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You dont notice your boobs seeing them in the mirror they are just.... boobs!
You get them pierced and morning mirror looking turns into..... damn I got sexy boobs! |
Its great for your self image. Self esteem in a piercing needle!
I have to tell you I stood outside in FREEZING cold weather yesterday for 3 1/2 hours for a funeral (Im part of the Patriot Gaurd) and we had to do a funeral on the desolate plains of Montana right before it snowed... If you dont think it was incredible to feel the nipples pucker up from the cold with recent piercings in them... woo hoo.... Oh I tell you what I had to put warm compresses on them last night when I got home just to be able to manipulate the studs! But in a way it was kind of erotic... maybe Im just too weird... lol... But I gotta tell you they are really much more sensitive to things! And the boyfriend is really digging it! :D And youre right Lady Sage, I can no longer look at them in the mirror without thinking how sexy they are... I walk around with a secret smile now knowing I have them because I havent told anyone but my boyfriend about them. Well him and the ladies here of course! I feel sexier knowing I have them. I dont know why or what it is about it that makes me feel that way but I just do. Im glad for this place that lets me share how I feel about it.:p
Hehe! Didnt I tell you? :D
Youre right it IS erotic... distracting as all getout. I have had mine for bouts 2 years and the other night Pan and I were outside and I got the stiff breeze perkies and immediately stated how odd it felt... its a sensation youll have for a LONG time. It wont be so intense though after the first 6 mos. |
Darn we have to figure out a way to keep it intense lol ~ tell me how did you get your picture to show next to your text? I have asked twice and they wont respond. Maybe someone who already has theirs up can tell me how to get mine up...
As your number of posts goes up you earn new titles... eventually you earn an avatar... when you do you will see a button on your User Cp and you can pick one then. When you see the button shoot me a PM and I will help you find one. Eventually you will be able to pick your own title and have access to extra forums and threads. Its actually quite a neet process to watch. :)
Oh so I have to keep posting here and there and everywhere and does journaling count too?
And I have a question about the piercing... I didnt have a whole lot of crusties or anything did I just get lucky or what? Right now I know that the itchies I have is the healing going on inside but that is to be expected its not constant its just from time to time. But I was expecting a whole lot more complications than I had for some reason. Did I just get lucky? |
Not just post but post posts that count. Journaling does not count as far as I know.
You were very lucky and the deep down itch isnt gonna go away! Cool rags help though. Sea salt soaks do too. |
Ok well at least I know that I got off a little lucky anyway... must be because the girls are a little on the fleshy side or something... I dunno :D SO can I ask you a personal question since you have had yours for a while? Do you wear rings for daily wear or bars? Which do you find easier for wear? When I look at nipple rings on the websites, I dont really know what they mean by captive rings... I know Im kind of ignorant in that respect but Im new to all of this... So far the ones I have bought for future wear are bars but I wonder about rings I have seen a few that have caught my eye and wonder if they would be easy to put in too?
i love it, too bad I am too much of a wuss
Captive ball ring are a circle with a bead that both ends of the ring go into. I only take mine out to clean them. With a circle it is harder to catch it on something than a bar which has ends that can snag in clothing or on a towel after a shower.
What gauge do you guys have your piercings at? or is there even a specific one? I may have already asked this once but I am curious because none of my other piercings are gauged.
Women should have theirs done at a 14G. The bigger the number the smaller the needle. 16G has a history of complications in female nipples.
Mine are a 16 according to th eguy who did them... I didnt even know enough to ask~ so when I was looking at jewlery at different sites I noticed that there were some that offered different sizes. So I called and asked him what the gauge was and he said 16. Great now you tell me that I might have troubles. Is there something I should do to maybe increase the size or should I go to another piercer and see about getting a 14 gauge stud to stretch them? Or should I leave them well enough alone since I have had no problems? Here I was thinking they were pretty standard and then I found out on the jewlery sites they arent. Oh happy happy joy joy. lol :D
The fastest way to break something is to fix it when it isnt broken. So if your 16G are doing well and you have smaller nipples then you should be fine. :)
I dont know how big my nipples are... sheesh Im a C cup and the whole nipple area is rather hmmm...... let me look.... lol....... well heck I would say my nipples are about the size of large peas... bigger than a mans nipples anyway! lol :D the whole area around them isnt small either... you know? I mean the pucker zone... or the part that gets hard when aroused... thats about as big as an old silver dollar or so...give or take... So let me ask you this, if I accidentally bought some jewlery that might be a 14 gauge, can I substitute a 16 gauge bar in there and will it still work? Im talking shields here....
or will it just hurt a little to wear a 14 for the first time? or dont wear a 14? |
Can't help you with the rest of that. Carry on. |
Thanks I couldnt think of the word... its been a ROUGH week lol :D
Haha okay thanks Sage, I"ll be sure to get 14g. I wonder if anything bigger would be a problem? I'd imagine that there is a limit to the sizes you can use with out problems. I was thinking 12g originally but 14g will work too. :)
Montanas Heart: If you put in a 14g it will hurt, I made the mistake of doing that to one of my ears. You can stretch piercings out that way though so if you really want to then you can try it. I wouldn't bother seeing as there is a pretty good variety of sizes these days. Maybe nipples are more flexible than upper ears though, I don't know. |
Your piercer will know best. If you have huge nipples you can probably support a 12G. Or you could always stretch it out later if you like.
Actually I went to another shop yesterday where the piercer is liscenced and reallly knows her stuff I found out that I got really lucky where I went, the guy who did mine was just thrown into the job and didnt really know what he was doing.... I shold have done a little more research before getting it done. I should have gone where my tatooist had gone and I would have had it done right by this lady. But I got lucky anyway and she said not to mess with it. She gave me some antibacterial soap for cleaning it and said to watch to see if they start to get feeling tight because the studs or whatever he used were not the best either. Normally they use rings. So I will do follow ups with her. She told me that he should have done a few things prior to piercing that he didnt do, and now I feel like a dope, but at least things are ok.
I am glad that the things I have said led you to do that. :) If you havent had complications by now you shouldnt have any but just to be safe follow her instructions to the letter!
Yeah Im glad I went to see her she explained how she went to New York and took this course and learned all about the anatomy and everything... she is the only liscenced piercer in town. I really wish I would have known about her before I did it. But she was really nice and everything and explained why they use 14 gauge instead of 16 and stuff... She even said if I had any problems at all to come to her. Told me to get contact solution and dixie cups to soak the girls in and everything, a normal saline solution, as long as it doesnt contain iodine she said. She was shocked that the guy didnt give me a whole lot of aftercare instructions! I guess I really am lucky! :D
Montana, you bring up a really good point. If you're planning on getting pierced, RESEARCH THE PIERCER! I'm glad you found someone to talk to who was liscensed and knew their stuff- it's SUPER important! You wouldn't go to get a pelvic exam from someone who wasn't a liscensed doctor, right? Just something to think about for all you ladies who are thinking about getting something pierced!
When I went to get pierced I called all over 3 counties to find a female piercer. The only ones around were men who told me to suck it up or get over it. WRONG ANSWER! I finally found one male piercer who was not only willing to address my concerns but made me feel so comfortable I made an appointment for the next day. If they dont have time to talk, you dont have the money to waste!
Well I was in such a rush to surprise my boyfriend and all thats why I didnt do the research. I knew that the place I went to did piercing because I had my tattoos done there. I just didnt know that the piercer was not the one that was there when I had had my tats done. The tattooist I had used had moved on to a new studio and the piercer followed him, but I was unaware of it. I found out after the fact. But like I said I got lucky and she is willing to do follow up with me and make sure things are ok. She is really a nice lady. I feel kind of bad that I didnt go to her in the first place, but I will definetly go to her to buy some jewlery! (Its the least I can do for her concern!) :D SO far so good with the piercings, everything seems to be going ok. Im still digging it and so is the boyfriend so I will take it as it is and be happy. I guess I will have to look for 16 gauge bars for some of the stuff I bought though to make it work...some of the shields etc... any idea where to look for some of them? Thanks for the support by the way Sage and Lady Sage you two are the greatest! :D
*Blush* Youre too kind...
No use peroxide! It breaks down tissue! Also, your body's more likely to reject a straight bar. Bad idea.
I'd never pierce my nips though. Reverse navel and horizontal hood is good enough for me. |
Yeah but for the few hours or so of special occasion wear its ok to wear a bar right? Thats what I was looking for some replacement bars for... I bought some nipple shields before I got pierced and Im sure they are more than likely 14 gauge... so I will need to get some 16 gauge bars to wear them with... and I dont plan to wear them for extended periods of time... maybe only a few hours... just to heighten the awareness of the boyfriend... oh by the way he is so turned on now that he is talking about getting one of his done but only one!!! :D Oh well I think its kind of sweet that he wants to see what I went through and Im willing to let him only do one... lol. I will make sure its done right though!!!
It IS sweet and probably hot, but be careful changing jewelry before it's totally healed! (Says the uber paranoid chick.)
Slow constant pain? I must have missed something important after I got my nips pierced!
Don't use hydrogen peroxide
I'd be too chicken to do that, but to each her own! :) Anyway, part of the problem may be that you used hydrogen peroxide. I learned in school in my first wound care course that hydrogen peroxide is a non-selective debrider. That means that it not only kills 'bad' bacteria or germs but it 'kills' good tissue as well. You should only use hydrogen peroxide when you initially get a cut or scrape or 'wound', just to clean and sterilize the area. After that, use maybe an antibiotic cream or the solution that we all used when we had our ears pierced. I hope this helps. abigail |
According to my aftercare guide that I got from the piercer, which was put together by the Association of Professional Piercers (APP) (yes, there is such a thing- make sure your piercer is certified!), the ONLY thing to put on a piercing is saline solution. It's also ok to wash GENTLY in the shower using mild soap. That's it. No antibiotic ointment, no peroxide, no nothing. Salt water is your friend.
The reasoning behind it is akin to what Abigail just said- you want the GOOD bacteria to still be around to help your skin heal AROUND the piercing instead of thinking the piercing is a foregin object that needs to be rejected. Your body is the best healer there is, which is why you keep the area clean and avoid fiddling with the bars/hoops before 6 or 8 weeks (the shortest amount of time recommended before a jewelry change). Also, my piercer said to come back to her for the first jewelry swap, so she could show me the right way to do it and make sure that my nipples are ready for it. If anyone would like, I can post the entire part of the pamphlet from the piercer's association on nipple piercing aftercare. Or go and check out the APP website: www.safepiercing.org |
Yes Sage, please do!! I went to talk with the other piercer today because the bars were getting a little tight and told her I wad getting some rings from e bay and she was glad to hear it. She offered to GIVE me some of her single captive ball rings if I was going totally crazy and I said I thought I could handle it for another week... how is that for a business woman? She didnt even do the work and she is offering to give her stuff away!!! I told her about this e bay purchase because I was going to give her the excess... I got 30 pairs of rings 3 sizes 10 of each size for 10 bucks and I told her that I was going to give her the extras for her trouble and kindness so she could use them on eyebrows and stuff. I thought it would be fair. Anyway I would love to read that stuff you have Sage! Anything to further my education would be greatly appreciated! :D
Im so excited....my plastic surgeon said I can put my bars back in!! I dont have to wait a year to get pierced.
Oh thats great news!!! Is he going to pierce them for you post op? or what? YAY for you!!!
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