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Ladies: Plans for Valentine's Day??
Hey ladies . . . :)
Doing anything for Valentine's Day?? Got special plans? Just wanted to know if/how all ya ladies are going to spend the day and if you wanted to share some favorite Valentine's Day memories . . . :icare: My two fav. Valentine's memories: 1. I didn't have anyone special one year and neither did my sister so we said "Fuck Valentine's Day, it's stupid" ;) . . . And we both gave each other flowers and chocolates and rented funny movies and laughed until the wee hours of the morning . . . it was a fun day!! :icare: 2. Taking a bubble bath with hubby and he read a poem . . . those darn poems . . . gets me every time :) Do share . . . Who's got plans?? Whatya all doing? Sweetpea :) |
Well, unless the sun falls out of the sky, I'll be alone as usual for Valentine's Day. It was never really a big thing when I DID have a SO, but I'll leaving for DC on a plane at 9m that night. maybe I'll hit the happy hour at my local bar before I go home and pack.
Glad you asked! Most of my friends were talking about how they don't care about Valentine's Day and such so I am hosting an "Apathetic Valentine's Day/we (my friends) care about my birthday (it is Feb. 11) Pary". I am very excited. As for favorite memories, none come to mind. :)
I haven't really made plans for V day as yet, but I am sure I will be doing something with my boyfriend. I've never really done anything romantic on that day. I would like to do something this year.
Let's see, a few Valentine's day memories ... I don't have any of those special/crazy ones, I do remember always either working or going to school on that day, so this year, I am definitely doing something! |
I don't know what I'll be doing yet, but I know I won't be alone--I'll probably spend the evening with friends.
I love my boyfriend and all, but I've always enjoyed valentines day spent with friends the best. We'll see if he can change that this year. I hear bowling is a possibility.
I'll be doing absolutely nothing because we don't celebrate Valentine's Day in Denmark.
Taking Ace out for a romantic steak dinner downtown Vancouver :love:
My Fiance and I are just going to be happy being together. I am driving down to Charleston the weekend before Valentines day but I will not actually be there on that day. I don't think we will really be doing anything but spending time together. We are buying our wedding rings the weekend before so all of our money goes into that. That is more special to me then any chocolates or flowers.:)
Cupid is on my dartboard, I thought I'd throw some poison darts at him.
I don't think I have ever had a good Valentines Day... |
Ahh Valentines Day... Specifically designed to make single people feel like crap and put the pressure on couples. I talked about it a bit with my boyfriend, and we're both not much into it. But since I'm a stupid retarded girl I'll be disappointed if nothing happens.
To be honest, I think I really only even have one good valentine's day memory, and no one gets it unless they were there and in on the joke. I dunno. I was like fourteen or fifteen and my friend and I were pissed off at the world (really just at guys) and so we decided fuck them, and made up some story about us getting married on the stratosphere by elvis. The joke, six years later, is still funny to us. When she got married last year, she was still introducing me as 'her wife'.
This VDay I'm working til 10 or 11 pm, so I prolly won't even see my hunny. *sigh* |
Valentine's Day...mixed feelings on that one. Probably won't be doing anything this year, last year was a fiasco because I tried too hard and he wasn't up for it so...it's best left alone I think.
Plans?? I had inadvertantly scheduled my yearly exam and Pap for Valentines Day. I changed it. We don't often do much on that day but I just couldn't stand the idea of being on my Dr's exam table with my legs spread on Valentines. Just couldn't stand the idea.
We haven't a lot planned. I'm sure if it's possible we'll grab a little time minus the kid. We are planning on going to an on-premise swinger club the weekend before Valentines. I guess you could call that celebrating. |
i havent had one good valentines day yet, and i dont really have high hopes for any of them. i have a valentines day curse. murphy's law comes in full effect that day. :(
Exaaactly my thoughts. I have exams for the entire week after Valentines, so Homey_V and I are having a little rendezvous in the Friday night before.... |
Uhm, I am spending my February 14th taking two tests in my Economics and Geology class and without nwlinkvxd who will be in San Jose four hours away.
I don't think I've ever really celebrated V-day. |
Hubby and I have never really been big on Valentines Day. I have a sneaking suspicion that he may be planning something though because he seemed disappointed and protested when I said, Let's not bother with Valentines Day this year. Sooo...I guess we'll see.
And I don't really have any good V-Day memories, so I'll share my worst. I had kind of a stalker at a place I worked, he knew I was married, but he had some sort of weird fantasy relationship with me, and one V-Day he gave me a card and said "This is G-Rated since you're married". BLech!!! He was crazy. |
Well, this is the first Valentines in a while where I wasn't dating someone seriously. But who knows, maybe my the middle of February what is now casual dating might turn into something more :) I'm totally cool with just watching a movie and drinking beer with him tho...
As far as I'm concerned, Valentine's Day is just another Hallmark Holiday. Why should it take a special day in order to do something nice with/for your significant other? It promotes sexism, and is just generally silly I think. So, I"ll be doing the same thing I do any other day of the year.
I might go and see the ballet. Alone.
Eh, I don't know if this is my idea of a Valentine's Day, SO or not: Gyno wanted me back in for a followup, only days they had available the WHOLE month of Feb was the 14th (go figure!) . My excuse is I'm leaving that night to go out of town for a week, so am trying to reschedule. But March is sooo far off. Blah.
This year Lebell is in CO finishing up his degree; so I'll be playing bunko with some girlfriends.
My favorite Valentine Day was going to Vagina Monologues with a bunch of girlfriends! |
The only good Valentine's Day I've ever had (well, when I started realizing what V-Day was really supposed to be about lol) was when I was 16, and my dad gave me a teddy bear. I love teddy bears. :) He'd never done anything like that before, and it was quite unexpected.
I don't think I'm going to be doing anything this year. Then again, a campus organization is showing "The Grudge" that night, so maybe I'll go and watch it. :) |
I've never in my life had a "romantic" valentines day. I don't really believe in it and I guess the guys I've been involved with have been quite ready to go along with that philosophy. If my boyfriend decided to do something for valentine's day it'd be the shock of the century.
Actually, if I'm not mistaken that day will be my 4th anniversary of being at my job so I'll be celebrating my lack of a raise. |
Plans: A bunch of us singles are getting together to watch shrek and shrek 2. that is as far as I know. My favortie memory was my father took me out to dinner - (a little diner that was handing out carnations to the ladies) and I had a romantic spagetti dinner and cracked jokes and told stories with the fery first guy in my life.. I was 16 or 17 and my dad helped me forget the teenage drama of being single - and I had alot of fun.
i really want to go dance. i think im going to try to go to relearn to swing dance for an evening.
Unfortunatly I will probably be working, but it would be romantic to go somewhere a couple hours away in a fancy hotel where we could just enjoy eachother's company for a few days...oh to wish!
On Valentines day my SO and I have been together for two and a half years :love: , but I don't think we'll be doing much since he's working. I would love to have gone away somewhere but I can't see that happening any time soon either, maybe next year...
We dont celebrate "v-day" exactly....but I will be making lasagna for dinner :)
Well, lesse...I will be waking up at 3am to do some really nifty training (puke). Then I will eat lunch at the very romantic mess hall. I will probably not do much of anything until much later that night until I go and stand in line for a couple of hours to use the phone.
I'm still hoping for a card from my husband, at least. sounds fun, huh? :( |
This Valentine's Day I'll be in Santa Fe (state capitol) asking the legistators not to mess with the Lottery Scholorship (our state lottery ticket sales go to a scholorship fund that every high school grad in the state with a 2.5 or higher GPA gets free tuition to in state schools. It's worked really well). Then I'm coming home and doing work for classes.
My best Valentine's Day memory happened three years ago. I was single and bitter about it, and the guy I had a crush on (my current SO; he has been ever since that day) had heard my friend and I bitching about it. Bryan was walking me to class, gave me a hug and said " I hope this makes your Valentine's Day better" and kissed me for the first time. We both had to run, but I didn't stop smiling and floating on a cloud for hours. Then that night my mom and I got makeovers from Chanel. All in all it was a great day. |
My SO is in canada so i'm going to be at home watching depressing romantic movies, eating chocolate and drinking :) ether that or i may leave in an hour or so to go to westminster (the dog show)
Oh you should go to the dog show! I don't know what it is about those things, but I always watch them.
We did not have plans for V-day since I had a test at 8:30 last night. We'll probably celebrate another day. My favorite Feb 14th memory was a couple of years ago I came home to find the whole apartment lit with candles. We weren't planning on doing anything, and my husband picked me up from school, and I was walking to the apartment blabbing about something. I opened the door, and just stood there with my mouth open and my eyes filling with tears. I was absolutely blown away. On a different valentines when I was in high school my father gave both my sister and I these necklaces that had a Hersheys kiss. He had never given us anything for valentines day before, so it was a big surprise.
My hunny got me a lovely bunch of flowers for VDay.
I think this was the first time that's happened to me. :) my fave valentines memory .... probably when I was my own valentine and got myself my nipples pierced as a present. |
Getting flowers for the first time is always so great. I do remember getting my first bunch or flowers, it was 4 years ago and I still have them! I usually place the flowers in a book and then use them later, they last really long that way. :-)
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