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Old 02-14-2004, 12:39 AM   #41 (permalink)
She's Actual Size
CinnamonGirl's Avatar
Location: Central Republic of Where-in-the-Hell
Rude people...especially rude kids. More especially when they aren't even teenagers yet.

When someone specifically tells you they'll do something, but then never do...and you end up doing it yourself.

Parents who bring small children to R-rated movies...that bugs the hell out of me...
"...for though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world."

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
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Old 02-14-2004, 01:05 AM   #42 (permalink)
!?!No hay pantalones!?!
saltfish's Avatar
Location: Indian-no-place
Originally posted by irseg
Doesn't matter if you are going 175, it's not your decision to say "you don't need to go faster". Sounds like you've never had to do anything like drive someone to the hospital in an emergency situation.

If you're not passing someone and someone comes up behind you, GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE DAMMIT! Leave speed enforcement to the police. I wish people would grasp that extremely basic concept.
Just to remind everyone, speeding is illegal. The law doesn't really care if you're driving someone to a hospital; Ambulances take people to the hospital in a hurry. This does not give you an excuse to drive like an asshole, let the police/ambulance do that.

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Old 02-14-2004, 01:19 AM   #43 (permalink)
Location: Tacoma, WA
Rude, snotty people.

Ignorance drives me insane too.

People smoking around me.

Hot weather.
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Old 02-14-2004, 07:15 AM   #44 (permalink)
Location: Sweden
things that just is driving me crasy
  • when my bed is to warm when i go to bed and sleep
  • when the snow i melting away
  • when i dont have a job

"Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever" - Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest.
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Old 02-14-2004, 09:53 AM   #45 (permalink)
Originally posted by saltfish
Just to remind everyone, speeding is illegal. The law doesn't really care if you're driving someone to a hospital; Ambulances take people to the hospital in a hurry. This does not give you an excuse to drive like an asshole, let the police/ambulance do that.

You should also know that the left lane is legally reserved for passing. If you are not passing, it is technically illegal to coast in the left lane.

Why? Because it's more dangerous to pass on the right due to a larger blind spot.

If you are not passing, MOVE RIGHT!
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Old 02-14-2004, 10:14 AM   #46 (permalink)
powerclown's Avatar
Location: Detroit, MI
the stickers that hold shut dvd's and cds.
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Old 02-14-2004, 10:35 AM   #47 (permalink)
Prince's Avatar
Location: LV-426
Originally posted by popo
You should also know that the left lane is legally reserved for passing. If you are not passing, it is technically illegal to coast in the left lane.

Why? Because it's more dangerous to pass on the right due to a larger blind spot.

If you are not passing, MOVE RIGHT!
How true. When I went to driving school, they failed to mention that. They were a rather crappy driving school, at that... Anyway so I finally get my license and I am driving on the highway in my very, very small Fiat 127 (-77) with its powerful 900 cm3 engine roaring passionately, the speed getting dangerously close to around 65 mph... Everyone seems to be driving on the right lane, so I figure I'll just drive on the left since it has so much more room.

I've never seen so many middle fingers in my life.
Who is John Galt?
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Old 02-15-2004, 06:15 AM   #48 (permalink)
Desert Rat
spived2's Avatar
Location: Arizona
Originally posted by Spartak
Cotton wool.... the feel/sound of it literally drives me insane
Also one of my biggest peeves. I cringe everytime.

"This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V."
- V
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Old 02-15-2004, 12:51 PM   #49 (permalink)
Location: NJ
Road slugs (slow drivers), other than that im pretty easy to get along with.
Generic amusing expression of boredom and disdain.
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Old 02-15-2004, 01:03 PM   #50 (permalink)
Backstabbers. Enough said.
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Old 02-15-2004, 04:42 PM   #51 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
One of my day care kids. She does not play much (yes she has developmental problems) especially with other children. When there are other kids around she watches them constantly and does nothing else. They get sick of it and yell at her at which she screams her "special" scream. Rrrrr it goes right down my spine.

We're working on this though. Trying to get her to actually play. It should help her developmental skills hopefully. She's 2 and walks like a just turned 1 yr old.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
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Old 02-15-2004, 09:22 PM   #52 (permalink)
Location: ?
Racist people.

Uninformed idiots that spout off as if they know what they are talking about.

Left lane drivers that don't move to the right when they are supposed too. No matter how fast they are going.

Bad table manners.

People that don't have kids getting all snot nosed at children in public places. I'm not talking about bad behavior kids, just kids in general. STFU until you have your own kids.
wish you were here
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Old 02-16-2004, 07:52 PM   #53 (permalink)
is KING!
bparker805's Avatar
Location: On the path to Valhalla.
I hate it when people talk shit about the United States that live here and won't leave to go live in another country.
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Old 02-16-2004, 08:03 PM   #54 (permalink)
Location: ND
People who are intolerable of other peoples cultures and the Dutch.

Ok seriously, I get annoyed when people get mad at frivilous things like making mouth sounds when chewing, or slurping, etc. I know, I know me getting annoyed at other people getting annoyed is hipocritical. but its true.
You cant help from growing old, but that doesnt mean you have to grow up.
dr_clocker is offline  
Old 02-17-2004, 12:26 PM   #55 (permalink)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by InTeGrA77
3- people who think that they're better than everyone else, just because they have money, brand name clothes, or a nice car, etc...

Just what i was thinking.
jay-g is offline  
Old 02-17-2004, 01:37 PM   #56 (permalink)
Originally posted by PredeconInferno
Okay, I work in a Pizza place... customers can irritate me to no end...

For example:
Me - Is this cash or charge?
Customer - Yes
Me - Is this cash or charge?
Customer - Oh, it's charge.

- Or -

Me - Would you like anything else?
Customer - Um, no
*I open the register
Customer - Oh, and a drink

wow that really gets me going
I know what you are talking about. I used to work in a pizzeria too. The thing that pissed me off the most was people who would ring up and ask what type of pizzas we have. I could either go through the entire meu so they can just hang up or they can just tell me the ingredients they want and we can make that pizza for them. People are so dumb.

The other thing that sends me nuts are people who have visible nostral hairs. I cant think of anything apart from "why dont you trim them".
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Old 02-17-2004, 03:22 PM   #57 (permalink)
on fire
animosity's Avatar
Location: Atlanta, GA
Originally posted by Charlatan
Ignorance drives me crazy...
^ same here

people who use the word tool as an insult. i hope you all die horrible deaths.

when those morons at subway put mayonnaise on my sandwich after i tell them that i dont want any on it.

Last edited by animosity; 02-17-2004 at 03:46 PM..
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Old 02-17-2004, 03:53 PM   #58 (permalink)
Originally posted by BuddyHawks
My roommate who sets his alarm an hour before he gets up so he can hit the snooze about ten times.
Thats me, 7:00 a.m to get up for 8:30, its the only way!

What drives me crazy? Needing 210 credit hours for a degree here when most other schools wanted 160
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Old 02-17-2004, 04:06 PM   #59 (permalink)
Location: Hell
People who talk non- stop normally and talk hyperspeed when they're drunk... slurring hyperspeed.
Bite Me...

But Only If Invited
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Old 02-17-2004, 04:12 PM   #60 (permalink)
Registered User
Location: On the internet
People in positions of authority who don't deserve it drive me crazy. They generally make my life difficult because of their inability to complete anything themselves.
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Old 02-17-2004, 04:18 PM   #61 (permalink)
people who suck loudly on things like lifesavers or cough drops.

people who actually open their mouth while chewing gum, to release that disgusting sound.
treericetissue is offline  
Old 02-17-2004, 08:53 PM   #62 (permalink)
Location: Missouri
people who can't operate a friggin gas pump. It's so fucking simple. And yet people still can't figure them out.
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:39 PM   #63 (permalink)
Originally posted by ace81385

5. ANd finally people who believe their better than everyone else!
hey.. I AM better than everyone i met till today
and yeah arrogance drives me crazy jk...

what really drives me crazy is hypocrisy
i just plain hate it when people dont do what they praise themselves
MasterOfDisaste is offline  
Old 02-18-2004, 06:09 PM   #64 (permalink)
tisonlyi's Avatar
All of rockogre's and lurkette's, along with:

People who judge others on superficial grounds. Skin colour, appearance, nationality and - the one that gets me usually - accent.

"I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill, 1937 --{ORLY?}--
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Old 02-18-2004, 10:08 PM   #65 (permalink)
I hate repeating myself.
So tired now of paying my dues
I start out strong but then I always lose
It's half the distance before you leave me behind
It's such a waste of time
CS733t is offline  
Old 02-19-2004, 06:33 AM   #66 (permalink)
Fear the bunny
Location: Hanging off the tip of the Right Wing
Ignorance doesn't drive me too crazy because it's not always a person's fault that they haven't yet learned something.

What really drives me crazy are those people who remain to be idiots by choice.
Activism is a way for useless people to feel important.
BoCo is offline  
Old 02-19-2004, 08:16 AM   #67 (permalink)
Re: What drives you absolutely crazy?

Originally posted by popo
For me, it's drivers who sit in the left lane without ever glancing at the rear-view mirror. I just can't take it, I go nuts.

I also drive 65 miles/day.

That same thing drives me nuts i hate it when i have to take off my cruise in the left lane for the grandpa in front of me passing the semi
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Old 06-11-2009, 07:50 AM   #68 (permalink)
The_Jazz's Avatar
Location: Chicago
People who wait until the last possible second to merge.

People who are convinced that they have all the right answers and that they can't be corrected - just had that phone call.

Insurance agents who don't understand the difference between "minimum earned premium" and "minimum and deposit premium", which are two entirely different concepts applied at opposite ends of a policy period, dammit!
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo
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Old 06-13-2009, 11:40 AM   #69 (permalink)
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
People who can't control their pets / children.
Overuse of perfume / cologne that stinks.
Talking to someone who has that white, chunky shit in the inside corner of their eyes.
Forums where staff members don't have their positions in their user title.
That bubble thing that forms above the inside of your teeth after you burn yourself with a hot bite of food.
Bumble bee cars.
Walking into a public restroom to discover the last person there didn't bother to flush.
People who must have their ringer on the highest volume setting their phone allows.
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Old 06-13-2009, 03:50 PM   #70 (permalink)
Location: Right here, right now.
People who drive way under the speed limit when you don't have room to overtake them, and then when there's an overtaking lane they speed up to way over the speed limit so that you can't get past.
People in positions of authority who are only there for themselves - not for the people they are supposed to represent or care for.
People in that sort of position who try to shut complaints up because "it will damage their reputation" - as if that's the only thing that matters.
Maybe you should put some shorts on or something, if you wanna keep fighting evil today.
OzOz is offline  
Old 06-14-2009, 09:15 AM   #71 (permalink)
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
Women / girls who act stupid, thinking they appear cute.
Ordering a cup of coffee in a restaurant when you really want one and it tastes ew.
Sweet tea that's not sweet enough.
White hoop earrings. Sorry, but they didn't look good in the 80's either.
Receiving cheap shit from someone for Christmas after you spent days searching for the perfect gift for them. Yeah, I'm that way.
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Old 06-16-2009, 09:11 PM   #72 (permalink)
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
I'm not at all familiar with her music - only her appearance.
Her hair drives me nuts. She looks like a cross between Prince and a rooster.

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Old 06-16-2009, 09:21 PM   #73 (permalink)
Location: My head.

Our payroll girl ...

Listen bitch ... you had two weeks to take care of a fully automated system and you can't handle my issue right now because time is freezing in the next hour but you'd rather blab on the phone to your cable company?!

I'm really gonna say this once, fix my time. I worked my butt off this period and I need you to do it now because I will cut you where you sit. So, asking nicely, please fix my time.
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Old 06-16-2009, 09:31 PM   #74 (permalink)
She's Actual Size
CinnamonGirl's Avatar
Location: Central Republic of Where-in-the-Hell
Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl View Post
Rude people...especially rude kids. More especially when they aren't even teenagers yet.

When someone specifically tells you they'll do something, but then never do...and you end up doing it yourself.

Parents who bring small children to R-rated movies...that bugs the hell out of me...

Yep...five years later, these things still drive me crazy.

Adding to the list: not using turn signals, gossiping, and the way one of my coworkers laughs.
"...for though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world."

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
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Old 06-16-2009, 09:41 PM   #75 (permalink)
Punk.of.Ages's Avatar
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
Spelling errors on easy words...

Even more so, intentionally misspelled words!

It's fucking "What are you doing" not "Wut R U doin"!
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager

"Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:21 PM   #76 (permalink)
Location: My head.
jimmy 1s 2 69 nmust drive you nuts then P.o.A
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:22 PM   #77 (permalink)
She's Actual Size
CinnamonGirl's Avatar
Location: Central Republic of Where-in-the-Hell
Originally Posted by Xerxys View Post
jimmy 1s 2 69 nmust drive you nuts then P.o.A
You're kind of obsessed, aren't you?
"...for though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world."

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:26 PM   #78 (permalink)
Punk.of.Ages's Avatar
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
Actually, I'm more lenient towards usernames. It's when I'm actually talking to someone that it drives me crazy.
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager

"Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:38 PM   #79 (permalink)
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
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Old 06-16-2009, 10:40 PM   #80 (permalink)
Punk.of.Ages's Avatar
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
Just like that....
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager

"Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike
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absolutely, crazy, drives

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