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Old 06-26-2004, 04:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pa
Getting a second cat

So, many moons ago I lived with a girl. This girl insisted we have a pet, so we purchased a small kitten at a local pet store. That particular girl and I parted company a few years back, leaving me with custody of the forementioned kitty.

Fast forward a few years and I'm living with another girl. She contends that the current cat is lonely and needs a friend. While I have no problem allowing another 10 pound ball of fur into the apartment, I do have a few questions.

First off, the low down on the old cat. It's a four year old fixed female tabby. She is energetic, playful, still has her claws.

The new cat is a six year old fixed siamese male. I believe it's supposed to get along well with other animals.

So, I have basically two questions. Siamese are supposed to be a unique breed of cat. Anything I should be aware/afraid of before I let it move in? Second, I know cats don't get along as quickly as dogs, but they will get along, right? What's the best way to speed this process up?

Thanks for any thoughts you might have.
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Old 06-26-2004, 04:22 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Of course I can only speak from my experiences here....

The only time I have had two cats get along is when they were gotten at the same time when they were kittens. Everytime I have tried to introduce a new cat when the existing one has been here for years I've had nothing but problems with the existing cat
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Old 06-26-2004, 04:47 PM   #3 (permalink)
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we've always introduced new cats - we have a 4-cat/2-dog household.
there have been occasional issues.
chances they'll get along are good but unpredictable.
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Old 06-26-2004, 04:51 PM   #4 (permalink)
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It's a good idea to introduce them gently. Put New Cat in a closed room, and let Old Cat have run of the house for a while. Then swap them, so New Cat can experience the smell of Old Cat while exploring the space a little. After a few hours, swap them again. Prepare for Old Cat to be a little freaked out at the smell of New Cat in his space.

Keep doing this for a while until the tension is relatively low. This may take a few days.

Then put them in a room together and watch them. They'll probably stare each other down for a while, and might begin some exploratory fisticuffs. Don't let it get out of hand, but don't assert yourself unduly--it's important that they work out dominance issues as early as possible.

After a while they ought to be cohabiting fairly peaceably. They'll run around a lot and probably squabble, but that's normal cat interaction. It looks like fighting to us, but it's extremely normal.
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Old 06-26-2004, 04:54 PM   #5 (permalink)
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The old cat will never be the same.

Something changes when they get a "friend".
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Old 06-26-2004, 05:17 PM   #6 (permalink)
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You can only try. They may be best of friends, they may be indifferent, or they may not get along at all. It depends.

I guess try it, but have a backup method if it does not work.
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Old 06-26-2004, 06:59 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: watching from the treeline
My male cat acted like a surrogate mother to the kitten we brought home. They're still best buddies to this day. That's clearly the exception though.
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Old 06-26-2004, 07:25 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Portland, OR
Originally posted by ratbastid
It's a good idea to introduce them gently. Put New Cat in a closed room, and let Old Cat have run of the house for a while. Then swap them, so New Cat can experience the smell of Old Cat while exploring the space a little. After a few hours, swap them again. Prepare for Old Cat to be a little freaked out at the smell of New Cat in his space.

Keep doing this for a while until the tension is relatively low. This may take a few days.

Then put them in a room together and watch them. They'll probably stare each other down for a while, and might begin some exploratory fisticuffs. Don't let it get out of hand, but don't assert yourself unduly--it's important that they work out dominance issues as early as possible.

After a while they ought to be cohabiting fairly peaceably. They'll run around a lot and probably squabble, but that's normal cat interaction. It looks like fighting to us, but it's extremely normal.
This is pretty much what we did with our new cat. The new one was much older, and the other one was just a few years old. He smelled her in the closed room, and was just dying to get in there. After a few days we finally put them in the room together, and he kinda freaked out. The other cat was an older female and just kinda sat there, since shes so lazy.

I think it's best to let the existing cat have his or her own ways still. Like if it has a special spot it likes to nap or hang out, maybe keep the other cat away. Whichever one is more domanant will basically take over. They shouldn't kill each other, but there may be a little fighting. The new cat likes to try to be first on the food, but the younger (first) cat will beat the crap out of the new one, and it knows it. So the new cat usually backs off.

Sure, it's not fair, but it evantually works out. They who is in charge, and deal with it. I think the best advice is to just introduce them slowly. Don't just drop the new cat in the same room and expect it to be alright.
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Old 06-26-2004, 08:44 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Southern Cali
The Siamesse probably cant go outside. But you live in an apartment so i suppose thats no big deal.
But yeah, theyre not big on fighting. But they do get jealous super easy. And when they do theyre known to lick large patches of thier fur out and cough up hair balls. Theyre more independant than other cats so it shouldnt be too big a deal unless the old cat is constantly messing with it.
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Old 06-26-2004, 08:49 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Location: Tucson, AZ
Three cats is even more fun than two. There are three way battles for dominance, one will eventually win. The losing-est cat makes friends with the dog. It's like a little society that can be messed with by a few gentle blasts of the squrit gun.
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Old 06-26-2004, 10:33 PM   #11 (permalink)
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a long time ago... my first cat, a siamese btw, was 2 yrs old when a co-worker had to find a home for her 4 yr old cat.

the siamese was the friendliest cat on earth (as long as he was in his own home!)
the poor 4 yr old cat hid in the darndest hard to find him places for two weeks.
finally one day the two cats sat at opposite ends of a window sill.
it wasn't long before they were the bestest buddies ever. usually found in one furry lump somewhere. they bathed each other & they were simply great pals forever after.

then we moved to california. they did fine with the move. one apt & 2 houses.

then we got another cat... left by a stupid neighbor who moved away & left the cat. it took some time for her to feel comfortable. my other 2 cats were old farts then (they didn't care) & she was about middle age for a cat. it worked out though once she felt safe.

then the first 2 cats died. then another cat moved in who was kicked out by some other neighbors. the (then edlerly) female cat wanted NO part of this new intrusive male cat. if took about 6 mos before she quit swatting & hissing at him each & everytime time she saw him. luckily he's a docile laid back cat & not a fighter. but finally peace was made & they would lay side by side, maybe not cuddling like my first two cats, but their peace was made.

so, my conclusion: the younger the cats, the faster & better chance of recepting a new cat into your fold. of course, there's exceptions to ever rule & every cat is different as every snowflake is.

anyway, good luck/best wishes!
i hope youre siamese is even half as awesone as ours was. he lived to be 18.5 yrs, we had him 17.5 of those yrs & loved every single day of his time w/us.

Last edited by bernadette; 06-26-2004 at 10:37 PM..
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Old 06-27-2004, 07:40 AM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Wherever I am!
Originally posted by ratbastid
It's a good idea to introduce them gently. Put New Cat in a closed room, and let Old Cat have run of the house for a while. Then swap them, so New Cat can experience the smell of Old Cat while exploring the space a little. After a few hours, swap them again. Prepare for Old Cat to be a little freaked out at the smell of New Cat in his space.
After doinbg this take each cat and rub them with a towel all over, this will put each cats scent on the towel. Then rub the other cat with the other towel. This will transfer scents. They will both freak out for awhile, but will get used to each others scent much faster.
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Old 06-27-2004, 07:46 AM   #13 (permalink)
choskins's Avatar
Location: Greenville, SC
If one has its claws and one doesn't, I would watch them very closely. You are sending one cat to a knife fight without a knife.
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Old 06-28-2004, 11:18 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: in your imagination
Ratbastid is right.

I've introduced two new cats to my house in the last 3-4 years. My orginal cat, a siamese, was pissed about them at first. Later she started ignoring them. Now, they walk around the house together like they're one animal made out of the bodies of three cats.

One big thing to watch out for is urinating. Even if your cats are fixed they _might_ piss around the house. I suppose it's a territorial thing, but it's certainly annoying and a real pain to clean. For that reason I advise keeping them somewhat confined when you're not home for the first couple of weeks. Once they warm up to each other the pissing shouldn't be a problem.

I'm no expert, but that's my experience.
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Old 06-28-2004, 11:35 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
i thought the same thing about the first cat that my g/f had.. so we got another cat.. old cat hated kitten.. would beat her up on a regular basis.

moved to someplace smaller and then had to get rid of youngest cat as she was very unhappy except when we were home to protect her from the older cat.

now the older cat laments that she has no one to beat up.
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