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What do you think of Cosplay?
I personally would never dress up like an anime or video game character. Ugly people or people without the proper funds should not do cosplay. If you're going to do it, do it right. Here are some examples:
Bad Cosplay http://www.fansview.com/2002/animecentral/img1221.jpg Good Cosplay http://reno.versuscity.net/temp/1right.jpg |
It seems to me that cosplay is chiefly for people who don't have any understanding at all of what anime is all about, but are anxious to show the world that they are diehard fans of something "underground". *shrugs* Then again, what do I know?
Not my kind of thing, but it's not something that I'd run screaminf from. I would, however, run screaming if approached by a mob of furries. That's a bit beyond the limit of my open-mindedness.
Re: What do you think of Cosplay?
damn those girls are FINE
Bad cosplay=...bad.
Good cosplay=...good. :) I think you should do what makes you happy, but if you're like the fellow in the first pic, you should just do it in the privacy of your own home, but to each his own. |
I agree that if you aren't hurting anyone, do what you want.
as for Cosplay... whatever floats a persons boat... but that guy dressed up in the sailor moon outfit is just wierd.... |
Am I the only person who doesnt know what the hell Cosplay is?
Cosplay is short for "Costume play" basically just people dressing up as characters from their favorite anime shows...
So is it bad because its a man and good because its two hot chicks? The costomes arent very different.
no, it's bad because it's THAT man, in THAT costume...
I run across some Cosplay XXX the other day.. Very nice :) |
Sorta seems like Star Wars geeks for the 21st century...
Though I usually hate anime, I don't care if the fans wanna dress up. Just as long as they don't care if I think it's stupid.
Cosplayers are somewhat interesting. Raging nerds to be sure, but at least their costumes are entertaining.
Furries on the other hand evoke an irrational hatred in me though. |
Hey, if people wanna do it, go nuts. So long as you keep your boundries; Grizzly Adams, don't dress up like a school girl, for the love of god. You're gonna put someone's eyes out.
I personally have nothing against cosplayers.
Sure, some go overboard and think they look cool but really look very weird, but hey, its what they like to do. And plus, some girls do it just right. Like the two girls in the "Good Cosplay" picture. |
So I guess you should only do cosplay if you can visually please the people around you. If you really enjoy it, that's purely secondary.
Nice attitude. |
I've never done it before...but I think I might if I got the chance. I'd be really into a guy doing it too depending on the character. And again, only good cosplay should ever be seen.
hahah i know the guy in the first picture! It's Sailor Bubba.. he's a security guard at one of the Cons in Chicago. He dresses up as a sailor scout for fun each year..since he has to work the con anyway..it's a joke..
I like cosplay, and while i dont do it personally.. I have helped put together some costumes for friends in the past. Cosplay is a great chance to explore your creative side and show yourself off a little when going to a con. It's a fun little add on to the community, and is actually a VERY BIG DEAL to otaku in japan and abroad. The worst cosplayer isnt the fat girl in the Beldandy robe, it's the person who doesnt pay close enough attention to the characters they are cosplaying as and get all the outfits wrong. Some resources for cosplay can be found here: http://www.angelicstar.net/ http://www.genkigang.com/genkigang.html http://www.afansview.com http://www.cosplay.com Dont make fun of something just because you dont understand it. Im sure if you were into the anime/ otaku culture at all there would be an urge to cosplay at least once. :) |
You know, now that I think about it, I haven't had the money required for a while, but when I did medieval live-RPG's, I can think of some rather arousing images of female friensds of mine in leather and chainmail.
:thumbsup: |
Sailor Bubba! hahaha that's funny as hell. As long as he know's that it is a joke I can laugh without feeling pity.
My GF is going to dress up for ComicCon in SD.
I don't give a crap as long as it's a hot young female!
Cosplay is becoming a bigger and bigger part of the sci-fi/fantasy nerd culture. It used to be an exclusively anime thing. It's spread basically all across the gaming, roleplaying, anime-watching, fantasy-reading crowd, at least at conventions.
Some people make comically poor costumes to get a laugh. Some exhibitionistic women go for the omnipresent half-naked characters. The historical fiction and wargaming types come with uniforms and military paraphernalia. Computer gamers show up as Protoss zealots and Counterstrike avatars. The people who are really into cinema (anime or otherwise) come as their favorite characters. People who are really into certain fantasy mythoi come as generic orcs or vampire hunters or whatever. I do it once a year, at the best convention I go to. So far, I've been a generic Soviet soldier, a Leet-Krew Counterstrike terrorist, and a Matrix agent. Next year, myself and a few others from my gaming group are going as ninjas with guitars ala "www.realultimatepower.net". I think it's a lot of fun. It creates a sort of instant familiarity with the people who do it that can make an already fun social situation even better. It's somewhat customary at the convention I cosplay at to address the cosplayers in-character (and, of course, for them to respond as such) which I find hilariously entertaining. It certainly takes effort to do a costume correctly, though. |
I give props to Sailor Bubba. Anyone willing to do that to themselves in the name of scaring others....
Cosplay girls can be hot, though when I went to the SD comicon with my gf I had to make sure to not disagree with her when she was disgusted by them, while being sure to get an eyeful when she wasn't looking. |
lmao nice thread
such perfect examples of good and bad.... |
Hmm... I try not to think of cosplay at all if I can help it... but when I'm at an anime con and it's all going on around me I just blink and let it go, the same as all the other stuff that goes on at such events... I mean really, I find people who are prepared to watch crappy animation far more offensive than cosplayers...
"Sailor Bubba" kind of looks like one of my profs just a wee bit scary
The good cosplay pic pretty much sums up when I would be "ok" with seeing someone do cosplay. Otherwise they're just plain weird. :D
I plan on going to my first anime convention this summer.
I will be dressing up as this guy :D http://1337haxor.com/die.jpg Die from the band Dir En Grey, music video: KR Cube Just waiting for the hair to grow in now ;) -Robert btw: I hope there will be some "good cosplay" when I go ;) |
Good Cosplay is all good in my book. Fat people should learn to stay at home.
im alll good for gooood cosplay.. whatever cosplay is
Doo be doo be doooo.. Cosplay. I recently learned wtf it is, and frankly it strikes me as a bit odd. Altho I could give 2 shits what people do in their spare time, I just never could see myself doing shit like that. I actively play EQ, but I consider the people that go to the fan faires and shit nerdy. Who knows, maybe I secretly want to go as well, but I highly doubt that. And as stated above, I would never complain with loads of the 'good cosplay' example. |
I think it's pretty awesome. Can we please have some more 'good cosplay' posted in this thread?
Quit making fun of fat people, you sound like an immature brat. |
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