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zf0enix 05-29-2003 09:01 AM

Most Disturbing Thing You've Seen
In real life or otherwise...

A few years ago I followed a link from Fark.com to some "Girls & Gore" type site which had random images and video clips. It was very much like stilemedia.com. Anyway, I clicked on a link for a video (thinking it was the Girls portion rather than the Gore), and was presented with something that has haunted me ever since. A summary is as follows:


The clip started focused on a man laying on the ground on his side. It's an obvious cam-corder with the time stamp in the corner and the whole Blair Witch Project feel to the video. The camera was zoomed in so all that was visible was the guy's head and shoulders against the grassy ground. There were words in Spanish back and forth, and the guy was talking. Then, all of a sudden someone steps on the guy's head wearning a black boot and a hand with some sort of k-bar knife comes into the screen and stabs the guy in the neck! The knife entered his throat behind the wind pipe and was forced forward, like opening a watermelon, and blood gushed out. The guy was slaughtered like a hog!

It all happened so fast that I wasn't able to hit the mouse or keyboard until I had seen too much. By then it was too late. The image was burned into my mind and still gives me the heebie-jeebies every once and a while. My only guess is that it was some sort of guerrilla or drug related execution. But whatever it was, it was in the category of images people (at least me) weren't meant to see (not unlike the tubgirl.jpg). The effects have been lessened over time, and I try not to think about it too much.

What about everyone else? Any particular image or event that is forever impressed on your mind? I'm sure the veterans on the boards have real life stories that are haunting.

Edit: I remember the language being Spanish, but it could've been something else. It's been a while.

f18_trackjet 05-29-2003 10:01 AM

O!! i saw that exact thing the other night. i was on WINMX, (similar to kazaa) and i was searching for "faces of death" and i came across this clip called, "slit throat". i was intested and so i thought i would check it out. this was a huge mistake. he was lying there and it loked like the knife went slowly into his throat. he was trying to scream but he couldnt. it was extreemly disturbing to see a man die, by a knife! i was horrified for a while and couldnt stop thinking about this. when i came across this thread, i was thinking that i would post my experiance. WOA, small world huh?

clavus 05-29-2003 10:14 AM

in real life -

I was at a Fishbone show at Knotts Berry Farm. The security freaked out when people started slamming. A bunch of cops showed up and started beating people up. It was surreal. I saw one guy who, moments earlier, was right beside me dancing. Next thing I know there are two security guys on him, each holding an arm. A police officer with a nightclub just started beating the tar out of him. He was totally defenseless, couldn't even pull his arms in to protect his face. I just ran away.

I was really disturbed by that. I kept thinking that it couldn't be real. At that moment, I really began to fear the police and, by extension, the government.

Magpie0001 05-29-2003 10:18 AM

I saw that same thing a few years ago, Heeby jeeby city.

phredgreen 05-29-2003 10:21 AM

which is why i specifically avoid watching anything like that...

the worst thing i ever came across online was a picture of what looked like the carcass of a perosn who had been attacked by a bear. needless to say, i didn't view it for long.

oneofmanymen 05-29-2003 10:26 AM

The worst thing I was was someI downloaded on Kaza, it was a woman giving this guy a BJ while blind folded and then the next thing you know a gun comes into frame and blows her head off. It was and still is the sickest thing I have ever seen. The even sadder thing was it was labeled as something innocent, I think I was dl music vids at the time, and was mislabeled as something like that.... Yikes..takes all kinds I guess


MiCulito 05-29-2003 10:31 AM

I saw the video of the Pakistani guy sawing off the head of that Daniel Pearl reporter from the New York Times. Nasty stuff.

BBtB 05-29-2003 10:34 AM

I have seen that clip too. But damn dude if you are searching faces of death what the fuck do you expect to see? That is like going to rotten.com and not expecting to see disturbing things. Most disturbing thing seen online.. probably tubgirl. Offline... well...

I mentioned this in another thread once but didn't go much into detail here is the story. My mom is a truck driver and I used to ride with her sometimes. One time we were going over a hill and about a mile ahead we saw a huge fireball. We slowly aproached it slowly. We saw what I at first thought was a semi in one ditch and a fireball on the other. Was not sure yet what the fireball was. Well as I noticed there was boxes all across the highway. The "semi" in the ditch was actully just a trailer. With the front of it ripped off. The fireball was the truck. We couldn't afford to stop. He was half way on the right hand lane and half way off the road. As we passed him we could feel the heat on my face. And I could see him inside the truck. All that was left of him as a skeleton at that point. Now remember this had happened no more then 2 minutes before we arrived but this was a fucking HUGE fire. And all I have to say is to all the people who believe violent video games and movie "desensitize" people FUCK YOU. I have played as many violent video game and seen as many violent movies as the next guy and this still haunts my dreams. It probably always will.

Shokan 05-29-2003 10:35 AM

Kitten stir fry. Im not going into it, but it gave me nightmares. I hugged and cuddled my lil kitties all night.

Halx 05-29-2003 10:39 AM

When I was a little kid in elementry school, I watched an IMAX movie on the Ring of Fire, and seeing a car drive off the edge of the Bay Bridge during an earthquake just stunned and shocked me more than anything. I remember it vividly... imagine driving along and all of a sudden there is no bridge! Oi.

zf0enix 05-29-2003 10:39 AM


Originally posted by phredgreen
which is why i specifically avoid watching anything like that...

No kidding. Like I said, I thought it was going to be something else. I don't remember the tag line or the the way the link was labeled, but it wasn't as obvious as "slit throat" or "faces of death".

Since then, I've stayed away from any site or links that don't spell things out. And all my nekkid women pictures come from the Titty Board, a place I can trust :)

~springrain 05-29-2003 11:02 AM

when i was in high school i saw a classmate, who happened to be skateboarding infront of the school on his lunch hour, get majorly creamed by an on-coming car... i was standing less than 15 ft. from him when he was hit.

his body was pretty torn up... and he had some pretty serious head injuries -- he was convulsing, vomiting... you get the picture

it bothered me for a long time... i had seen many a "car accident" on television... but never "up close and personal" like that... his screaming, the look on his face... haunting still.

viveleroi0 05-29-2003 11:54 AM

when I saw the thread title, the FIRST image in my mind was that same video! I can't remember how I found my way to it, but when I saw that video i was absolutely HORRIFIED. As you said, by the time you see what happens it's too late. EVERYONE AVOID THAT CLIP. I have seen some gross things in my life, but that is BY FAR the most disgusting thing. I felt so cold and sick for hours after seeing that.

phyzix525 05-29-2003 11:57 AM

It wasn't real nasty, but my friend broke his arm riding his bike, it looked like he had 2 elbows. There was also this kickboxing match I saw on realtv this guy kicked the other guy and he shatered his leg, didn't realize it and tried to stand on it. it folded right over. I have thankfully never saw any "faces of death" or snuff videos.

spectre 05-29-2003 12:05 PM

Saw a news report on Afganistan where they showed multiple people being executed under the Taliban regime.

I've also had surgery and a procedure without anestetic. Not a pretty site either time.

Unknown Poster 05-29-2003 12:40 PM

If I remember correctly, that clip, the "slit throat", was either a Chechen(sp?)soldier being killed by a Russian soldier, or the other way around. There is a longer version of it out there, where you see the knife pull through the front of his throat and he is bled to death. The clip then continues to a guy talking, it looks like a hostage video. Suddenly the clip changes and you see the man being beheaded.

I stumbled across that thanks to my own foolishness. After the movie "8MM" came out, I did a search on one of my P2P's for "snuff" and wound up with that.

rogue49 05-29-2003 12:54 PM

I've told this one before...
Walked through the door into Pathology in the hospital I worked at with a sample for them.
And when I opened it...

There STARING me in the face, a baby.
It's arms straight out to each side, eyes WIDE open.
And it's back open to the world,
being autopsied.

I shut the door, as quick as possible, but the image burned into my brain.

Phaenx 05-29-2003 12:56 PM

Little girl hit by a train. Didn't look what was happening and just got clobbered, body folded up and flew into the camera. Poor kiddo.

l_o_c 05-29-2003 01:48 PM

Can someone, without posting a picture, tell me what Tubgirl is? I've seen Goatse (more times than anyone should) but have only heard Tubgirl thrown around.

Shokan 05-29-2003 01:56 PM

l_o_c - You need to see it for yourself.


Craven Morehead 05-29-2003 01:59 PM

Ran across a video of someone cutting off a guy's dick with a knife. Many times, these videos (including snuff porn) are faked, however this one was way too realistic. Won't go into the details, but it was very vivid and very close up. Some things can't be faked.

l_o_c 05-29-2003 01:59 PM

What is it? Just give me some sort of heads-up before I click on the link so I can brace myself.

teflonian 05-29-2003 02:15 PM

l_o_c... and whoever else is wondering about tubgirl: I just clicked on that link.... It is of a woman with projectile diarrhea. She is in the tub with her butt up in the air defecating on her own face... Hope that wasn't too detailed but I am sure it is better to read about what is happening rather than actually seeing it if you don't want to. I was actually relieved that it wasn't anything violent. I was expecting the worst but couldn't help but click on the link.

forseti-6 05-29-2003 02:18 PM

When I used to take the train to work, I saw some guy get hit by an oncoming train. It sure was disturbing. I felt sick the rest of the day. Needless to say I didn't get much work done that day.

HeyAgain 05-29-2003 03:10 PM

Reading all these descriptions is grossing me out, especially the executions.

~springrain 05-29-2003 03:21 PM


Originally posted by teflonian
Hope that wasn't too detailed but I am sure it is better to read about what is happening rather than actually seeing it if you don't want to.
too late... *cringe*... clicked on it before i scrolled down and read your post... *chuckle*... Murphy at play in my life as per usual...

certainly not the most disturbing thing i've seen in my life... but pretty much a stomach turner...

tub girl link followers beware...

Cynthetiq 05-29-2003 03:22 PM

being in Times Square on 9/11 and watching the video screens of people jump from the the Twin Towers and then finally watching them come down, knowing that my mother in law was across the street. Luckily she survived... she saw worse than I did...

many months later I went to a gallery of photos that were taken of 9/11 and I saw the bound severed hands. Chilling.

Gortexfogg 05-29-2003 03:32 PM

My friends and I go to rathergood.com a lot. So one day, we thought we'd see if there was a ratherbad.com. There was. We came across a picture that was supposed to be a mutalated corpse of a baby. It was probably fake, but very disturbing...
Also, seeing the movie "All Quiet on the Western Front" (original version) really freaked me out. I was about 13 and after it was over, I never looked at war the same way.

Derwood 05-29-2003 03:33 PM

I downloaded some mislabeled porn clip that was basically a girl turning her ass to the camera, pulling her thong aside, and taking a big shit onto a plate. I stopped it right there, because I didn't like what was for dinner....

blizzard 05-29-2003 03:59 PM

There is a lesson to be learned here: Don't trust Kazaa when dealing with ambigous file names or sizes. It just isn't worth it.

Probably the worst thing I've seen is the weird way the ground spins when you're falling from 40 feet up. It's just like in the movies. Next to that it would have to have been the second plane flying into the trade center.

krwlz 05-29-2003 05:30 PM

I didn't actually see this, but my father did. He was working for a construction company at one point, and they had those huge wood chippers...the ones that take anything you can lift to the mouth and blow it into little teeny tiny chips....Well his boss got hooked on something...he came out the discharge.....

My father said it was just red spray...nothing big enough to be called human parts..

SupahFreak 05-29-2003 05:42 PM

Re: Most Disturbing Thing You've Seen

Originally posted by zf0enix
In real life or otherwise...

The clip started focused on a man laying on the ground on his side. It's an obvious cam-corder with the time stamp in the corner and the whole Blair Witch Project feel to the video. The camera was zoomed in so all that was visible was the guy's head and shoulders against the grassy ground. There were words in Spanish back and forth, and the guy was talking. Then, all of a sudden someone steps on the guy's head wearning a black boot and a hand with some sort of k-bar knife comes into the screen and stabs the guy in the neck! The knife entered his throat behind the wind pipe and was forced forward, like opening a watermelon, and blood gushed out. The guy was slaughtered like a hog!

OH MY GOSH!!! As soon as I saw the name of this thread, this same video clip came to my mind. It gave me nightmares, I couldn't believe I had just watched someone be MURDERED!!!! :mad:

fhqwhgads 05-29-2003 06:11 PM

I saw that video too, and it seriously disturbed me...and I've seen some freakin' sick stuff.

One morning I responded to a domestic and found the woman sitting in the chair with a serious gash in her throat. She was unable to speak. I gloved up and put a towel on her throat. I was trying to hold the towel tight enough to slow the bleeding, but not so tight that I would strangle her. Apparently the victim's house was actually next door. When we went through her house to look for the suspect, we found smears of blood on the walls, pools on the floor, etc.

It didn't bother me at the time...it wasn't until the end of my shift when I was walking to my personal vehicle that I became sick...

BTW- She's fine, he's in jail...in case anyone was wondering.

Bubs 05-29-2003 06:56 PM



I'm scarred for life!

MacGnG 05-29-2003 08:26 PM

personnaly the most disturing things are the movies of the holocaust. i've been to poland and been to the camps (they are museums now) they are incredibly emotionally disturbing as well

note: the holocaust museum in D.C. , in my opinion does no justice at all, the one in Israel is much more profound (as well as a whole lot larger). i had gone to the one in DC second which is why i have this opinion, it is still a good Museum, but it really is only a museum.

Podmore 05-29-2003 08:45 PM

I've seen some pretty horrific videos, but it's a real-life one that haunts me, even though it wasn't as bad as many of the videos. I was on the archery field in college when a car came driving towards the area and smashed into the gate, and hill behind it, at a pretty good clip. I was the first one there, the teacher was second. The woman driver was drunk off her ass and had huge pieces of glass sticking out of her face and some smashed teeth. Lots of blood. She was flailing around and screaming. The teacher (a small woman) had me stay with the woman and try to keep her calm and still while she went for help. It was only ten minutes or so, but that's a horribly long time in the situation.

The woman had been wearing way too much of some kind of perfume. Every once in a while, a woman will walk by wearing the same one, and the incident will come instantly back to me.

KeyserSoze 05-29-2003 09:08 PM

I was about 12 when my brother and I were playing at a friends when suddenly the cops were all over the place next door.

The neighbor was holding his wife hostage and threatening to shoot her ass. As we watched through the windows in total amazement because of all the police, this guys comes flying out of the front door shooting a pistol and I have NEVER SEEN MORE guns go off atn a single time.

This guys body must have been hit with well over a hundred rounds, what I mean is whenever his body seemed like it was going to fall over more bullets would hit him and stand his ass up........UNFUKINREAL!!

For about 2 minutes all you heard was gunfire and his body was smoking 10 minutes after all the firing, or shall I say what was left of it.

To this day I have yet to find a film that can accurately re-enact what we saw that day in a gunfight on screen.

Shit.....it still gives me the willys thinking about it.

MSD 05-29-2003 11:32 PM

I saw "Silence of the Lambs" when I was 7.

4thTimeLucky 05-30-2003 12:09 AM

The guy who had a motorbike accident and stopped with his face. Not nice.

Jack Ruby 05-30-2003 01:11 AM

The Bud Dwyer video shocked me the first time I saw it.

Magpie0001 05-30-2003 02:18 AM

I mentioned this in another thread briefly but it stands here,
When I was 14 I got a wierd unknown disease, I almost died & no doctor knew how to treat it. Over a few weeks in quarentined intensive care, I had wasted away & my face.. well Ill put it this way.
My dad bought me a gameboy to cheer me up. I couldnt play it because the screen reflected my face so I could see what I looked like. When I finally did get my strength back the nurses sugested I take a bath, I got into a wheel chair & was given a bath. When It was finished I went over to a mirror on the wall & couldnt believe what I saw staring back at me.
It is an image I will never forget. I stood there for about 10 seconds & cried before turning away in horror.
This was the most horrible thing Ive ever seen.

gonadman 05-30-2003 04:44 AM

I worked the overnight shift at a hospital lab while I was in college. I went down to the pathology walk in fridge at about 3AM to get more reagents and found the remains of 3 young boys(all looked under 6 yrs old) that had come in the ER DOA from a car accident. They were wrapped in clear plastic. Seeing harm come to kids just disturbs me so much.

That "slit throat" video is so disturbing to watch- makes you wonder what kind of fucked up person could do such a thing to another hman being...

jets 05-30-2003 09:05 AM

I downloaded a DVD documentary about exectutions and it was pretty horrible but I have been sorta de-sensitized regarding this type of thing so It was no big deal. Until the last clip.

So this guy is sentenced to death by some villagers and this guys mom is watching it all. The blindfold him and lay him against a hill and two guys shoot him from a few feet away. Still breathing. Then they shoot a few more times and you can actually see a bullet smash his face under his eye making his mouth a huge gaping hole. Poor guy was still gasping for air and you could see the moms horror while crying and sobbing. They didn't shhot him anymore and he just suffered to the end.

Truly messed up in my opinion.

On a lighter note I was petrified to sleep after seeing the excorsist when I was a kid for a long time.

HiThereDear 05-30-2003 09:09 AM

good old anatomy class

sadistikdreams 05-30-2003 02:06 PM

what was the documentary called, jets? i'd like to see it.

And for anything disturbing I've seen? Nothing that I think is too gross. I've seen dozens of snuff films with no recoil. Snuffx.com, and Rotten.com dont bother me... although Tubgirl is pretty gross...

Jeff 05-30-2003 09:05 PM

I remember seeing a picture of a guy who attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun. That in itself is gross, but the guy lived. His ENTIRE face was gone...eyes, nose, mouth...just sort of the front part of his brain and the hole to his throat. He didn't live long, but the fact he lived for a little while is shocking.

GoldenOuroboros 05-31-2003 12:41 AM

I've seen that bloody vid too.. I stay clear right away from snuff. Watched it over at a friends place.

KillerYoda 05-31-2003 04:42 AM

The most disturbing of all time:
The Chloe double-fist video, not for the visuals, but more the audio. I swear, you can hear a bone pop during it, and it sounds fucking horrible.

Bloody shit doesn't normally bother me too bad, but the Dwyer and reporter decapitation were pretty bad. Those Columbine killer crime scene photos are pretty fucked up, since you can see brain all over the place.

The Zapruder film also should be mentioned, vintage shock video.

Recoil 05-31-2003 05:56 AM

worked at a hospital in Nairobi when the US embassy bombings took place.

Saw people with their faces quite literally blown open (and still living). Nothing but meat and blood and eyes staring through it all. What had happened was there were a few gunshots before the actual car bomb exploded. After the gunshots everyone in the office buildings crowds to the windows to see WTF just happened. Surprise! Bomb goes off and everyone staring out the window gets their face greeted by glass and heat. terrible terrible stuff.

sierra2774 05-31-2003 06:56 AM

The most disturbing thing I have ever seen was the look in my Mother's eyes when she took her last breath.

I see it all the time, in my dreams....everywhere.

It will haunt me forever.

Magpie0001 05-31-2003 07:21 AM


Originally posted by sadistikdreams
what was the documentary called, jets? i'd like to see it.

I rented it at the video shop a few years ago, ITs just called Executions. ITs more of a documentary but lie he said the last one is vicious.

cdwonderful 05-31-2003 08:42 AM

Finding my friend who had just blown away half his head with a .38 after shooting his dog. The image wakes me up sometimes. It definitly stopped me from committing sucide and several occasions.

Omar12 05-31-2003 09:22 AM

I think it needs no description

THE MAC GOD 06-01-2003 03:07 AM

yeah... i saw that video about a year and a half ago... for about 3 hours after that I felt I was in a surreal existance... nothing felt right... to this day I don't see how people can not tell the difference between that and video games... yeesh

Frowning Budah 06-01-2003 08:17 AM

l_o_c if you haven't checked out tub girl yet, don't. It truly is sick.

I worked for a very short time as an ambulance attendant and a coroners assistant, so I have seen some bad stuff. Blood and guts isn't the worst.

Recently we found a poor stray cat that had been hit by a car. Its entire hind quarter was badly smashed. It couldn't move and it was laying in the street with cars whizzing by, rain falling hard and obviously in terrible pain. We stopped and took it to the vet but they weren't able to save it.

That is the most disturbing thing I can think of. Some thing suffering, in terrible pain without any understanding what is happening or option for ending the suffering.

BoCo 06-01-2003 05:10 PM

Other than that knifing video, which I also have seen, the most disturbing thing I've seen on the 'net would be Tub Girl. Do a Google search if you need to know....

ARTelevision 06-01-2003 05:31 PM

I've seen some bad stuff.
I don't really see a good reason to post it here.

Spanky Johnson 06-01-2003 05:34 PM

I don't seek stuff like this out, precisely because I *know* it will haunt me for a long, long time. The few I've seen have been enough to make me aware of that. Thankfully, I haven't seen the one with the guy getting the knife in his throat, but the descriptions here alone are enough to make me cringe.

raeanna74 06-01-2003 05:35 PM

I can think of more than once instance that I can picture vividly because of how the scene shocked me. First was watching a car that went off the highway roll side over side and end over end. I was sitting in a stopped car on the opposite side of the highway just off the highway in a parking lot. I was parallel to the final roll of the car. It had bounced off it's wheels and as it flipped/rolled the last time I saw 2 people on the driver's side be flug half way out the windows. Then as it can down it finally landed on the driver's side. I watched those two people get bent backwards in half and the car smashed down on their exposed bodies. It was horrific and whenever I am in an accident or see one it seems I have that scene with arms and hands and torsos flinging about outside the car just before it landed and came to rest.
The second scene was when my mother accidentally stepped on a board with 2 ten penny nails sticking out of it at different angles. She was only in her slippers in her parents basement. When we heard the shreak, my grandmother who was then nearly 70 flew down the steps two at a time. I never saw an elderly person with a hunched back move so quickly or so agilely. My mother was sitting on the floor at the foot of the stairs and my grandmother looked at the board still nailed to my mother's foot. There was no way the 2x4 could be brought up the stairs with my mother so she just pulled the whole thing right off. By the time my grandparents got my mother up the stairs the blood was flowing so freely. They wrapped her foot tightly in kitchen towels and put in in a large plastic bag. Grandpa ran her to the Emergency room only a few blocks away while my grandmother tended to my brother who was quit ill after seeing that scene. He was 7 years younger than me and I was about 16. I remember the strong metallic smell and the thick viscosity of the blood as I wiped up the pool of blood at least 2-3 feet in diameter. It had already started to coagulate and the shock of knowing that it had poured out of my mother I think actually prevented me from getting sick from seeing it.
Another incident was when I sewed through my pointer finger and finger nail on my right hand with an industrial sewing machine. The needle broke off in my hand and I remember just staring at the fingernail chipped and broken in pieces just like glass and the needle sticking out of both sides. I just yanked it out without thinking (thankfully) and the pain was actually delayed as though everything were in slow motion.
The last incident was when my husband was in a serious bicycle accident. He had injured his head and I was able to get to the Emergency room not long after he arrived. He was very combatative and I watched as 4 orderlies were doing all they could to hold him down and still. When he finally calmed he turned to look to me and I was holding his hand. His mouth began to move in an odd way and he winked his eye. I thought he was going to say something to me but then a strained whine began to come out instead. Then that whole side of his face where he'd winked contorted and the nurses hurried me out of the room as he had a siezure and his arms and limbs were jerked up off of the table it seemed like 2 feet the blanket being thrown off almost immediately. It was a frightening thing and my heart ached for him. The consolation now is that he remembers none of it. I do but it makes me appreciate that he is here, alive, in one piece, not paralyzed or nearly a vegetable. Another man admitted to the same ICU as my husband only a day later and with the same injuries only lived for 24 hours. Just as that man's family was mourning their loss my husband was beginning to come out of his coma. Why we were chosen to still be together and they were chosen to loose I will never know. I do know I am grateful he is here and as healthy as he is now.

RAMONES!!! 06-01-2003 05:48 PM

i've seen the knifing video. Well at least some kind, i saw some Russian soilders (2) come up and just stick a guy and it went to black and next scene you see just a river of blood. I didnt choose to see it, one friend already saw it and told us not to see it, i decided not to, but my friend did, and i wish i didnt.

but for some stupid FUCKING reason i did download some faces of death: sick.

I saw a video (taken sometime in the 70's) of one of those drive through zoo safaris. One dad gets out of his car with a video camera. These 2 or 3 lions come up sniff him and quickly attack him, there was a camera person in another car that caught all of this, the camera person looked over at the car the guy came from and just to see the terror on the faces of his family, seeing his baby cry and scream, and just thinking of being one of those people, knowing that they just couldnt do anything, nothing at all. it just makes me sad, I stopped looking at Faces of death after that, and some real bad shit happened in my life, that just makes me only enjoy life.

and those links of tub girl and the other one bud dwyer, i just cant bring myself to click on, i dont want to be stuck with that image.

i dont know how i forgot this, but recently my dad was making something with his table saw....i'm sure you guys know where it is going from here. well he cut some of his fingers not off but hanging. Me i was playing drums and my brother ran up and told me what happened. I never saw him bleeding but when he was in the hospital they were taking the bandage off and i just started to lost my strengh and good thing i was leaning on a wall. but the doctors had to sew (connect) his hand to his chest, right under his nipple. I dont even know how to explain the way it looked. after 2 weeks like that he got it removed and needless to say he can move it and all it is now is cosmetic, his fingers are crooked and his thumb has a big patch on it.

Fly 06-01-2003 06:01 PM

i saw a dude get smoked on a motorcycle on one of those loooong back roads in alberta.he was wailin' towards us and out of nowhere a jeep pulls out of a side road and this gut hit it hard.he landed a good 100 ft from point of impact.we got our first aid kits out,but.....we knew he was dead.i'll spare the details of how we knew.

still see it plain as day.happened 5 years ago...

JStrider 06-01-2003 06:12 PM

well 2 things...
the first was when i was a kid my dad and i were coming back from a climbing trip... and some guys had been riding their harleys and one wiped out... i stayed in the car when my dad stopped... but my dad stopped and helped the guy (my dads an emt) untill the life flight helicopter arrived...

and then the second... more recent and more disturbing would be when my dad had a siezure... i was home from college for thanksgiving/newyears... it was january 1st and my dad and i were trying to find chains for my car and crickets for my leopard gecko... we were in the petstore and my dad asked me if he looked pale or anything... and then a few minutes later he said he started feeling faint and leaned over and started breathign really hard... and then got up and started trying to walk to the door... and he fell against the wall next to the door and then stood back up again and we tried to get him to lay down and he just started shaking all over and started to fall down... a clerk and i caught him and he shook for 30-45 seconds and then just layed their breathing really hard... and then a couple minutes later the ambulance arrived and they started taking him in once they got him in the ambulance they tried to put an iv in him and he started fighting them... screaming for help and everything... that was the scariest... two other ambulances had to come... it took like 8 or 9 guys to get him pinned down and strapped to the gurney...

luckily they figured it was a one time thing... he hadnt been feeling well... and hadnt eaten much... and just feinted against the glass... so he didnt get the blood to his brain like he needed... so the next thing the body does under oxygen deprivation is have a seizure...

but damn it was just plain freaky hearing him screaming for help and all that...

Willowsr 06-01-2003 07:17 PM

What disturbs me the most? I'm afraid as I've gotten older... I've become a bit more philosophical...

The ability of 'man' to be so inhumane to 'man'...

Soothe 06-01-2003 09:45 PM

I've seen a lot of death, when I was 11 a friends mom rented 2 Faces of Death movies for us. To this day I have no idea what the fuck she was thinking, there was a huge warning on the box. That was probably the first time I've seen someone actually be murdered.

But for some reason, after being subjected to all that the most disturbing thing that will be etched into my mind forever is when I stumbled onto a Bonzai Kitten website. For anyone who doesn't know, you place a newly born kitten inside a small glass jar and as they grow their bones shape around the jar and they are trapped inside forever. Their entire body becomes squeezed and sufficated in this tiny jar, unable to escape or move freely. Their head is the only exposed part of their body so they are able to breethe/eat and continue living in this caged environment. You can tell by looking at their eyes that they are suffering an unimaginable torture and just want to have it end. Even if you break the jar and let them free they still would be crippled because their bones haven't been properly developed.

As I saw these pictures I first thought it was some photoshop job because a cat could never fit into a tiny jar. I then learned the twisted process and became disgusted and pissed off that sick fuckers actually do this for amusement to poor innocent kittens. They think it's some form of art, and keep them as decorations around their house. I would love 5 minutes alone with a bonzai kitten "artist", It wouldn't be pretty...

Pyrate 06-02-2003 01:37 AM

Some of those chicks in the 'hottest oriental female' post...


Unknown Poster 06-02-2003 06:36 AM

Soothe, I hope this does a little to set your mind at ease.


Pyrate 06-02-2003 07:20 AM


I gotta go with you on this one.

One of my brother(17)'s friends dared him to look up executions in the KaZaa video search and look for the afghan execution one...

The clip ur talkin about was a video of a captured Russian soldier by his afghan captors.

Fer fucks sake, some people are fucking evil. Worse was that I heard the sounds...the gargling while it was being cut, and the horrible bubblinh noise once the whole front of the neck was severed.

The poor guy was still a-fucking-live at this point.

you're right bruv, that's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen as well, and it is burned too into my mind.

But don't worry, we can cuddle up tonite!!!



Sun Tzu 06-02-2003 07:22 AM

For what I'll comment on, that tubgirl is horrible. If you havent seen it; do yourself a favor and dont

rockogre 06-02-2003 07:33 AM


Originally posted by ARTelevision
I've seen some bad stuff.
I don't really see a good reason to post it here.

I'm with you. I can remember some of it but I don't really want to. I noticed some days ago that not a lot of the older members or veterans had posted here.

Sometime in my 20's I realized that I was no longer interested in the "Freak Show" at the fair and that death and dismemberment no longer held any interest for me. I think that the younger you are the more death is just a concept and you want to learn more about it. I also think that to a certain extent it is a healthy curiousity so don't any of you think that I am running you down. Almost all of you will get enough pretty quick.

Some of us have learned all we want to know. Pain and suffering are all around us, I don't go looking for it.

Pyrate 06-02-2003 07:47 AM

Someone pass a bag.

I just clicked on the tubgirl link.


zf0enix 06-02-2003 07:48 AM

ARTelevision and rockogre, as always, your insights and maturity lend balance to the threads.

zf0enix 06-02-2003 07:48 AM


Originally posted by Pyrate
Someone pass a bag.

I just clicked on the tubgirl link.


Just couldn't heed the warnings, eh?

Pyrate 06-02-2003 07:54 AM

I failed to notice them...

I mean, I thought my guts could take it. It's not disturbing though, just momentarily shocking and stunning...

I'm okay now. The puke's on my boots!


silverback 06-02-2003 09:31 PM

i saw a man get his arm cut off when a tractor motor exploded at a tractor pull competition when i was young..that was something i dont think i will ever forget and it happened over 20 years ago.

eyeronic 06-02-2003 10:02 PM

For some reason, tubgirl doesn't bother nearly as much as goatse. The most disturbing thing I've seen in real life was a horrible car accident in which the driver was sticking through the windshield with his arms pinned to his sides. Only saw it for a second and kept on driving.

Pyrate 06-03-2003 06:18 AM

On a lighter note though, the hypnosis scene in Zoolander was pretty jarring...

That Mugatu guy is bizzarre as fuck!

CSflim 06-03-2003 11:23 AM


Originally posted by Soothe
But for some reason, after being subjected to all that the most disturbing thing that will be etched into my mind forever is when I stumbled onto a Bonzai Kitten website. For anyone who doesn't know, you place a newly born kitten inside a small glass jar and as they grow their bones shape around the jar and they are trapped inside forever. Their entire body becomes squeezed and sufficated in this tiny jar, unable to escape or move freely. Their head is the only exposed part of their body so they are able to breethe/eat and continue living in this caged environment. You can tell by looking at their eyes that they are suffering an unimaginable torture and just want to have it end. Even if you break the jar and let them free they still would be crippled because their bones haven't been properly developed.

Muhahahhaha! I thought that site was hilarious! I laughed my ass off when I saw it, but yeah, I guess I can see how it might seem less funny if you think it's real!

soccerchamp76 06-03-2003 12:15 PM

Goatse, tubgirl, motorcycle accident (entire front of face ripped off)
Those will never leave my mind.

arael 06-03-2003 01:42 PM

are the bonzai kittens real? My friend sent me an email bout it. I'm not sure what to believe... I'm sure there are some sick fuck out there, but the concept is just way too disturbing.. shit...

Tactix 06-03-2003 03:56 PM

Not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but that slit throat that was described in the first post was a taliban execution of some Russian soldier...

Just thought you would like to know the story behind it.

Shokan 06-03-2003 04:14 PM


Originally posted by rockogre
Some of us have learned all we want to know. Pain and suffering are all around us, I don't go looking for it.
I, for one, never went looking for this type of thing. And reading some of the posts, neither did others. Its just things that we have seen in our lives, wheather we wanted to or not.

Now that I think about it, this thread is nothing but a negative thing. I don't really see the point of it.

CSflim 06-03-2003 04:18 PM


Originally posted by arael
are the bonzai kittens real? My friend sent me an email bout it. I'm not sure what to believe... I'm sure there are some sick fuck out there, but the concept is just way too disturbing.. shit...
No...don't worry, Its just a joke....a sick joke maybe, but a joke none the less.

Check out the link:


Originally posted by Unknown Poster

Soothe, I hope this does a little to set your mind at ease.


RAMONES!!! 06-03-2003 05:08 PM

wasnt there a general in the vietnam war that just blew the brains out of a citizen or a vietnamese soilder?, i thought i remeber seeing something like that only not all the way through.

thebiz 06-03-2003 09:14 PM

I've seen the throat slit excecution one. But there was another one that I -kinda- saw. My brother was watching videos at rotten.com or something, and there was this video in which some guy is just sitting on a hill in autumn. Looks pretty peaceful. Russia maybe. Then two people come up to him. One pulls a gun, and they talk in what sounds like russian for a minute or two. Then the guy shoots him in the side. You can see the smoke travel in and out of the side of his body. No blood though. (He was wearing a black coat). The let the guy writhe for about 5 minutes. He has obviously gone into shock, because he is not screaming or shouting, and he is actually TALKING to his assailents. Then the second guy pulls out a huge machette. He proceeds to slit the guys throat, and cut his head off. The whole process takes maybe 2 minutes. They leave the body face down, with the head laying on top. I only saw bits and pieces of this, because i had remembered the throat cut video, but it was impossible to look away at times, and i heard all the audio.

CalvinHobbes 06-03-2003 11:55 PM

The most disturbing thing I've seen are friend's toenails that are almost falling off... all black and whatnot.

Goatse doesn't bother me much, most online stuff doesn't either, but I've never seen those videos, nor do I want to.

mystmarimatt 06-04-2003 12:20 PM

saw a video of these middle eastern people being blow up, or attacked, just dying in front of the camera. at least in movies, there's that spot in the back of your mind that reassures you it's all fake,

joshibahn 06-04-2003 03:16 PM

VERY old fugly women

BulletBob 06-04-2003 04:18 PM

Is that a skeleton?

06-04-2003 09:50 PM

The R. Budd Dywer video i found the first time i visited www.stileproject.com - which by the way is disturbing in and of itself. I remember when it was actually funny..

Also - the pic series of Sophie/Tammi fucking a baseball bad and shoving a three inch wide metal rod in her ass. I cried.

mrlayance 06-04-2003 10:27 PM

Most disturbing thing I have ever seen would be when I was driving to a ski resort a few years ago. The dump truck was park on the side of the road and a van was on the side of the road and a cop car. Lots of people where driving very slow. I guess what happened was the truck driver was getting out of his truck and he slipped and fell onto the highway, the passing van ran over his head.... Basically the small blanket the cop had did not cover the whole thing if you catch my drift....:(

Nad Adam 06-04-2003 11:27 PM

The most disturbing thing I've seen is the video of what I think is an SWAT-team in some asian country leading out what seems to be student houseoccupants from a building. One cop stands casualy with a shotgun and to his surpise it goes of right into the stomach of one of the students who takes two steps then falls flat on his chest. Then you see a pool of blood coming out from under him as if someone turned on a hose. You can see his wish to live and that he knows that this was competly unnessasary. That made me sick. I've also seen the slit throat video and don't want to see it again.

snowy 06-04-2003 11:43 PM

When they showed a puppy being gassed by al-Qaeda on the 5 o'clock news. I cried. :(

KillerYoda 06-05-2003 12:15 AM


Originally posted by RAMONES!!!
wasnt there a general in the vietnam war that just blew the brains out of a citizen or a vietnamese soilder?, i thought i remeber seeing something like that only not all the way through.
Here's the full story on it:

I remember them showing the video on 60 minutes during some Vietnam special back in the day.

drifting_away 06-05-2003 01:48 PM

most shocking thing i saw wasnt a kazaa-style death video. it was the video made by two filmmakers unintentionally on Sept11th, shown on TV on Sept11th 2002.
The one moment where they're filming the foyer of the first of the Trade Centers... the sound of bodies hitting the ground was a sound, even on film, i never want to hear again. You'd think it would be just a dull thud.... But no, its a massive fucking smash that made everyone standing in the foyer in the film exclaim loudly.

That shit was horrific :(

j_o_brown 06-05-2003 02:01 PM

This rather shocking photo was snapped in November 16th by a spectator
the collegiate power lifting championships at Pennsylvania State. The
unfortunate competitor, who expressed a plea to remain anonymous,
to surgeons that he was " stuck" at the bottom of a personal best
attempt in
the squat lift when he "sort of pulled his stomach in and pushed extra
at the same time as trying to complete the lift."

He remembers a loud popping, splattering noise then a fierce stabbing
and then not being able to move from the squat position. He remained in
position for about half an hour, since trying to stand caused him
overwhelming agonizing pain. Para-medics arrived and applied anesthesia
the spot and carried him to an ambulance. He was rushed to surgery,
surgeons described the trauma as an explosive and aggravated prolapsed
the bowel".

Meanwhile it was revealed that the weight was removed from his shoulders
the time of the incident by two "spotters" on either side of the lifter.
third spotter who was standing behind the lifter was unfortunately
with fecal matter at the time of the incident. This spotter promptly
when he realized the extent of the injury to the lifter, who was a
friend. This compounded the task of first aid officers who were at a
loss as
to how to treat the injury to the lifter in any case, who remained in
squatting position moaning in pain much to the consternation of the

The hapless lifter had successful surgery to relieve the prolapsed, but
remained immobilized with his feet elevated in stirrups for 2 weeks to
ensure "internal compliance with the surgery and that the organs
successfully". To add insult to injury, the ex-lifter required rectal
stitching to partially occlude the anal orifice and stitch the rectal
passage(which had significantly expanded and torn during the prolapsed)
also was put on a low fiber low residue diet to combat flatulence to
any possibility of a recurrence. CBS news spoke to his wife and asked if
thought he would resume his power lifting career. " Not if I have
to say about it, would you like to risk something like that again" We
agreed!! CBS news

.... now see the photo click the attachment


Kush 06-05-2003 02:39 PM

That was fake.

Check it out at snopes.

GuttersnipeXL 06-05-2003 02:56 PM

Watcing those fucking planes smash into the trade center buildings totally changed me. Far and away the most disturbing shit I've seen.

krwlz 06-05-2003 02:59 PM

I didn't even think of that gutter, but your absolutly right....Watching people jumping out....That fucked with my head...

WhoaitsZ 06-05-2003 03:50 PM

first off, I purposely avoid all this kind of shit. i've never watched Faces of Death or what not, never watched a snuff film.. the very idea of watching and supporting this stuff makes me feel like i would feel less human.

i've seen a lot of bad shit and a lot of things kind of bother me and slip into my dreams. like spectre, i saw the executions on CNN and it didn't bother me but a few things that have are basically watching some things people have done to animals... slaughtering, maiming and so on.

but the most terrible one event for my pysche would normally not bother me, just being honest.... but it did bother me and has haunted my dreams since.

remember the flu that hit in late 99- early '00? well, if byou did't know know it was a fairly nasty year when he flu was attacking everyone... they had so many patients in Hattiesburg, MS they had to empty even the normal medical clinics and doctor's offices to hold patients. and there were some Comercial airliners who quit taking healthy people and were filling up with sick fol kto fly them to hospitials that had room.

during this time i was in the hospital and i had several people die around me but one woman was -old- and she finally passed.. her daughter lost it totally. she freaked out.. her hollering and crying will never leave my mind and i hear it now as plain as day.. i never imagined a doctor would really seddate someone in a hallway until that day because people were already panicking due to the sickness and deaths as it was, so a doctor gave her a sedative then and there.

i dunno why, but that case scares me shitless.

bigdsack 06-05-2003 05:20 PM

There was a HBO Undercover episode about a black prison inmate that was killed by a white supremesist prisoner during a riot - stabbed over 50 times, mostly in the head and neck, and the whole thing was caught on film, while the white guards watched without doing anything. The guy was stradling the victim's body, raising his arms over his head and stabbing over and over, for like 4 minutes. Of course the victim's family sued the prison and won.
I couldnt sleep the night I watched it. I had never seen someone murdered before, outside of faces of death and war videos. This was just too up close and real.

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