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genuinegirly 03-29-2009 04:19 PM

Women and Flowers
To the TFP Ladies - just how much do you love flowers?

My mother enjoys receiving potted miniature roses. My father has given her many over the years - they have recently moved the flower pots from the front porch and begun to incorporate the miniature roses that represent their love as a major facet in their landscaping. I find this a fantastic legacy, and I wonder if many women share a similar love for enduring flowering plants.

Feel free to answer any or all of these questions - they're here to generate discussion, so enjoy.

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
What flowers have your favorite scent?
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
If so, how did it impact the date?
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Have you ever asked for flowers?

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Yes, they are one of my favorite gifts.
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
Either - both! At the moment, I enjoy cut flowers more than potted flowers simply because I live in apartment with limited sunshine. Potted plants don't stand much of a chance.
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Yes. They especially liven up a room in the midst of wintertime gloom.
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Thankfully, no.
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
Mums. They're so fluffy!
What flowers have your favorite scent?
Lilies. Goodness they're intoxicating!
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
I don't believe so. This seems antiquated. I'm not sure I'd know how to handle it if someone arrived on my doorstep with flowers.
If so, how did it impact the date?
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Yes. Several times.
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Yes. At the end of every choir show, my aunt and uncle and my parents and usually a male friend would each give me a bouquet. I had dozens of dried roses in my bedroom as a teenager.
Have you ever asked for flowers?
A few times. It usually falls on deaf ears.

snowy 03-29-2009 05:02 PM

I love getting flowers--sometimes getting cut flowers feels like a waste, though, and so I prefer to receive potted living flowers I can plant.

This time of year is especially good for me; daffodils are my favorite flowers to look at. They're also one of my favorites to smell. I like the smell of roses too--real roses, not those red longstems they sell at Valentines. Those don't smell like much of anything.

One date brought me a single rose before a high school formal. It didn't really impact the date; it was just a nice gesture. It was a special rose, not because of who gave it to me, but because it was so beautiful and it was in bloom in December, of all things. I dried it and hung on to it for some years until it finally crumbled.

I actually haven't received flowers too often. Despite performing in many choir concerts and plays, I can't remember ever being given flowers. To be honest, I was lucky if my parents even attended the concert. My SO got me flowers once (says him); I don't really remember it. I don't recall ever receiving flowers for Valentines Day.

I've dropped heavy hints about my desire for flowers. As yet, it has gone unheeded. He'll probably buy the plans we need for the garden, and think that that counts as buying me flowers. For the record, it doesn't.

Meditrina 03-29-2009 05:18 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift? I do enjoy it, it makes me smile

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? Either one will do

Do you enjoy placing them on display? I put cut flowers on top of the tv, for all to see

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? I do have allergies, but I still enjoy flowers

What are your favorite flowers to look at? Any kind really, I get them so rarely, it would be a treat to get any type of flower.

What flowers have your favorite scent? Lilacs

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? Not that I recall
If so, how did it impact the date?

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? Nothing stand out in my mind. I did get a bouquet after the birth of each child. That was nice.

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? Does my answer above also answer this question? I think it does.

Have you ever asked for flowers? I don't like to ask for things like that, they whould come as a surprise and come from the heart - that could be why I don't get any.:confused:

shesus 03-29-2009 05:33 PM

I have received flowers on several occasions: when I was sick, birthdays, valentine's day, anniversaries, new job, apartment warming, and just because.

We used to buy fresh cut flowers every week. I loved picking out flowers and arranging them and I really enjoyed having them around because they added a lot of color to the room. Now, with 2 cats, they would just get eaten so it's not worth it. I would love to have potted plants, but my thumb has no green in it what-so-ever, I kill even the hardiest plant. I am going to try some sort of plant for my cubicle at work though. Just one more and then if it dies and I will just quit trying.

I enjoy looking at flowers in nature a lot better anyway. My favorite flowers are daisies and black-eyed susans. I also love orchids and have spent a lot of time in the orchid room at the conservatory in the park down the street. I really enjoy their fall mum display too.

I've never asked for flowers, if I wanted them I'd just buy some for myself.

Snowy, I agree that buying plants for the garden does not count as receiving flowers. Not even close really.

Meditrina: Maybe if you said that you'd like to have flowers every once in awhile it would happen. You wouldn't be giving a day you'd want them on so it would still be a surprise and he would be aware that you want them from time to time. Or you could just buy them for yourself.

amonkie 03-29-2009 06:13 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?

I enjoy getting flowers, but I enjoy giving them just as much, if not more.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? I've never managed to hang onto a potted plant for long, so cut.

Do you enjoy placing them on display? Absolutely

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? Nope.

What are your favorite flowers to look at? Wild Irises - not the common floral cut style

What flowers have your favorite scent? I have a hard time smelling flowers, but I love the smell of mint. Its a plant, does that count?

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? No
If so, how did it impact the date?N/A

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? No

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? Does managing to survive another year on earth count? If that counts, several times. Otherwise, I was given flowers once or twice for piano recitals.

Have you ever asked for flowers? All I wanted for my birthday one year was a single wild iris. Only time I asked, but I got it!

ngdawg 03-29-2009 07:07 PM

I love flowers so much that I have gardens just for cutting and displaying them. I couldn't see growing things that just.....grow, so I planned my yard around the growing season so I'd have flowers from May to October. Just some of the flowers I grow are: Roses, Peonies, Irises of different varieties, Gladiolas, Spirea, Azalea, LillyoftheValley, Coneflower, Mums, Tiger Lily, Day Lily, Jacob's Ladder, Daffodils and Shasta Daisy.

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift? Yes
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? Cut
Do you enjoy placing them on display? Of course
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? I can't take the scent of Hyacinths-they immediately make me clog up and get a headache.
What are your favorite flowers to look at? Roses or Daisies
What flowers have your favorite scent? Miranda Roses
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? Nope
If so, how did it impact the date?
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? Yes. Once when I was a newlywed. I remarked it'd be nice to get roses. Spouse brought some home, remarked how expensive they were. I grew my own and never asked again.
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? I got a few bouquets when my twins were born, so I guess that counts.
Have you ever asked for flowers? See above.

SabrinaFair 03-29-2009 07:08 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Very much.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
Probably cut; I have an apartment with limited sunlight. That and I'm horrible at remembering to water them.

Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Oh yes. Of course, it's hard to find a place to display where my cats won't knock them over or treat them as a buffet.

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Nope. My only bad environmental allergy is mold.

What are your favorite flowers to look at?
Lilies, daffodils, hydrangeas.

What flowers have your favorite scent?
Is lavender considered a flower? If so, that. If not, lilies.

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
Other than at my high school proms, no.

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Yeah, by three different men. Funnily enough, in my experience it's only been for the first Valentine's Day in every experience. 2 of these fellows I dated for three years....

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Yes, when I used to do community theatre.

Have you ever asked for flowers?
No. I have trouble for asking for things, period.

CinnamonGirl 03-29-2009 07:28 PM

I love getting flowers, and occasionally, I'll go buy them just for the hell of it. I tend to like cut flowers better, if only because I'm not very good at growing things. I got a rosebush for my birthday one year, and it was beautiful, but I managed to kill it pretty quickly. At least with cut flowers, I know it isn't MY fault they're dying!

Scent-wise I love, love, love hyacinths. Daisies are my favorite, though. (oh, and not quite the same, but my neighbors have a magnolia tree that smells absolutely divine in spring.)

I don't specifically remember getting flowers BEFORE dates, but I know I've gotten them (except from the current boyfriend... he's never gotten me flowers.) I think I'd prefer getting them during the date, or maybe at the end. hmmmm.... Also, I did theatre in high school, and got roses and carnations before every show, which was nice.

Starkizzer 03-29-2009 07:47 PM

Yes I would like to receive them as a gift
I like either, but since I am in an apartment currently cut are better
Yes, beautiful vase on the kitchen table
No thankfully
Lillies and Cala Lillies
Star Jasmine and holy
My parents bought me flowers when I got my first job
Many times, never works though, can't get im2smrt4u to buy me flowers for nothing.

~Melee~ 04-09-2009 09:21 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift? Not really. I just keep thinking, "How much did you spend on this? These flowers are going to die soon." I'm kind of a terrible girl at times. I really despise most chick flicks.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? Potted
Do you enjoy placing them on display? Doesn't really matter to me
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? Nope. I am one of those lucky allergy free people.
What are your favorite flowers to look at? Tulips
What flowers have your favorite scent? No idea.
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? Nope
If so, how did it impact the date? n/a
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? Nope
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? My parents used to give me flowers after the final performances of plays I was in
Have you ever asked for flowers? Nope

lostgirl 04-09-2009 09:36 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
~No, it just seems like a waste of money.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
~If I were to get flowers, I would prefer for them to be still living. Potted would be best.

Do you enjoy placing them on display?
~On display in a garden. Like the one I used to have.

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?

What are your favorite flowers to look at?
~Lilly, like these I planted a few years back.

What flowers have your favorite scent?
~Lilac. I think.

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
~Lots of roses, lots of times.

If so, how did it impact the date?
~Not really at all, though I do like surprises.

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
~No, I don't do Valentines Day. I have been given them in the past.

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
~After planting my garden (accomplishment), I was rewarded with beautiful flowers in the spring.

Have you ever asked for flowers?

ItWasMe 04-10-2009 09:25 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
I prefer a variety of cut flowers in a vase.
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Yes, especially in the kitchen or dining room.
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Lilies give me headaches, no matter what the allergist says about my allergy test. Hubby has allergies. I mostly stick with silk flowers indoors or potted outdoors. Unless he's gone with the army, then I splurge on fresh flowers myself. They don't cost much at a local farm (usually $5 per bunch) every spring and summer.
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
Tulips are my absolute flowers to look at. Especially the ones with 'fringed' edges. I also adore carnations, peonies, and roses. And Easter lilies. Babies Breath makes the arrangement look delicate.
What flowers have your favorite scent?
Peonies and roses. And Lavender.
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
If so, how did it impact the date?
I couldn't wait to get back home to my flowers!
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Many, many, many times. It's one of the few times hubby takes allergy meds and buys me flowers.
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Does after having a baby count?
Have you ever asked for flowers?
No. I have hinted. And I have bought my own the next day.

ngdawg 04-11-2009 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by ItWasMe (Post 2622386)
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
If so, how did it impact the date?
I couldn't wait to get back home to my flowers!

At least it wasn't a total lost! :lol:

Thanks for this morning's chuckle :D

Grasshopper Green 04-11-2009 10:22 AM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift? - Not really. They're beautiful but I view cut flowers as a waste of money and I'd much rather receive something more useful.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? - Cut, simply because I don't have a green thumb and potted ones would die anyway. At least the cut ones come in a pretty arrangement.

Do you enjoy placing them on display? - On the rare occasion that I receive them, yes, I put them on display.

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? - No

What are your favorite flowers to look at? - Tulips. I also enjoy wildflowers.

What flowers have your favorite scent? - Lilacs and honeysuckle

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? - Just in the form of a corsage

If so, how did it impact the date? - Well, one date ended horribly and the other guy was gay...so it didn't impact either :D

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? - Maybe when hubby and I started dating. I honestly don't remember. I *do* remember him giving me flowers the first Easter we were together.

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? - My aunt gave me some flowers after coming to a play I was in when I was in high school. My mother gave me roses once after I got an "A" in algebra. I struggled horribly with math in junior high and high school and she was very proud of me because I worked my ass off for that A.

Have you ever asked for flowers? - In the past. I don't ask for them anymore - see question number one.

Ami 04-12-2009 02:42 PM

I just received my first flowers on Friday, but it's from a guy that I'm not in to because he's one of the guys I hang out with. I see him as a brother. Anyway, at first I thought they were roses bc they were red, but they weren't. Of course I thanked him...He also bought be a Victoria's Secret gift card... That made me happier...

PonyPotato 04-12-2009 05:41 PM

I thought I had replied to this thread already, but apparently not.

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Yes. I love getting flowers - though I haven't gotten them from a male I've been dating in well over a year. One of the ladies at the barn has gotten me flowers for holidays a few times.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
Potted flowers wouldn't live in the lack of sun in my apartment. :(

Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Yes. :) Though it has to be somewhere my cats can't get at them.

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Luckily, no!

What are your favorite flowers to look at?
I really enjoy daisies, lilies, and tulips.

What flowers have your favorite scent?
I got some carnations for Valentine's Day and they smelled nicer than I expected.

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
Don't think so.

If so, how did it impact the date?

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Yep! I received flowers for Valentine's Day for the first time in 2007, and I have pictures of the flowers somewhere because I was so excited about them. I got big fat nothing last year, but two sets of flowers this year - one from a male friend who thought I deserved flowers after not getting them for a long time, one from one of the ladies at the barn. The daisies in the bouquet she gave me lasted over a month and were even growing new leaves on their stems.

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Yes. I was given a bouquet a few days after winning a national championship.

Have you ever asked for flowers?
Yes. Unfortunately, the jerk I asked never got them for me because flowers are "shallow," "stupid," and "expensive." Amusingly, I asked for flowers for my birthday in 2006.. and got a pumpkin instead.

wooÐs 06-01-2009 05:30 AM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
I'm pretty much ok either way. But don't get me cut lilies. They're worthless after they die since you can't pot them, root them or dry them.
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Of course!
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
Thankfully no.
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
callas, roses and I love houseplants (dish gardens)
What flowers have your favorite scent?
I don't think any. I don't really love flowers for their scents - just their beauty. However I did plant some moonflower seeds this year which are supposed to release a gorgeous scent when they bloom at night. We'll see.
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
Once lol.
If so, how did it impact the date?
It was a blind date. He was nice looking so the flowers were a great bonus. However by night's end, I couldn't wait to get home, change into my pajamas and watch tv ALONE lol.
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
I don't recall if so. Unless you consider growing a year older an accomplishment lol.
Have you ever asked for flowers?
Sadly, yes. Some guys are just stupid and don't understand women NEED flowers every so often!

DaniGirl 06-28-2009 05:13 PM

I feel that flowers are a waste of money. I don't know why flowers are a symbol of love. I know they are beautiful and some of them smell good but besides that I don't see the appeal. They wilt and die so fast, is that what we want for a symbol of love. My dad planted a tree for my mom in there garden. Now that is a gift that will last awhile. So I guess I can understand a little. But when it comes to picked flowers, I would rather something that would last longer. Im not saying that I am the kind of person that needs expensive jewelry, just don't waste your money on flowers.

blueroses 06-28-2009 05:27 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?
Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?
I don't currently have the room or light for potted flowers, so I guess I'd have to say cut
Do you enjoy placing them on display?
Yes, and I usually dry them so I can keep them on display longer
Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?
What are your favorite flowers to look at?
Roses (typical, but true)
What flowers have your favorite scent?
Roses or honeysuckle
Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?
Just corsages
If so, how did it impact the date?
They were expected but I always thought it was a sweet gesture
Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?
Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?
Yes, different times for different occasions
Have you ever asked for flowers?
No, I like them to be a surprise. I don't think it's as much fun if you ask for them

Magpie_1 06-28-2009 05:31 PM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift? I've never received flowers as a gift

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers? Cut

Do you enjoy placing them on display? I've never bothered.

Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers? I am allergic to pollen. It's not bad enough to prevent people from giving me flowers.

What are your favorite flowers to look at? Sunflowers

What flowers have your favorite scent? Lavender.

Have you been given flowers at the start of a date? Never.

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day? Never.

Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment? My grandparents once gave me roses for my graduation.

Have you ever asked for flowers? Never.

Shell 06-28-2009 08:01 PM

...i've never asked for flowers but i always appreciate receiving them. I don't like the tight floral arrangements that are so commonly seen but a loose arrangement of spring flowers (like iris, daffodils, tulips, cherry blossoms, dogwoods, freesia, heather, sweetpea, trillium, daisies, quince, lillies-of-the-valley) or exotic flowers (frangipanni from hawaii is heaven) and of course roses are always nice to receive from a florist.

...but my very favorite are wild flowers...they don't generally last long but what a delight...especially handpicked...and just a small amount...so delicate that way

....in the summer i like gerber daisies, gardenias, peonies, lilacs, and the lacy or cone-shaped variety of white hydrangeas, roses of course, lillies

...there are more but these are what come to mind.

...i always like fresh flowers on the table

Halanna 06-29-2009 10:11 AM

Do you enjoy being given flowers as a gift?

Sometimes. I like flowers when I received them for no reason or no occasion. I like them when they are appropriate. I don't like them when I feel they were a last resort or last minute gift because no thought was put into it.

Would you prefer cut flowers or living potted flowers?

Cut flowers.

Do you enjoy placing them on display?


Do you have allergies that prevent you from enjoying flowers?


Have you been given flowers at the start of a date?

Yes and Yes.

If so, how did it impact the date?

(Before I was married) Made me think the young man was thoughtful. Turned out he was an idiot. The flowers couldn't save him.

(Present day) About once every 4-6 weeks my Husband sends me flowers in the middle of the week. That is his way of telling me to book something for a get away weekend, just the two of us. Does that qualify as a date?

The best part is after a month or so, I'm anticipating the flowers arriving and planning where to go before they show up. Every day is like, is today the day the flowers will arrive??

Were you ever given flowers for Valentine's Day?


Have you ever been given flowers in reward of an accomplishment?

Yes only if childbirth is considered an accomplishment :)

Have you ever asked for flowers?


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