Originally posted by raeanna74
Only problem with this is in the case of a monogomous couple that has been together for a while. It's common for a couple in that situation to stop using condoms and only use other forms of birth control. Then if one of them is cheating and is diagnosed - they are then the person responsible. They will have to be careful to only charge those who were truely knowingly irresponsible.
In the case of a long term relationship I can see some culpability on the infector, since a LTR is a relationship based on implicit and explicit trust of your partner. However in this situation the guy is a convict-someone you might not wanna trust in the first place. I don't know him or her, but chances are she's a moron who got herself a con bf and jumped into this with a blindfold on. The same exact thing can be said for casual sex without protection.
Another pitchfork point: If the rubber breaks and she gets HIV or she gets it from him thru a manufacturing defect in the condom, will he be charged with manslaughter like in a car accident? can he be culpable for accidental infection? and if a man doesn't disclose his status but accidentally infects his partner in this manner is he legally culpable? I mean if you provide seatbelts while giving someone a lift and that seatbelt breaks in an accident that wasn't your fault and they die, are you at fault? Can you predict the condom will fail in a given sex act?
the biggest problem with someone who has these diseases is they dont' stop being human...they still want to lie next to someone and be intimate or just get laid. They know for a fact full disclosure will ensure they will be sexless for the rest of their lives. So they have a dilemna; Do I forgo all sexual activity or just wear protection and hope nothing goes wrong? Remember not all ppl are as noble or strong as you might be...some may not be able to resist their sexual urges and take a chance.