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ironmaiden7o7 01-31-2005 09:46 PM

Earring Fetish
I love, love, love earrings. To date, I own 138 pairs of earrings! I love the beaded, colorful ones. I just go crazy when I see them and I can never just buy one. Are any of you this nuts about earrings?

greeneyes 01-31-2005 11:34 PM

Sister, you are preaching to my choir. Since I recently got my W-2's, I was sifting through all my 2004 receipts and the top two things I spent money on were gas and jewelry. Now if only I could write the earrings off as a business expense! :lol:

One of my favorite designers is Wendy Rachel, especially for those "beaded, colorful ones." :thumbsup:

ironmaiden7o7 02-01-2005 12:31 AM

Oh yes, Wendy Rachel, I love those!

little_tippler 02-01-2005 04:45 AM

I'm weird, I don't have pierced ears...my mom never did mine when I was little and wouldn't let me do them as I grew up. Somehow when I could, I liked not having them done. Now I've been considering having them done...but it's a very strange thought. I know, how unimportant, but there's no going back.

maleficent 02-01-2005 06:11 AM

I am a very non-creative person, I can't write, can't draw, can't paint,can't sing or dance or anything like that... My one creative outlet that is mindless for me, but fun is jewelry making. Earrings are one of the easier things to make, and you can make them in any colors or textures you want. Over the years, I've made 100's of pairs for people for gifts or just for fun. (I made a bunch for a women's shelter that a friend of mine works for to sell in their gift shop)

For myself, I wear a very simple pair of diamond studs. My ears are very sensitive and I spend a lot of time on the phone, so I can't stand having anything dragging on my ears.

amonkie 02-01-2005 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by maleficent
I am a very non-creative person, I can't write, can't draw, can't paint,can't sing or dance or anything like that... My one creative outlet that is mindless for me, but fun is jewelry making. Earrings are one of the easier things to make, and you can make them in any colors or textures you want. Over the years, I've made 100's of pairs for people for gifts or just for fun. (I made a bunch for a women's shelter that a friend of mine works for to sell in their gift shop)

For myself, I wear a very simple pair of diamond studs. My ears are very sensitive and I spend a lot of time on the phone, so I can't stand having anything dragging on my ears.

I'm the same as Mal - Earrings are just too flashy for me, unless they're simple.

02-01-2005 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by amonkie
I'm the same as Mal - Earrings are just too flashy for me, unless they're simple.

ditto again. I wear plain gold hoops every day.

sillygirl 02-01-2005 10:41 AM

I used to have a pair of earrings for every outfit I owned. These days though, I have to get myself to wear them for a week or so before I get 'used to' the look/feel again, then I'll wear them... but it's something I have to consciously do, not something that's just habit.

Sage 02-01-2005 01:29 PM

i too do not have my ears pierced; i used to have my cartelage done but then i had an infection and scarring, and my dermatoligist said that with gettng anything else pierced i run the risk of devloping kieloid scars (hard raised scar tissue) So i don't have my ears pierced. I love earrings tho, i think they're so colorful and wonderful and varied! i love acessories, and like to have funky necklaces and handbags and shoes (LOTS of shoes!) to spice up my wardrobe!

Lucky Girl 02-01-2005 02:59 PM

I have my ears pierced twice. I wear plain gold hoops and diamond studs everyday!

*Nikki* 02-01-2005 03:54 PM

Earrings?? What are those?? :)

I hate jewlery except for rings!

Grasshopper Green 02-01-2005 04:22 PM

I'm not much of an earring wearer, and the few pairs I do own are small and plain. I prefer chokers and rings, and I make my own chokers :) However, I definitely have a shoe fetish, although I don't own many pairs anymore. My feet grew when I was pregnant and I had to get rid of most of mine :(

onodrim 02-01-2005 06:09 PM

I do like earrings a lot, but I think it's fine to just have a few pairs that you can mix and match, and that also go with many different things. This was you can have variety without going totally over budget.

raeanna74 02-01-2005 06:42 PM

I enjoy earrings but don't wear them every day or wear anything more than a hoop or stud usually. Working from home I don't dress up much and around my family (my mom went through a faze where pierced ears were a sin) I'd get too much flack so I don't wear much. When I do go out - especially to the swinger clubs I love to wear bigger more flashy stuff. Flasher clothes AND jewelry. It's almost like my secret fashion life. It's fun and I love it.

I do risk pushing the bounderies more with shoes though. I have some great knee high 3" stilletto boots and some really nice 3" stillettos. I've worn those anywhere. My sister-in-law as a pair of boots just like mine and she calls them her "hooker" boots.

I guess I'd have to say my fetish is shoes - though hubby might counter with clothes in general. I have probably 7 or 8 times as many clothes as he does. Then again I have about 15 times the shoes he has.

KinkyKiwi 02-02-2005 03:23 PM

Mmmnnmm :/ i would have an earring fetish if i could remember to wear them...the only time i wear earrings is if ether someone buys them for me and i put them on to make them happy..then wear them for a few days before i take them out..or i have some special event..one again i wear them till i remember to take them out :)

hehehe..but i do LOVE necklaces..i love like silver new age stuff :)

Nancy 02-03-2005 12:03 AM

Can't say that I do. I like earrings but I'm not nuts about them. Same goes for shoes, clothes and whatever women usually are obsessed with.

Bryndian_Dhai 02-03-2005 02:57 AM

I have 9 holes in my ears, and I wear earrings in them every day. When I was younger, in the 80s, I had a thing for wearing some intricate, flashy crazy shit in my ears.... huge hoops, dangles, silly charms. I got into making jewelry just to keep myself in earrings, lol.

When I was working, I switched my crazy earrings for simple gold ones: A small stud in my cartilage piercing, and small gold hoops in the next two piercings down. I never take those five earrings out of my ear, usually. The lowest two sets of holes I wore small diamond studs or small hoops in the higher hole and larger hoops in the bottom holes. Sort of a graduated look if they were all hoops.

A few months ago, I quit my job and went back to college full time. I also had a bit of an epiphany, really deciding that I wasn't old (I'm only 33) and that I wanted to quit acting like I'm old.... and dressing like I'm old. I switched out my earrings with piercing hoops... Captive ball rings in surgical stainless steel in the cartilage and top two holes in 16 gauge and captive ball rings in 14 gauge in the bottom two for every day wear. I change the bottom two holes out like I always have, and currently have a huge collection of sterling silver earrings to grace those two holes. I favor hoops of all sizes and anything that dangles... wire, mostly, and those really neat chain earrings that go completely through my ears and hang down loosely. I love those.

9 holes in my ears gives me plenty of places to indulge my earring fetish. My doctor always teases me when she schedules my yearly head ct and mri because she knows I'll have to take them out. *grins*

ironmaiden7o7 02-03-2005 03:25 AM

9 holes! Wow, that must be something. I barely have 1 and it's so hard to keep up. :-P

Bryndian_Dhai 02-03-2005 01:20 PM

*grins* They've been pierced with that many for so long its mostly habit now. I really only change two sets, so that helps, too.

I want more ear piercings, but the jewelry that is used to pierce the ears will likely be the jewelry that stays. *shrugs*

ling ling 02-03-2005 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by little_tippler
I'm weird, I don't have pierced ears.

Me neither! I thought I was the only girl in the world who has never had anything pierced! That is awesome.
I guess it just doesn't interest me. But I do think they look good on other girls! Just not for me.

superredhead 02-07-2005 10:02 AM

although usually simple and conservative, i really go wild with the earrings. ever since the long, dangly ones started showing up at stores everywhere, ive developed quite the attachment. even though they really arent appropriate for work, i wear them any chance i get.

greeneyes 03-03-2005 03:45 PM

Just thought I would pop this back up top because I've discovered a new earring designer who is fabulous.

My newest vice is Beth Lauren. Be careful when you click, you might get hooked, too. ;)

maleficent 03-03-2005 03:52 PM

The website is darned annoying.. but she's got some pretty stuff on it... (but seems al ittle pricey - -most of those designs aren't that tough to make... :D )

You should try out jewelry making as a hobby -- it's fun... :D

greeneyes 03-03-2005 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by maleficent
The website is darned annoying.. but she's got some pretty stuff on it... (but seems al ittle pricey - -most of those designs aren't that tough to make... :D )

You should try out jewelry making as a hobby -- it's fun... :D

I wouldn't even know where to begin. Do you know of any good books or guides?

ironmaiden7o7 03-14-2005 11:08 AM

I tried making jewelry once but that didn't go so well. I LOVE earrings and learning to make them would be awesome! I love the colors and the beads and the way the look and OHHH earrings! Okay, I will stop now. :-)

maleficent 03-14-2005 11:20 AM

One of my favorite sites is www.firemountaingems.com... (Somewhere on their website you can get their Jewelry Making Catalog (It's a book of several hundred pages, that has every jewelry supply known to man) this book comes out yearly, then every few weeks, their "sale Catalogs" come out, that have special things in them... they also have patterns and ideas for creating new jewelry.

Their website has some neat ideas too:

The only real piece of equipment that you need is a good pair of jewelry making pliers (these are a little more delicate than the pliers you'd buy in the hardware store, and will often have a rounded tip (Like needle nose pliers but more delicate) used for creating rounded ends.
Then the fun is pickout out the beads and stones you want to use. The Swarovski beads are some of my favorites now...

There are a ton of websites out there that have jewelry designs on them as well as places that sell beads and jewelry making supplies, to get started you want to start small... Don't start with something huge with intricate designs, because you'll probably give up in frustration... I'm not saying just start with threading beads onto a string.. but there's something in between that could be pretty... Then experiment... Once you get the general techniques down. (ie making a good looking curve on the headpin, then go crazy with color and have fun with design.)

ironmaiden7o7 03-14-2005 12:27 PM

Oh how cool! I will definitely visit that website and get started, this is making me so excited. :-)

Gilda 03-24-2005 08:31 PM

I have pierced ears and wear something every day, but it isn't something I obsess about like having exactly the right shoes, bag, and hose for every outfit. I have, I think, about 40 pairs, mostly gold and silver studs, hoops, and dangly sparklies.

Sweetpea 03-25-2005 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by greeneyes
Sister, you are preaching to my choir. Since I recently got my W-2's, I was sifting through all my 2004 receipts and the top two things I spent money on were gas and jewelry. Now if only I could write the earrings off as a business expense! :lol:

One of my favorite designers is Wendy Rachel, especially for those "beaded, colorful ones." :thumbsup:

Thanks for the designer . . . awesome stuff!

another earring addict here ;)

(stands up, glances around circle . . . )
"Hi, i'm sweetpea and it's been three weeks since i've last purchased earrings" ;)


Squishor 03-26-2005 01:10 AM

For someone who usually just keeps the same simple pair of earrings in all the time, I have quite a history with them. I also have 9 holes in my ears (9 altogether - 6 on the right and 3 on the left) and for many years I wore all kinds of stuff. I also make jewelry, although I haven't been doing much of it lately. I took about 90% of my jewelry off when I applied for the job I now have, and I've kept it off because I have to look "professional." I could put them all back in and then take them out again, but what a hassle. Lately I've been thinking I'm going to get out of this plain jane rut I've been in, though. I doubt I'll go back to wearing a bunch of silver snakes through my ears but who knows. :p

I haven't really worn dangly earrings much since the 80s I guess but one thing I liked about them was the mildly stimulating effect they can have when they brush against your neck - anyone else notice that?

greeneyes 04-20-2005 05:58 PM

A recent indulgence:


maleficent 04-20-2005 06:34 PM

oooh pretty...

they'd look gorgeous wiht your hair... nice choice...

cowgirl02 04-20-2005 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by greeneyes
Just thought I would pop this back up top because I've discovered a new earring designer who is fabulous.

My newest vice is Beth Lauren. Be careful when you click, you might get hooked, too. ;)

Really pricey. I got so much shit for my $125 Dooney and Bourke purse that i use everyday if i was to get $210 earrings that i would only wear occasionally my hubby would FLIP. Thats a little to much for earrings. They are pretty wild though!!! :)

Meditrina 04-21-2005 12:00 PM

I have my ears pierced twice, but only wear one set. I have a handful of earring that I like the most, but I do own more. I only wear them when I am going out of the house, like to work or to Mommy&Me, you know, places where people will see me.

Supple Cow 04-21-2005 07:54 PM

I'm with y'all on this one. ironmaiden - do you get any of your earrings from the amazing street vendors we have here in the city? They are cheap, abundant and beautiful. My mom pierced my ears when I was a baby and I hated it until I got to college because I didn't like having stuff on my ears. Since then, my annoyance with jewelry has shifted to rings (I need to be able to use my hands very freely or I go nuts) and I have become the big, dangly earring queen. I only have 23 pairs right now (probably another 10 or so at my mother's house waiting for me), but that's on my college student budget and after having lost a handful in the last year or so. On a side note, don't you hate one only *one* of them breaks or gets lost? I end up staring at the good one on my dresser and hanging on to my sad little hope that I can fix/find the other for days before I have to give up. It makes me craaaaazy.

ironmaiden7o7 04-22-2005 11:03 PM

Oh yes, I definitely buy those from the street vendors in the city. There is a lady that sells them at 59th and Lexington, they are so lovely, I often stand there and look at all of them before I make my choice. I recently bought these blue, huge ones, my god, they are my favorite pair, it's made in India, lovely beads, I can't really describe it to you but I am in love with them. About them breaking ... it breaks my heart when I see them break, my cousin's friend was recently over with her baby and I somehow left a few on the dresser and the rascal baby got a hold of them, let's just say that what happened to them weren't too pretty. I do like rings also but for some reason, I always lose them, I can never seem to keep them. But I'm still a HUGE earring fan, I hope I never grow old of the fascination because I see a new one each day that I love very much. :-)

Biscuit Buns 04-23-2005 11:11 AM

Oh, lord...I'm all over this shit. I like to match my earrings to my hairsticks. When I'm not matching my sticks, my favorite is vintage jewelry. White gold and platinum filigree, specifically, but that gets pretty pricey. I'm really loving chandelier earrings right now, too. I wish I could find some tiny lampwork beads (I've only been able to find one size) to make earrings with.

Greeneyes, you've gone and done a baaaad thing by posting the Wendy Rachel site. Damn it all. :lol:

cellophanedeity 04-26-2005 03:48 PM

Earrings are the only jewlery that I'll wear on a regular basis. Once I have a bit more money, I'll start making more, but I've only made two sets so far, and they're ubersimple. Both have hook style pokey-bits (ooh, technical!) and one pair has fairy charms, and the other have dragons.

I made them to wear to my D&D sessions and to renfest... *blush*

JustJess 04-27-2005 10:02 AM

I only started wearing earrings regularly when I cut all my hair off. Now I'm trying to wear them every day - I like them, I'm just not very cool!! I went out with Supple Cow the other night, and she helped me buy two pairs, and they're so fun! I've never worn such wild earrings before, they make feel all cool!! I will definitely be buying more... from street vendors too... hell, the Village has a million little places and lots of them aren't too pricey! I got the ones I'm wearing for $6, but I feel like a million bucks! :D So thanks to Supple Cow... I am now a believer. :)

Ralli 05-06-2005 11:59 PM

wow thats alot of earrings. I dont have many. I have my ears peirced but i only own 2 pairs. the ones in my ears. :P

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