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Drider_it 05-07-2004 02:32 PM

A state representative in Lousiana is upset about all the underwear he's seeing.....
OMG could the fucktards that run my state actually have a better time trying to pass laws that need to be passed.. like getting the fuckers that drink and drive off the roads and such.. but no.. this bastard is more opt to stop fashion trends.

A state representative in Lousiana is upset about all the underwear he's seeing due to low-riding pants. Now he's going to do something about it.

From The Associated Press:

People who wear low-slung pants that expose skin or "intimate clothing" would face a fine of up to $500 and possible jail time under a bill filed by a Jefferson Parish lawmaker.

State Rep. Derrick Shepherd said he filed the bill because he was tired of catching glimpses of boxer shorts and G-strings over the lowered belt lines of young adults.

The bill would punish anyone caught wearing low-riding pants with a fine of as much as $500 or as many as six months in jail, or both.

"I'm sick of seeing it," said Shepherd, a first-term legislator. "The community's outraged. And if parents can't do their job, if parents can't regulate what their children wear, then there should be a law."

Ever see a little more of a guy's crack

then you wanted to when he bent over? Not a pleasant site, but it happens right? Heck, we even make jokes about it. "Plumber's crack" is what we call it here in North Dakota.

But should such exposures really be misdemeanor offenses? Is this representative really trying to pass a law that could put somebody in jail for not wearing a belt?

I understand his point about seeing the boxer shorts and g-strings. For a lot of kids these days, that's the fad. That's the style. They let their underwear show. I'm a little tired of seeing 12 and 13 year-old girls in the mall with their underwear hanging out of their pants. I think its disgusting. But I also don't think its cause for a law.


oh and this one from our local tv station


analog 05-07-2004 02:35 PM

This is almost the dumbest thing i've ever read, thank you for bringing some light to it.

Drider_it 05-07-2004 02:37 PM

i mean here we have a drive by shooting and nothing done about it but lets spend tax dollars stoping this pants thing.. sure..

makes me wonder why louisiana is low on the popularity list of our country.

Zeld2.0 05-07-2004 02:39 PM

i hope this thing gets canned

government should not be telling us how to live at all

TopRamen66 05-07-2004 02:42 PM

hahaha what a shithead! It would make my day to get arrested for wearing my luckys too low. I would answer right back with "Goodbye USA, helloooo Canada!"

mystmarimatt 05-07-2004 03:14 PM

This is the greatest thing i've ever heard. God Bless America.

Hrothgar 05-07-2004 03:15 PM

Time to move to another country.

MSD 05-07-2004 03:22 PM

Pre-teens with visible thongs is not an ideal situation, but it is very preferable to regulations on what everyone can wear.

Drider_it 05-07-2004 03:46 PM

so does this mean that on my concrete job when i bend over to put a nail in a form to set it or drive a steak i have to watch out for the gestopo-pants party liberation front police?

why dont they just pass a raise for them also..

sorry you gotta understand the fact that sure it a somewhat viable bill.. hell eating a dog sounds good if you load a bunch of bullshit to go with it.. but it all comes down to this..

there has to be something more important the elected officials could be working on.. instead of this..

bermuDa 05-07-2004 04:20 PM

it's like extending dress codes from high school into adult life... what a crock of shit.

hey representative shepard... you don't like seeing my ass? gouge your eyes out with a plastic spoon.

Phaenx 05-07-2004 04:37 PM


Originally posted by bermuDa
it's like extending dress codes from high school into adult life... what a crock of shit.

hey representative shepard... you don't like seeing my ass? gouge your eyes out with a plastic spoon.

I think the legislation is targetted at kids. It refers to parents being unable to do their job. Adults aren't dictated by their parents, so I'm guessing you're free to wear all the low riding jeans with g-strings you want.

CSflim 05-08-2004 09:42 AM


H. B. 1626 cracks down on clothing that exposes underwear or certain body parts. The bill's author, Rep. Derrick Shepherd, D-Marrero, says the measure would help uphold public decency standards, and possibly even reduce crime.

Strange Famous 05-08-2004 09:52 AM

This guy is clearly unfit for office. It sounds like a law Idi Amin once passed banning mini skirts and sandals, during the time he was trying to suck up to the Saudi's...

Impisheye 05-08-2004 10:22 AM

Methinks he doth protest too much about glimpses of young adults underwear and flesh. Don't any middleaged women in your state flash a bit of G string. Not always pretty I admit but I've seen plenty here as well as acres of builders bum over the years. Not to mention the obese women in pale leggings who might as well be wearing nothing at all when they bend over and stretch the fabric to the point of transparency....now that should be outlawed ...hmmm..anyway t'was just a thought.

maleficent 05-08-2004 10:51 AM

What about all the undies of the fellas that we're forced into seeing - -ya know that extremely tacky look of the jeans 5 sized to big so they hang around their hips -- each time they bend or move -- we get to see either tighty whities if their mommas dressed them, or boxers --

If they're doing it for girls, equal opportunity.

Personally, I don't want to see anyones underwear on the street, but enforcing a law? I think people should just be forced into seeing pictures of themselves and see how ridicullous they look.

Polyphobic 05-08-2004 07:03 PM

Isn't this just the latest idiotic law (or proposed law) from Louisian in as few months? What is wrong with that state?
You do not need to legislate everything you find offensive. Fools

tisonlyi 05-08-2004 07:34 PM

You are free in America...

...to do as "We" tell you.


I'll leave who the "we" is up to yourselves.

(yes, my tongue is in my cheek)

MSD 05-08-2004 07:59 PM


Originally posted by maleficent
What about all the undies of the fellas that we're forced into seeing - -ya know that extremely tacky look of the jeans 5 sized to big so they hang around their hips -- each time they bend or move -- we get to see either tighty whities if their mommas dressed them, or boxers --
It isn't 1995 anymore. That's way out of style.

Fremen 05-08-2004 08:45 PM

Somebody oughta pants this guy. :rolleyes:

Holo 05-09-2004 06:28 AM

Looks like another politician needs to have a disgusting sex term named after him ala Rick Santorum.

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