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How To Throw A Japanese Gang-Rape Party??!!
The fuck is goin on in the world? Guy said he found this in last months issue of Harper Magazine.
http://www.weeklypost.com/030630/twp1.gif <a href=http://www.weeklypost.com/030630/030630a.htm>http://www.weeklypost.com/030630/030630a.htm</a> I hope these sick fucks get gang raped in jail. Give em a taste of their own medicine. Asta!! |
Japan sucks about that. Two fucking years? Howabout twenty five? And a harsher sentance for stealing. Howabout no respect for women. Christ...
What the hell? Organized gang-rape?
Sounds like these girls need to organize a little gang-raping of their own when these bastards get to prison. |
What a bunch of fuck-twats. With their pictures released on the internet, I'm sure they won't live long after the measly two years they spend in prison.
that is so incredibly fucked up- the level of premeditation is stunning, and should merit swift violence- sadly, it should be noted that this kind of thing is not limited to japan- here in the usa we have frat boys- and while I am sure that most of them would never consider something like this, it does happen- I know at least one girl that it happened to- much along the lines of what is described above- I am no longer in contact with her, but last I heard she was suing the frat responsible- the thing that makes prosecuting these things so hard is the fact that the group responsible always seems to close ranks and deny everything- its not easy when its the testimony of a dozen to one, especially with the stringent requirements for evidence (dna and the like) in these situations........
Well these dumbasses used actual pictures of the events to try and blackmail the women. Thats all the fuckin proof she'd need right there. I mean it's not like the pictures were gonna look consentual.
Asta!! |
Someone needs to go to work on him with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.
I'll be perfectly honest; if someone did that to anyone I know, they had better hope for a life sentence to keep those razorwire fences between me and them. |
^ My sentiments exactly.
Asta!! |
I have been following this case for the past 18 months or so. I have been living in Japan for 5 years. What a screwed up place...with respect to the treatment of women. A G8 country with women designated as 3rd class citizens. People treat there dogs better sometimes. Yep, it is friggin' unbelieveable but it happens all the time. Most of the time they get probation only. This was a famous case, so they got "harsh" sentences.
Most women are taught not to speak out, they have to provide babies, stay at home, cook, clean, take care of the kids while the husband has a Filipino hostess on the side. If the women have a job and get pregnant...they are fired. No maternity leave. That's it...you stay home for the rest of your life. I read recently that in these tough economic times...Japan has a valuable resource that they don't want to use...educated women. They get half the salary for the same job as a man because the company expects them to get married, have babies and leave. Jeez...what a place. I could write a book about all the backwards ass stuff that goes on here. Anyhow, if that was my daughter they raped...you can be sure I would be waiting outside the prison gate when those assholes got out. |
I suppose it says something about the world when the most shocking part of that article to me was the existence of 192 proof vodka. That's shocking in a good way, the rest of the article is just disgusting. Not surprising, but disgusting.
So how does this differ from the american college tradition of getting some freshman chick blotto and screwing her ears off?
Seem like the same shit that's been going on in the states for decades, except that those guys talk funny. |
heh as far as the minimum sentence in japan, they dont have the massive amount of realestate to dedicate to prisons that america does.
They really for the most part don't need it as much as we do either. Seriously, I'm not condoning this, but its childs play to some of the shit that happens over in the states don't you think? |
Japanese prison don't need to be as large because Japanese people are smaller.
Seriously, Japanese prison are small, cramped, and extremely strict. The reason Japanese prisons are small is because they don't dick around with rehabilitation. They are caging people who don't belong on the street. The whole prisoners' rights thing doesn't play well there. No gym, no TV, just a whole lot of shut up or get your ass kicked. |
This is all-out, premeditated rape. They're forcing the girls to drink more even when they don't want any, and they have lookouts and everything. The norm here is more like "WHOA NICE. DRUNK GIRL'S WILLING FOR SEX." I haven't heard of many guys here (this is Canada, but it's similar enough) that take away the girl's cell phone and shit so she can't get away. |
I know what my next birthday party is gonna be like.
the whole concept is disgusting, and two years seems like a joke. from what i've read briefly on-line (http://web.amnesty.org/report2003/jpn-summary-eng), japanese prisons are pretty rough so at least there's that consolation. |
I don't consider the pre-meditation part. It's kinda moot. It happened, and shouldn't have. I'm kind of in the "torture them to death" camp, myself.
one of those situation where I wish castration is legal.....*snip* bitch!
actually, forget castration- just cut off all their fingers- that should be about fair in my book- then let them try to earn a living, have any kind of life, ect- and of course bar them from civil assistance/any possible benifits
The sentences are too light, but all this blood thirsty talk of torture and vengence is a little disturbing. The rapists should all serve at least 20 years though.
In Iran I believe women who are raped are often punished by the law for it, because it is seen as their fault that the rape occurs. Economic sanctions should certainly be applied against any country that has laws like this. |
There is a site that frequently posts stills from Japan of gang-rape but I thought it was all staged....obviously not and I hope the site owners realize this. This 'boys will be boys' mentality is a crime in itself......
nice guide, I am sure it will cum in handy
I'm not defending the actions of those scumbags, but consider American's own judicial system. It's a fucking joke here. Money = Power in America, those who deny it are just plain ignorant and naive to it. You want to talk light sentence?
I read in a Los Angeles Times Newspaper (few days ago) that a prominent business man got a 5 year prison sentence with 15 years probation for killing a man that hit on his wife. That's aggrevated murder folks, a homicide in a fit of rage. The man got 5 years. Look at OJ Simpson, with all the incrimating evidence, our judicial system failed us by letting him back into society. |
Stuff like this disturbs me. If it were my daughter, I'd kill the son of a bitch slowly and painfully.. In this case everyone of them..
Caging an animal for breaking a rule that it is neither capable of obeying, nor capable of understanding is cruel and unusual punishment. Kill them. Pre-death torturefests are optional.
wow i actually thought that was going to be a joke....its crazy over there...but from the home of the bukkake we cant expect much class
Campus rapes, subway rapes, store rapes, all from one of the most conservative nations in the world! Some of you may disagree but I think Singapore probably has best legal system. Remember the kid that was punished for graffiti? Taiwan has some tough laws as well. I think all drug traffickers are punishable by death sentence, same with robbers. How often do we hear a murderer gets set free and kills again?
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