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sixate 05-03-2003 06:39 PM

Boy, 12, pays child support


Boy, 12, pays child support
02 May 2003

Twenty-eight boys aged between 13 and 15 who have fathered children are being forced to pay child support – the tax department will even seize the money from their paper round.

Inland Revenue confirmed a father's age was irrelevant when it demanded child support contributions.

And The Dominion Post has learned of child support being demanded of a 12-year-old for a baby born to an 18-year-old woman.

Under the Crimes Act a 12-year-old girl could be considered a victim of a sexual crime if an 18-year-old man had sex with her.

But sex between women and children is not prohibited – as The Dominion Post highlighted in the case of a female swimming coach who had sex with a 13-year-old swimming champion.

In fact, a boy who got a woman pregnant could be hit with heavy penalties if he did not make arrangements to pay support for their baby, IRD child support manager David Udy confirmed.

Any unapproved debt would accrue 2 per cent penalties each month till the boy started earning and money could be taken from him.

"The child might have an income from delivering pamphlets, for instance. It would be possible for Inland Revenue to take that income if they did not voluntarily contribute," Mr Udy said.

Justice Minister Phil Goff has said the Crimes Act could be changed by the end of the year to prohibit sex between women and children. A spokesman said Mr Goff could then look at other laws such as for child support.

Family law expert and Otago University dean of law Mark Henegan said it would probably then exempt boys from paying if they had been deemed sex-crime victims.

Till then, the act "goes a little bit against the principles of child law" which generally held that a child had to understand the implications of his actions before he was responsible for them, he said.

Several family lawyers spoken to said they had never encountered cases of such young fathers being asked for child support.

However children's commissioner advocate Trish Grant said the office was contacted by the family of a 12-year-old Napier boy in 2000 who the IRD wanted to pay child support to an 18-year-old woman.

Advocates had met with the IRD and the boy's extremely upset family, but the boy was made to pay.

The office "absolutely maintained" that children had the right to be financially supported by their parents, whether the parents played a part in their life or not, Ms Grant said.

But the personal circumstances of very young parents should also be considered.

"The situation might preclude them from getting involved in studies, for example . . . They have a right to a childhood and adolescence, and they should be held accountable. But to what degree needs to be based on what their future path might be," she said.

Unless they had considerable savings, most of the very young fathers were unlikely to be paying more than $13 a week – the minimum IRD required of liable parents, Mr Udy said.

The responsibility for the payments was theirs, not their parents.

The only exemptions were for children born out of illegal relationships such as rape and incest – in such cases the mother was not obliged to name the father for income support purposes.

And liable parents were not obliged to support their children when in prison or in long-term hospital care.

About 250,000 non-custodial parents pay child support. Eleven of them are 16, 50 are 17, the majority are aged between 35 and 45 and the oldest liable parent is 70.

BBtB 05-03-2003 06:44 PM

Of course the whole article does not mention the nature of the child getting the girl pregnant. I mean he could have easily been raped but at the same time it could have been consenul. If that is the case I would have no problem with them forcing his parents to pay child support untill he was older (atleast 16) Past that it is just riduclas

oane 05-03-2003 07:28 PM

Urm, shouldn't sexual act with a 12 year boy (by females) be considered illegal?

Fallon 05-03-2003 07:45 PM

That is just wrong, I mean, the kid is twelve. He should be out playing games with his friends, not making babies. Geesh, and I felt bad losing my virginity at 15...

silenced 05-03-2003 08:24 PM

thats unfair if its illegal for an 18 year old male to sleep with an <18 year old girl, but its legal for an 18 year old female to sleep with a <18 year old male, couldn't we claim that sexist either way 12 is too young to have sex and parents should be able to claim statutory rape for the son.

redrum 05-03-2003 08:47 PM

a lot of laws are not fair

still have to follow them ;/

troit 05-03-2003 09:15 PM

you would like that common sense would kick in with the policymakers...

Sparky 05-03-2003 10:09 PM

That's just sad, when the kid (father) is 20, his kid will be 8 years old.

Phaenx 05-03-2003 10:25 PM


Originally posted by oane
Urm, shouldn't sexual act with a 12 year boy (by females) be considered illegal?

What is up with this stuff? This is a bit of a double standard. <-Understatement

dragon2fire 05-03-2003 10:42 PM

when i read the title of this therd i said to myself your kiding

i also thought ok i must be in the nonsense fourm cause there is no way

that is very insane

MSD 05-03-2003 11:10 PM

In CT, a woman having sex with an underage boy is "Influencing a minor," and although she could be charged with unlawfuil carnal knowledge of a minor, it doesn't happen. Only rarely is even the first law applied.

Ashton 05-04-2003 01:35 AM

Hmmmmm, I feel that anyone old enough to father a child should take responsibilty for that childs well being.... but instead of taking his paper route money the state should foot the child support until he is old enough to have a regular job and then garnish his wages and tax returns, It may seem a bit harsh but how else are these young people to learn that you can't just get girls/women pregnant without any consequences?

Dragonlich 05-04-2003 05:42 AM


Originally posted by Ashton
... It may seem a bit harsh but how else are these young people to learn that you can't just get girls/women pregnant without any consequences?
Well, that would be a logical response, but... the kid already knocked up a woman. What would be the point in him learning about the consequences *after the act*???

Cynthetiq 05-04-2003 05:46 AM


Originally posted by Dragonlich
Well, that would be a logical response, but... the kid already knocked up a woman. What would be the point in him learning about the consequences *after the act*???
isn't that by definition when you do learn from consequences? Education and public service announcements can only take you so far...

sixate 05-04-2003 05:55 AM


Originally posted by Phaenx
What is up with this stuff? This is a bit of a double standard. <-Understatement
That's pretty much how I feel about it. If an 18 year old man fucked a 12 year old girl and got her pregnant we would all want the pile of shit dead. So why is it that when an 18 year old woman gets pregnant from a 12 year old boy people want him to pay child support? Don't you all think that the woman seduced the boy and took advantage of him? The article said that sex between women and children is not prohibited. Someone try telling me this is not a double standard. This story fucking pissed me off last night. The guy/boys always get the shit end of the stick from the law.

Infinite Hybrid 05-04-2003 09:11 AM

I still don't understand how a 12 year old got a 18 year old women pregnant. I mean wtf?

sexylady 05-04-2003 09:24 AM

i was under the impression that sex with a minor (regardless of the sex of the minor) was illegal... wouldn't it be considered statutory rape regardless of the circumstances.... i know in Canada women who have sex with boys who are minors get thrown in jail... there's a teacher who had sex with one of her students when he was 12 or something and she is in prison... the boy loves her and fathered her child but she is still in jail....

BBtB 05-04-2003 11:17 AM


Originally posted by Infinite Hybrid
I still don't understand how a 12 year old got a 18 year old women pregnant. I mean wtf?
Well when a man and a woman love each other very very much.....


Originally posted by sexylady
i was under the impression that sex with a minor (regardless of the sex of the minor) was illegal... wouldn't it be considered statutory rape regardless of the circumstances.... i know in Canada women who have sex with boys who are minors get thrown in jail... there's a teacher who had sex with one of her students when he was 12 or something and she is in prison... the boy loves her and fathered her child but she is still in jail....
That is true in canada, and the US as well. Although the laws are still ALOT more lax towards the women having sex with the boy. I remember that teacher in florida.... At any rate this happened in New Zealand. Their just CRAZY. Or something.

Lebell 05-04-2003 11:34 AM

This is just one of those stories that makes me shake my head and wonder about the f***ed up world we live in.

12 yr old boy + 18 yr old woman == OK

12 yr old female + 18 yr old man != OK


crypt hound 05-04-2003 12:34 PM

I think this law situation is because of the long-held (and erroneous) belief that women are the sexually attractive ones, men are the sexually active ones. Therefore the "weaker", more disinterested should be protected. Of course, any girl knows we're just as sexual as men, it's society that has always cast us as sexually meek and we need to comply in order to avoid being labeled "slutty". As for how this applies here, I don't believe this law is fair to men or women.

phoenix1002 05-04-2003 12:57 PM


Originally posted by sixate
The guy/boys always get the shit end of the stick from the law.
I have to agree with sixate on this one... it really does seem like the guys always get shafted by the law. I think it has a lot to do with what crypt hound was saying, about perceived gender roles. Please don't take this the wrong way-I really think men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law, I just think sometimes they take it too far to try and 'equalize' things.

Also, this is just screwed up... a 12 year old and an 18 year old? I just don't want to think about that...

BBtB 05-04-2003 01:16 PM

What if the woman was 40? The law would be the same but I am sure then there would be a public outcry

annie1 05-04-2003 03:04 PM

oh my gosh, what an interesting story!

nefarious 05-04-2003 11:39 PM

wow .. every time you think the law is fucked up.. you read something else..

there are two people in those instances who are fucked up:

1. The 18 year old taking the money from a 12 year old ..
2. The law for allowing that to happen..

no wonder those christian groups say the end is nigh.. :]

sivo 05-05-2003 02:59 AM


Originally posted by sexylady
i was under the impression that sex with a minor (regardless of the sex of the minor) was illegal... wouldn't it be considered statutory rape regardless of the circumstances.... i know in Canada women who have sex with boys who are minors get thrown in jail... there's a teacher who had sex with one of her students when he was 12 or something and she is in prison... the boy loves her and fathered her child but she is still in jail....
Not here in New Zealand. As I understand it, it is part of a (n outdated) belief that women cannot possibly commit sexual offenses. These recent cases have brought to light an inadequacy in the law and it is being changed. (as was noted in the article)

MrFlux 05-05-2003 03:06 AM

It's just our politicians that are crazy, but as far as I know that's true for every other country as well :p

yabobo 05-05-2003 03:48 AM

Not trying to be too funny here:)

When I was 12 if an eighteen year old girl that I liked would even hug me. I would have shot in my jeans. :eek:

What could this girl even be thinking? Maybe it was a hug in the water or something and the little guys just swam over.

If not the little ladie needs some jail time.

pazza 05-05-2003 03:51 AM

That is really messed up. And besides, how did a 12 year old boy even get with an eigteen year old

hrdwareguy 05-05-2003 06:45 AM

Man...at least she should have known better. Maybe she figured, he's 12, I won't get pregnant from him. *shrug*

Guess it takes all kinds.

wraithhibn 05-05-2003 07:10 AM

it is a load of shit. she should be registered a sex offender, because young minds are impressionable, and now shes fucked this kid up.

snowace56 05-05-2003 10:14 AM

well duh...it is illegal. but he got what he deserved. I don't feel sorry for anyone who gets in a position like that. He should have used protection, or better yet NOT SLEEPING WITH 18 YR OLDS!!! This world is going stright to hell!

SeXuaLSoYBeaN 05-05-2003 05:05 PM

Haha, sux for those underage boys!

ICER 05-05-2003 05:11 PM

You have to ask yourself how this boy got the girl pregant to begin with. How does a young boy at that age have sex often enough to do it (I know one time well do, But in reality. It usally takes more then that) Just goes to show you that one bad decsion can really haunt you

dolemite175 05-05-2003 05:30 PM

How can that be true? I thought the law stated that it was illegal to have sex with minors regardless of what sex you are. Isn't that what they charged that female teacher with?

TrollInvestigtr 05-05-2003 06:32 PM

jesus christ i couldnt even shoot a wad until i was 15. forget about getting a female to actually commit sex acts with me. sheesh.

Frosstbyte 05-05-2003 06:41 PM

:gawks:: That's crazy. Everyone's already said everything that I would've said about double standards and just weird shit going on. Really really fucked up that kids that young have to deal with that.

floatie 05-05-2003 07:19 PM

Well, here's my "This is so fucked up" replic.
And I just started to think that NZ was a nice place and all, kinda like Canada only warmer...

BBtB 05-05-2003 07:53 PM


Originally posted by dolemite175
How can that be true? I thought the law stated that it was illegal to have sex with minors regardless of what sex you are. Isn't that what they charged that female teacher with?
The teacher thing happened in florida (unless you mean some other teacher..) this happened in new zealand. Differn't laws. Has anyone seen any follow up articles? We can't be the only people on this planet that finds this ridiculous.

Gortexfogg 05-05-2003 08:13 PM

This is the lamest example of "justice" ever. 18yr old woman (we say 'woman' but she's probably no more mature than a kid) with a 12yr old boy. That 18yr must have been pretty desperate for sex or just plain stupid (or both).

jmf1234 05-05-2003 08:25 PM

you really have to feel sorry for this kid. Instead of playing video games with his friends his paying child support this is fucking sexist

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