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Angel 12-21-2003 12:51 AM

Do you peek?
Do you look for hidden Christmas presents and peek if you find any?
The other day at work, one of the girls I work with said she peeks all of the time and even goes so far as to open and re-wrap gifts to see what they are.
I don't get it! What fun is that? I think it spoils the surprize. I would rather wait until Christmas morning. The anticipation is part of the fun...kinda like forplay! ;)
So what is it? DO YOU PEEK?

QuasiMojo 12-21-2003 01:05 AM

I usually peak about 2 to 3 hours into the trip depending on the potency....oh wait.
Let me adjust my answer.

Why would any adult grown human being feel the need to "Peek"
into what they were getting for Christmas?
Even if I had the chance to Peek at an unwrapped gift, I think I would forgo It.... The experience of being surprised comes so unoften nowadays.

Phaenx 12-21-2003 01:16 AM

I already know it's a best buy gift card, there's no reason for me to peek.

wry1 12-21-2003 01:21 AM

No, I don't peek.....I'm much worse than that!

I'm one of those bastards who can shake the package gently and tell you what its contents are.

So I stay away from the gifts until it's time to open 'em.....this is made easier by the fact that the gifts (other than the ones I bring) are all at my parents', which is over 2 hours away.

Angel 12-21-2003 01:32 AM


Originally posted by wry1
No, I don't peek.....I'm much worse than that!

I'm one of those bastards who can shake the package gently and tell you what its contents are.

So I stay away from the gifts until it's time to open 'em.....this is made easier by the fact that the gifts (other than the ones I bring) are all at my parents', which is over 2 hours away.

You are one of "THOSE" people! :D
Well, at least you keep clear until it is time to open them.
My ex could tell you what was in almost any sealed package. Made me nuts! He was a tough one to surprise.

ninety09 12-21-2003 01:39 AM

Oh, I used to peek! when I was about 10 years old though ^_^

But I don't do it anymore, not knowing what I'll receive is much more exciting!

World's King 12-21-2003 01:51 AM

I have no need to peek.

No one will ever buy anything that's not on my list. It goes along with my OCD. I don't like surprises.

Kostya 12-21-2003 06:24 AM


Originally posted by Angel
You are one of "THOSE" people! :D
Well, at least you keep clear until it is time to open them.
My ex could tell you what was in almost any sealed package. Made me nuts! He was a tough one to surprise.

Yeah, I'm one of those people too...

My little sister put her present inside a cardboard gift box to throw me off, but that didn't help much...

Then after 4 guesses the glance away by my brother told me what DVD he bought...

They got really irritated when I started picking other people's presents though...

gloveshot3 12-21-2003 06:39 AM

i peek if the curtains are pushed aside a bit, and the lights are low, and it is a ground level house or apartment, and I,ve seen a really hot... oops never! I have never peeked at anything, not even once!!!

orphen 12-21-2003 06:46 AM

i usually make it pretty clear about what i want/need. parents never bought gifts i didn't ask for so -_- i never found it necessary to peak. but again, been a while since i actually asked for a gift. been more of a giver than the reciever lately

soxsfans 12-21-2003 06:53 AM

The wife and I don't generally spend money without clearing it with each other first. Our christmas (and birthday) gifts are usually talked out in advance. No need to peek!

Fly 12-21-2003 08:23 AM


Originally posted by soxsfans
The wife and I don't generally spend money without clearing it with each other first. Our christmas (and birthday) gifts are usually talked out in advance. No need to peek!

same here.peekin ain't fun but.............

i know we're gonna enjoy the new sony digi-cam we bought each other.

it's wrapped and under the tree til xmas.

*ya i charged it up too so it'll be ready to go.*

Merry christmas all..................and no peekin' eh.


hu-man 12-21-2003 08:36 AM

I peeked once, that was stupid. I was 12 or something, and the present was a Donkey Kong-ish toy with a little metal ball you had to get to the top sa quickly as possible. I wanted it SO bad, but the surprise was off because I had peeked.

Jaron 12-21-2003 08:39 AM

I don't generally get many present anyways, due to my family not being able to afford it and my friends and I not bothering.

Rather, we enjoy going somewhere special as a Christmas event, rather than getting each other gifts that none of us'll use.

Kaos 12-21-2003 09:07 AM

When I was younger, I became an expert at opening the sides of the presents my parents were getting me and then re-taping the sides so it looked like it was never tampered with. :)

Now I pretty much tell people not to get me anything. Most of my friends are married with children and I figure Christmas is more for the kids and they should use the money for them. Having a party with my friends is enough for Christmas.

brandon11983 12-21-2003 09:18 AM

I'm not a peeker. I usually know what 95% of my presents are because I was there when my mom bought most of them. I don't peek in hopes that I will have forgotten what some of them may be.

Jaron 12-21-2003 09:38 AM


Having a party with my friends is enough for Christmas.
Amen, Kaos. :)

forseti-6 12-21-2003 11:22 AM

I don't peek because my family has this weird tradition of not surprising people for Christmas. What I mean by this is, we only get each other presents we ask for. Basically if you don't ask for it, you don't get it. I know it totally defeats the purpose of the suprise Christmas gift, but we all just decided we'd rather get each other presents we can all use rather than stuff we can't use and end up having to return them or whatnot.

G_Whiz 12-21-2003 11:22 AM

I used to peek when I was a kid. I also was able to tell what was in a package by holding and shaking it.

So with my kids, I came up with anti-peeking stuff that would have worked against me. We also got to be very creative at disguising packages. Let me tell you that golf balls, marbles, multiple boxes, and lead weights can make it interesting. :lol:

denim 12-21-2003 11:26 AM

Re: Do you peek?

Originally posted by Angel
I don't get it! What fun is that? I think it spoils the surprize. I would rather wait until Christmas morning. The anticipation is part of the fun...kinda like forplay! ;)
So what is it? DO YOU PEEK?

My brother and I made this mistake once. Never again. I agree with you entirely.

We even played with one of the gifts before it was given! It hadn't been wrapped yet. Bad mistake! We weren't surprised and the extra edge of "new" was gone before we even received the thing. :(

krwlz 12-21-2003 03:02 PM

I have never peaked, and never will. I have accidentaly seen the gift once or twice, and there are the few people that make it obvious what I am getting.

Im always appreciative, but the surprise is definatly gone, and its simply no fun.

Fremen 12-21-2003 04:35 PM

When we were kids, my brother and I peeked into our Christmas stockings and realised we didn't like the version of Evel Knievel motorcycles we each got, so we switched them out.
Chopper for him, and regular for me.
Afterwards, even though I was happy with what I had, I didn't like not having the surprise feeling that went with it.
I try hard not to ruin it now.

Spinach_Indeed 12-21-2003 04:38 PM

When I was a kid, I would always try to look for where my parents had stashed the presents.

It was more for the hunt than anything, looking around in all the secret cubby holes in my house. I never really looked to see what I had, but I'd sometimes accidently see something.

amonkie 12-21-2003 05:21 PM

Sometimes my siblings and I snoop around the house looking for gifts, but only because in the past on several occasions, my mom has hid the gifts so well that when it came time to wrap them and put them under the tree, they were no where to be found. So we'd get some of our gifts in like February when she found them cleaning the house.

mingusfingers 12-21-2003 05:53 PM

I used to, when I was little, up to about 13. Not anymore.

eribrav 12-21-2003 06:03 PM

Let me paraphrase one of my favorite South Park scenes.

Stan: Guys I'm getting a John Elway football helmet for Christmas!

Cartman: How do you know that?

Stan: Dude just wait until your mom's not home, then look in her closet and you'll see your presents.

The next day:

Stan: So what are you getting for Chrismas fat ass?

Cartman: I'm getting the Ultra-vibe 3000. I don't know what it is, but it sure sounds cool!

crewsor 12-21-2003 06:05 PM


Originally posted by eribrav
Let me paraphrase one of my favorite South Park scenes.

Stan: Guys I'm getting a John Elway football helmet for Christmas!

Cartman: How do you know that?

Stan: Dude just wait until your mom's not home, then look in her closet and you'll see your presents.

The next day:

Stan: So what are you getting for Chrismas fat ass?

Cartman: I'm getting the Ultra-vibe 3000. I don't know what it is, but it sure sounds cool!


tikki 12-21-2003 06:35 PM

I dont need to peek. I am usually insanely good at guessing what people get me. :)

Emotion 12-21-2003 07:00 PM

no, it ruins the surprise

punx1325 12-22-2003 12:34 AM

I generally peak for a few presents, I like to leave some suprise, but then I don't really liked to be super suprised. One of the gifts which shocked me was a hermit crab, I don't know what my family was thinking on that one. I can't keep anything, but fish in the dorm. It's a nice thought in all, but it will take some getting used to. I am generally pretty good at guessing. But the hermit crab I just had to peak.

Fire 12-22-2003 12:43 AM

nope- feel that the need to peek is a sign of childishness and besides that, whats the point- do these people have no sense of anticipation? bet they suck at foreplay

Tickford 12-22-2003 12:50 AM

I peeked once, and discovered my bday gift early, I was really upset while opening it cause I already knew.....

never done it since....

smooth 12-22-2003 05:06 AM


Originally posted by wry1
No, I don't peek.....I'm much worse than that!

I'm one of those bastards who can shake the package gently and tell you what its contents are.

So I stay away from the gifts until it's time to open 'em.....this is made easier by the fact that the gifts (other than the ones I bring) are all at my parents', which is over 2 hours away.

I used to have to wrap all my dad's presents in tissue becaue of this!

anleja 12-22-2003 08:42 PM

I feel kinda guilty if I know what the gift is before I open it. One time when my little brother and I were younger, he opened a gift of mine which was "hidden" under my parent's bed. Even though I saw what it was, when my mom asked if I saw it, I told her no.

I hate spoiled surprises. They depress me for some reason.

Steffi 12-22-2003 10:34 PM

I don't think that I have ever taken the time to look for hidden presents. I've wanted to, but if they've taken the time to hide it, then it must be pretty good. I just don't want to ruin the surprise.

Amethyst 12-23-2003 03:58 AM

When I was a kid I peeked. My sister and I would search the house and find most of our gifts and then my mom found out and she started leaving our gifts at realitives houses. And Christmas kind of sucked because we knew what we were getting and there was no suprise in it but I loved the thrill of the hunt. Now that I am an adult I don't peek I usually bug my husband and he gives me my gifts early but this year he hasn't must be a great gift.

raeanna74 12-23-2003 05:39 AM


Originally posted by wry1
No, I don't peek.....I'm much worse than that!

I'm one of those bastards who can shake the package gently and tell you what its contents are.

So I stay away from the gifts until it's time to open 'em.....this is made easier by the fact that the gifts (other than the ones I bring) are all at my parents', which is over 2 hours away.

My mom is a lot like that. We fooled her one year by packing a lovely necklace in it's box at the bottom of a TV sized box with bricks and newspaper in it. It was fun just watching her dig it out.

Personally no I don't peek. I peeked only a couple times as a kid. I loved the anticipation almost more than the gift even then. Us kids got lots of fun out of finding good gifts for our parents who made a game out of trying to find out what we'd gotten them. We went to such lengths to hide things we weren't even concerned with what the gifts were going to be that we got.

lurkette 12-23-2003 06:29 AM

Not only do I not peek, I don't even want to open them early! Or let anybody else open theirs, either. IMHO, about 90% of the fun is the anticipation and curiosity. My sister and brother were HUGE peekers - they'd go so far as to unwrap the presents to get a look and then re-wrap them. They'd try to bribe me to do their chores by threatening to tell me what my presents were. Little stinkers.

rockogre 12-23-2003 08:23 AM

I don't even look for packages with my name on them. I need all the good suprises I can get. Besides, if you already know what you're getting then you pretty much killed someone elses planning and suprise.

I also discovered in the last few years that the kick from giving beats the hell out of the kick from getting. And I am damn sneaky about the giving. No peeking, shaking and rattling protection in force, sometimes a false box with a note about how to go about collecting the real present. Who knew that you could be sneaky and underhanded and still be a good guy at the same time.

water_boy1999 12-23-2003 09:25 AM

No way, I have a guilty conscience as it is so I would never have the gall to take a peek. I prefer the surprise too.

The Geek 12-23-2003 12:56 PM

I totally don't peek. I'll feel the presents that are wrapped, but that's it.

I like the surprise.

SiN 12-23-2003 04:48 PM

surprises are good :)

even if i know what i'm getting, (as is the case with a particular item that came in the mail today that my bf has hidden somewhere for until sunday when my mom gets here)...i still ain't gonna look. :D

nothingx 12-23-2003 05:28 PM

No, I don't... used to, but not since the incident.

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