of boundries the show has that keeps me coming back. I do feel like it does cross the line into 'specticle' from time to time, though (which is why it is #3 and not #2).

4 - Democracy Now!: The only reliable news source on TV. No corpriate funding and no censorship.

rthmchgs 03-15-2006 03:45 PM

I have to agree with willtravel....Battlestar Galactica is one of the best shows on TV. I can't wait until the next season starts...too bad it's not until October. He hit it on the head though, great cast, great acting, great effects too.

I also like House. Hugh Laurie has great comedic timing. I really like his dry humor.

robbdn 03-15-2006 03:45 PM

Is this restricted to shows currently on the air?

1. Lost - Can't help it, I'm a sci-fi nut, and this show really exploits the genre in amazing ways.

2. My Name is Earl - Hilarious and uplifting... it's telling that America needs to turn to a couple of ex-thiefs and con-men for their moral values these days.

3. 24 - What can I say? It's just one of those shows...

4. Iron Chef - It's all about the chairman... ale cuisine!!!! w00t!

5. Daily Show - Because the world and those who look at it seriously deserve to be belittled from time to time.

leftwingx 03-15-2006 05:30 PM

1. Hockey Night In Canada - the classic never gets old (can't say the same for the talent)
2. House - best show of the new season
3. The Sopranos
4. CSI - still going strong
5. 24 - It was starting to suck up the air waves until the latest season

RogueHunter65 03-15-2006 06:09 PM

1. Lost
2. Daily Show
3. Firefly
4. The OC
5. Cowboy Bebop

Nikilidstrom 03-15-2006 07:36 PM

1. Hockey Hockey Hockey - I was lost during the lockout

2. The Shield - for the same reason willtravel likes Rescue me, gritty drama on a network that has few limits, and I liked Michael Chikless from The Commish

3. Rescue Me - see above

4. Family Guy - One of the few shows I can watch the reruns of and still laugh my ass off

5. Mythbusters - I get to learn new things while watching stuff get blown to hell

6. Survivorman - My newest fav, seems to represent the closest thing to actually being stranded in different hazardas environments, not that I have any clue what its actually like

7. Full Metal Alchemist - after Cowboy Bebop, the best story and character development in an anime I have ever seen.

Willravel 03-15-2006 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by rthmchgs
I have to agree with willtravel....Battlestar Galactica is one of the best shows on TV. I can't wait until the next season starts...too bad it's not until October. He hit it on the head though, great cast, great acting, great effects too.

Thanks. I think that the new Battlestar Galactica is even better than Star Trek: TNG (and I don't say that lightly). Will = my first name. Ravel = Maurice Ravel, my favorite composer. WillRavel. :thumbsup:

SSJTWIZTA 03-15-2006 09:16 PM

1. Family Guy

2. Fooly Cooly

3. Survivor Man

4. Daily Show/ Colbert Report (kinda the same thing..kinda)

5. The Boondocks

stevie667 03-16-2006 05:08 AM

Stargate: Atlantis. SG1 has lost something, i'm not sure what, but they've definatly given it to atlantis.

Planet Earth

Street Crime UK


sunkssd 03-16-2006 06:45 AM

In no particular order...

My name is Earl
Daily Show
Colbert Report
Family Guy
Hockey :)

JustJess 03-16-2006 07:43 AM

ohh, I love TV right now!
1. Grey's Anatomy. SO good. What ER used to be before it jumped the shark. SO SO good.
2. Scrubs. LOVE it. Always funny.
3. Daily Show - yes, because the world DOES need mocking!
4. House. I think I like hospital shows. Hm.
5. Bones. Yep, Bones. I like it, I just do.

6. Reruns of procedurals, that are comforting like hot cocoa. :)

Poppinjay 03-16-2006 07:51 AM

1. Sopranos
2. Family Guy
3. Boondocks
4. L&O SVU
5. $40 A Day w/Rachel Ray

Charlatan 03-16-2006 07:53 AM

1. Battlestar Galactica - best sci-fi series just about ever
2. Lost - I'm a sucker for the show but am not sure it has staying power
3. House - Hugh Laurie is great. See Lost.
4. Daily Show - the best satire on TV.
5. CSI - the vegas version... just don't like the other ones.

6. reruns of SG1, Buffy and Angel on Space

Seanland 03-16-2006 08:17 AM

1. 24!!
2. Lost
3. maybe.. Prison Break =D

FoolThemAll 03-16-2006 08:28 AM

1. The Colbert Report - the best satire on TV
2. The Daily Show - second-best
3. Law & Order - still has McCoy, still the best
4. Law & Order: SVU - comes damn close at times to beating the original
5. South Park - they've still got it

Honorable mention to Family Guy, which may take #5 once I start catching new episodes again.

shoegirl 03-16-2006 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Nikilidstrom
1. Hockey Hockey Hockey - I was lost during the lockout

Agreed - I'm very, very happy to have my hockey back. As for favorite shows:

1. Grey's Anatomy
2. House
3. Scrubs
4. Alias
5. How I Met Your Mother

Nikilidstrom 03-16-2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by willravel
Will = my first name. Ravel = Maurice Ravel, my favorite composer. WillRavel. :thumbsup:

sorry will, I made the same mistake. I think its one of those automatic things your brain does to make sense of what you are reading. I'll get it right from now on.

qtpye4u84 03-16-2006 10:50 AM

NIP tuck I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

I just cant wait tell it's back on again.

It's so sexy.

2) CSI

3) crossing jordan

4) law & order

5) cold case

shortynickel 03-20-2006 09:12 PM

my all time favorite show is Seinfeld, my current favorites are The Shield and 24 and a very distant but i watch at least one of the American Idol's each week.

Willravel 03-20-2006 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nikilidstrom
sorry will, I made the same mistake. I think its one of those automatic things your brain does to make sense of what you are reading. I'll get it right from now on.

It's really not a big deal. I really debated on even posting something about it. You can call me Willravel, Will, Wiliam, or whatever. How does the phrase go? "Ain't no thing but a chicken wing." I'm going to have a hard time waiting till October for the return of BG.

fresnelly 03-21-2006 05:01 AM

In no particular order:

Doctor Who (old and new)
My Name Is Earl
The Office
The Amazing Race

Guilty Pleasure: The Apprentice

oh, and RIP Arrested Development. :(

Apache 03-24-2006 08:29 PM

My name is Earl
The office
Rescue Me (can't wait for the new shows)
Veronica Mars
America Idol
Law & Order (all of them)
The Real World

Lasereth 03-25-2006 07:43 AM

1. The Shield (best show on TV...recent season was unbelievable)

I don't really watch TV (except The Shield). I like Nip/Tuck, but it's nothing compared to The Shield. That show is just amazing.

Aladdin Sane 03-25-2006 08:56 AM

I don't watch it much, but I've been hooked on Invasion for the last few months. If you like Scifi you should give it a try.

Mr. Spacemonkey 03-25-2006 03:54 PM

South Park - Has been, and always will be hilarious.
24 - Just an awesome show, probably wouldn't be without Jack though.
Lost - Can't explain it, it just drew me in.
The Colbert Report - Pretty funny show. Stephen Colbert is hilarious. If you ask me, funnier than the Daily Show.
WWE Raw - Yeah, I enjoy "fake" wrestling. What of it? lol.

thesupermikey 03-25-2006 04:58 PM

in no order
Battlestar Glactica
Veronica Mars
Daily Show/Colbert Report
Westing (Seasons 1-4)

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