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Old 05-29-2005, 01:47 PM   #41 (permalink)
Originally Posted by pwrinkle
Aren't people from brazil considered hispanic too, and they speak portugeze, so it isn't just language.
No. There was a movement that wanted to use the word "Lusitanic" for Portuguese-speakers in the way that "Hispanic" is used for Spanish-speakers, but it failed.
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Old 05-29-2005, 02:11 PM   #42 (permalink)
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I think they're referred to as "Hispanio?"

In any case, it just show how ridiculous labels are. Brazilians are incredibly diverse. There is no stereotypical Brazilian; they run the gamut of all phenotypes and physiological traits.

Latinos are not monolithic nor unified. The rivalries between Cubans and Puerto Ricans, Colombians and Bolivians, Peruvians and Ecuadorians, Chileans and Argentinans, Guatemalans and Hondurans (I'm not sure here) etc..etc... are notorious. The only think they sort of share is Spanish language and even that differs form place to place.
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Old 05-29-2005, 02:14 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by raveneye
Yes, but I don't see that this has anything helpful to say about "race". There are dark skinned lineages on every continent.

Same response. I don't see what this has to do with "race" as it is usually applied to human populations. There's no such thing eg. as a Hispanic kidney.
If I were of Mexican descent, and needed a kidney, I would certainly appreciate it if the appropriate agency concentrated their search among other Mexicans, as opposed to including fair-skinned redheads in their efforts.

While your desire to do away with racial classifications has much to be said for it, I can see the potential for harm as well.
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Old 05-29-2005, 02:27 PM   #44 (permalink)
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If I were of Mexican descent, and needed a kidney, I would certainly appreciate it if the appropriate agency concentrated their search among other Mexicans, as opposed to including fair-skinned redheads in their efforts.
"Mexican" is not a race. It would be even better if they found someone within your own family, but your own family is also not a separate race.

Genetic relatedness certainly does create genetic clustering, but if you defined race by genetic relatedness, you either (1) end up with every family being a separate race; or (2) your divisions again are completely arbitrary.
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Old 05-29-2005, 02:51 PM   #45 (permalink)
Location: on the road to where I want to be...
Many black people play the black card like its their birthright. Some do not, and I have great respect for them. But low class, trashy people, black white asian hispanic whatever, are low class trashy people. Black culture promotes this--it's getting to the point where whites are discriminated against for jobs and scholarships and college acceptances because poorer, minority students have to be accepted to sate the vocal race-x card bullshit.

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Old 05-29-2005, 05:07 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Location: Stark-Vegas
Just so that I understand you clearly...

WTF is "The Black Card..?" Whites being discriminated against..? Have you lost your mind..? Black culture promoting the low class..? Man, that statement is full of ignorant shit...Wow...
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Old 05-30-2005, 01:10 PM   #47 (permalink)
Originally Posted by AYHJA
Just so that I understand you clearly...

WTF is "The Black Card..?" Whites being discriminated against..? Have you lost your mind..? Black culture promoting the low class..? Man, that statement is full of ignorant shit...Wow...

The Black Card aka The Race Card is when someone brings up their race as the reasoning for whatever is happening to them be it not getting a job, someone not dating them, being arrested, etc. It has become quite popular to do this even if race has nothing to do with what happened since many people fear being labeled as racist.

Whites are discriminated against in pretty much any government and many privately owned businesses and industries. racial quotas being the main reasons. Some people call it "diversity" but its really just making sure there are a higher percentage of minorities represented in a given area beyond actual "diversity" levels in average america thereby they cannot be labeled as racists.

Has he lost his mind? This is always up for debate

Black Culture promoting the lower class- this is shown in the glorification of "ghetto", "thug", "street" life where its usually the violent undereducated criminals who are the main characters. Some black culture isnt like this at all, but this is what most of america gets to see and many easily led people fall into.

Man, that statement is full of ignorant shit- Well, I get to deal with statements full of ignorance when dealing with people just spouting things they have no facts on other than what someone else told them is the truth. This also is not a good way to win an argument, calling someone else's statement such things without any facts or even ideas of your own to refute them is usually seen as the losing side.
"How soft your fields so green, Can whisper tales of gore"
"Thou art god"
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Old 05-30-2005, 03:54 PM   #48 (permalink)
AYHJA's Avatar
Location: Stark-Vegas
I'd bet neither of you are black...Neither of you have a clue, as to what it's like to be black, and you never will...

You should both refrain from saying things that you have NO idea what they mean, and what they may mean to someone else...You saying a white person is being discriminated against is about as far fetched as us having a black president...

It isn't discrimination, when people hire people based on what they can identify with...If you are a middle aged white male, and grew up in a suburbian area, you are more likely to hire someone your same age and of the same background...And since the average business or corporation is ran by middle aged white men, how do you expect minorities to get ahead..? Whites are the majority by far in this country, non sub ethnic groups included...

Also, are you aware that Afro Americans are the only race that hasn't recieved some sort of reparation for widespread nation wide abuse and oppression of a race..? Do you find fault with the Native American being able to go to any major university free of charge..? What is the difference between the way native americans were treated and the way blacks were treated..?

I hate when people speak like they haven't ever picked up a history book...Slavery lasted 400 years...There was no 40 acres and a mule...This country was built upon the backs of my ancestors, and they were hung and whipped, raped and murdered, yet it is easy for you to forget faces like young Emmit Till...Black men hung, and burned alive while women and children stood laughing and smiling...

I don't expect you to know what that's like...Don't just assume that every time someone plays a race card, they are exaggerating...yYou can't look at society, and tell me that white don't have an advantage...It has NOTHING to do with racism...But if you think racism is dead...Shit, you got that all wrong...Even though slavery has been outlawed by the federal gov't since the 1800's, the state I live in just abolished slavery from the state law, it BARELY PASSED, by a 3-2 vote...This was in the 1990's...

And about that thug life and all that...Please don't EVER say that in a public forum again, you have NO idea what it says for your character to make such a brass assumption...
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Old 05-30-2005, 07:17 PM   #49 (permalink)
So, you are saying that it is alright for someone to be hired that isnt as highly qualified as a supposed "majority" person simply based upon the fact that he isnt part of the "majority". How about we all go by quality of work, experience, personality... you know, things that will actually be useful for the business? That doesnt work for me in my mind. Perhaps you are one of those people who thinks that you can only be racist against those of a specific "minority"? Yes the whites are the majority in this country, at least for now. Then again, "white" counts for anyone who isnt black or asian.
Reparations is basically false in my mind too when so many generations has gone by. Not every people, race, person who has been enslaved throughout history gets something to show for it. Take equality where it stands and quit asking to be given more.

I also remember black men like those of Haiti where around 40,000 white people were killed in their revolt now look at the country. "Black men hung, and burned alive while women and children stood laughing and smiling..." let me ask you if even your worst enemy was burning alive, would you laugh and smile? I think this is an exaggeration for the women and children at least. I also remember that the only place in the world where slavery is still widespread is africa.

States also have alot of useless laws on the books that are barely known of and never enforced, the fact that they didnt do it til now is more than likely an oversight that was touted all too much in the press by the person pushing the bill. So this proves nothing but your legislatures inefficiency in book keeping which seems to be nationwide.

I have looked at history books and I have read a bit about most of history, slavery isnt a new thing, but i wonder something. When will people quit using it as an excuse? This is honestly something i want to know. How many more generations before it doesnt matter any more? when you can answer me that honestly with a time other than never, I think blacks in general will take a step forward.
You know, I'm not black and never said I was but this just means that you inversely know nothing about being white or anything other than what you are.

"And about that thug life and all that...Please don't EVER say that in a public forum again, you have NO idea what it says for your character to make such a brass assumption..."
Watch MTV or even BET to see exactly what I mean, if you dont see it then maybe you are just used to it. Glorification of crime is degredation of society, simple as that. I also know exactly what it says about my character, I speak what I believe to be the truth.

and to end this, this is far off topic of the original post and I apologize for helping the thread deviate. If you wish you further discuss facts beliefs and such AYHJA just send me a message
"How soft your fields so green, Can whisper tales of gore"
"Thou art god"
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Old 05-30-2005, 07:50 PM   #50 (permalink)
AYHJA's Avatar
Location: Stark-Vegas
Originally Posted by jaco
So, you are saying that it is alright for someone to be hired that isnt as highly qualified as a supposed "majority" person simply based upon the fact that he isnt part of the "majority". How about we all go by quality of work, experience, personality... you know, things that will actually be useful for the business? That doesnt work for me in my mind. Perhaps you are one of those people who thinks that you can only be racist against those of a specific "minority"? Yes the whites are the majority in this country, at least for now. Then again, "white" counts for anyone who isnt black or asian.
Reparations is basically false in my mind too when so many generations has gone by. Not every people, race, person who has been enslaved throughout history gets something to show for it. Take equality where it stands and quit asking to be given more.
Jaco...You missed the point entirely...You probably can't even properly define racism, no offense...Not many people can...

The point is that you hire what you can relate to...The studies have been done, I'm not making this stuff up...If two people apply for a job that have the same qualifications, an insane amount of time the employer will hire a person w/t same ethnic background as them...I'm not saying that's wrong or racist...Consider this...

The vast majority of professional athletes in football are afro american...The same is true, for collegiate football...Would you be so brash as to say that of the hundreds of thousands of scholarship athletes that pass through college can't coach the sport they played..? That's nonsense...There are 3 Division I head coaches that are Afro American...3 out of 112...

Originally Posted by jaco
Reparations is basically false in my mind too when so many generations has gone by. Not every people, race, person who has been enslaved throughout history gets something to show for it. Take equality where it stands and quit asking to be given more.
That's because you don't know your ancestors...I do...We are not that many generations gone from slavery...

Originally Posted by jaco
I also remember black men like those of Haiti where around 40,000 white people were killed in their revolt now look at the country. "Black men hung, and burned alive while women and children stood laughing and smiling..." let me ask you if even your worst enemy was burning alive, would you laugh and smile? I think this is an exaggeration for the women and children at least. I also remember that the only place in the world where slavery is still widespread is africa.
WHAT..??? If there were ever at time in HISTORY where 40K white people were killed, it was by other white people....Wikipedia rocks...And as far as laughing and such goes, you don't have to ask me that...Ask the people that were burning that poor boy alive in the FIRST Waco Texas incident...Better yet, post me a link of ANY group of people celebrating over the inhumane treatment of whites...I bet you that I can post 100 pictures before you find 10...

Originally Posted by jaco
States also have alot of useless laws on the books that are barely known of and never enforced, the fact that they didnt do it til now is more than likely an oversight that was touted all too much in the press by the person pushing the bill. So this proves nothing but your legislatures inefficiency in book keeping which seems to be nationwide.
So...You're saying it's an excuse for BARELY passing an already defunct law..??? LoL...I see, you've never been to Mississippi before, or read nothing about the state...

Originally Posted by jaco
I have looked at history books and I have read a bit about most of history, slavery isnt a new thing, but i wonder something. When will people quit using it as an excuse? This is honestly something i want to know. How many more generations before it doesnt matter any more? when you can answer me that honestly with a time other than never, I think blacks in general will take a step forward.
An excuse..???? I hope you NEVER experience a personal loss, because once you multiply that times 400 years, you may get an idea...These were my kin, and the kin of others being treated worse than pets...It will ALWAYS matter, because people like you refuse to accept what happened...It's not Afro Americans so much, as it is people saying, "Get over it already," When the shit is still going on...But, it's not stopping you, so you don't care...Touche...

Originally Posted by jaco
You know, I'm not black and never said I was but this just means that you inversely know nothing about being white or anything other than what you are.
It wasn't me making these wild assumptions about whites, that started this...Scroll up...

Originally Posted by jaco
"And about that thug life and all that...Please don't EVER say that in a public forum again, you have NO idea what it says for your character to make such a brass assumption..."
Watch MTV or even BET to see exactly what I mean, if you dont see it then maybe you are just used to it. Glorification of crime is degredation of society, simple as that. I also know exactly what it says about my character, I speak what I believe to be the truth.
Glorification of crime isn't a damn "black" thing...I bet that the people that write the Sopranos are aren't black, the makers of the Grand Theft Auto Video Games aren't black...CSI Miami and all that...? WTF are you talking about..? What about all these movies coming out that "glorify" dudes walking around with big ass guns, shooting people..? Are they black..? That's something you can attribute to SOCIETY Son, please...Stop it...

MTV and BET...Shit...Do you think the majority of the people that are buying the very music and what not you speak of...Are black..? LOL...Heh...

Just because I'm not ashamed of the fact that I grew up in a poor enviroment, obviously unlike all others, I'm glorifying it..? That makes sense to you..?
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Old 05-30-2005, 08:37 PM   #51 (permalink)
I would like to know how you percieve my misinterpretation of the term racism. I also agree that people are more than likely to stick to what they know, human nature. I dont see much relevence in the fact that there are few black coaches compared to a severe majority of black players, then again I dont watch college football to know anything about it.

I do know my ancestors quite well as i have done research because i believe in knowing all you can about your history to learn from it especially those directly related to you.

You know, i can't find a link to any site about the haitian revolt that reports actual numbers besides the fact that any frenchman caught was slaughtered. The inhumane treatment of whites by other than whites you mean? because we have been killing one another quite efficiently for quite a long time. Other than whites doing it i can point to any anti white group the same as you can point to any anti black group *shrug* so goes the hate.

Yes, I go to Mississippi quite often seeing that I live very near New Orleans and my state is just as messed up as yours I promise you.

Yes, an excuse. That is all it will be for anyone who says they were directly impeded by it in modern america. But you think slavery is still going on? or perhaps i am misreading you.

I never said glorification of crime is exclusively a black thing, i was only expounding upon the answer i already gave to your question towards kangaeru "Black culture promoting the low class..?" and yes, i see current trends in black music as such a thing. I never said anything about who buys this music since i know who does it and so do the record executives spewing out the stuff to the white kiddies. I also grew up poor, that has nothing to do with this argument.

good to meet a black man from mississippi willing to talk race semi-calmly and once again i apologize to the original poster and wont further my threadjacking.
"How soft your fields so green, Can whisper tales of gore"
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Old 05-30-2005, 09:39 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Location: Stark-Vegas
I'd forgotten all about the threadjacking bit, I'd like to aplogize as well, though, this is somewhat on topic...

LoL...OK, it's ALL the way off topic...Sorry...

Just so you know, I am calm, it just amazes me sometimes the things I read, and it just takes a little more explanation sometimes to get things to come out the right way...This is the internet, and it's hard to communicate these things...

PM on the way...
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Old 05-31-2005, 04:18 AM   #53 (permalink)
jaco, AYHJA - I just wanted to say that was quite possibly the most interesting thing I've read here for a while. Thanks to you both for having the balls to stand up and say what you think whilst at the same time keeping an appropriate tone.

Seriously, I'm impressed, and have come away with a much better understanding of both points of view.
Old 05-31-2005, 04:34 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Location: Stark-Vegas
It ALWAYS help to hear someone else out, even if you don't agree...Tempers don't have to flare, and flaming need not happen, as long as the two folk involved are smart, and open minded...

I wish there was a forum for this type of thing...It would probably answer lots of questions between races, and improve point of view...
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Old 05-31-2005, 04:54 AM   #55 (permalink)
Born Against
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Originally Posted by AYHJA
I wish there was a forum for this type of thing...It would probably answer lots of questions between races, and improve point of view...
Under the Mission category we have a Coming Together forum for "Bridging the gender gap." Perhaps we should add a couple more forums in that category, one for bridging the "race" gap, and one for bridging the "religion" gap? That pretty much covers the major areas causing strife for humanity, and the major areas that will be fundamental to any social evolution that we achieve.
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Old 05-31-2005, 04:59 AM   #56 (permalink)
Janey's Avatar
Location: Toronto
[QUOTE=Marvelous Marv]If I were of Mexican descent, and needed a kidney, I would certainly appreciate it if the appropriate agency concentrated their search among other Mexicans, as opposed to including fair-skinned redheads in their efforts.

why? If i was in such dire straights I would be more concerned with compatibility with respect to blood type, rather than cultural types. I'd hate to have to go through that operation more than once because my preference for a close cultural match was rejected by my body.
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Old 05-31-2005, 05:09 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jaco
I never said glorification of crime is exclusively a black thing, i was only expounding upon the answer i already gave to your question towards kangaeru "Black culture promoting the low class..?" and yes, i see current trends in black music as such a thing. I never said anything about who buys this music since i know who does it and so do the record executives spewing out the stuff to the white kiddies. I also grew up poor, that has nothing to do with this argument.

while the current hip hop scene is not to my liking (rock chick here) I can understand that musical styling evolves, simmers, remixes and comes to the fore in different forms over time.

Wasn't the blues and r&b originally considered to be a low class type of music? The calypso & pan bands in trinidad were originally 'low' class outlets of energy... punkers in New York and England in th '70's were not necessarily students classical music.

I don't think that black culture promotes low class tendencies. Maybe the disenfranchised milieu tends to exercise outlets which are considered 'hobbies' or non-serious by those who have to focus on the path to success (education, good job/career) to such an extent that they become good at it, and therefore successful in their own way, regardless of race.
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Old 05-31-2005, 10:59 AM   #58 (permalink)
sashime76's Avatar
Location: Hoosier State
One of the smartest person I’ve met was a classmate in my Jr. high school. This guy scored 798 out of possible 800 (8 subjects/100's of questions) twice in three years. Last I’ve heard he is now a head pediatrician in one of the most acclaimed hospital in Taiwan. I recalled he wasn’t a “true” math wiz but he studied very, very hard.

Math was never one of my favorite subjects but I did quite all right in school. I had taken adv. Algebra, adv. Trig. and pre calculus before coming to US so math classes were easy for me, other than the word problems.

I wouldn’t say Asians are better in math - genetically, but Asian kids are generally pushed harder by their parents. The parents themselves often first generation Asian Americans. They know what it’s like to struggle first hand. Incidentally many of these parents were graduate students, highly intelligent but limited by the language barrier.
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Old 05-31-2005, 06:20 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Location: Stark-Vegas
Originally Posted by sashime76
I wouldn’t say Asians are better in math - genetically, but Asian kids are generally pushed harder by their parents. The parents themselves often first generation Asian Americans. They know what it’s like to struggle first hand.
And there it is...Nuff said...
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