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marcopolo 05-04-2003 08:31 AM

Worst Job You Have Ever Had
As a teen I worked at Mc Donald's ... it TRULY sucked .

Lets hear your worst jobs . Any Port-a-John honey dippers in the house?

Shokan 05-04-2003 08:38 AM

I got hired as a cook in a new resteraunt that opened up. Before opening day the freezers shut down over the weekend. Which meant all the food was spoiled. Guess who had to help throw out all that stinky food?

gov135 05-04-2003 08:40 AM

Waiting tables at the country club. Very, very bad job. Most people were alright, but many had too much money, and the arrogance that comes with it. Example: One lady sent back her dinner EVERY time she came, which was about twice a week. Another, a lady (the women were the worst) never ordered anything remotely close to what was being offered on the menu.
It was an awful job, made worse by: we did not get tipped. Which was probably a good thing, cause these people were pretty tight with the cash anyhow. But you took all their crap for a lousy seven bucks an hour. In the end, they could have a terrible meal and you'd get paid the same, so there was no real incentive to put up with their crap. I think some of them just got their jollies by being able to make a stink and having people care about it even though they were knocking on deaths door.

I moved on after about a year, and made much better money at the local rib joint.

Sun Tzu 05-04-2003 08:53 AM

Dishwasher for an Itailian food place. I was fired for throwing dishes away. It took me weeks to get old cheese odors off me.

spectre 05-04-2003 09:21 AM

When I was 13, I was a caddy at a golf course. Waking up at 5 am, riding my bike half an hour, then carrying a heavy bag around in the hot summer wasn't a lot of fun.

ninety09 05-04-2003 09:24 AM

I worked at Harveys. Hated each and every minute of it.

I quit after 2 days.

phredgreen 05-04-2003 09:39 AM

i went into telemarketing... fleecing a bunch of poor old people whose churches had sold their names and telephone numbers to a political action comittee... who in turn had us call and bother them for money. some of these people's phones were ringing off the damn hook all day by people trying to take their money for worthless crap (if they even got anything at all). i wasn't performing up to their standards because i trlu felt sorry for these people, and after they sent me home early for not producing well enough, i just never came back.

gibber71 05-04-2003 09:45 AM

Worked as a roofer for one day.I don't care if it's the only job left in the world,I will not do it again.

Antagony 05-04-2003 10:08 AM

I was a bus boy at a Mexican food restaurant for a couple of months.

The job itself wasn't all that bad, but I had a supervisor that for some unknown reason absolutely hated me. He made work miserable for me when it didn't have to be.

You know what he said to me one time? He said, "Hey, I need you to go clean the bathroom for me. Just go in there and clean it for, oh say, 2 hours. Just stay in there cleaning."

So I go in the bathroom and clean it. I had the place totally spotless after 30 minutes (pretty small bathroom), so I walked out. There he was waiting for me, "It hasn't been two hours! Get back in there and clean some more!"

What a jerk.

I just wish I knew what it was I had done to make him hate me so much.

Junchbailey 05-04-2003 10:42 AM

I used to pump gas. People act you are the lowest form of life with an IQ of about 20. I hated that job.

JadziaDax 05-04-2003 10:54 AM

McDonald's is on that list... so is this one major grocery store chain and a clothing store in a mall. I guess you could say that any of those shitty paying, crappy hours jobs qualify.

zipper 05-04-2003 11:05 AM

I guess you guys lived in the city..........I worked at Tyson's (the chicken company). I have done ALMOST everything you can imagine with a chicken. Terrible place to work!!

I also worked at an egg processing place...10 hour days up to your elbows in rotten eggs. Worst 8 months of my life!!

Not many chances up in the Ozarks hills of North-West Arkansas....

onodrim 05-04-2003 11:06 AM

My first job when I was 15 was at a doctor's office. I worked as a file clerk, and I didnt mindthe actualy work, kinda enjoyed it actually. THe problem was the other workers - a few women in their 40s. Being much older and experienced than me, they all figured that somehow gave them the right to give me a hard time about everthing. It was clear they didn't want me working there, and it was making me miserable, so I quit. (Of course, I probably shouldn't have been working at 15, but thats my parents for ya :p)

troit 05-04-2003 11:54 AM

Worked as a dishwasher at a very low end restaurant growing up. You would touch thiings with your bare hands that you wouldn't even think about doing otherwise... glad I was able to move on from that.

james t kirk 05-04-2003 12:37 PM

Believe it or not one of the HARDEST jobs i ever had was in high school raking leaves.

I think i was 15 and got this job through manpower paying like 3 bucks an hour raking leaves at rich people's houses.

Of course they all had like 4 acre lots with a hundred fucking trees.

I raked one day (with a rake too) all day and just about had to call an ambulance to take me home.

I have done a lot of tough dreary work, but that one stands out.

bundy 05-04-2003 03:29 PM

waiter/bitch at a cafe in town.
nasty people ran the place.
nasty people went to the place.
nasty times all round.
and then they tried to underpay me.

mafugga 05-04-2003 03:33 PM

Locations PA on the set of some shitty Robert Patrick movie. Nothing like making sure nobody kicks over the pylons at 3am night after night.

Fly 05-04-2003 04:12 PM

concrete finisher for a few years.damn knees just ain't the same

G_Whiz 05-04-2003 04:25 PM

No one's going to believe this, but clerk in a Porno Store was my worst job.

This was back before VHS was popular. I think I saw every film (8mm) that they had through a reel-to-reel editor. Plus, I had to clean up the video booths a couple times a day.

raeanna74 05-04-2003 04:28 PM

Worst job I ever had was working at Fox Point Clothing manufacturers sewing Polaris jackets and getting paid piecework. No matter how hard I worked it sucked. I needed the money and every time I got up to a certain speed the jerks changed me to a different station so I had to learn something new. I only worked there 2 weeks and handed in my 2 week notice. Worked a total of 4 weeks and the last week I was there accidentally sewed 3 times right through my fingernail when someone walking by bumped my elbow. Rotten job, rotten pay. Never do it again. On the other hand the best job I had was in gun sales. That rocked.

nefarious 05-04-2003 11:46 PM

I've been working in construction for about 4 years ..

my dad owns the company .. i done something in every trade. . nothing worse than being a Roofer .. or a Laborer for masonry .. or doing insulation ..
the worst for me was sitting in the attic of a house in the middle of summer .. it was probably 100+ degrees outside .. blistering in the attic. .

KillerYoda 05-05-2003 01:04 AM

Chick-fil-a fucking sucked. I stole my uniform shirt from there and two years later it still reeks of chicken.

butthead 05-05-2003 03:05 AM

I used to help my friend and his dad do their trucking thing. My friend and I would wake up around 2 AM, then drive 3 hours to the bay area, load the truck, then spent until around 4 PM driving around California unloading boxes and shit. All for $20 a day. My friend and I were around 14 and 15 and we had a lot of fun so it was all right.

pazza 05-05-2003 03:52 AM

I worked at one of those $2 stores, whenever i got to work i had absolutely nothing to do, the manager wouldnt tell me what to do and i usually ended up walking around straightening the aisles for 5 hours. It doesnt sound all that bad but i get bored easily and this drove me insane

Empty_One 05-05-2003 06:21 AM

When I was 18 I worked in the deli of a major food chain. Wasn't that bad untill the little old ladies would come in and demand 1/8th of a pound of ham or something, cut to their perfect thickness. Nothing like cutting a pound of ham to get that perfect 1/8th of a pound.

Another job I worked help desk for the company that sells the extended warranties at circuit city. So I would get people who knew nothing about their systems, calling because it "just wouldn't work" The problem with the job was I basically had to prove the hardware worked fine, since that was under warranty.

It was my job to convince their hardware worked fine, and come up with any reason that it was a software problem.

No Matter what the problem, I had to do a system recovery, which involved wiping the drive. Even if your computer was working fine, your house got hit by electricity, and your moden no longer worked, I still was expected to find a way to make it be a software problem.

I quit 2 weeks after my training because I just couldn't lie to the poor people anymore. My boss seemed confused by my reason for quitting. Fuck, I hated that place.

hrdwareguy 05-05-2003 06:42 AM

I worked loading trucks at UPS for about a month. And I don't mean the little brown package cars that you see driving around. I'm talking about the 40 foot trailors.

It would really suck when you were in the middle of loading and the lot porter would hook up and tow the trailor off while you were still in it. Happened more than once to me.

rockogre 05-05-2003 06:46 AM

I did landscaping in north Oklahoma City for a while. Sprigging grass in late August has got the be the hardest, hottest, dirtiest, and most back breaking job I ever had.

Charlatan 05-05-2003 07:25 AM


Originally posted by ninety09
I worked at Harveys. Hated each and every minute of it.

I quit after 2 days.

I worked at a Harvey's for about a year... Didn't like it especially but it was a half decent part-time job compared to my worst ever job...

I had a job where I helped to keep a garage clean. Part of the job was picking up after mechanics (they were notorious slobs) the other part was cleaning the garbage trucks they were fixing... I had to climb into the back of the trucks and scrape the crud that built up behind the compression blade. The only upside was that they picked up garbage from Columbia House and I would get boxes of free music on tape (this was the early 80s after all no CDs)...

harry 05-05-2003 12:35 PM

My worst job was being a guard in the army. No wait, I didnt get payed, so I guess that doesnt even qualify as a job. It sucked anyway.

splck 05-05-2003 12:44 PM

I worked on a blueberry farm for a summer when I was 15. The owner was an idiot that would tell you to do one thing then freak at you for doing it. It was like I was supposed to read his mind.

Cynthetiq 05-05-2003 12:51 PM

never worked in a mall... well once.. for about 2.5 hours...

frozen yogurt shop in the mall... sucked ass.. didn't like it, never collected my pay and never returned after my break.

hilbert25 05-05-2003 01:13 PM

I worked as the maintenance staff for a campground/trailer park.

It was great, with absolutely no responsibilities other than cleaning a pool, hitting on the lifeguard, and driving around in a cart and picking up leaves, trash, dead animals, etc.

The only bad things came when I had to clean the public bathrooms 2x a day. People in public bath rooms are animals, especially the women in the women's room (the horrors of which I will not divulge).

The only other bad things would be pumping out trailers sewage tanks and on holidays when we had to clean up the ash from the hundreds of campfires that happened, which involved simply shoveling hundreds of pounds of wet ash into a dumpster.

uncle phil 05-05-2003 01:36 PM

for any of you who have been there, two little letters...


ratbastid 05-05-2003 01:44 PM

I have two. When I was in high school I worked at Little Caesars Pizza. I made pizzas and crazy bread, which was okay, and washed and cleaned, which wasn't.

One time I washed dishes and pans for 12 straight hours, and when I got home I couldn't move enough to get undressed.

The other horrible job I had was working for a company that sold vitamins. You know the little form on your credit card bill's envelope that you can fill out and include with your bill to order stuff? Well, ours offered people a free 30-day sample of vitamins, and in very small print you agreed to get 60-day supplies every 60 days, automatically billed to your credit card.

When people realized this, usually 90 days or so after paying their credit card bill, they'd call and scream. At me. That was my job.

I promised myself I'd never again work a job that was just the shit-end of customer service.

Frosstbyte 05-05-2003 02:06 PM

My worst was definitely as a busboy. I made decent money because it was a nice restaurant, but it was such a lame and rough job. It makes you feel just used. You get ordered around by everyone else who works there, you do the dirtiest stuff and you make a tiny fraction of what the server makes even though all they do is stand there and look pretty and you do all the work. It was annoying. I'm not cut out for the restaurant biz.

etla 05-05-2003 03:22 PM

Taxi driver. There's a reason they can only get guys who can't speak english to do that job.

Zotz 05-05-2003 03:35 PM

hmmm.....the worst one? I think it would have to be the summer job at the veterinarian's cleaning dog poo out of the kennels. Now that was a shitty job.

BuDDaH 05-05-2003 03:45 PM

This one time, at band camp....... One girl insisted and made it a personal quest to try to take all of me in her mouth, but the worst of it is that she had this overbite that hurt like hell and killed my hard-on because she felt like she punctured me while trying also to hold herself from throwing up....
Not that kind of job you meant... huh?

uncle phil 05-05-2003 04:02 PM

buddah, you are a real trip...

james t kirk 05-05-2003 04:07 PM


Originally posted by hilbert25
especially the women in the women's room (the horrors of which I will not divulge).

Yeah, when i was in high school i worked thurs, friday evenings at Woolco, and Saturdays.

Part of my fun job was to clean up the washrooms, and i would agree with you that the women's washrooms would have been cleaner if they were being used by hogs.

I think that was the start of when i began slowly loosing respect for women.

SeXuaLSoYBeaN 05-05-2003 04:56 PM

I don't have a job yet so I can't answer this :(

Jesus Pimp 05-05-2003 05:06 PM

I used to work at Boston Market and Au Bon Pain in high school. They were most humilating jobs ever. The worst though has to be working in a fan factory moving greasey pipes from one assembly line to another.

loganmule 05-05-2003 08:24 PM

doing summer work on the kill floor at a meat packing plant...hogs went from squealing to pieces in the fifteen minutes it took to go from one end of the assembly line to the other (they were hanging upside down on hooks anchored behind leg tendons)

Bill O'Rights 05-06-2003 11:26 AM

You'd think that working at McDonald's would have been my worst job ever...but thinking back on it, some 23 years later, it was probably the best job/time I've ever had. I was young and dumb, living at home (read no expenses, save my car), and lotsa cute young teenage co-workers willing to fuck my brains out. Oh, to be 17 again. :D

Liquor Dealer 05-06-2003 11:56 AM

I worked in law enforcement for quite a time when I was younger - worked for a crooked sheriff - the most despicable thing on earth is a crooked cop - One night I picked up a bunch of drugs - still in the evidence bag with my initials on the seal from the night before. Ever quit a job at 3 in the morning - standing on the district judges front porch?

Reese 05-06-2003 12:10 PM

The HARDEST job I had was working as an off bearing for a sawmill. I was stacking and banding everything that came off the rollers. Its not the worst because of the good pay, good hours and good workers and boss. Its also a plus that we didnt work when it rained, snowed, too cold, too hot, too muddy or if something broke down. However I haven't had a job that I really really hated...

YELLOW450 05-06-2003 12:30 PM

Worst i've ever done was a welder, didn't matter the weather, hot or cold you were out in it. Short lunch breaks and hardly any time off. Damn, that job blowed.

SaltPork 05-07-2003 06:49 AM

Landscaping...what a shitty job. On the outside it looks good, you get to be outside all day and get a great tan. The reality is, you get chewed by mosquitos, you get absolutely filthy, you get burned-sometimes badly-by bark mulch, and you end up with sun poisoning and heat stroke. It sucks.

Charlatan 05-07-2003 07:17 AM

One of my best jobs ever was in landscaping... I had to take care of the grounds around a building for the whole summer... It totally rocked.

The only other job that was better (other than the one I have now) was as a bike courier.

Tirian 05-07-2003 09:42 AM

I got hired to to a parts inventory on computer for an automechanics shop for a summer job. Problem was they never bought a computer, so I spent the summer as shop boy. Really not too bad of a job, but once the boss (mostly a nice guy) flew right off the handle when I put a car up on the hoist for him to work on the brakes, and left the park brake on.

He was having the damdest time pulling on the brake drum before he figured out what I had done.

(How was I supposed to know, I was hired to do computer work)

The WORST JOB EVER for me was a 3 day temp job that I accepted from the hire-a-student office. Basically it was climbing right up inside the grease chimneys above grills in fast food places, and blasting off years of dried/old/rancid/brown grease with a high pressure hot water hose.

It really really sucked, but I needed the $$ badly, so I spend 3 days doing this at min wage, and the cheque bounces, and I never did recover any $$ from that jerk.

sierra2774 05-07-2003 09:49 AM

Re: Worst Job You Have Ever Had

Originally posted by marcopolo
As a teen I worked at Mc Donald's ... it TRULY sucked .

Me too!

I worked at McDonald's for about 4 years thoughout my teen years. I had more fun with all the people I met working there. But the job did suck!

I worked the drive thru all the time! People would get pissy all the time....I would never go back there.

Ahhh...the memories.

snowace56 05-07-2003 10:32 AM

my job is no mcdonalds but its pretty bad. i work at vons as a bagboy. theres nothing like getting paid less than minimum wage (union dues) and having to kiss major ass to the ppl you hate the most, because the only reason they are there is to degrade you and show they are better, because they are too good to work and their parents by them every god damn thing!!! and plus having to get 100's of shopping karts in 100 degree weather would piss anyone off. i really need to quit.

Cynthetiq 05-09-2003 12:20 PM

Worst Job Magazine

wow.. there's plenty of them here.. that suck more than anything I've ever seen.

GuttersnipeXL 05-09-2003 01:17 PM


Originally posted by G_Whiz
No one's going to believe this, but clerk in a Porno Store was my worst job.

This was back before VHS was popular. I think I saw every film (8mm) that they had through a reel-to-reel editor. Plus, I had to clean up the video booths a couple times a day.

Holy Crap G_Whiz!!!! You were a jizz mopper!!!! I didn't think that job actually existed. You definently win for worse job ever!

I mucked horse stalls on a farm for my first job. I was 13...only got paid $10 a day...on weekends I'd be there for 11, 12 hours...whatever it took to get the job done. My boss got away with giving me this pittance, because its farm, agricultural work. They can give you a nickel if they want. The worst thing about it was, my father thought it was a good learning experience for me. He wouldn't let me quite! he demanded that.... "In life, a man has certain responsibilities...." Responsibilities, my ass. Now I see where he was coming from, but then, that old bag of a boss was lucky I didn't set her farm on fire! Memories, sweet memories I guess.

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