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K-Wise 08-18-2004 05:23 PM

So I just found out this afternoon my puppy has parvo (sp?)
And tape worms but I already knew that. We took him into the vet and he's there right now hooked up to an I.V. I'm hoping he'll be okay. I love the lil guy a lot. It cost us 200 today just for the check up and the next payment after all the treatments could be anywhere between 100 to 600 depending on how well he does. We have to pay that regardless of whether he survives it or not. I'm really hoping he pulls through. They told us that they see a much higher percentage of survival in their hospital as opposed to what the actual statistics show so I'm trying to be optimistic and hope for the best. Wish him luck guys....he might need it.


MrFlux 08-18-2004 05:27 PM

Good luck Lazarus! And good luck K-wise!

What's his name? Makes luck-wishing that bit more specific :D

Edit: Yay, a name!

Sue 08-18-2004 05:41 PM

Did he not get a distemper/parvo shot? :confused: how'd he get it?

K-Wise 08-18-2004 05:52 PM

His name is Lazarus. We named him that because he was born dead and we revived him. He's about 8 months old...His parents are our other two dogs...the dad kinda did something we didn't plan for.

He's a mix of an American Cocker Spaniel


A Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I know what yer thinkin. But he didn't come out nearly as funny looking as we thought he was. In truth he always gets mistaken for a Beagle


He looks almost exactly like those little guys cept he's black & tan with white. Very cute lil guy. I love him to death.


Did he not get a distemper/parvo shot? how'd he get it?
See normally he would get vacinations every couple a months to prevent this but he missed his last one cause my pops has this obsession with moving to a new town every time he can no longer stand the people/working conditions at whatever hospital he presently resides at. This usually takes him 1 to 4 years tops.


fnaqzna 08-18-2004 07:47 PM

IMHO, I'd just put the dog down. They rarely survive Parvo without some permanent damage.

amonkie 08-18-2004 08:36 PM

My aunt found a puppy wandering along the side of the road that had Parvo, and the doctor told her he wouldn't make it. The little guy is a fighter, and is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met, and a year later, he has a completely clean bill of health. I'm rooting for your little guy!!!!

Church 08-18-2004 09:01 PM

Don't worry, she'll be fine. But I know what you're going through.
My cat swallowed a needle that was attached to some string when she was a kitten, and we had to pay $1000 CD to get it out of her (rush surgery at 11pm).

But she's fine now, and I'm sure your dog will be too. Just keep positive thoughts. :D

K-Wise 08-19-2004 03:28 PM

Just went to visit him today. When I said hello he looked up at me (he was laying on his side with a metal splint on his arm n an I.V.) and I reached down and started petting and with a little struggle (cause a the splint) he hopped up and started tryin to walk away with us :). Kinda like "Alright yer here lets go." They're gonna see if he'll eat tommorow, and if he'll be able to keep it down. If he's able to eat and keep his food down then he's free to go home.


00111000 08-19-2004 04:20 PM

Good luck and I wish your dog well. Seems like hes making a good comback!

Sue 08-19-2004 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by K-Wise
Just went to visit him today. When I said hello he looked up at me (he was laying on his side with a metal splint on his arm n an I.V.) and I reached down and started petting and with a little struggle (cause a the splint) he hopped up and started tryin to walk away with us :). Kinda like "Alright yer here lets go." They're gonna see if he'll eat tommorow, and if he'll be able to keep it down. If he's able to eat and keep his food down then he's free to go home.


aww... I hope he gets better :)

SCrubjay 08-19-2004 04:34 PM

We took our current Golden through Parvo. She's 8 now, still runs 6 miles a day with my wife, and is the smartest dog of the eight I've owned. As with most Goldens, a member of our family ........ one of the best investments I've made is in her health. Hope you can share a similar story in years to come.

ShaniFaye 08-19-2004 04:38 PM

awww I hope the little guy is ok....best wishes for him!!!

K-Wise 08-19-2004 04:54 PM

Thanx guys. :)


TheRagingBull 08-19-2004 09:54 PM

Know exactly what you're feeling. My puppy got it at the tender age of about 3-4 months. Very very young. Contracted it off my sisters dog who was visiting at the time and we had them both in the yard. My sisters dog died, but as soon as we found out we brought my dog to the vet to find out he had parvo. It's very expensive and he was on IV for a while, but he survived. Just. Now hes got a clean bill of health, but I literally remember him being on his death bed before he got put on an IV. We had to feed him water using waterbottles, forcing it down his throat or he wouldnt drink. Very distressing time for the dog, and for me as i didn't wanna see the little fella go. Hope all is well now.

lurkette 08-20-2004 05:59 AM

Got another update for us, K-Wise? How's the little fella doin? Is he keeping his food down yet?

greytone 08-20-2004 04:27 PM

One of my two hounds is at my elbow and she is hoping for the best along with me.

K-Wise 08-20-2004 04:43 PM

We just got him back like an hour or 2 ago. He seems fine....first we went to visit him cause he wasn't eating and they asked us to come in and see if he would eat for us and if he did we might be able to take him home. So we went right and she gave him some food and at first he wouldn't eat it but then he just gobbled it up. So we were like okay then she said "We'll wait for an hour to see if he'll keep it down and if an hour passes and he hasn't thrown it up you can take him home." So we said okay and left him there and as soon as we left he threw a freakin fit and started crying and banging on the cage for us to take him with us. So that was a good sign. An hour passed we picked him up and now he's chillin with me in front of the door to the computer room. He's still not eating though. They gave us this can of food for him and we're supposed to give him a teaspoon of it every hour on the hour for 24 hours but he just refuses to eat that shit. I don't think it's cause he still feels sick I think it's cause he thinks it tastes like shit...he's used to beef cuts with gravy n stuff like that. I put it under his face and he just picks his head up and points his nose upward and stares straight ahead at me like "Uh uh...I ain't eatin that shit!" It's kinda vexing me a bit cause I want him to eat so we don't have to take him back and it's hard to tell if he's completely alright cause he's alway just laying around not doing anything, not coming when you call, etc. Cept when he was sick he was crawlin under beds and behind things so he could puke. I'm thinking he's just fine and just doesn't care to eat this food we're giving him but they didn't give us an alternative food source in case of a situation like this. Might have to force feed it to him.


clavus 08-20-2004 04:59 PM

My buddy's pup survived Parvo, and he's just fine...the pup. My buddy is not doing so well. She's pregnant....shit, do you suppose there's a connection? You better get yourself tested.

BTW - "hasta" not "asta"

K-Wise 08-20-2004 05:42 PM

^ I know it's Hasta n not Asta...why I choose to spell it that way is beyond me. I like the way it looks better I guess.


zekezero 08-20-2004 08:17 PM

about four years ago i picked up a stray pup, he was emaciated as heck. Took him home, fed him and bam he began exhibiting signs of parvo, i.e. projectile diahrrea.

Took him to vet and loaded him with vitamins etc, then my wife and i took him home and bottle fed him pedialite every two hours for two weeks. (It was just way too expensive to do a course at the vet especially when he only had a 10% chance of survival) what we did do cost us around $600.00.

upshot, he's now 90 pounds, smart as a tack and has absolutely no negative effects.

so it does end well sometimes. best of luck.

lurkette 08-21-2004 04:50 AM

K-Wise, try giving him a little of his favorite food instead of the stuff they sent home with you (unless it's some special prescription food or something). Or mix the stuff they gave you with a little chicken broth. It could be that he just objects to the change in diet - I know my dog is extremely finicky even when she's well, and most dogs don't take well to changes in diet.

Good luck - glad the little guy's home, hope he can stay there.

xepherys 08-21-2004 12:50 PM

Awww... I hope everything continues to go well!~

punx1325 08-21-2004 03:56 PM

Everything will be ok, atleast your dog didn't get into your halloween candy! That was some scary stuff! I know what you are going through and just comforting the animal is the best thing you can do.

K-Wise 08-21-2004 05:31 PM

Well I think he's good now. Ya shoulda seen him bolting after the cars driving passed our yard (it's fenced) when I let him out a lil while ago. He's eating now too....he still hates it but he'll run around, lay down for a lil bit, then he run up and gobble up the tablespoon I gave him and run around again. He's back to jumping up and biting my hands when I'm walking beside him instead of on the ground playing with him. :) He's barking with the other dogs too...except I think he's not allowed to be near them for like a week cause he can still catch distemper. Which was scary cause my mom is just hopeless...he ran right passed her and was outside playing with his dad for nearly a minute I had to run out there half naked to go and grab him cause Lord forbid she even try to. Thanx for all the support n all....I'll let Lazzy lick the screen fer ya'll.


lurkette 08-21-2004 07:17 PM

Yay!!!! A happy dog ending. Keep us posted on his progress, but it sounds like he's bouncing back quickly. All the best. :icare:

Sargeman 08-23-2004 08:33 AM

We adopted a dog from the animal shelter in Amarillo, TX about 3 years ago. Brought her home and she was fine for about a week. Then one day she just went down hill. Took her to the vet and he ran some blood work and found out she had parvo.

He told us that there wasn't anything he could do for her so we had to put her down so she wouldn't have to suffer. It was real sad as we had to have our previous dog of about 6 years put down about 4 months earlier because he had heart worms.

That one almost made me cry. We found him as a pup in Louisiana, raised him, saw him get hit by a car, and was excellent with kids. I mean, any kids that came over could literally jump on him and he would just sit there. He was just happy to get attention. We brought him to TX with us and within a year, he got real weak and sick one day. Took him the vet, he did some blood work and found out he had heartworms. I was there by his side when the vet gave him the injection. He just looked at me and then he was gone. Really sad story. I shed a tear as I was walking out.

K-Wise 08-23-2004 05:46 PM

Dude yer gonna make me cry man....and I'm a dude. I hope I never have to do that.


ForgottenKnight 08-23-2004 06:49 PM

K-Wise: I'm glad you're dog is getting well!

Sargeman: That's really sad! I hope you have another dog recieving your love and attention.

Trisk 08-23-2004 07:19 PM

I'm glad to hear that things are going well with the dog now K-Wise :D

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