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jRuntlets 06-01-2005 07:15 PM

Ugh... but yay me for being BRAVE!
Hey everyone,
I've been pretty absent lately (not that I did much contributing anyhow) because the boyfriend came home on leave from the Army last Thursday.... and I had a Tonsillectomy today! I've never had surgery before, I'm really proud of myself for being so brave.

I must say, I'm in quite a bit of pain but the pain killers they have me on work (as much as they can for having most of the muscles in my throat cut into). I'm 19, and just had my chronically infected tonsils removed. Just as a note to any of the parents out there if your child gets "chronic upper respitory infections", please make a point to have the doctor look at your child's tonsils. If they're an issue then they need to be removed. Tonsillectomies are easier for children because the tonsils grow OUT of the throat, as compaired to when you're an adult and they begin to grow into the muscles of your throat. Thus, getting your tonsils removed as a child (under 16), is much easier. My tonsils had clearly been infected all my life, each were about the diameter of a quarter, they had huge craters (which food got stuck into, gross, I know), were cutting off quite a bit of my breathing and making my voice raspy (once healed my voice is going to change).

The surgery itself wasn't bad, after they gave me an IV and hit me up with some anti-anxiety meds. I woke up quite happy and had a cotton candy popsicle. Haha.

Yay for me, I've never had surgery before and I have intense anxiety when it comes to anything going on in my mouth due to massive dental work to make all of my permanent teeth fit.

I just want everyone who has a child or themselves who has allergies/asthma ect... that as cronic throat pain, joint pain and upper respitory infectons to have their tonsils checked.

Sorry for the typos, it's the pain killers. Fingers aren't so coordinated.

maleficent 06-01-2005 07:17 PM

YAY for cotton candy popsicles....

Seriously good for you for being proactive with your health... you were having a problem, and you dealt with it, even though it wasn't one of your favorite thigns to do...

Hope you are feeling better soon.

jRuntlets 06-01-2005 07:21 PM

Thanks maleficent, my boyfriend and mom are being fantastic and taking care of me. Not that much is involved because the painkillers make me sleep.

I just want to make a note, that had my mother known that my tonsils were a problem when I was a child (which they were, none of the docs said so and just kept calling it a respitory infecton and putting me on antibiotics) she would have had them removed. Which is why I want everyone to be aware. If you can open your mouth and look in the mirror and see two large lumps on each side of your throat, you need to have it checked out.

Sage 06-01-2005 08:26 PM

Man, my tonsils were so big by the time I was in 2nd grade they were cutting off my respiration. Here's lots of love and hugs to your recovery :) I hope that when you're all healed you enjoy your life (and your new, sultry, un-raspy voice) one hundred fold :)

diddagirl 06-01-2005 08:36 PM

I hope you rest well and get better soon. I can only imagine how painful it must have been to have tonsils removed. Note: chocolate ice cream is your friend! On a sad note...I am a big fan of the raspy voice thing, so its too bad you may not have it anymore. I love waking up with a Sunday morning with a "I smoked and drank way too much last night voice." Wish i always had one...

Sweetpea 06-01-2005 10:08 PM

I hope you rest up and feel better soon :icare:


Demeter 06-02-2005 02:01 AM

Good info there, both my kids have 'tonsil issues' the doc said they'll grow out of. Now I see that I have to nip this in the bud before they get any older.
Thanks jRuntlets!

getwonk'd 06-02-2005 04:59 AM

My daughter had her tonsils/adnoids out and tubes put in her ears a month after her 2nd birthday. Haven't had a single problem since. She had sleep apnea as a baby. I agree that it was alot easier to have it done when she was young. Recovery time seemed alot quicker. I hope your feeling better soon!

Meditrina 06-02-2005 05:20 AM

Wow! You are brave. I hope it heals quickly. and thanks for the info, something to think about as my children are growing up.

rhaevyn 06-02-2005 02:57 PM

Yay for you! I'm 19 and just had my tonsils and adenoids removed in early March. It was absolute hell for two weeks afterwards, though. I had a really tough recovery.

*whines* I didn't get a cotton candy popsicle! lol I don't think they had that kind... hehe

Grasshopper Green 06-02-2005 03:33 PM

Hope you feel better soon, and thanks for the health heads up. My son really hasn't had problems with that sort of thing, but I'll keep in mind for the future.

snowy 06-02-2005 09:49 PM

Get well, jRuntlets! Make sure you take it easy and get lots of fluids!

On a side note, I had lots of upper respiratory infections as a kid (chronic strep throat, yum) but my own tonsils weren't the problem--my brother's were! Once he had them out...bam! Everything was fine. I had so much strep throat they tested me for mono. Yuck. Bad memories.

raeanna74 06-03-2005 04:08 AM

Thanks for the info. Glad you got it taken care of. Hope you are feeling better now and much better real soon. I haven't had my tonsils out but I have had surgery and know that those pain meds are so necessary even though you sleep all the time. What would we do without them?

Lucky Girl 06-03-2005 07:39 AM

Congrats that you have your man back home and that you were brave! Did your doctor just suggest to get them taken out? Or did you say you wanted them out?

KinkyKiwi 06-03-2005 08:05 AM

awwwww *huggles* hope you feel better

jRuntlets 06-03-2005 07:14 PM

I went to an ear/nose/throat specialist (refered from my allergist) that took one look my mouth and said, "You have two huge balls of meat in your throat that only get infected, you might want to have them taken out." MMMm thanks for the great visual man.

It's been 3 days since surgery. The pain has gone down quite a bit. I'm out to 5 hours between doses of pain killers. I had one of those fruit breezer things from 31 flavors today, the Kiwi. Damn good, I must say. I skipped the sorbet, because dairy causes extra mucus which would make it hard to swallow.

Thanks for all the feel better's, ladies. :)

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