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Psycho Dad 12-11-2005 08:34 AM

Ladies Lounge & Accidental Posting
Have any men ever accidentally posted in the Ladies Lounge? There is no doubt that many male members read some of the posts in there. But has anyone with testicles ever inadverantly posted a reply in there? If it happens, what happens to the post? Is there an "Oh shit" and everyone moves on? Does the reply get deleted? If it appears that the reply was deliberate, what moderation steps are taken?

I've came close myself I know. While reading the results of the 'New Posts' search, I'll click on a link if it has a particularly interesting title. And from time to time I find that after reading the post I have an opinion. I've even gone as far as partially typing a reply when I realize that I'm about to post where it is not allowed.

maleficent 12-11-2005 08:36 AM

If a gentlemen posts in the ladies lounge, unintentionally, then the post gets deleted and the poster gets a reminder pm to not do it.

If you feel you have something to add to a post in the ladies lounge, you can PM any of the female moderators and your thoughts, anonymously if need be, can be added to the thread.

If it was deliberate, then it's a case by case basis... sometimes a warning is issued sometimes a time out is issued.

Charlatan 12-11-2005 08:57 AM

Yes, I've posted there but it was a mistake. I hit "new posts" saw something interesting posted and it wasn't until I recieved a PM to let me know my mistake that I knew I'd posted in the Ladies Room.

I was really surprised because I usually pay attention... then again, I've been known to walk into the ladies room IRL as well... it's always the smell of the place and lack of urinals that makes me realize my mistake... sadly the Internet doesn't offer these distinctions. :lol:

Psycho Dad 12-11-2005 09:46 AM

I've not walked into a ladies room, but there have been a couple of times I've not seen urinals in a men's room and went back to check the door to be sure I was in the right room. And I've seen the opposite once or thrice. It is a sad yet amusing sight to see a blue haired woman with a beaded purse curiously studying a urinal in a room full of men.

rmarshall 12-11-2005 09:50 AM

You can't change the smell of the Ladies Lounge. But I wonder if the colour or style could be changed? I use the Sandstorm style. If the style changed to, say, something pink and lacy, then I would know I was in the Ladies Lounge. Is it possible to override the style of a portion of TFP without affecting the rest?

Psycho Dad 12-11-2005 09:55 AM

:lol: I was going to suggest a different skin for the Ladies lounge but my flameproof suit is at the cleaners.

taboo 12-11-2005 10:08 AM

why should the men not be allowed to post in the ladies lounge...?
as long as they respect the conversation, and have something valuable to add or say, I don;t see why not.
it would actually be interesting to have their take on certain topics..just my two cents ;)

Charlatan 12-11-2005 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by taboo
why should the men not be allowed to post in the ladies lounge...?
as long as they respect the conversation, and have something valuable to add or say, I don;t see why not.
it would actually be interesting to have their take on certain topics..just my two cents ;)

Let's not have this discussion yet again... use the search function.

It isn't going to happen.

If you want a woman's take on something post it in General Discussion or somewhere like that... women post there all that time.

SiN 12-11-2005 10:45 AM

thanks Charlatan :)

Let's please be sure to not make this yet another discussion on either men being allowed to post in the LL, or a ML ... it's been done, and that is how it is. Thanks.


Hanxter 12-11-2005 10:52 AM

trust me when i say this... i don't go there - period!!!
it's their locker room and their smelly sox - i want no part of it

ngdawg 12-11-2005 10:55 AM

I've seen the general consensus of guys about LL in chat is EW! :lol:
Which brings me to a just now interesting thought: As much as there's always been a stereotypical thought that men are crude, it seems women, while not necessarily more or less so, have no difficulty discussing issues you won't find discussed at a church picnic :lol:

Charlatan 12-11-2005 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Hanxter
trust me when i say this... i don't go there - period!!!
it's their locker room and their smelly sox - i want no part of it

Smelly socks is the least of it...

Toaster126 12-11-2005 11:17 AM

I posted in the ladies lounge once accidently. Mal, being the awesome sauce that she is, corrected the problem and alerted me to it. It's easy to accidently post in there; I now just double-check before hitting that post reply button.

The idea of a Men's Lounge and\or ability for men to post in the LL has been beaten to death... search the forum for Halx and other's comments on that. It's all been said before.

Siege 12-11-2005 01:44 PM

I read it the LL once in a while but never posted.

I almost did once, but that was a long time ago.

doncalypso 12-11-2005 02:02 PM

On one or two occasions I've mistakenly posted something on the Ladies' Lounge... I must admit that some of the topics discussed there are very interesting and I must remind myself that while I'm allowed to follow the discussions I'm not permitted to post my two cents.

Daniel_ 12-11-2005 03:37 PM

I read the ste using "New Posts", so I generally read the LL if it' sactive.

I've posted a couple of times - All but once I realised and PMd a mod to have them remove/re-post (as appropriate).

Once I got the slap on the wrist PM. :(

ratbastid 12-11-2005 04:25 PM

I believe I'm the only male member (he said "male member"!) to have a current, surviving post on a ladies' lounge thread. That's because I posted on the thread, and then it was MOVED to the LL, and the mod who moved it chose not to wipe my message.

I rule.

I have definitely posted accidentally there from the "New Posts" page. Whups. Once I caught myself, hurriedly replaced my post with "Oops! Oops! You don't see me! I'm not here!" and reported my own post to the mod. The other couple times I've made that mistake, somebody else has had to catch it for me. :embarrassment:

cyrnel 12-11-2005 04:56 PM

I did it, from a New Posts view, and was quickly swatted with a PM questioning my gender. I remember it felt like the room had gone deathly silent, as if I'd farted on a church bench. Never again. LL threads are now filtered from view. Unless I'm on a remote system. Or drunk and feeling less correct.

Supple Cow 12-11-2005 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by rmarshall
If the style changed to, say, something pink and lacy, then I would know I was in the Ladies Lounge.


Maybe you should borrow Psycho Dad's flameproof suit next time you say something like that.

Grasshopper Green 12-11-2005 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by doncalypso
I must remind myself that while I'm allowed to follow the discussions I'm not permitted to post my two cents.

But you are permitted to post...through a mod. Quite frankly, I like it when male members (darnit, rat!) post, because it often gives me a new perspective on things that I may not have thought of before. I wish more of the guys would do it, but I can see where some of the topics in there might not hold any interest for men ;)

Johnny Pyro 12-11-2005 05:35 PM

I accidently posted on a poll, then I saw where I posted in and ran away. I'm sorry. Sometimes the topic is so good and I get distracted from where I'm posting.

Elphaba 12-11-2005 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa99
But you are permitted to post...through a mod. Quite frankly, I like it when male members (darnit, rat!) post, because it often gives me a new perspective on things that I may not have thought of before. I wish more of the guys would do it, but I can see where some of the topics in there might not hold any interest for men ;)

And the ewwww factor can be off-putting. :)

spectre 12-11-2005 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
I have definitely posted accidentally there from the "New Posts" page. Whups. Once I caught myself, hurriedly replaced my post with "Oops! Oops! You don't see me! I'm not here!" and reported my own post to the mod.

And that's the best thing you can do. Just report the post to us with a note letting us know it was accidental, and you'll be fine.

n0nsensical 12-11-2005 08:45 PM

I read most of the topics there and find them pretty interesting. I am not easily grossed out. (spending too much time on the internet will do that to you :lol:) But I've never posted there, myself or vicariously. There was one time after I made a post, for some reason I thought I'd just accidentally posted in the ladies' lounge, but I didn't, if you follow me. (This post doesn't seem to have much point, does it? But I'm already this close...)

Toaster126 12-12-2005 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa99
But you are permitted to post...through a mod. Quite frankly, I like it when male members (darnit, rat!) post, because it often gives me a new perspective on things that I may not have thought of before. I wish more of the guys would do it, but I can see where some of the topics in there might not hold any interest for men ;)

If you like male input so much (bah!), then shouldn't you be posting somewhere else in the forums?

Poppinjay 12-12-2005 07:02 AM

I walked into a women's restroom once. Well, accidently once. The place I worked at used the circle symbols instead of the stick figures or words "Men" and "women". I remembered incorrectly. I knew I was in the wrong place when I saw the couch and coffee pot.

There have been times I've wanted to ask questions in the LL, particularly on issues that deal with family issues like infertility. But the mysterious creams and rampant tampon buying scares me away. I don't think I would even PM a mod with a comment. It's their treehouse.

rsl12 12-12-2005 07:14 AM

It's not surprising how many accidental posts there are in the ladies' lounge--if you are checking new posts, opening them all up in new tabs (in mozilla and firefox), the only indication that a particular thread is from the ladies' lounge is three lines from the top in 8 pt font:

Tilted Forum Project > Chatter > Ladies Lounge

So anytime there's anything sex/gender related, you have to go and find that one line on the page to determine if it's ladies' lounge or not.

barenakedladies 12-12-2005 02:48 PM

i did twice... both on accident. clicking on new posts, saw some cool topics, adding my opinions and didnt even realize it. mal quickly reminded me and posts were delted. i take a second look now before i hit reply

Grasshopper Green 12-12-2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Toaster126
If you like male input so much (bah!), then shouldn't you be posting somewhere else in the forums?

Uh...I don't think any of the ladies ONLY post in LL. However, a male perspective on something like ..oh, PMS, or a womans insecurity with her body, etc, can be insightful. LL posts, for the most part, are about issues that affect women (there are the occasional posts that could fit in a different forum), but that doesn't mean that men don't have opinions about those subjects. I don't think that any of the women here have ever given the impression that they DON'T value everyone's opinions, regardless of sex.

MSD 12-12-2005 06:20 PM

I've done it. It's times like that when I'm thankful for the ability to delete my own posts. I've also sent stuff to female mods to post on my behalf, including an extensive post on self-defense in the thread on avoiding rape and assault.


Originally Posted by Poppinjay
I walked into a women's restroom once. Well, accidently once. The place I worked at used the circle symbols instead of the stick figures or words "Men" and "women". I remembered incorrectly. I knew I was in the wrong place when I saw the couch and coffee pot.

I once set foot in a women's room in a building occupied only by meself and a few friends (male and female.) They took us in there because we refused to believe there was a couch without seeing it for ourselves. And this was a freaking church! I can't comprehend what a women's room at a country club would look like, although I assume there would be numerous plasma TVs with at least one tuned to Lifetime at any given moment.

What really scared me was when I was in the Odyssey of the Mind program (Google it, I don't feel like writing a long-winded explanation,) we were guests of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and we stayed in the then-vacant Sorority dorm. It wasn't until this year (five years after the fact,) that I realized that those odd fixtures were womens' urinals (I didn't know tha tsuch a thing existed,) and had always assumed they were men's urinals left over from a hypothetical time when they were men's dorms.

Elphaba 12-13-2005 03:49 PM

Mr. SelfDestruct, are you certain that they were not bidet's? Ok, I'm falling down laughing. Sorry. bwahahaha Can't help it; you fellows were pissing in a bidet? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Psycho Dad 12-13-2005 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
Can't help it; you fellows were pissing in a bidet? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Better than the shower. [costanza]It's all pipes![/costanza]

genuinegirly 12-13-2005 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I've done it. It's times like that when I'm thankful for the ability to delete my own posts. I've also sent stuff to female mods to post on my behalf, including an extensive post on self-defense in the thread on avoiding rape and assault.

I once set foot in a women's room in a building occupied only by meself and a few friends (male and female.) They took us in there because we refused to believe there was a couch without seeing it for ourselves. And this was a freaking church! I can't comprehend what a women's room at a country club would look like, although I assume there would be numerous plasma TVs with at least one tuned to Lifetime at any given moment.

What really scared me was when I was in the Odyssey of the Mind program (Google it, I don't feel like writing a long-winded explanation,) we were guests of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and we stayed in the then-vacant Sorority dorm. It wasn't until this year (five years after the fact,) that I realized that those odd fixtures were womens' urinals (I didn't know tha tsuch a thing existed,) and had always assumed they were men's urinals left over from a hypothetical time when they were men's dorms.

Couches in women's restrooms are incredibly practical. Try breastfeeding in an uncomfortable environment... I keep hearing horror stories from my sister. So once you men want to develop lactating breasts you can enjoy a couch in your restroom, too.

Female urinals are a nice option. Wish there were more of them. So few know how to use them...

Elphaba 12-13-2005 04:22 PM

Please....stop.... you're killing me... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gilda 12-13-2005 06:04 PM

I think what the post-through-a-mod requirement for the gentlemen does is eliminate impulsive and or immature posting. I've never seen a mod-posted comment from a male member that wasn't relevant and conducive.


Originally Posted by genuinegirly
So once you men want to develop lactating breasts you can enjoy a couch in your restroom, too.

You know, it is actually possible for a man to develop lactating breasts. They have all the equipment, it just remains undeveloped unless given the right stimulant.


Psycho Dad 12-13-2005 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gilda
They have all the equipment, it just remains undeveloped unless given the right stimulant.

Wouldn't be worth it just to get a couch in the john.

Sweetpea 12-13-2005 06:13 PM

I like having a place where i know it's just the ladies... i think it promotes a more sharing feeling and a certain comradery....

however, accidental posting does happen. no biggie, the mods keep it all on the up and up.


analog 12-13-2005 07:30 PM

I don't think men need a couch in their restroom because 1.) we don't breastfeed (which this is the first time i've ever heard of ladies' room couches being "for" that) and more importantly, 2.) unlike many women, we don't make going to the bathroom a social function. :)

aberkok 12-13-2005 07:41 PM

I accidentally posted in the LL once, but I could have sworn the thread was moved there while my "reply" window was open!! I'm innocent!!

SERPENT7 12-13-2005 09:20 PM

The only time i posted in the LL, I got squashed immediatley.
I mean immediatley. I posted, realized what i had done, and before i could say 'oops'. Mal had deleted it, AND sent me a pm.
While in theory, i agree with enforcing the rules.
But....It just struck me as odd that there was no room for self-correction.
On the one hand, no harm, no foul, but still.
(Also, i do not like my mistakes being witnessed!)

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