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f6twister 12-12-2004 11:21 AM

How Do You Blow Your Nose?
I'm sure everyone has had to clean their nose at some point. I've noticed over the years that there are a lot of different techniques in use and I wanted to find out if anyone has a really good way to blow their nose. I blow until one side is clear, then the other side. My wife, on the other hand, blows and wiggles her Kleenex back and forth blowing out each nostril a little bit each time.

flat5 12-12-2004 12:14 PM

I've made a special attachment for my vacumn cleaner to do the job.
Every six months or so I remove the nose for a thurough (sp?) cleaning.

(just kidding)

I use both methods described above.
Sometimes I use a finger to dislodge those stubborn bits :-)

buclao 12-12-2004 12:21 PM

I blow everything out my right nostril, then I blow out my left.

Always have and always will.

Fate 12-12-2004 12:24 PM

haha, odd but interesting topic.
With kleenex in hand and up to my nose, I press against one side, closing either left/right nostril. I then proceed to blow letting all the pressure out on the opposite side, then reverse the position. After that, I go for the final 'blow out' where both nostrils are free and... flowing ?

This topic is definitely going to kill some peoples apetites haha... :D

blitz.fenix 12-12-2004 12:28 PM

I'm eating right now haha. Well I'm sick right now and I usually blow my nose one side at a time till its clear to breathe.

Carno 12-12-2004 12:37 PM

I do what Fate does.

soma 12-12-2004 01:06 PM

Woah. Am I the only one who blows through both nostrils at once?

mo42 12-12-2004 01:07 PM

Both nostrils at once? That's weird. I close my right nostril and blow left, then close left blow right. Sometimes I repeat.

raeanna74 12-12-2004 01:24 PM

It all depends on what's clogged up for me. Often I'll be stuffed up on only one side. Then I'll blow that side first. If both are equally clogged I go with both barrels at once. When I'm almost done I'll do one good one with each side separately and then together.

My family always teases me. I'm a NEAT kleenex person. I always have to fold mine in quarters. Otherwise I sometimes feel the moisture through the kleenex. THen after my first blow I fold in half, blow and fold in half again so that I end up with a small square. My family say they always know if I'm the one who missed the trashcan with my kleenex. I've yet to see anyone else do it that way. I'm not even sure when I started it. Could be from when I used cloth handkerchiefs.

Carno 12-12-2004 01:34 PM

Ha, I do that too raeanna :p

itch vaccine 12-12-2004 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by soma
Woah. Am I the only one who blows through both nostrils at once?

same here, don't feel weird :)

Avail 12-12-2004 01:45 PM

I usually blow through both nostrils at once, but if one nose is more clogged than the other, it's that one first.

Tracybrian 12-12-2004 01:59 PM

This really applys to me because I have been sick for like 5 weeks now. I have tissues for my constently runny nose. And my snot smells funny? when I am out and about though I like plug up one nostral with my thumb and blow hard and let the boogies fly! It is the best way but when you are around upity people they tend to frown on it.

Slavakion 12-12-2004 02:33 PM

Both nostrils at once. I pinch them with the tissue and build up pressure, then I release.

Suave 12-12-2004 02:54 PM

Rarely. I find that if I start, it takes me a good dozen or so tissues before it's all clear. I just do a bit of a "scrubbing" with a tissue or two normally. If I do blow, it's one nostril at a time until completely clear.

Sugar&Spice 12-12-2004 02:59 PM

I go back and forth between the two nostrils. But when I am done I have to put some kleenex up there and make sure my nose is all dry. I can't stand the feeling of having my nose went inside.

Blackthorn 12-12-2004 03:24 PM

Just when you think we are running a little low on interesting topics...:lol:

Right - left - right - left --- toss the tissue. There may be multiple tissues involved if there are copius quantities of nose spunk :cool:

MacGuyver 12-13-2004 01:42 AM

two tissues...
both nostrils, then left then right

check for blood.

throw away.

JStrider 12-13-2004 07:12 AM

ya know... i almost never blow my nose except in the shower...

in the shower i just cup a hand over a nostril and plug the other and blow... wash off hand, repeat with other nostril...

on the rare occasion that i actually do it out of the shower i do it one nostril at a time switching after each blow till their empty

ObieX 12-13-2004 07:26 AM

I blow out whatever nostril(s) the air will go out of until there's no more snot, then i work on whatever's left (if any) till i can breathe through both nostrils and there's no more dripping. I may squeeze my nose to push out any extra, and give one or two more blows and squeezes for good measure. Then, the final wipe-down!

Lasereth 12-13-2004 07:44 AM

This thread is disgusting. :(


aintyoboyfriend 12-13-2004 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by buclao
I blow everything out my right nostril, then I blow out my left.

Always have and always will.

thats exactly the same way that I do it, too.

I find it to be most effective while using two kleenex, so as to not get any bleed through onto my hands.

Of course, then I still have to wash my hands afterwards, just to be safe :cool:

Janey 12-13-2004 02:09 PM

I tend to pick it through the day. mostly the dried out stuff. I dont think that anybody sees, but i find that unless i have a cold, it doesn't come out with blowing. Now who's the cute girl eh?

Redlemon 12-13-2004 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by raeanna74
My family always teases me. I'm a NEAT kleenex person. I always have to fold mine in quarters. Otherwise I sometimes feel the moisture through the kleenex. THen after my first blow I fold in half, blow and fold in half again so that I end up with a small square. My family say they always know if I'm the one who missed the trashcan with my kleenex. I've yet to see anyone else do it that way. I'm not even sure when I started it. Could be from when I used cloth handkerchiefs.

I do almost the same thing, but first I unfold the tissue, then fold it into a triangle, hypotenuse up. Blow, fold, repeat (sometimes twice). I like this because I get the longest side-to-side coverage.

basmoq 12-13-2004 07:33 PM

I blow really loud, like a trumpet, really

roderickpsu 12-13-2004 09:20 PM

I rarely blow my noise. I use a kleenex to essentially pick my nose clean. If I blow my nose it always messes up the pressure in my sinuses...kinda weird, I know.

MacGuyver 12-14-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Janey
I tend to pick it through the day. mostly the dried out stuff. I dont think that anybody sees, but i find that unless i have a cold, it doesn't come out with blowing. Now who's the cute girl eh?

Unless you're stuffed up, then its a fight to get the stuff out!

Oropher 12-14-2004 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by soma
Woah. Am I the only one who blows through both nostrils at once?

Nope, so do I.

Jimellow 12-14-2004 03:57 AM

I always have a hankerchief with me, and I use it often.

When people don't blow their nose and instead inhale/exhale heavily through their partially clogged nostrils, I become annoyed. This is a peeve of mine I guess, because I find it quite bothersome when I experience it first hand.

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