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SecretMethod70 07-10-2004 11:52 PM

Way too funny not to post - ebay punishment
I just read about this in GamePro Magazine and I looked it up on google. This is WAY too funny to not share with everyone.

Apparently, some 13 year old kid misbehaved VERY badly, having friends over while his parents weren't home, drinking some beer, and some Dom Perignon Champagne. So, as punishment, his mom sold his Playstation 2 - his favorite possession - on ebay, with a detailed explanation of why she is doing so.

Auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...107675670&rd=1


Parents please let your children read this auction.

It was a glory day when my son received his Play Station 2. This beloved machine was his prize possession. He played, if not for hours at a time. When he would not take care of anything else, but he took care of this little treasure of his. Ground him, take away phone privileges………….anything but this PS2.











Here is the story: This weekend my 13 year old son decided to be destructive, deceptive and disobedient. I had a bugle I was selling on Ebay and while I was out he decided to “play” with it. Sunday morning when the auction was to end, He picked up the bugle and asked me if I knew it was broken. He handed me the bugle which he had “played” with and both solder joints were broken and since it was out of alignment the slide is now stiff.

Lets back up one night. That was the tip of the iceberg. Saturday night I send my son & his friend to the skating rink like the rest of the parents. I was to pick him up from the skating rink after it ended. Well he went home, while I was not there with his friend and they invited someone I do not know to the house while WE were not there. I get home about 11:30 PM and find the house is wrecked. Beer was missing. Confronted son and friends about beer…Yes they had drank the beer. -$6.00 Strike one!

Get up the next morning only the find the mysteriously broken bugle! -$51.00 Strike Two!

Here is the kicker…………..Husband finds the corkscrew in the floor and part of a cork in the floor. Ask son who is play his beloved Play Station 2 if he has any thing he would like to tell us?

Son- “No”

Dad- “Really?

Son- “No”

Dad- “what did you use this corkscrew for?”

Son- “To open the beer.”

Dad- “What about this cork?”

Son- “What cork?”

Dad- “This cork.”

Son “Oh, THAT cork. I drank some wine too.”

Dad- “Well I hope you enjoyed that because it cost $120.00 a bottle!”

LET THE YELLING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s right my 13 year old son drank a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne- 1995. PUT IT BACK IN THE FRIDGE WITH PART OF A CORK AND THE LITTLE METAL THING BACK ON TOP! -$120.00.







Strange Famous 07-11-2004 12:03 AM

haha. That'll learn him!

KellyC 07-11-2004 12:07 AM

Hahahhaah!! Now that's great parenting!! :lol:

Supple Cow 07-11-2004 12:09 AM

Hah! This is quality discipline.

Asuka{eve} 07-11-2004 12:10 AM

OMG This is truly priceless.

oushi 07-11-2004 12:23 AM

Haha. That bastard deserved it.

isis 07-11-2004 12:26 AM

Wow, I'm glad my mom didn't think of this when I threw a party and her favorite heirloom plate got broken.

Ingenius though.

bermuDa 07-11-2004 01:03 AM

that is so awesome... bad kids sometimes lead to creative parenting. bbq

punx1325 07-11-2004 03:14 AM

LOL! I now know how I will punish my kids in the future. I can't believe that!!!

Blackthorn 07-11-2004 03:26 AM

Ouch! And over a bottle of Dom Perignon....eeeyeeeeecht!!!

Silvy 07-11-2004 04:05 AM

hahaha, very funny and deserved punishment!

Madd 07-11-2004 05:12 AM

LOL classic, when i was 14 my Nintendo 64 was my prize posession, good thing my parents didnt know about ebay then ;)

CaptainGumby 07-11-2004 05:23 AM

Its funny, but I wonder if its true. Why sell just the ps2 & not any of the games? There have been a lot of fake stories on ebay lately as to why an item is for sale. I cant say I blame them, it works! I guess now I just need to come up with an elaborate lie about my wife so I can sell my paintball gun for a premium.

sbscout 07-11-2004 05:35 AM

fake or not, it's still a great idea!

amonkie 07-11-2004 09:57 AM

Nice to see the parents are being proactive in their parenting, and they are certainly going to get a message across to their son. And a 6'3" 13 year old? That's tall.

maleficent 07-11-2004 10:16 AM

What kind of idiot uses a corkscrew on a bottle of champagne?

Isn't the mother really punishing herself? She paid for the game, I don't see where the young cretin paid for the game himself - so isn't mom really out more money then?

World's King 07-11-2004 10:22 AM

What happen to beating your kids?

Bill O'Rights 07-11-2004 10:48 AM


Originally posted by maleficent
Isn't the mother really punishing herself? She paid for the game, I don't see where the young cretin paid for the game himself - so isn't mom really out more money then?
Dayum! And I thought that I was literal...

It's not about recouping her monetary loss. It's about an effective punishment. This gets the little delinquent right where it hurts. Not only doesn't he get to play with his video game...it's gone...sold. And to add a little salt to his wound...he still has the games themselves, that he gets to sit and look at longingly.


Originally posted by
The Original King

What happen to beating your kids?
That went out when we started allowing interfering, nosy busybodies get into our business and start telling us how best to raise our children. After all...it takes a village.

maleficent 07-11-2004 10:57 AM


Originally posted by Bill O'Rights
Dayum! And I thought that I was literal...

It's not about recouping her monetary loss. It's about an effective punishment. This gets the little delinquent right where it hurts. Not only doesn't he get to play with his video game...it's gone...sold. And to add a little salt to his wound...he still has the games themselves, that he gets to sit and look at longingly.

Mom just doesn't come across as being all that intelligent - but what do i know.....

-=shikamaru=- 07-11-2004 11:13 AM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dennis 07-11-2004 11:19 AM

Hot damn, that is a major kick in the pants. Smart momma, but I think mine would do the same to me. She would probably sell my anime collection too.

Kalnaur 07-11-2004 11:22 AM

Now that is punishment. Damn, I'm glad my mother never thought of that. though I was never bad enough for this kind of punishment anyway. My mama put the fear of God (or even worse, the fear of her;))in me real early.

rainheart 07-11-2004 12:36 PM

If she hasn't made a real honest, persevering effort to build a proper and close parent-child relationship with her son, then she deserves to get that shit done to her.

If you raised a child and he turned out to be a brat then who's fault is it? She probably didn't go about raising him properly. She recoils at some misdemeanors by getting revenge on her son, she sounds like a terrible mother.

raeanna74 07-11-2004 01:37 PM


Originally posted by rainheart
If you raised a child and he turned out to be a brat then who's fault is it?
This kid is not grown up yet. He's still learning and obviously his parents are still teaching. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson.

In the end we are all responsible for our own actions. That kid is responsible for his own actions. Sometimes kids just never learn, some are slow learners, some are terribly stubborn. I had a stronger will than my mother. VERY strong will. My mother was very strict. I still screwed up at times.

This sends a strong message to a boy who's just testing the limits of his newfound Puberty. It's good they're doing it now at 13. By 15 my brother hadn't been taught this and wrecked such havoc until he was 21 and got kicked out of my parents house.

I hope he learns his lesson.

If this is just a story - no big deal. I will have to keep this "teaching" method in mind when my daughter hits her teens and starts pushing the limits.

maleficent 07-11-2004 01:51 PM

How is this really teaching?

1. Mom paid for the game.

2. Junior drinks the beer/champagne/breaks bugel

3. Junior should be held responsible for the damage he's inflicted, a responsible parent would make him work off the money owed. (hell, every window I ever broke playing baseball in the backyard, I had to work off to pay for)

By selling something that wasn't the kids to begin with, to work off the debt the kid incurred, what has this kid been taught?

CSflim 07-11-2004 02:12 PM

God, what atrocious spelling.

rainheart 07-11-2004 02:38 PM

Simple truth:
Mom exacts revenge for son's misdeeds.

phoenix1002 07-11-2004 02:43 PM

Well, even if the PS2 was paid for by the mother, it doesn't sound like she was the one using it. My guess is that it was given to the kid as a gift. Which makes it his, even if he didn't pay for it.

This seems like a better form of punishment than simply making him pay for the stuff he broke/drank. There's a difference between breaking a window with a baseball and stealing a $120 bottle of wine. This kid is probably going to want to play his PS2, only he won't be able to, because his parents sold it after he acted like an idiot. Every time he wants to play, he'll probably kick himself for doing what he did.

Either that, or he'll just hate his family and start acting like an even bigger ass.

Either way, the ebay thing is pretty damn funny.

Ace_O_Spades 07-11-2004 03:35 PM


Originally posted by The Original King
What happen to beating your kids?
true dat

My kids are NOT getting away from beatings when I'm a father... It's the only way I learned to respect my dad's authority.

I personally wouldn't sell my kids PS2, mainly because I'm not that cruel as to take away something that means as much to the kid as apparently this PS2 did

Also, we don't know if the kid has a history, or if this a first time offense... If it's the first time, this is a pretty fucking harsh punishment.


People posting here are talking of fear of their Mothers... Now speaking from my experience, my mom NEVER punished me, she deferred to my dad, who laid the smacketh down... So by the time i was in my late teens, when she TRIED to punish me, I would ignore her because it was pointless, she didn't hold any sway over me... Now that my parents are divorced, I never talk to my mom, and when I do we usually fight.

I wonder what it would have been like if she had taken some of the punishment on herself.

Eric640 07-11-2004 07:08 PM

LMAO. I think we've all learned that the best way to sell sometihng on e-bay is to put a nice little story on it.

The guy who modeled the wedding dress comes to mind... he was on a talkshow eventually. Then it turns out the 5+ page story about him leaving his wife and selling her wedding dress because he hated her guts was TOTALLY FAKE.

You guys really think they had a 200$ bottle of wine in the fridge and a 13yr old kid drank it for fun? lmao... whatever floats yer boat. buyer beware.

Eric640 07-11-2004 07:11 PM


Originally posted by maleficent
How is this really teaching?

1. Mom paid for the game.

2. Junior drinks the beer/champagne/breaks bugel

3. Junior should be held responsible for the damage he's inflicted, a responsible parent would make him work off the money owed. (hell, every window I ever broke playing baseball in the backyard, I had to work off to pay for)

By selling something that wasn't the kids to begin with, to work off the debt the kid incurred, what has this kid been taught?


I agree with this too. If it is a true story the mother is a horrible parent.

First of all selling the childs "prized posession" doesn't really have anything to do with the damage he caused.

Frankly, the kid may not even UNDERSTAND what he did and he will be left hurt by loosing his PS without an explanation for it. The kid could simply retaliate at his parents for punishing him in a way he doesnt really understand.

Making him work off the debt is a much better idea.

Plus just remeber that the child caused all this damage when UNSUPERVISED (and with a friend for that matter). He is only 13 years old... had the parents been doing their damn job in the first place there wouldnt even be an issue.

Cowman 07-11-2004 07:24 PM


My kids are NOT getting away from beatings when I'm a father...

.... mainly because I'm not that cruel as to take away something that means as much to the kid as apparently this PS2 did


Rdr4evr 07-11-2004 07:35 PM

He deserved what happened. Although the parents should have had him disciplined enough not to throw a party while they are away.

yournamehere 07-11-2004 07:46 PM


Originally posted by CSflim
God, what atrocious spelling.
What do you expect - it's the internet.
Its rediculous how people loose there spelling skills online - and grammer, to.

MSD 07-11-2004 08:12 PM

I would have thought the experience of trying to open champagne wiht a corkscrew would have been enough of a punishment. I don't know how he still has both eyes.

KMA-628 07-11-2004 08:23 PM

I am guessing this one is fake as I have seen this listing a couple of times in the past.

I thought the story was good the first time I read it, though.

Fob_Magi 07-11-2004 10:48 PM

the mom needs to spend money on english lessons not champagne :P


Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I would have thought the experience of trying to open champagne wiht a corkscrew would have been enough of a punishment. I don't know how he still has both eyes.
hahahahahahahahahha thats great... i didnt catch it in the story i'm glad you pointed it out... rofl

slant eyes 07-12-2004 01:05 AM

my mom would've beat the crap outta me. i'm 27 and i still fear her even though i outgrew both parents when i was 12. the early on discipline is what worked for me and will hopefully work for my kids


Originally posted by yournamehere
What do you expect - it's the internet.
Its rediculous how people loose there spelling skills online - and grammer, to.

LMAO...wait, i hope this was intentional....

cj22009 07-12-2004 03:50 AM

Thats great I think that is great punishment on the parents part.

Peetster 07-12-2004 04:35 AM

Never underestimate the power of a good public humiliation.

onetime2 07-12-2004 04:51 AM

I'm voting for fake but it was a good read nonetheless.

THGL 07-12-2004 05:43 AM

I bet he cried like a little baby! LOL

I'm thinking 13 is about when I started rebelling against my parents (sneaking cigarettes and sips of wine from the fridge, talking back, etc.). I'd never open a bottle of champagne though, that was just stupid!

Baldrick 07-12-2004 06:05 AM

13 years old and he's 6'3"?!? :eek: Methinks McDonalds needs to lay off the steroids in the Big Macs!

And beatings aren't necessary, just the implication that you could give a beating if you needed to. Not once did my Dad raise a hand to me, but he kept me in line because I always "knew" that he would beat my arse if I gave him reason to. Call it fear, call it respect, but that's missing in too many kids these days.

maleficent 07-12-2004 06:10 AM


Originally posted by THGL
II'd never open a bottle of champagne though, that was just stupid!
Exactly, if you are going to sneak booze, they you sneak the stuff in the liquor cabinet, the clear liquids, that can be replaced with water. You don't open a bottle of champagne, and leave the evidence in the fridge...

scrooloose 07-12-2004 06:21 AM

I laughed at this.

raeanna74 07-12-2004 09:12 AM


Originally posted by Eric640
]Frankly, the kid may not even UNDERSTAND what he did and he will be left hurt by loosing his PS without an explanation for it...
At 13 years old you had better understand why you're loosing something valuable to you when you wrecked TWO valuable things of someone else. If not, you are a few fries short of a happy meal and no amount of training will fix that.


Originally posted by Eric640
Making him work off the debt is a much better idea.

I agree working it off would would be better. It would require active participation in his punishment. It can also teach a good work ethic and the value of money.


Originally posted by Eric640
Plus just remeber that the child caused all this damage when UNSUPERVISED (and with a friend for that matter).

He wasn't supposed to be home alone. He was supposed to be at the skating rink with all the other kids. He wasn't supposed to leave early. Granted perhaps there was no supervision there at the time but I doubt all those parents were sending their kids without supervision. I would hope someone would be overseeing. If not then yes they made a serious error. "Saturday night I send my son & his friend to the skating rink like the rest of the parents. I was to pick him up from the skating rink after it ended."

quadro2000 07-12-2004 10:52 AM

If I had pulled this shit, I think my dad would have put me up for auction on eBay.

Fenton-J-Cool 07-12-2004 11:05 AM


Originally posted by maleficent
Isn't the mother really punishing herself? She paid for the game, I don't see where the young cretin paid for the game himself - so isn't mom really out more money then?

No, think of it as a tax refund.

Say I have $1000.

Dom Perignon - $120
Playstation 2 - $170

Leaving me with $710. However, since the Dom Perignon isn't a loss at this point, it's an investment, since I would be enjoying it through drinking it. The Playstation, on the other hand, is a "loss", because I am not using it, it's like it's not there to me. My personal net worth is $830.

Suddenly, a masked man breaks into my house and steals the champagne. Suddenly my net worth is down to $710. So, to recouperate some of the lost funds, I sell my PS2. This does not affect me in the slightest, but my net worth still goes back up to a cool $880. I can buy another bottle of Dom and the universe is righted.

Plus, it would be great to see the look on the little bugger's face.

Ace_O_Spades 07-12-2004 11:12 AM


Originally posted by Cowman


One is psychological, one is physical

I prefer physical to get MY message across... but each to their own i guess

arcane 07-12-2004 12:36 PM

at least the kid has taste

Tinker 07-12-2004 01:22 PM

The only problem with this whole thing is... they left a 13 year old home alone for too long...
I have a 13 year old son.. soon to be 14 and I don't think he is ready to be alone for a weekend... he is close but I am not ready...
nonetheless good story

p0thead 07-12-2004 02:24 PM

haha thats great... i used to get spanked when i was a kid. now if i drank while i was 13, my mom would have broken my neck

thenewguy 07-12-2004 03:05 PM

I think a broken neck might have been a blessing. My mom would have skinned me alive and then said, "Clean this up! Who said you could make a mess like this!"

sexymama 07-12-2004 04:25 PM

Fake or not, the consequence is right in line with good parenting. You ruin something or take something that is not yours, you pay. In this case, the PS2 is the child's and he needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. My kids have had to pay for what they have ruined and if the PS2 didn't bring in enough money, I'd sell something else too.

Note: She left her son at the skate rink and he came home without permission. She sounds like a frustrated, but perfectly reasonable parent to me.

eyeronic 07-12-2004 05:12 PM

Well, that cracked me up. I hope my future children won't be this hard to deal with, but knowing how I was, I'm sure they will be.

ObieX 07-12-2004 07:11 PM

If my parents found out that i was drinking at 13 i think i would have gotten off easy with losing my play station. Especially if i were being a smartass like it was no big deal.

Still a good punishment. Glad to see parents taking responsibility for raising their own kids. Most parents these days would blame it on society, telling their kid to go to their room (where all the fun games and tv and radio and computers etc are) forgeting about it 15 minutes later.

Tinker 07-13-2004 01:45 PM


Originally posted by sexymama
Fake or not, the consequence is right in line with good parenting. You ruin something or take something that is not yours, you pay. In this case, the PS2 is the child's and he needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. My kids have had to pay for what they have ruined and if the PS2 didn't bring in enough money, I'd sell something else too.

Note: She left her son at the skate rink and he came home without permission. She sounds like a frustrated, but perfectly reasonable parent to me.

did not realize the skate rink part... should have read slower *grin*
On that some note..
Last night my 13 year old confessed to me that he tried a cig....
ok so I didnt freak out because I was glad he talked to me and I gave him the usual lecture calmly..
but man
It is so odd to have a teenager, and even more odd is knowing he is going to be trying and doing all the same shit I did..
all I can hope for is everything I taught him sinks in...
I feel good he trusted me to tell me that though, so maybe I have done something right so far

mikec 07-13-2004 01:53 PM

give that mom a high five!! way to goooo MOM!!!

losthellhound 07-14-2004 04:19 PM

I like it.. it has.. a sense of completeness

bet she buys the kid another one for Christmas though.. Some people never learn

jobu 07-15-2004 12:09 PM

looks like this kid needs to learn how not to get caught by mom and dad. but what a great punishment. too funny!

RainbowBright 07-15-2004 04:00 PM

Hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get a kids attention. I'll bet he thinks twice about throwing a party again.

ickma 07-15-2004 04:30 PM

I hate the mom for owning a bugel in the first place. I hate the kid too for being stupid enough to get caught.

lefty8080 07-15-2004 05:15 PM


Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
true dat

My kids are NOT getting away from beatings when I'm a father... It's the only way I learned to respect my dad's authority.

I personally wouldn't sell my kids PS2, mainly because I'm not that cruel as to take away something that means as much to the kid as apparently this PS2 did

You need to be creative as a parent. Some kids would rather take a major beating than a ban from their games. I had a nephew who didn't care if you spanked him, he would laugh, but make him sit on his hands for 10 minutes and you had his attention. Parents need to find that "hot Button" and use it. I think that is why some parents go overboard on certain punishments and wonder why it doesn't work. What YOU think is important and what the CHILD thinks is important are two different concepts.

wytethorn 07-15-2004 05:16 PM

Great idea but i would put a twist on it myself. If he wants another ps2 he would have to work for it. Teach two lessons at once.

Loss for his actions and value of money in how long it take him to earn the funds to replace the ps2..

As far as the drinking is concerned would have taught him the leason the same way my dad did. You want to drink ok lets drink and sat me down with a bottle of jack danials. I was sick for two days and learned my leason about drinking real quick.. I learnd alot from the way my parent punished me and I hope I can do the same for my child as he gets older. Dont just punish make it really teach a leason in the prosses..

Cowman 07-15-2004 06:02 PM

ignore this post

bacon_masta 07-15-2004 09:29 PM

that's AWESOME. my dad pawned my bass guitar for letting my friends drink his beer one night, so i can't help but feel a little pity

Ace_O_Spades 07-15-2004 10:20 PM


Originally posted by lefty8080
You need to be creative as a parent. Some kids would rather take a major beating than a ban from their games. I had a nephew who didn't care if you spanked him, he would laugh, but make him sit on his hands for 10 minutes and you had his attention. Parents need to find that "hot Button" and use it. I think that is why some parents go overboard on certain punishments and wonder why it doesn't work. What YOU think is important and what the CHILD thinks is important are two different concepts.
guess I have a lot to learn about being a parent... good thing I'm not one yet

I'll take this advice to heart for when I am though, thank you

edmos1 07-16-2004 08:02 AM

great, thats just great. now I have to be careful what I do. I do not want my wife selling my PS2, (unitl next March, when the new PS3 comes out) keep this quiet for a couple more months ;)

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