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Old 05-29-2004, 10:42 AM   #241 (permalink)
Hi my name is Harmony new to the site I just wanted to say hi to everyone and if anyone wants to help me in getting around this site PLEASE feel free lol
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Old 05-29-2004, 03:14 PM   #242 (permalink)
Amethyst's Avatar
Location: Illinois
Hello Harmony welcome to the site! I hope you have fun in the ladies lounge. If you need any help just send me a private message and I will do what I can. Nice to meet you.
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Old 06-03-2004, 09:29 PM   #243 (permalink)
HI name is Heather, just joined this site from a friend of mine. Not new to bb's but I am new to this one.

Hope to enjoy the board and meet new people!
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Old 06-08-2004, 01:29 AM   #244 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
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Location: Australia
Hey....Ella from Aus here. Someone posted a link to this place in another forum I frequent, and I was attracted by the fact that, in order to register, you must provide an ISP email addy. Kinda indicates you are stringent on your membership base.

Well......I'm an Aussie (and I think there are a few others around), I am separated with two kiddies under 10. I work as a team leader in a call centre and that in itself, along with my kids, almost emcompasses my life. I have no room whatsoever for a man. And I kinda like it that way.

Anywho....off to check the rest of this joint....nice to be here!!
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."
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Old 06-08-2004, 07:23 PM   #245 (permalink)
Amethyst's Avatar
Location: Illinois

I hope you like it here and you stick around!
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Old 06-17-2004, 06:54 PM   #246 (permalink)
Location: Western NY
Hey to all the girls! I'm fyrehair and I'm new to TFP. Nice to see that the ladies got their own forum. Right now, I'm just browsing, but I'll be sure to add my two cents if I have something to say.
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Old 06-18-2004, 04:15 PM   #247 (permalink)
Location: NH
Greetings Ladies,

nice to see a place just for us.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
Kalis Enigma is offline  
Old 06-27-2004, 01:41 PM   #248 (permalink)
Location: west palm beach, fl
hi =] felt i should introduce myself

i'm ren i'm 21 years old i'm female (well obviously lol) i currently work as a front desk clerk at a hotel supposed to be in college but i am currently not able to afford it. i'm very opinionated and not afraid to show it and....yea i dont know =\ lol i'm bad at these things
I want to live till I die. No more, no less ~ Eddie Izzard
Psyche212 is offline  
Old 06-27-2004, 02:00 PM   #249 (permalink)
Howdy! I'm Wenchie, and have just started posting on TFP over the past few days. This is a fabulous forum! I'm very impressed with the breadth and quality of the content here.
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Old 06-28-2004, 07:20 PM   #250 (permalink)
Location: san francisco
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Old 06-29-2004, 03:15 PM   #251 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
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Location: Above the stars
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Old 06-30-2004, 07:39 AM   #252 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
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Location: Above the stars
Originally posted by pinkie
I think this may have been my first post. I'm a mother of one. I love to drink coffee. POM is also one of my favorite beverages. I've talked a bit more at length about myself in parenting and this lounge.

I'm really not very good with introductions.

My hair color's red
My eye color is dark blue
Here is - a haiku

*edit - I had one syllable too many.

Last edited by pinkie; 07-03-2004 at 04:04 PM..
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Old 07-02-2004, 09:31 AM   #253 (permalink)
Hi! Just found this forum when looking up info about "personal" shaving (if that tells you anything about me), and I think maybe I'll stick around. Seems like I might fit in around here.

As for the bio facts, I'm 23 years old, married 3 years in September and am a stay at home mom to a 2 1/2 year old little boy. I'm taking a break from college to be at home but hopefully I'll get to go back in the next year or so and finish up my art degree.

I look forward to chatting with you all!
Lelenia is offline  
Old 07-10-2004, 05:38 PM   #254 (permalink)
Location: Denver, CO USA

This is me.................

We are also awaiting our NEW baby boy.........coming anytime.

Glad to be here.......sometimes you just need someone to talk to.

By the way I'm 25, have been married to my husband (26) for 5 years, our daughter is 5 in November.

Last edited by phredgreen; 07-10-2004 at 08:43 PM..
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Old 07-12-2004, 10:23 AM   #255 (permalink)
More anal, less shenanigans
xxSquirtxx's Avatar
Location: Always lurking
Hello. I'm brand new to these forums.
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Old 07-12-2004, 10:53 AM   #256 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
pinkie's Avatar
Location: Above the stars
Welcome Squirt. Interesting name, what does it mean?
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Old 07-12-2004, 11:23 AM   #257 (permalink)
More anal, less shenanigans
xxSquirtxx's Avatar
Location: Always lurking
Originally posted by pinkie
Welcome Squirt. Interesting name, what does it mean?
Hi. Thanks. It is a nickname that a very good friend of mine calls me - probably because I'm only 5'1". (no, I'm not a "squirter")
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Old 07-12-2004, 11:58 AM   #258 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
pinkie's Avatar
Location: Above the stars
Hahaha... cute.
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:39 PM   #259 (permalink)
*Nikki*'s Avatar
Location: Charleston, SC
Welcome all the new ladies......Glad to see you here
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Old 07-21-2004, 07:36 AM   #260 (permalink)
Location: Dallas TX (close enough)
How about I say hello again, some guy (I assume) emailed me from here and I went omg wow I'd forgotten about this place with life being crazy and all... so 11 months since my last post to the day and I'm back. I hope that I'll feel as comfortable again as I did before and that the ladies have been well in my absence.

Xapphire is offline  
Old 07-22-2004, 11:29 PM   #261 (permalink)
Hi All, My name is Skye, I am 25 turning 26. I work almost full time and am studying a BA History Politics and Philosophy. I got hooked on my uni psych website which was slightly similar to this one. My BF is constantly on here and introduced it to me a while ago but I have only just now (since a change in jobs) been able to register and be on here more than once a month or so.
I am glad for a women’s area even if it’s just to browse or vent. Sometimes you need to hear others are experiencing what you are to put things back into perspective. I look forward to reading and replying to all of your posts
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Old 07-23-2004, 04:10 AM   #262 (permalink)
I'm baaaaack!
Wow, nice to meet all of you! I am glad we have such a strong group of females to make us all look good!
You don't know from fun.
Rubyee is offline  
Old 07-23-2004, 03:44 PM   #263 (permalink)

My name is Lieneke I'm 25 years old and a friend of mine referred to this board
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Old 07-31-2004, 11:50 AM   #264 (permalink)
Location: Bakersfield, Ca
My name is Nikki. I too am a baby.. Barely turned 20. I live at my parents house with my fiance and son. My son is 2 months old and his name is Matthew. I'll be getting married in May of 2005. By the way, it's nice to meet all of you.
***** Little Miss Spitfire ******
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Old 07-31-2004, 07:45 PM   #265 (permalink)
Welp I just found this board about two days ago, but I don't really have many places to talk with other ladies. Husband keeps me incredibly busy and I don't really know anyone in our area.. So I thought this place looked like fun.

I'm Kitenn.. or just plain Kit 35 and married to an incredibly gorgeous younger man for almost 3 years. Only 6 years younger but still so adorable. Not sure what else to say, I don't usually post anywhere. So any questions feel free, will try and post as much as I can.. so glad to have found this place.

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Old 08-03-2004, 11:57 AM   #266 (permalink)
Location: NYC, baby!
**newb alert** (lol)

hi all, got introduced to this site when i asked a friend for advice and he posted it here lol. im 21, work full time, school part time altho im hoping to change all that next year so im doing school full time too muahahaha

yes, im quite crazy but all my friends know that my bark is worse than my bite - which is to say, dont make me have to bite u because i will do so w/o warning lol this place looks fun im looking forward to bouncing around ...
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Old 08-08-2004, 02:42 PM   #267 (permalink)
Location: Southern California
Wow, I sam glad that someone reopened this...it was nice to know a little more about the people. Here's me: 32, married to Dawson70, 3 kids, work in a hospital, and I really must say I like the diversity of this site!!!
"There's one in every family...two in mine actually.."--- Zazu
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Old 08-10-2004, 07:49 PM   #268 (permalink)
Location: SoCal
Hi! Sue introduced me to this site. I am 35, single, and live in Southern California. I am a licensed massaage therapist in a chiropractic office by day, and I am a singer/songwriter by night. I just released a CD a few months ago, and my life has revolved around that, to the detriment of forming new relationships. I hope to meet and interract with some interesting people here, and from what I've seen so far, I will.
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Old 08-13-2004, 09:52 PM   #269 (permalink)
Location: Burnaby, BC
HeyyHeyy, new to the site as well. I'm Chloe, 18, living in Burnaby, BC, Canada. College student and not single.
"If something ain't growing, it's dead."
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Old 08-16-2004, 06:12 PM   #270 (permalink)
Frontal Lobe
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Location: California
Hi, my name's Rebecca and I found this forum because I was hanging out in another forum that turned out to be full of idiots and after a while I just felt like I was getting stupider by the day...so I searched and looked through a list of hundreds of forums until I found this one - it looked like I might be happy here so here I am.

I'm not a college student (like so many of you seem to be) but I was one for about 12 years so chances are I can relate..or not, depending I guess. In any case it's good to meet you.
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Old 08-17-2004, 03:53 AM   #271 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
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Super Moderator
Location: on the other side
Hi, I'm one of those European people - read Portugal

Thought I'd join this forum to communicate with more people, at the moment I'm working in a place where I'm all on my lonesome and it gets...well you can imagine.

It's 35 degrees out and I'm stuck here...

I'm 24 and just recently graduated from a fine arts degree here in sunny Lisbon. Live with my s/o, have two cuddly kittens and love music...

see you all in the forums, beijinhos
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 08-24-2004, 03:17 AM   #272 (permalink)
Location: Malta
Hello I'm Iris

I found this via google, and i signed up.
I'm the Admin of the Armaita, a private pron board run by girls with its own section for girls. (no public registration)

I'm always intrested to see the development of females worldwide, and what their needs are, and how we progress on the internet. aka girlpower

oh, forgive me, i hacked the colorscheme, i like the deeppink color
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:16 AM   #273 (permalink)
Location: UK
Hi, I'm Tamsin.

Of all places TFP was posted on a gaming forum.

I'm a complete forum lover and I spend far too much time on them.
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Old 09-03-2004, 01:49 AM   #274 (permalink)
Hi im new here. 22, just graduated college. My name is ronda & i just wanted to say hey!
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Old 09-05-2004, 06:32 AM   #275 (permalink)
Likes Hats
Pip's Avatar
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Ahoy everyone, my name is Pia, 27 years old and live in Sweden. I work part-time in a grocery store and study at the university. (Humanities, mostly.) This looks like a pretty cool and diverse forum, I'm glad to have found it!
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Old 09-06-2004, 02:22 PM   #276 (permalink)
Location: LOndon

nice to meet you
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Old 09-06-2004, 04:50 PM   #277 (permalink)
inharmony's Avatar
Location: happy place
Hey, I'm Karrie...referred to TFP by a really great guy. Becoming quite the addict :P
"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist."

"Things do not change: We change"
Henry David Thoreau
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Old 09-07-2004, 09:41 PM   #278 (permalink)
Location: none of your fuckin' business
~clears my throat~

Let's see...I'm new here. Not much to know about me 'cept I'm kinda shy, kinda silly and have this goofy crush on Elvis for some odd reason.
Yep..that's me. See you around ~waves~
At length my cry was known:
Therein lay my release.
I met the wolf alone
And was devoured in peace.

themisfit is offline  
Old 09-13-2004, 07:23 AM   #279 (permalink)
Location: Ontario
Hey my friend Church introduced me to this site and after lurking for a few hours I decided it was a great site and right up my ally for interests, there is something for every and anyone here, not many sites have that these days!
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Old 09-16-2004, 12:04 AM   #280 (permalink)
Location: Georgia
Yes, I'm another new female.

Hi, I'm Rachel. I'm 23, married to a soldier in the Army and I've got 2 kids. I kinda searched on here through google and now I'm going to see what this is all about.

MrsRight41401 is offline  

introduce, ladies

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