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yangwar 05-03-2003 11:05 PM

Watching others get avatars (rant)
I miss the hell out of my little monkey but I know I'll get him back and frankly I'm not worried about it. It's a non-issue.

I'm starting to see lots of people get their avatars though and that concerns me. See, I'm slow to attach people with posts but it does happen. There are those of you who I recognize because you are unique, have something to say, or a way of saying things. Some of you are glorious t-board posters, some of you have shared the most private parts of yourselves in the exhib forum, some of you have taught me how you make a steak, and others have simply lent your insight. To the people who I recognize and to those in the future who I will recognize, I say thank you.

Now, I've been at 4.0 since the first week. Since then, I've made 60 or so posts. Not every one has been golden. Not every one has had my whole soul in it. Some have been shorter than they could have been. They all share one thing that I'm proud of though. That's the fact that each post was posted because I felt strongly about something. If I made a t-board reply of "great post" you can know that it truly was great. If I say that metafilter is my favorite non-tfp site, then you can know that it truly is my favorite, like children have favorite toys.

I mean what I say. I say what I say because my comments no matter how verbose or succinct, are filled with conviction. Some of you have 250 some posts. That's great. Some of you have 25+ posts a day though. If you've made 250 posts, chances are I should probably recognize your name by now. It should ring a bell at least. Some of you truly do have 30 worthwile things to say everyday, but I'm afraid to say that I think some of you just have spam.

I love this place for its quality. Please try as a member of this community to do your part to maintain or improve that quality. Give me a reason to recognize you. You'll have plenty of time to get an avatar and exhib pics later.

You guys rock. Thanks for listening. :)

BBtB 05-03-2003 11:12 PM

Well put although I am afraid most people who post just to get avators will ignore. I post a healthy 15 posts a day. I like to think I contribute something to the board. Actully I am at a bit of a dilema right now. I am right under the 250 post requirment but I do not have any good avator ideas.

Halx 05-03-2003 11:23 PM

I am a firm believer in balance through chaos. Everything averages out in the end.
When people rush to get their avatars, they usually slow down after they achieve their goal.
When people take their time, they slowly gain momentum and start posting like crazy later on (take Artelevision for example in v3.0 - heh)
Then there are people who move at a steady pace the whole way.

And on a larger scale, all the chaos we went through with 10K posts per day when v4.0 first appeared is slowly dying down and people are starting to post more conservatively.

Thanks for the rant.

WhiteDevil 05-03-2003 11:38 PM

great post
/comic irony

OU812 05-04-2003 12:13 AM

Yeah, posting just to hurry to the Avatar level seems to be a trend. I was guilty of the same under the old board but don't even worry about it now. It'll happen eventually.

I do think that folks aren't taking the quality of their posts into consideration. I saw one thread on the Tittie board where the first six responses were the hated one word posts. Oh, well. I guess we can't all be on the same page. :)

P.S. Speaking of avatars, Halx's new one scares me! He looks kinda evil. :D

4thTimeLucky 05-04-2003 12:42 AM

I think Halx has a cheek writing in this thread. He must be one of the biggest culprits of spaming. By the end of day one he had over 2500 posts just so he could earn his avatar, yet I hardly see him contribute anything around here. Who does he think he is?

Ashton 05-04-2003 12:48 AM

Hell, I was at over 1000 posts when the forum went down, I wasn't a post whore..... I only posted when I liked a set or had something to add to a thread..... I just broke 250 and got my avatar back :D feels good for some reason..... :)

Loki 05-04-2003 12:59 AM

im on 140 posts, i think... and i do admit that i am posting more often just to get my avatar back. after that though, i generally still read everything, and post when i really have something to say.

btw - on a side note,i think quality as opposed to quantity with respect to posting and post size is more important =)

Cuball 05-04-2003 01:22 AM

Well I never had an avatar, but sure love to have one ... but i'm not in a hurry. I'll get there eventually

BuDDaH 05-04-2003 03:25 AM


Originally posted by 4thTimeLucky
I think Halx has a cheek writing in this thread. He must be one of the biggest culprits of spaming. By the end of day one he had over 2500 posts just so he could earn his avatar, yet I hardly see him contribute anything around here. Who does he think he is?
Talk about leaping before looking... Why don't you take a look at his profile and see who he IS.

Your apology is expected somewhere along this thread soon.

spanky spangler 05-04-2003 03:53 AM


Originally posted by BuDDaH
Talk about leaping before looking... Why don't you take a look at his profile and see who he IS.

Your apology is expected somewhere along this thread soon.

I think you've been had.

Maybe VB needs a british-sense-of-humour filter.:)

spanky spangler 05-04-2003 03:55 AM

Also, hurry up and get your avatar back, BuDDah. It was THE best one on TFP3.

ratbastid 05-04-2003 04:18 AM

You know, I posted like a lunatic for the first week or so after the bounce (let's not say the "C" word), but it wasn't because I had somewhere to get to. I just missed this place, and wanted it to return to its former glory.

Then I got to around 150 posts, and saw I was more than halfway to avatar-level, and said, "what the hell! I'll just keep it up!"

I've been occupied with other stuff the last couple days (I do have a life outside TFP, shocking as that may seem), but when I return to full capacity, I intend to keep cranking as I was. Not because there's anywhere to get to, just because I like it.

Cynthetiq 05-04-2003 04:48 AM

I don't think I'm just posting for the sake of posting. I do get your position of your rant, but sometimes brevity and simplicty can get your point across without sounding bombastic or loquacious.

In other words, how do you expound on,"Nice tits!" or "I'd Hit it!"????

oane 05-04-2003 06:31 AM

To make you feel better, I actually have turned off the avatars. They are lame. So I don't see any :D

Liquor Dealer 05-04-2003 07:38 AM

I have mine back and I understand exactly what you are saying. I post in spurts - I am self-employed in the retail liquor business and I am at the store during times when there is very little or no business. I have to go down to take care of paperwork - be there for delivery trucks etc. When I get that done I have to determine if I am going to watch the news over and over, or do the TFP. The TFP wins most of the time. I get disgusted with posts that were thrown at the board for no reason other than obtaining numbers - not that the numbers are not important. Many who post on the board have become close/distant friends. I know that personally there are four people on the board that I feel are close friends who I have never met personally. There are also people on the board that I really don't care for - and I've never met any of them either. Posts are a matter of personal preference. Quality is much preferred over quantity so if anyone is posting simply to get a sig or an avatar shame on you - If you're posting for the reasons that I, and a large number of people you know on this board are posting because of then post away.

PS I like avatars - they are what I use to find posts and more often to find my own when it needs to be edited or something.

MSD 05-04-2003 07:54 AM


Originally posted by spanky spangler
I think you've been had.

Maybe VB needs a british-sense-of-humour filter.:)

That really cracked me up.

You know what? I have enough posts for an avatar and I didn't notice. Now I have to find something new and unique.

spectre 05-04-2003 09:06 AM


Originally posted by spanky spangler
Also, hurry up and get your avatar back, BuDDah. It was THE best one on TFP3.
Like Hal, BuDDaH's an admin. If he wants an avatar, he'll put one up, regardless of his post count.

phredgreen 05-04-2003 09:52 AM


Originally posted by 4thTimeLucky
I think Halx has a cheek writing in this thread. He must be one of the biggest culprits of spaming. By the end of day one he had over 2500 posts just so he could earn his avatar, yet I hardly see him contribute anything around here. Who does he think he is?
omfg, best laugh i've had all week.

on this avitar business, i had it both ways. being a mod, i had the priveledge to have a preliminary avitar uploaded for me even though my postcound wasn't there, but i didn't have the functionality to change it. now i like to change my avitar when i change my moods, but until i reached that 250 mark i wasn't able to do so. so i just posted what i thought might be meaningful to someone, i also played around a little bit in the nonsense section, but it wasn't blatant and gratuitous like so many others i've seen. there's really so much to do in the tfp that it's pretty easy to make that goal in a short amount of time, but like it's been said before: we really don't give a shit about how many posts you have (hence the counts gettingr emoved from the public forums) - we care about what you post. beleive me... the people who go around throwing nothing but rubbish <b>are</b> watched much more closely than they'd expect, and alot more closely than the rest of the membership. we appreciate everyone who has contributed to our community and made it their own... it's a pride in ownership, not just by the few who created it but the many who've made it what it is, that makes this place the groovie place it is.

louiedog 05-04-2003 10:02 AM

Unfortunately 4.0 came up at the end of projects/papers and the beginning of finals. While I make my posts mean something I haven't gotten to be on nearly as much as I want so my avatar is still far away...

WhoaitsZ 05-04-2003 10:26 AM

maybe I can offer some insight.

jolt kept telling me to come on here and read the threads instead of always lurking on the titty board (which i did from the first post on fark) . . . one night i was bored and a bit depressed and nobody was home on the BBS' soooooooooo i looked.. i posted. i got sucked in :D

as for posting to post. i did it too about five times..... but see, i got addicted to he jump on the bandwagon thread and.. well.. as you can tell if you click the correct link i have like 180 or more on that board alone.

when it comes to posting on the titty board.... uh what should we do? think:
everyone wants someone to comment on the T board. what do we say now?? 92839283 posts of beautiful breasts you kind of run out of comments :) so, it's a damned if you do damned if you don't. if i posted a 'real thought' after a post on TBoard i'd not have time to sleep.

i've tried to add insight on real boards. especially the threads on animals and videogaming and real life.

i see this place as a great medium to show regular people that just because someone is in a wheelchair they may be totally not unique. i see it as a tool to teach....

JadziaDax 05-04-2003 11:02 AM


Originally posted by Halx
When people take their time, they slowly gain momentum and start posting like crazy later on (take Artelevision for example in v3.0 - heh)
I was also one of these people. It took me FOREVER to get to 250 in v3.0. I believe it was honestly about 6 months. But after that, I reached 500 in a matter of weeks, then 1000, and 2000, and I was in the upper 3000's nearing 4000 when everything was lost. I averaged out to over 10 posts per day (even though near the end I was really averaging over 50 posts per day). And now, I average about 30 posts per day.

I respond to the posts I find interesting. I give my opinion where I can. And I also keep my eyes open for moderating. I've started threads, and I keep my traditions going (the Word, joke, and recipe of the Day and now the crossword puzzles). As I come up with more, I will continue to post them.

But as yangwar said, "If you've made 250 posts, chances are I should probably recognize your name by now." Is there anyone who hasn't stared at my tits? ;)

Lebell 05-04-2003 11:28 AM


Stare is such an abrupt word. I prefer to think that I glance at them repeatedly.

I'm a go in spurts person. The first few days it was just sheer relief that the TFP was up, I was a posting fool.

Now I've slowed down significantly, but there are days when I'll just post post post again. My own mood also plays a significant roll.

Craven Morehead 05-04-2003 11:35 AM

Took me forever to get to 250 and now it will take just as long to get it back. I've lost the ability to see the Exhibition forum, which really hurts but I'm not going to fill every thread on the tiity board with "she's hot" or "I'd hit it" I'd rather post something of meaning as it does get a bit ridiculous to read all of the one phrase responses. Like LD, my TFP time is somehwat of a luxury, whenever work/family/life gives up some free time then I stop by, otherwise it can be days at a time without TFP.

Atropos4 05-04-2003 03:21 PM

When tfp came back after being down. I was super psyched and posted like crazy. I even stayed up for 24 hours and was on tfp because I missed it . But alas I posted too much that night , mods noticed my post count jump up and then my post count got knocked down. Needless to say...but .... No more tfp marathoning for me. Well who am I kidding? I'll probably still do allnighters ...That is if I ever get a chance. :)
Lately I haven't even had the time to be on the computer.
So I don't really get to post as much as I used to.
In 3.0 I had something like an average of 26 posts a day.
Now I'm not even sure what I have. Probably not even close to that.

merkerguitars 05-04-2003 07:31 PM

Eh numbers don't mean shit :D
I'm on a steady pace :)

wg2000 05-04-2003 07:37 PM

Agreed, I miss the Exhibition board terribly but I refuse to spam or post junk in order to even get back to 50 (I started over in 4.0 pretty late, had almost given up hope that it would come back :) ).

Oh, well, I guess I'll get there eventually. Think I was getting close last I checked...

billege 05-04-2003 08:05 PM

I miss the ability to express myself a bit with the avatar, but hey, it's coming along.

The ability to scroll down and look for pics is the real bummer. It takes a lot to read all the little names as I scroll.

I do hear the exasperation at those who have an avatar, but I can't remember ever reading a post they've made. I'm like, "who the hell is THAT?" I usually know if I've never heard of them, and they have an avatar, the odds they are a spammer just went up. I find I am not usually too far off when I expect their post to be, well, not as chock full of substance as it could be.

On the flipside here, I enjoy the people that only put in two cents. Can you imagine how sucky it would be if EVERYBODY was always writing a long drawn-out response to everything? It would SUCK.

I already get annoyed when I have to defend a post over and over and over because of the endless nitpicking before someone will accept my point. What a bitch that is, "hey man I'm going to miss your point because I am focused on the one phrase I think you worded badly." Then I spend time trying to expound on some foolish sematic issue. That sucks.

Without the people to contribute the simple things, we'd have nothing to compare the complicated ones to.

"Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily."
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate"
"Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora"

"when you have two competing theories which make exactly the same predictions, the one that is simpler is the better."

Occam's Razor. Sometimes simple is good.

vermin 05-04-2003 10:23 PM

Some of us are insomniac so we spend lots of time in the wee hours looking for interesting things in all the sections. I reached 250 fairly quickly, yet I don't think I went overboard (to the point of spamming), I just spread them all over the place. And there have been many threads that I read and just 'Back'ed out of because of a lack of anything new or interesting to add. If my feelings match what's already been posted, then there's no reason for me to repeat.

Lebell 05-04-2003 10:48 PM

Yeah, and some of us are just unemployed, vermin...

nefarious 05-04-2003 11:14 PM

i had myself a nice avatar .. unfortunately i havent been online enough to get it back ...

i was actually only a lurker for a while but after TFP dissappeared and came back .. i realized (call me slow) that there was a hell of a lot more to TFP than the titty board. ^_^

hrdwareguy 05-05-2003 07:02 AM

Quality over quantity I say. It took me almost a year to get to the 250 post mark. Now with TFP 4.0, it will probably take me 3 months since I have started posting more. When I first started posting, I didn't like to give my opinion on topics. Not so bad about that now. Another hang up I have when posting is that if someone else has already posted/said what I was going to, I usually don't respond. Gonna have to stop doing that and agree with more people. :)

phaulb 05-05-2003 07:37 AM

it should always be quality over quantity i belive , i,m new to the board and have enjoyed my time since joining, sometimes i have nothing to add to a post but still greatly enjoy the post , other times i feel i can contribute and thats when i like to post, as for getting an avatar well it will come

splck 05-05-2003 12:22 PM

slow but sure is the way for me. I add to a thread if I feel like it, not because I want the post count. I was at 275 before I put up an avatar.

Empty_One 05-05-2003 02:15 PM

It depends on my mood, and what I'm doing. I don't have an avatar yet, but I'm getting closer. Today alone, I've had tons of posts. But, I also had the day off work, all to my self. TFP is how I chose to spend my day. I'm sure none of my posts were brilliant, but for the most part, I felt they added to the conversations that were taking place, or I wouldn't have made them. This is a huge place, with thousands of converstaions going on, all at the same time. Many of them are interesting, so I post in many of them. This one included.

etla 05-05-2003 03:09 PM

I'm mostly a lurker, not just here - everywhere in life. I'm the guy standing in the corner at parties :)

Took me forever to get over 250 on V3 and I was signed up in the first week it went live. same thing on v2. No avatar doesn't bother me though as I surf with them off anyways. I've been at the web since Mosaic and I like snappy page loading.

Now that post counts are no longer displayed I don't even have to feel inadaquate.

SecretMethod70 05-05-2003 03:15 PM


Originally posted by JadziaDax
I was also one of these people. It took me FOREVER to get to 250 in v3.0. I believe it was honestly about 6 months. But after that, I reached 500 in a matter of weeks, then 1000, and 2000, and I was in the upper 3000's nearing 4000 when everything was lost. I averaged out to over 10 posts per day (even though near the end I was really averaging over 50 posts per day). And now, I average about 30 posts per day.

I respond to the posts I find interesting. I give my opinion where I can. And I also keep my eyes open for moderating.

But as yangwar said, "If you've made 250 posts, chances are I should probably recognize your name by now."

This is pretty much me as well. I pretty much hung out on the Titty Board until TFP as we now know it truly started to develop. The first few months I was here it was the Titty Board and a small group of people on outside forums. It's really amazing how much more it has grown into.

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