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Tex 08-11-2005 08:50 PM

At a crossroads...
I wasn't sure whether to ask for advice on here, as I think I already know what most people's replies would be.

Alas, I decided to post anyway.

Growing up, I was always fascinated with science. Being a scientist was all I ever wanted to be. (other than a major league baseball player) As the years passed, my love for science (specifically astronomy) grew and grew.

Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of my control, my high school years didn't go as planned and instead of heading straight to a prominent university, I ended up in junior college. After a year of jerking around and getting nowhere, I got my act together and finally started on the road to becoming a successful scholar.

However, the science route was not the route I decided to pursue. I became extremely interested in politics, and declared my major to be political science. I have completed most of my general ed and major prep work in political science, and am just about ready to transfer from my JC to a 4 year school.(UCLA, most likely)

The problem is that as I stand on this, one of the major crossroads of my life, I cannot help but think that, while I absolutely love political science, it is not my calling in life. I feel as if science. No matter how much I try and tell myself that I will be fine doing political science, I just can't escape from the firm grasp that the world of science has on me.

"Then Why don't you just go with your heart and go the science route?"

Well, unfortunately, if I switched majors at this point, it would tack on an extra 2 or 3 years of junior college work. And at this point, I frankly don't know if I could do that anymore. I just want to be at a major university already. I feel as if it is way past due.

Anyway, I just don't know what to do. This dilemma has been gnawing at my heart and soul for the past couple of months. I feel so lost.


JumpinJesus 08-11-2005 08:59 PM

I understand what you're going through.

If it's advice you want, then this is mine: Are you willing to ignore what you believe is your calling in life only to save yourself a couple of years?

Do you want to be 40 or 50 years old and saying to yourself, "If only I had just taken those extra 2 or 3 years...."?

Follow your dreams, man. If I could go back and do things differently, I too would have gone the astronomy route.

Ustwo 08-11-2005 09:09 PM

First, you may be able to get into a real university science program, even with the poli-sci background. The basic requirements to start are pretty low.

Secondly, 2-3 years is not long. I was in school until I was 32 and I took a few paths which I backtracked from to get to where I wanted to be. I did everything from environmental work, to genetics labs, to engineering.

The only advice I would give you beyond that is FOCUS. Figure out what in science you want to do early and work twords that goal. Thats one thing I didn't do, and yes it cost me time. More importantly though, if you focus you know what you NEED to do early on. For me once I figured out my path I knew I needed very high marks. I went in from day one knowing I needed close to all A's and as such I had an advantage over students who were just figuring out what they wanted to do and taking it easy. After I was accepted into a post grad program, a few even came to me, half joking, asking me to start to screw up in hopes they could raise their class rank since it no longer mattered to me. I've been in both groups at times and it’s a lot more fun being in the top group than not quite having it.

Amnesia620 08-11-2005 09:53 PM

Hey Tex,

Since you and I have a kinship (I was raised in Orange County, CA) and as a lover of Science as well (and I'm not big on politics :lol:), I have to ask - is there anyway around this? What I mean is: Is there any suitable major within the realm of Science that would allow you to transfer to the University as scheduled?
In Arizona, where I'm currently residing, I attend a community college and a transferring degree to the University of Arizona requires General Studies (and pre-requisites) credits to be obtained before transferring to U of A.
I know that each state is different, but here in AZ, once a student has obtained the General Studies credits, they can change their major to whatever they would like (of course, the student can change before or after they finish getting the Gen. Studies creds), though some majors take longer than others - that would be the only factor to consider.

To address the core of the issue here, I know you are anxious to get out of the junior college but you have to consider what's really the most important to you...

Is making more/less money important? If so, you may want to take it into consideration.
What field(s) are you interested in working in if you decided to stay with Political Science? Are there more/less career opportunities with having a degree in whichever area of Science you're interested in? Is it worth the extra time/credits to get that degree? Where do you see yourself after graduation: if you choose Political Sci.? Where do you see yourself if you choose Science?
If your annual salary tips the scales on your decision, then you may want to ask yourself if your happiness (any part of it) is worth the sacrifice of a high annual salary or is your salary worth sacrificing your happiness?
Ultimately, go where you think you will be the happiest after graduation. If you choose Science, try to think positively about the extra time/work that is necessary to complete your degree; If you choose Pol. Sci., then positively think about the benefits of such a degree and the goal(s) you are working towards. You never know, you may thank yourself after graduation for making the right choice.
I hope that, in some (even small) way, I have been a help.

Also, if I was facing your decision (which, in a way, I am) I would take all the facts into consideration, but ultimately I know I would go where my heart leads me. However, my heart would be persuaded to go in the direction where there is the most job security, job opportunities, etc.

I hope the end result is the one that makes you very happy. Good luck on your path!

Sage 08-12-2005 04:49 AM

I disagree with Amnesia's statement that you should go with what has the most job security/oppurtunities/ etc. While I wouldn't recommend getting a job in a field that has NO openings, I think that you should do what you're heart is telling you to do.

I look at it this way- I just finished up four years of college. When I got home from graduation, I looked at my degree and said "What the hell am I going to do with this thing?" I had just spend a good three years doing what my degree prepared me to do (in school, class, projects, etc.) and quite frankly I wasn't very thrilled about the prospect of looking for a job doing those same things. I am a jeweler's apprentince now, and couldn't be happier- and also am pretty far away from my major (well, it was in art.... kinda).

So, if you've been going to school for Poly Sci, and you feel like it's fun now but not what you want to do for the rest of your life, I'd suggest talking to your advisor/career counselor/favorite professor and see what they think. Also, look into how your credits will transfer- your Poly Sci programs might not have transferred to the 4 year school you wanted to go to anyway. The thing is, you never know until you actively try to get all the information and answers to the questions that are in your head.

Be proactive- go research Science as a major, figure out if your stuff will transfer, hell, talk to the Science department at the university you're going to be going to- you don't want to be stuck with a bunch of idiot professors either!

Good luck, and I know you'll do the right thing for you!

Amnesia620 08-12-2005 05:24 AM


Please reread my post, and keep in mind that I was basically giving "food for thought" ideas. I don't know what is ultimately important to Tex, and like you, I stated I would follow my heart, even if it does mean extra time/work.

I apologize if I was unclear in my post.

Have a good day.

AVoiceOfReason 08-12-2005 06:24 AM

If finances are not a concern, then by all means, switch majors and get into what you want to do. The dream job in life is the one you'd do even if you weren't getting paid for it.

But if you are concerned about the money angle, maybe you can work in the field for which you were trained while taking some night courses, or saving money for a return to school.

As for having a degree you don't use, join the club. I have a history/political science degree that I got only to be able to get into law school. My wife got her education degree and never set foot in a classroom after practice teaching. It's not uncommon to have a degree in one field and work in another.

*Nikki* 08-12-2005 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
I understand what you're going through.

If it's advice you want, then this is mine: Are you willing to ignore what you believe is your calling in life only to save yourself a couple of years?

Do you want to be 40 or 50 years old and saying to yourself, "If only I had just taken those extra 2 or 3 years...."?

Follow your dreams, man. If I could go back and do things differently, I too would have gone the astronomy route.

This to me makes the most sense. I am 30 years old and I wish that I had taken a different route then I did concerning my education.

I suggest you follow what your heart tells you, 2 or 3 years is nothing compared to a lifetime.

analog 08-12-2005 12:48 PM

Would you rather conceive this plan as "wasting" 2 or 3 more years, or "wasting" a lifetime on what you didn't want to do? "What if's" are a bitch. Keep up the schooling, and tell yourself it's either 2-3 more in school, or 40 or more doing stuff you don't want to do.

wdevauld 08-12-2005 02:16 PM

"Find something you love to do, and you'll never have to work again"

Do what you love. If you want to be a scientist, then become a scientist. If you want to be educated in a 'major' university, then apply.

You aren't the first person who has wanted to switch majors, and registrars at universities have heard the story a lot. I don't think it matters that you've done your prep work in PoliSci, the university is there to teach you, and all you need to prove is a willingness to learn. If they don't accept you into the Science program of your choice, get enrolled at the University as a PoliSci major, THEN switch your major.

Apply, you just may shock yourself.

Rodney 08-12-2005 11:15 PM

I know you want to move on -- believe me -- but you're young. If you want to change your major, JC is the place to do it, where it's cheap. Some of your coursework will apply to general ed requirements; and if you want to hurry things further, take summer classes. But impatient though you may be, I tell you now that here and now is the easiest and least painful and least expensive way to change course. It will never be easier for you than it is now, with minimum personal obligations and minimum expenses.

Like I said, I understand being sick of JC; when I was in, we called it "high school with ash trays," which tells you how long ago that was. But being tired of JC is not the best reason for slanting a career decision one way or the other.

Suck it up, hold your nose, and take the science classes.

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