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'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
---------- **** CAUTION ***** This is NOT a debate on the merits of guns and gun control. Please do NOT use this thread for posting those kinds of comments they will be removed without notice. If you want to debate that please go to Tilted Politics. **** CAUTION ***** Knowing and excersing your rights is an important thing. One should always know what the laws are concerning them, since "Ignorance of the law does not excuse someone." This is a good example of people knowing and excercising them. |
Yeah I seem to recall an old story I heard about some Hell's Angels being brought up on charges of carrying a concealed firearm, so they all started wearing their guns on their hips.
Kinda makes you wish they kept them hidden. Out of sight, out of mind, you know? |
We were at a flea market in the next town over last weekend and there were a bunch of people walking around with guns strapped to their hips. Scary in one way, kind of cool in another, more base way. In any case, it did make me feel uncomfortable, but they have the legal right to do so.
Im not sure why people get so upset about people carrying guns... I really feel a lot better when I see people with guns. I know they are prepared to use them if necessary, so im going to stay close to them in case some shit goes down.
I have a friend that has a concealed weapon permit, but she still has it strapped to her hip. I guess as an intimidation tactic. I know I wouldnt mess with her. I really have no use for a gun myself, I have a short fuse and I know that having a weapon is just asking for trouble. ---Sometimes I do carry a big knife on my belt. but that is rare. |
That's not for me. I'd end up shooting myself in the foot.
Even if carrying guns in public is legal in Virginia, don't private businesses have the right to refuse to serve or even eject anyone from their property? On the other hand, I suppose they don't want to mess with gun owners themselves.
Overall, I'd have to say that just because you have a right to do something...doesn't necessarily mean that you should. There is a time, and a place for everything, and I'm not so sure that this is it. When you're exercising your rights, you might do well to also exercise a little common sense. Oh...and for the record...I am, most definately, pro Second Amendment and people like this; Quote:
Give me a break. Why are comments like this necessary? Owning a gun does not make you "ready to engage at the slightest provocation" Where do people come up with this? Statistically speaking, there are far fewer gun-related deaths, and even fewer murders, from people that legally carry, concealed or not. |
Why would those guys want to walk around packing a gun? I just don't get it.
Open carry was legal when I was stationed at MCAS Yuma in Arizona.
It was damned convenient. |
Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv...9/cooper27.htm An excerpt, in case you don't want to read the full story: "Mary Caitrin Mahoney, one of three victims shot and killed in a botched robbery at a Starbucks coffeehouse, nearly escaped from the gunman charged in the killings, making it to the sidewalk outside the store before the man caught her and wrestled her back inside. Then the shooting rampage began." |
Re: Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
I would say more but we are not allowed to in this thread because it might lead into a debate on morals and justifications of carrying a concealed weapon. |
*edit: fixed html code* |
Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
Drive back home and leave it then head to starbucks and then back again? again... no common sense there. Now the person you are citing was planning on ROBBING the store... so I don't get what your point is here....I'm supposed to have common sense but the robber isn't? WTF? |
I work in Fairfax, btw. |
do you? :hmm: |
Re: Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
As Bill O Rights said: ...just because you have a right to do something...doesn't necessarily mean that you should. There is a time, and a place for everything, and I'm not so sure that this is it. When you're exercising your rights, you might do well to also exercise a little common sense. I don't think an isolated incident like this gives reason for gun-toting Americans to start carrying their arms into Starbucks or other places where it is generally unneccessary. That's all I meant. |
You have to remember that when you are debating, referencing topics as analogies does not serve to bolster the argument. The topics are unrelated and cannot serve to help one another. The are separate. Driving recklessly has nothing to do with guns, although I completely understand your point. The real issue at hand is the legality of carrying. And I completely agree with quote: "But when you're talking about Fairfax County, you have to look at what is reasonable." Translation: You have to look at what I consider reasonable. Most of these politicians who make the laws forbidding us "commoners" to carry, do themselves carry, which they are legally allowed to do so. Hippocracy. Fuck yes! Why are they so much better or omnipotent then us. |
Re: Re: Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
so in that vein.. Is it "generally unneccessary" for a person to bring porn/sex toys/birth control in their backpack/briefcase to work/school even though they are going to a rendevouz with their SO? Bentley Little - if you read my initial post it's not about the legality of carrying.... it's about Rights, knowing them and excersing them. My analogy is not much to do with the argument but to point out the absurdity of someone saying they don't feel comfortable around a gun because of someone's "knowledge of use". Yet there are plenty of people out there day to day that use things that they should not because they use them equally recklessly. IMO the car analogy is pretty equal since we are desensitized to having to deal with autos on a day to day basis, we don't necessarily deal with arms (depending on where you live.) |
I have open carried before a couple times in Colorado, only to comply with the laws because I didnt have a permit at the time. If you asked me today whether I thought open carry was a good idea I would say only if you feel like you have to make a political statement. Open carry can be tactical in some ways but it is not very tactful. I prefer to carry my guns (one at a time) in moderate to deep concealment so that I have access to them but dont make people feel uncomfortable or pay too much attention to me. This is a personal decision because I like to blend into society. Then, when people find out that I am a gun owner and have a concealed carry permit (almost nobody knows this) they realise that gun owners arent a special breed of people that fit the stereotypes society has established for them. I believe that if people are trained in firearms and are taught exactly how they work they will see that there is nothing for them to fear about a gun in a holster. I mean think about it, you might be afraid that a gun in a holster might randomly go off or that the person wearing the gun might accidentally make it go off but where do you think the muzzle is pointing? In my case the muzzle is covering my ass and I promise you I would not have a loaded .40 caliber pistol pointing at my ass unless I knew what the hell I was doing. The safety on my gun (beretta) also disengages the firing pin so even if I threw the gun across the room with a bullet chambered that gun is just going land and have a screwed up finish.
I think that a group of citizens carrying openly is a hell of a lot more likely to deter an armed robber than the possiblity that some are carrying concealed weapons. I think this will have quite a positive effect on the crime rate, and when people realize just how many around them carry responsibly, it will improve the image of responsible gun owners and dispel some myths about gun onwerhsip.
With that said, I think it's normal for people to feel uncomfortable until they get accustomed to it. |
I will admint that seeing people open carry is a bit strange at first. I know people who um..work in environments where people open carry all the time. To visit them and see people just walking around with guns on their hips is strange for about 2 minutes, then I get used to it.
This is the only thing that makes me pause is this: Quote:
Aside from that, if the law says you can open carry, do so if you feel you need to on whatever level. Just be prepared to answer to the cops a lot because people are going to freak out and call in on you. I don't think it will be long before the legislature in VA tries to ammend the law and prevent open carry. |
I am very much anti guns..in all ways shapes or forms, but because it is legal in the US, there is nothing unreasonable about open carry of guns. I do however disagree with the concept. I just don't feel that kid's need to be seeing people carying guns. It is one thing to tell them that we have a gun locked up in our homes just incase. But it is another thing for kids to be constantly seeing guns.
I think it's a great idea. I think it will help in the long run. Some kid may change his mind and go to church instead of bashing a drug store, bank or your mother.
I've lost my right to carry a firearm,long story, but I still have many shotguns and rifles to keep the peace with. God only knows why. I have never used a firearm nor do I wish the experience. But pray to your maker you don't hurt my family, I'm not affraid to load or use. God Bless The USA. |
I just want to add a little more to my last post. Just by holding a firearm doesn't make me a crazed criminal or someone who wants to hurt you. I know I don't speak for all thugs. I just feel that there are so many bad people that want to hurt you or your family that with the proper training we the people can stop a lot of stupid crimes.
I love my life,and I respect (love) what you you have choosen. The absolute worst thing I could do is hurt another life. There isn't enough law enforcement to protect us all. Educate yourself love your neighbor,but don't be stupid. You must be able to help yourself and not count totally on others to keep you safe.:cool: Cynthetiq, I hope this is the type of answers for the thread you are looking for. This is heart felt and has no political impilcation Hoping we all can can get along! |
i agree with those who said it's a good idea. I like the quote from Grand Theft Auto 3
I think it would also make everyone nicer since nobody would want to piss someone off if they had a gun. edit: I'd also like to say that if we had gun education in school, I think less people would feel uncomfortable about it. I think it should be paralleled with sex education :p ! If you're educated, you're safer. Safe guns and sex for all! |
I remember when I first moved to Arizona , it freaked me out a little to see guys walking down the street with a gun strapped to their hip. I got used to it after awhile though, realizing it's the guy that's hiding his gun that I should worry about.
I didn't care for it when I tended bar, though - we made everyone check their guns - the guns went behind the bar, the owner kept all the bullets. At least that way, there were never <i>loaded</i> guns in the bar. |
The aptitude for criminals to commit violence in the open would dwindle. That's about all I can figure... but then again, capital punishment has been reported as having no dettering effects, so I dunno.
I wear a gun whenever in the bush. I have had 3 instances where it has turned an ugly confrontation into a polite one. It seems to have a calming effect on assholes and drunks.
IMO - People using guns as legal tools should be free to. People afraid of them need to take some gun classes so they are aware of the risks and dangers. |
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
"But when you're talking about Fairfax County, you have to look at what is reasonable." Translation: You have to look at what I consider reasonable. But I agree that your analogy, with explanation does make sense, but wasn't necessary, you could have just stated that in the first place. We have place laws so that when people break them, they will be punished. Hence gun laws. I could say to your point "saying they don't feel comfortable around a gun because of someone's "knowledge of use"" that I do not feel comfortable around trucks (drivers) on the highway at night because more than half of them have a severe lack of sleep and could very easily cause an accident. Or any other type of discomfort. The fact is that we as citizens under the constitution have a legal right to carry firearms, and no, not every person is mentally capable of using one properly, but so as with everything else, there will always be bad seeds. |
Right on. I wish open carrry was legal everywhere. I personally wouldn't choose to carry openly. If I did carry I would have to hide it from my family and even my girlfriend because they will think I am scared and weak. Sad but true, they've all openly professed this. It seems to be the reaction evoked from most people. What part of "it can happen anywhere" do people not understand? |
Threatening people with weapons is not my style..but to each their own.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 'Exercising Right' Called 'Unreasonable' by Some
and what you or I consider reasonable my not meet eye to eye ever, so we try to put some stock in having a mediating reasonable person give us a reasonable answer to help dispel the greys and missing space. it is odd now that I think about it that one has the constitutional right to bear arms, but not necessarily the right to propel themselves across the country by their own means. One is guaranteed the rights to freely move about the country without worry, but driving in all states is still a privilige and not a right. I could live without a gun, but in most places in America one needs to be able to transport themselves self sufficiently and not have to wait for someone else or ineffective public transportation. |
Open carry is not that big of a deal. At least not in my eyes. I really don't know about this group. But gun clubs such as the ones in my area are normally very strict on gun safety. And teach proper gun discipline. If it is their right, it needs to be exercised.
I would have to agree with "yournamehere" I would be more worried about the guy packing the concealed weapon. At least with open carry. You know where it will come from if something ever does go down. |
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