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BoCo 06-01-2004 05:18 AM

Pizza Hut fires deliveryman for carrying gun that may have saved his life
Pizza man saved by gun, but fired for packin' heat
Prosecutors call it 'clear case of self-defense,' yet national chain prohibits carrying firearms

Posted: June 1, 2004, 1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

A pizza deliveryman won't face charges for fatally shooting a would-be robber several times when he was approached in a high-crime area, but his employer, Pizza Hut, has fired him for violating a company policy against carrying firearms.

Ronald B. Honeycutt, 38, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, says he's been delivering pizzas for 20 years and has always packed heat on the job.

According to a report in the Indianapolis Star, prosecutors announced Friday the Carmel, Ind., man will not face criminal charges.

"It's a clear case of self-defense," Deputy Prosecutor Barb Crawford said. "He did what the law allows him to do to protect himself."

Jerome Brown-Dancler approached Honeycutt at around 11 p.m. on May 17 just after he had made a pizza delivery in Indianapolis. According to the report, Brown-Dancler pointed a 9 mm handgun at the Pizza Hut employee as he was entering his van.

Brown-Dancler's gun carried a loaded 14-round clip but had no bullet in the chamber, Crawford told the Star. When confronted, Honeycutt pulled his own 9 mm from the back of his pants and fired until it was empty. He says he fired 15 times in about eight seconds. An autopsy revealed Brown-Dancler was hit at least 10 times.

According to the report, Honeycutt insists Brown-Dancler didn't fall until after the last shot was fired.

"The guy kept standing. He knew he was injured when he fell," Honeycutt told the paper. "His concern was he made an error, and the only thing he could say when I was grabbing his gun off the ground was, 'I just wanted pizza.'"

After the encounter, Honeycutt took Brown-Dancler's gun, fearing it might be stolen if it was left with the body. He got in his van, drove to the Pizza Hut restaurant where he worked and told his manager to call police, Crawford said.

"This was late at night. This was a high-crime area," Crawford is quoted as saying. "He left because he wasn't sure whether or not Brown-Dancler had any friends with him. As it turns out, he did indeed have friends with him. They left when they heard shots fired."

Honeycutt says he plans to find another job delivering pizzas.

"Other criminals better think twice, because I'm going back out there," he said, "and I know I'm not alone in the way I think about this."

Some Pizza Hut customers have complained to the company after it fired Honeycutt.

"I hope those of you in the media will realize the incredible unfairness of a huge company telling its employees – in essence – they must agree to die for the company rather than use legal reasonable means to defend themselves," Rick Whitham, an Indianapolis attorney, told WND. He says he saw Pizza Hut's action as "clear discrimination against those who choose to lawfully exercise a legal, heavily regulated right."

Whitham wrote to the company: "I don't spend my money with businesses that openly discriminate against people such as myself who understand that the police have no affirmative duty to protect any particular citizen and that no company is worth dying for – particularly yours."

WarWagon 06-01-2004 05:25 AM

Do I think he should be fired? No. Are a lot of these policies by employers stupid? Absolutely. My father works for UPS, who has the same policies. If you see some of the ghettos these people have to deliver in, you'd think that they need a lot more than a pistol for self defense.

BoCo 06-01-2004 05:27 AM

I like how he completely unloaded the clip on the guy. It ensures he won't be coming back and filing a lawsuit. :)

Blackthorn 06-01-2004 05:32 AM

What a crazy story. The guy claims "to only want pizza". Hmmm...funny way of placing the order by pulling a loaded 9mm.

Here's a kick in the ass for you: I can't even count the number of times that I have NEVER been shot when I've ordered a pizza without pulling out a loaded 9mm.

Honeycutt should not have been fired and Pizza Hut should know better. I wish I could say I'd be boycotting Pizza Slut but I never eat there now so I guess that's a wash as far as they are concerned.

1337haxor 06-01-2004 05:35 AM


Originally posted by BoCo
I like how he completely unloaded the clip on the guy. It ensures he won't be coming back and filing a lawsuit. :)
100% agreed
If one is pushed to the point of pulling a out a gun in self-defense, you bet they will empty that thing.


denim 06-01-2004 05:38 AM

I can't boycott them either. I wouldn't buy from them. I'm not the only one, as their local store closed years ago.

Bill O'Rights 06-01-2004 05:44 AM

Hmmm...do I think that Ronald Honeycutt was within his rights to take Jerome Brown-Dancler down? Absolutely.
On the other hand, I also think that Pizza Hut is within thier rights to fire him. It sucks, but it is thier company policy for thier drivers to not be armed. I should imagine that the legal ramifications would be staggering otherwise. Can you imagine the lawsuits against Pizza Hut? Are the packs of hungry lawyers going to come after the pizza delivery man...or the corporation? No brainer there.
Honeycutt's was a clean legal incident, but what about the next time, and the time after that? No, like I said, although it sucks, and may seem unfair, Pizza Hut is making a decision here based on the best interests of the company.

That said...kudos to Ronald Honeycutt. Does the world mourn one less 9mm toting "gangsta"? I think not.

Pacifier 06-01-2004 05:49 AM

Hmm, this story makes me wonde about the american "culture" of self defence.
When is it acceptabel to kill a person? Imagine a robber come to you with a weapons and wants your money. Is it OK to kill him? Kill this guy for, lets say 50$?

A couple of moth ago here in germany a homeowner shot some robbers. One of them was shot in the back as he was trying to run away. Would that be OK in the US?

For me shooting 15 shots at him sounds a bit disproportional, but i guess thats just me.

WarWagon 06-01-2004 06:06 AM

In the US, if you shoot a man in the back, you're fucked.

BoCo 06-01-2004 06:12 AM

Pacifier, when a man is pointing a gun at you, it is absolutely acceptable to shoot back. His self defense had less to do with being robbed and more to do with defending his own life.

Pacifier 06-01-2004 06:18 AM

sure, it is acceptable and understandable. but on the other hand how high are the chances that he will kill you? I mean how many holdup murders are there in the US? Here in Germany I would be pretty sure that he will take my money and then go away, and I will rather give him ~20€ that to kill a person.
And like I said 15 shots seem a bit disproportional

BoCo 06-01-2004 06:29 AM

The U.S. is obviously far different than Germany in that regard. People in bad areas have died simply for their Nikes.

DelayedReaction 06-01-2004 06:32 AM


Originally posted by Pacifier
sure, it is acceptable and understandable. but on the other hand how high are the chances that he will kill you? I mean how many holdup murders are there in the US? Here in Germany I would be pretty sure that he will take my money and then go away, and I will rather give him ~20€ that to kill a person.
And like I said 15 shots seem a bit disproportional

In the middle of a crisis situation you're going to have the time to statistically analyze the situation, produce a probability of survival, and then make a decision based on that probability?

No. You're going to shoot the motherfucker. You're going to shoot him until you are sure he's dead.

Pizza Hut shouldn't discriminate based on what legal rights their employees decide to execute. This man delivered to them for 20 years to high crime areas, and they expect him to die for a pizza?

MSD 06-01-2004 06:36 AM


Originally posted by Pacifier
And like I said 15 shots seem a bit disproportional

Originally posted by BoCo
According to the report, Honeycutt insists Brown-Dancler didn't fall until after the last shot was fired.
I would take the word of a man who reacted to a gun being pulled on him. Even if the robber was on the ground, I would not fault Honeycutt for shooting him if he was still able to fire. I would rather se a mess of a dead attacker in front of me than someone who was probably crippled, but still potentially able to attack me. The fact that there was no bullet in the chamber is irrelevant. At an outside observation point from which the presence of a bullet in the chamber cannot be confirmed or denied, the only safe assumption is that it is loaded and therefore dangerous. I call this theory "Schröedinger's Glock"


Originally posted by WarWagon
In the US, if you shoot a man in the back, you're fucked.
...even if he's holding your family hostage.

Here's my analysis of the situation. A man was hired for at-will employment, subject to certain terms and conditions. If he was unwilling to meet those terms and conditions, he should have left the job and found a company to work for who would allow him to carry a legitimate, licensed defensive weapon. While I disagree with the company's decision to prohibit delivery personnel from carrying defensive weapons into high-crime areas, I cannot fault them for terminating an employee for violating the terms of his legally binding contract on which he placed his signature upon being hired.

Pacifier 06-01-2004 06:46 AM


Originally posted by DelayedReaction
In the middle of a crisis situation you're going to have the time to statistically analyze the situation, produce a probability of survival, and then make a decision based on that probability?
It is not about an analysis, its just how it would work here in germany. In fact most people here aren't armed.

rat 06-01-2004 06:56 AM

Ok, having worked for Pizza Hut as a delivery driver at one of their corporately-owned stores here locally, I can attest to the fact that not only were we NOT allowed to carry weapons while working, but we were also told to cooperate with any robbery attempts made upon our person or the store, regardless of any training or weapons we may have that would incline us to do otherwise.


Makes a little bit of sense from a corporate standpoint, doesn't it? To codify in company policy that you value your people more than you value the money in the cash drawer or safe...that's an uncaring corporation there. The policy is instituted to prevent any would-be heroes that weren't as lucky as the above driver from being injured in a misguided attempt to "protect the company"

The guy knew this when he started working there, and it's reinforced in the training. He accepted the potential negative consequences of his action when he chose to carry the handgun.

1337haxor 06-01-2004 07:14 AM


Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I call this theory "Schröedinger's Glock"
:D HAHA, thats great!


Stud 06-01-2004 07:27 AM

If Pizza delivery people were known to carry guns eventually you would have some clown(s) ordering Pizza not because they were hungry but for the under 30 minutes or it's free gun delivery.

pan6467 06-01-2004 07:54 AM

Pathetic. Truly sad that we have people who feel it is ok to put 10 rounds of a 9MM into a man, and even joke about it. I would say after the second, third shot the guy ain't gonna shoot back. A fourth or fifth time the guy's gonna be half dead. This was pure vigilantism and malice and has no right being a part of my country. You want to defend yourself fine, I have no problem with that, but 10 rounds????? Jesus, enough is enough.

This country gets sadder by the minute. When did we become so bloodthirsty and celebratory of another man's violent death?

The kicker is the victim's gun was not loaded (no bullet in the chamber), your clip can be full but till you have a bullet in the chamber it's not loaded. This driver hopefully and rightfully so should be put into jail for a very long time.

(PS, I delivered pizzas for Domino's (38th and Central store) in the worst part of Indy for over a year. I was robbed at gunpoint, and the robbers were as scared as I was. All you need is to add the fear that the driver now has a gun and they won't just point the gun and take the money, they'll fucking cap the guy before he can do anything then take whatever they want. Think about that as you celebrate what this one driver did, because he probably has cost a lot of drivers to be shot in the near future.

Stud 06-01-2004 08:03 AM


Originally posted by pan6467

The kicker is the victim's gun was not loaded (no bullet in the chamber), your clip can be full but till you have a bullet in the chamber it's not loaded.

And how would you tell this when a gun is pointed at you?

ARTelevision 06-01-2004 08:28 AM

He did OK - he saved his own life, but he lost a dead-end job.

Here's wishing him the best for the future. There's more out there than P-Hut.

water_boy1999 06-01-2004 09:56 AM


Originally posted by pan6467
Pathetic. Truly sad that we have people who feel it is ok to put 10 rounds of a 9MM into a man, and even joke about it. I would say after the second, third shot the guy ain't gonna shoot back. A fourth or fifth time the guy's gonna be half dead. This was pure vigilantism and malice and has no right being a part of my country. You want to defend yourself fine, I have no problem with that, but 10 rounds????? Jesus, enough is enough.

This country gets sadder by the minute. When did we become so bloodthirsty and celebratory of another man's violent death?

The kicker is the victim's gun was not loaded (no bullet in the chamber), your clip can be full but till you have a bullet in the chamber it's not loaded. This driver hopefully and rightfully so should be put into jail for a very long time.

(PS, I delivered pizzas for Domino's (38th and Central store) in the worst part of Indy for over a year. I was robbed at gunpoint, and the robbers were as scared as I was. All you need is to add the fear that the driver now has a gun and they won't just point the gun and take the money, they'll fucking cap the guy before he can do anything then take whatever they want. Think about that as you celebrate what this one driver did, because he probably has cost a lot of drivers to be shot in the near future.

So, would you rather the front headlines in the paper read, "Pizza Delivery guy dies at hands of hungry robber"? Who gives a shit if it was 10 rounds that put him down or if it was 1? The point is, I am glad someone finally stepped up to the plate and did something about the robbery situation rather than just become another victim.

And who says we are being celebratory because a low-life robbery was killed while in the act of robbing an innocent person? It's not about celebrating the robber's death, rather, I am celebrating the delivery guy's life.

In addition, if you add fear that drivers now carry guns, maybe robbers will think twice about stealing from them instead of, "fucking cap the guy before he can do anything then take whatever they want."

*pure vigilantism and malice and has no right being a part of my country.* Where is the vigilantism and malice in this? If the dude is still standing, I would do the same thing if I had a gun and a permit to carry it. The last thing this guy needs is for the robber to get one last shot in before he hits the pavement....the shot that conveniently makes it's way to the drivers head. With all due respect, I find your response to be a bit naive.

animosity 06-01-2004 10:28 AM


Originally posted by BoCo
I like how he completely unloaded the clip on the guy. It ensures he won't be coming back and filing a lawsuit. :)
yupp, when i was a kid i was always told "if you are going to shoot someone u better make sure you kill them."

i like how this guy has been delivering pizza for 20 years and still plans on doing so.

hrdwareguy 06-01-2004 11:37 AM

WarWagon: here in Oklahoma, as long as the person is on your property you can tag them...doesn't matter if it's front or back.

Pacifier: When going through most concealed carry classes you are tought 1) If you pull your gun you better be willing to use it 2) Don't stop until they are on the ground and no longer a threat.

If the guy didn't fall until the last shot then continuing to shoot is justified. If however they can prove he was on the ground in like 5, and the other 10 were while he was on the ground, then the shooter would be toast.

pan: When using deadly force, you are authorized to do so if you feel there is dagner to your own life. the robber could have pulled out a pocket knife and the shooter could have done the same thing and been within his rights. It's about protecting your own life not about only being able to shoot someone 5 times.

Look at people on dope. They don't have the senses to know they've been shot so they keep coming at you. It takes a lot to stop these people.

BTW, there have been studies where after a police officer has been involved in a shooting, they are asked how many rounds they fired. The most common answers are 2 or 3, meanwhile in reality the officer has emptied his clip and reloaded. In this situation, all you do is react, you point and shoot and worry about counting when you're picking up the brass.

raeanna74 06-01-2004 11:56 AM


Originally posted by Pacifier
sure, it is acceptable and understandable. but on the other hand how high are the chances that he will kill you? I mean how many holdup murders are there in the US? Here in Germany I would be pretty sure that he will take my money and then go away, and I will rather give him ~20€ that to kill a person.
And like I said 15 shots seem a bit disproportional

I'm not going to gamble with my life. If anyone threatens me with a gun they are in a sense announcing that they will shoot and injure me. There are enough armed robberies where the victim is left for dead in the end even if they cooperate. I'm not going to take that chance with my life. He pulls a gun on me, displaying a lack of respect for my life and well-being, he reliquishes all rights to respect for his own life.

If I had a gun and shot someone out of defense you can bet I will not leave him alive if there is any possibility that he would do me any more harm, even in court.

Pizza Hut is within their rights. I don't think that their choice is a wise one. If they desire their employees to not carry firearms then they should offer self defense classes for those whom they send to deliver in high crime areas. Otherwise they could simply require that the employee take a course in handling a gun responsibly. That would at least protect the company. They could also have the drivers sign a release, absolving the company of responsibility if they do end up using the weapon in self defense.

There's enough other choices for the company that placing their employees in the face of danger without allowing them to arm themselves is foolish and irresponsible.

denim 06-01-2004 12:03 PM


Originally posted by pan6467
Pathetic. Truly sad that we have people who feel it is ok to put 10 rounds of a 9MM into a man, and even joke about it. I would say after the second, third shot the guy ain't gonna shoot back. A fourth or fifth time the guy's gonna be half dead. This was pure vigilantism and malice and has no right being a part of my country. You want to defend yourself fine, I have no problem with that, but 10 rounds????? Jesus, enough is enough.
I guess you were there! Please tell us about the situation as you saw it on the spot.

merkerguitars 06-01-2004 12:04 PM


Originally posted by BoCo
I like how he completely unloaded the clip on the guy. It ensures he won't be coming back and filing a lawsuit. :)
My local cop told me to always kill and not wound an intruder.

And also...who is to say if you cooperate with a robber, either delivery guy or in the store, they won't shoot anyways...just cause you give them money doesn't mean they won't shoot.

AngelicVampire 06-01-2004 12:26 PM

If you pull a gun you expect to use it.

There is no way to tell that a gun is not loaded from looking at it, unless the clip isn't in and the breach is open.

He was within his rights and sensibly put the guy down, a threat is a threat even when wounded, in fact if he had left the guy he would probably have been more likely to shoot the PizzaGuy as he had been shot... killing him removes the threat and stops being sued for "damages".

p0thead 06-01-2004 01:43 PM


Originally posted by pan6467
The kicker is the victim's gun was not loaded (no bullet in the chamber), your clip can be full but till you have a bullet in the chamber it's not loaded. This driver hopefully and rightfully so should be put into jail for a very long time.
Wow, so you're saying that within that 5-20 seconds or so of having a gun pulled on you, you can look through the chambers and identify whether or not there is a bullet? On top of that, he should just let himself get robbed? I don't know about anyone else here but I would totally disagree with everything you have to say including sentencing the pizza delivery man to jail for a "very long time" for an act of self defense.

DelayedReaction 06-01-2004 01:50 PM


Originally posted by pan6467
Pathetic. Truly sad that we have people who feel it is ok to put 10 rounds of a 9MM into a man, and even joke about it. I would say after the second, third shot the guy ain't gonna shoot back. A fourth or fifth time the guy's gonna be half dead. This was pure vigilantism and malice and has no right being a part of my country. You want to defend yourself fine, I have no problem with that, but 10 rounds????? Jesus, enough is enough.
A 9mm round isn't that big. Depending on where he shot him the guy could easily still be standing. And it was 15 rounds.


This country gets sadder by the minute. When did we become so bloodthirsty and celebratory of another man's violent death?

People always celebrate when they defend themselves. Self-defense is a concept that is universally approved; it's a form of natural instinct. And we are not bloodthirsty; nobody has come out yet calling for the death of more felons as a result of this man's success. What would you have us do? Shoot the man for legally defending himself?


The kicker is the victim's gun was not loaded (no bullet in the chamber), your clip can be full but till you have a bullet in the chamber it's not loaded. This driver hopefully and rightfully so should be put into jail for a very long time.

BULLSHIT. ALL guns are considered loaded until personally verified that they aren't. Are you telling me that, if you were in this situation, you would stop to confirm that he really has bullets?

raeanna74 06-01-2004 02:01 PM


Originally posted by merkerguitars
My local cop told me to always kill and not wound an intruder.


Originally posted by DelayedReaction
BULLSHIT. ALL guns are considered loaded until personally verified that they aren't. Are you telling me that, if you were in this situation, you would stop to confirm that he really has bullets?
In the past I have worked at a local Sports store behind the counter selling guns. We had many law enforcement personel in our store quite regularly. Several told me and other workers and customers several things which included -

1. If you plan to shoot in self defense that you should shoot to kill to prevent the criminal bringing charges against you for injury.

2. Never shoot a man in the back. You will be held responsible.

3. Always consider a gun (or look alike gun) loaded.

The last rule we followed in the gun store religiously. Before we handed any gun to a customer for inspection we were required to open the chamber and remove the clip to ensure that it's not loaded. Then there were instances when teenage kids thought it would be funny to come in and put bullets in our guns while we were looking. We were lucky on more than one occaision that we opened everything before handing the guns over and regularly went through the rifles to inspect that they weren't loaded.

I will still follow those rules.

World's King 06-01-2004 02:04 PM

God Bless American't

mingusfingers 06-01-2004 02:06 PM

I think their hands were kinda tied in this situation-I'm sure many people don't want bullets on their pizza (anyone?), so the policy was made-and they couldn't just ignore it.

Fremen 06-01-2004 02:30 PM

I think it would have been prudent to save a few rounds in the clip just in case those friends of his had jumped in.

cj2112 06-01-2004 05:22 PM

This guy did exactly what he should have done in this situation. His actions were to stop the threat and get away as soon as possible. This is exactly what i was taught to do in my recent concealed weapons permit class. Did he need to kill the guy? I don't know i wasn't there, but I believe that if he has carried a gun for 20 years and up until this incident, had not used it, odds are he's probably not some vigilante out lookin for trouble.
I promise you that if you draw a weapon on me in a threatening manner, I will shoot you, and that the odds of you surviving that encounter are not very good. It is not only my right to defend myself, but as a parent, I view it as my responsibility.
Pizza Hut was justified in firing him, as he knowingly violated their policy, thereby creating the possibility for an expensive lawsuit.

Journeyman 06-01-2004 05:30 PM


Originally posted by Pacifier
When is it acceptabel to kill a person? Imagine a robber come to you with a weapons and wants your money. Is it OK to kill him? Kill this guy for, lets say 50$?
When he comes to you with a weapon and wants your money, he's sending the message that he's GOING to kill you for $50. I don't kill him because I want to keep the money, I would kill him because he's a very real threat to my life, and my life is worth more than his considering I've just met him and didn't like my first impression of him. I know that it's probably not even 50% of the time where it's they're actually going to take your life if they can't take your wallet, but when they point a gun to you, that's the message they send and you shouldn't respond any other way.

I'm not going to lie: You point a gun at me, I'll give you anything you damn well want without a peep, but when muggers end up dead on the ground they've got no sympathy for losing a dangerous game they chose to play.

rat 06-01-2004 05:52 PM

Alot of the people in this thread seemed to have missed the entire point of the article and its subsequent link into this thread. The point being made was not whether the robber was/should-have-been shot, but about the company policy that cost the man his job for performing a legal (though admittedly contrary to company policy) act while in employment for Pizza Hut, Inc. Ethics of murder/self-defense aside, that is the issue of this thread. It's been taken rather off-topic by the last half-dozen or so posts. Let's stick to the issue--analysis of the policy that cost the man his job.

Regarding that, and having been a former employee of Pizza Hut, I offer this defense of their policy, and yes, I do take the corporate standpoint and back them 100%


Originally posted by rat
Ok, having worked for Pizza Hut as a delivery driver at one of their corporately-owned stores here locally, I can attest to the fact that not only were we NOT allowed to carry weapons while working, but we were also told to cooperate with any robbery attempts made upon our person or the store, regardless of any training or weapons we may have that would incline us to do otherwise.


Makes a little bit of sense from a corporate standpoint, doesn't it? To codify in company policy that you value your people more than you value the money in the cash drawer or safe...that's an uncaring corporation there. The policy is instituted to prevent any would-be heroes that weren't as lucky as the above driver from being injured in a misguided attempt to "protect the company"

The guy knew this when he started working there, and it's reinforced in the training. He accepted the potential negative consequences of his action when he chose to carry the handgun.

KWSN 06-01-2004 08:16 PM

My uncle once worked for Domino's and got robbed no less than 3 times, one of the times he was tied to a chair and beaten nearly to death, even after being cooperative. The guy he was on the job with was even less lucky and is now paralyzed from the waist down because they shot him twice for fun. He got nothing back from the job. Neither did the other guy. Pizza Hut are fucking morons. THEY should give HIM a gun. Complete and utter bullshit, thats like firing a bodyguard for carrying a pistol.

Not all robbers are acting with compassion, mind you. If that's what Pizza Hut think they can go fuck themselves.

I M H O.

EDIT: And for the people who complain about the "celebratory" nature of the death, killing a criminal is not a bad thing. It is a right that people have. If people did not have that right, violent deaths would skyrocket. This was not a murder. A murder is something that can be frowned upon. A killing in self defense should not be celebrated necessarily but at the same time should not be frowned upon.

If you'd rather no one ever died I believe that's your problem.

DelayedReaction 06-01-2004 08:39 PM

The policy is foolish. Telling employees that they should never defend themselves acts against human nature; you always defend yourself as best you can if you percieve your life to be in mortal danger. If your best defense is cooperation, then you do that. But cooperating isn't easy when you feel you're microseconds away from death.

I think Pizza Hut should present a policy of intelligent restraint. They should provide training for their employees on how to handle themselves in these situations, and explain what to do. If they want to fire employees for defending themselves, that's their business and their rules. But I would rather they take an active role in the safety of their employees, and educate them in what to do in these situations.

rat 06-01-2004 09:14 PM

The facts are that the overwhelming majority of businesses/corporations that are in the industries involving cash registers and/or delivery drivers support policies of compliance with any would-be robberies.

Compliance has been statistically correlated with fewer injuries and/or fatalities when it comes to robbery/standoff situations in these places of business. Whether it be a corporately owned gas station, a restaurant, a store, or any other cash-handling business, the numbers of stores supporting compliance far outweigh any that do not.

There are several issues at hand. One, legal duty to maintain and promote the safety of one's employees to the best of the company's abilities. As stated above, there are far fewer injuries and fatalities in situations involving compliance with demands. The company has a duty to its employees to advocate the course that provides them the best chances of survival or safety from harm. Two, there lies a liability to the company if one of its employees uses excessive force in restraining/disarming any would-be robber on its premises or during the execution of the employees work (ie, on a delivery). In many states, homicide self-defense is only legal if lethal force is first used upon the person defending himself, and ONLY if that person has no chance to flee. This duty to flee creates greater issues when there is a driver with an automobile on a delivery. Excessive restraint/force is grounds for both criminal damages and civil suits in America. Simple fact of life. It's the same reason the police can not simply beat you with nightsticks if you tell them you won't exit your automobile after a traffic stop. They can remove you from your car, but not club you unconscious unless you resist to such an extent as to place their safety in danger. Thirdly, if a delivery person were to chase a would-be robber and the robber ditched their weapon, they could even make a case for assault and battery against the driver if the weapon is not found nearby or their are no witnesses. Add to that the possibility of criminal trespass to private property if any chase goes through the property of other homeowners, and now you're staring at even MORE liability.

Last thing I'd like to point out is that even if convicted, the robber could pursue legal damages through civil court, where the statutes of evidence are not "beyond a reasonable doubt" but rather a "preponderence of the evidence"--simply put, if it's better odds than a coin flip that the company's employee(s) overstepped their bounds, the company will probably end up settling out of court for a hefty sum.

Rdr4evr 06-01-2004 09:28 PM

<b><quote>"Other criminals better think twice, because I'm going back out there," he said, "and I know I'm not alone in the way I think about this." </quote></b>

Does this dumbass think he is the king of the ghetto now? Does he think he cant be touched? One day someone will shoot him first with that attitude.

BoCo 06-01-2004 09:53 PM


Originally posted by rat
Alot of the people in this thread seemed to have missed the entire point of the article and its subsequent link into this thread. The point being made was not whether the robber was/should-have-been shot, but about the company policy that cost the man his job for performing a legal act while in employment for Pizza Hut, Inc. Ethics of murder/self-defense aside, that is the issue of this thread. It's been taken rather off-topic by the last half-dozen or so posts. Let's stick to the issue--analysis of the policy that cost the man his job.
I started the thread, so I can assure you that both points were meant to be discussed.

Amethyst 06-01-2004 10:28 PM

I think the driver did the right thing and that he shouldn't have been fired. Pizza Hut should have given him a raise for doing a good job. After working there for 20 years and getting fired for just trying to protect yourself? That is crazy.

shalafi 06-02-2004 08:01 AM

The driver was perfectly within his legal rights to carry the gun but Pizza Hut was also within their rights to not allow employs to carry weapons at work. He did what he felt was in his best interest and so did they. Breaking their rule may have saved his life but he did break it and most likely knew he was breaking it. If they didn't fire him they would be opening themselves up to legal troubles over selective enforcement from other people who have been fired for breaking the rules.

merkerguitars 06-02-2004 08:58 AM


Originally posted by pan6467
The kicker is the victim's gun was not loaded (no bullet in the chamber), your clip can be full but till you have a bullet in the chamber it's not loaded. This driver hopefully and rightfully so should be put into jail for a very long time.

It's funny how you say that because in hunter's safety one of the biggest rules about guns is to treat every gun as it is loaded.

Xell101 06-02-2004 06:38 PM

I won't be trusting a mugger to go just far enough to get the desired stuff. Self defense will be on the top of my mind.

Edit: The story makes a good example of why armed citizens work as a deterent, results such as that.

pan6467 06-02-2004 08:56 PM

Ok first of all my most quoted sentence was not meant that he should have expected a gun not to be loaded. It was meant as sarcasm and in my belief will be used in court by the family to say the kid was just trying to scare.

Yes, every gun should be treated as loaded. But now when the family sues "intent" will be an issue.

Nowhere did I say he was wrong to defend himself. The problem I have is 10 freaking rounds in the man. There is truly no excuse for that whatsoever. You can argue all you want, I defy any man on here to take 5-6 shots in 8 seconds and be standing and alert enough to shoot a gun, on drugs or not. Imagine twice that going through you.

And as far as shooting till the guy is dead to avoid a "lawsuit" or criminal charges. Is ridiculous. We all might as well walk around with guns strapped to our waists and bring back the old Wild West lawlessness menatality.

And I still believe at least in Indy, this will lead to drivers getting capped and it will not be this great "deterrent" everyone says it will be. Hope I am wrong.

DelayedReaction 06-03-2004 07:57 AM


Originally posted by pan6467
Nowhere did I say he was wrong to defend himself. The problem I have is 10 freaking rounds in the man. There is truly no excuse for that whatsoever. You can argue all you want, I defy any man on here to take 5-6 shots in 8 seconds and be standing and alert enough to shoot a gun, on drugs or not. Imagine twice that going through you.
So you're a ballistics expert?

A bullet does not contain enough kinetic energy to send a guy flying; especially a 9mm round. Hollywood has done a wonderful job of presenting that misconception. The guy fired his entire clip, and 2/3 of those rounds hit their target. He fired until he was certain his target was DOWN, which is what you do in a high-stress situation.

You keep on assuming this guy is going to be able to evaluate the situation; that's bullshit. You're not going to be able to tell if your target is "alert enough to shoot a gun," just as you can't tell if the guy's gun is loaded in the first place. You assume a worse-case scenario and fire until your target is dead.

How many rounds would you prefer this man have fired? Is there a limit we should set up? How would you decide such a thing?

Stud 06-03-2004 08:17 AM


Originally posted by pan6467
Ok first of all my most quoted sentence was not meant that he should have expected a gun not to be loaded. It was meant as sarcasm and in my belief will be used in court by the family to say the kid was just trying to scare.

Yes, every gun should be treated as loaded. But now when the family sues "intent" will be an issue.

Yes, but not the intent of their little angel. That would not get them the money they feel they deserve and will actually complete the robbery of the institution their progeny initiated.

Originally posted by pan6467

Nowhere did I say he was wrong to defend himself. The problem I have is 10 freaking rounds in the man. There is truly no excuse for that whatsoever. You can argue all you want, I defy any man on here to take 5-6 shots in 8 seconds and be standing and alert enough to shoot a gun, on drugs or not. Imagine twice that going through you.

OK, So what was the excuse to shove a gun in someone's face?

Originally posted by pan6467

And as far as shooting till the guy is dead to avoid a "lawsuit" or criminal charges. Is ridiculous.

Why is that ridiculous? You yourself have brought up lawsuits in your post above! So obviously it is not ridiculous and since the family is now trying to lie what do you think a known criminal would do? Someone who is willing to pull a gun on someone is not likely to have scruples about lying to get even more money!

When people like you who feel for violent criminals may be on a jury I think it is the only choice an honest man has.

Originally posted by pan6467

We all might as well walk around with guns strapped to our waists and bring back the old Wild West lawlessness menatality.

Do you have any specifics of this mentality that do not involve fictional movies? More people are murdered now then back then. Hands down. No questions asked.

Originally posted by pan6467

And I still believe at least in Indy, this will lead to drivers getting capped and it will not be this great "deterrent" everyone says it will be. Hope I am wrong.

I agree with you on this part.

Gebbinn 06-03-2004 09:07 AM

Speaking on the matter of Lawsuits.. I have read a few references in this thread about the criminal bringing tort charges against the individual or company. My problem is, why does no one ever speak of the victim of a violent crime bringing charges against the perpetrator? Why cant this driver sue the criminal's family for allowing this man to assault him? Because you can damn well bet the family of the criminal is going to try to sue the driver, as well as PH.

That is the problem with the civil system in this country.. honest law abiding, sensible people are left at the whim and mercy of greedy criminals and the lawyers who perpetrate the steady decline of decency.

I say sue the criminal, thier family and friends.. see how they like it for once. If I ever fall victim, you can damn well bet I am going to do EXACTLY that.

moonstrucksoul 06-03-2004 09:20 AM

i do not doubt that he has waited a long time to do that. company policy is company policy, i don't sympathise for him losing his job.
what if one of the bullets had killed a child? pizza hut would be sued for letting him carry the gun regardless of their non-actual knowledge of it.

DelayedReaction 06-03-2004 02:59 PM


Originally posted by moonstrucksoul
i do not doubt that he has waited a long time to do that. company policy is company policy, i don't sympathise for him losing his job.
what if one of the bullets had killed a child? pizza hut would be sued for letting him carry the gun regardless of their non-actual knowledge of it.

What if his bullet had accidentally ripped a hole in the space-time continuum and allowed an alien race of giant space hamsters to invade and subjugate our planet? Pizza Hut would be really fucked then.

The guy was assaulted in a high-crime area, and was defending himself. Let's not expand this argument to the hypothetical; there's enough to discuss right here in the real world.

Laugh! 06-03-2004 03:10 PM

People keep saying that the gunman would not kill the driver if he had just gotten the money and/or pizza. Unfortunately, many times the robbers do kill the victims to make sure they leave behind no witnesses.

One of my good friend's brothers was killed in a sporting goods store after he complied with a robber's request to hand over all the money in the register. I'd like someone to tell him that nobody should defend themselves. As for Pizza Hut, the rule might be foolish, but as long as it is a rule, they can fire employees for breaking it.

rat 06-03-2004 05:33 PM


Originally posted by DelayedReaction
What if his bullet had accidentally ripped a hole in the space-time continuum and allowed an alien race of giant space hamsters to invade and subjugate our planet? Pizza Hut would be really fucked then.

The guy was assaulted in a high-crime area, and was defending himself. Let's not expand this argument to the hypothetical; there's enough to discuss right here in the real world.

Or we could acknowledge that time and again, the "deep pockets" approach to justice succeeds, and he with the most money gets sued. In the possibility outlined above about an innocent bystander being sued, Pizza Hut WOULD be responsible, as the man did it while executing the conditions of his employment at the time of the assault/homicide. Pizza Hut would also lose a few million in settlement dollars, guaranteed. it's the way the system works.

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