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wry1 12-01-2003 02:06 AM

Screwed-Up (and Over) By The Drive-Thru Window
Okay, this is not the same as How often do Fast Food places mess up your order?. For this thread, I want to know two things:

1) In what way was your order screwed up.

2) How badly was this done.

Basically, it's time to outdo everybody else!!! :lol:

So go ahead, tell us the worst it's ever gotten....scare me if you can.:cool:

krwlz 12-01-2003 08:15 AM

They forgot my fucking straw! Ever try to do 75 mph down I-90, and drink a Large coke without a straw? It doesnt work.

Liquor Dealer 12-01-2003 08:57 AM

I hate my driveup window! We do about 60% of our business out of the driveup window but- why are people so rude? Customers who come in are much more polite than those that use the driveup!!! They are afraid to get within three feet of the window and expect us to lean out that far with a twenty pack of bottles! Not tryin' to hijack your thread but it definitely works both ways - no matter which side of the window you're on.

PS If you guys would take your avatars off until the board is back up and running right it would sure help move things a little faster!


Scorps 12-01-2003 09:25 AM

The worst was I got more then i ordered, and didn't have to pay for it:)

Frowning Budah 12-01-2003 10:31 AM

I seldom use the drive up. It seems they always only have one person doing the drive thru and more people on the counter. Besides I can watch them put my stuff in the bag if I am inside.

mirevolver 12-01-2003 11:10 AM

I once asked for a #4 and got a #1 and a #3. It was quite amusing. Mabye the guys at McDonalds were trying to prove that they can add.

feelgood 12-01-2003 11:20 AM

They fukin didn't give me my Big Mac. I WANT MY BIG MAC AND A QUICKIE!

streak_56 12-01-2003 11:23 AM

I've gotten extra items. I didn't really mind at all its just they gave me the McFish. I hate fish if it was anything other than that I would have been happy.

Evil Milkman 12-01-2003 11:33 AM

Well, this isn't my story, but here goes. My friend's dad ordered a "cheeseburger with only cheese on it", and that's exactly what he got. That's right, no burger! :lol:

space-n-'cord 12-01-2003 03:57 PM

There are actually supposed to be more people at the window than at the counter, and if you want cheese only then you say plain.

Mephisto2 12-01-2003 04:09 PM

No more "And then?"!!!!!

dragon2fire 12-01-2003 04:45 PM

one time i got the worng order

bermuDa 12-01-2003 06:26 PM

all I wanted was a litre of cola!

anleja 12-01-2003 06:33 PM

This isn't a big deal, but it sure pissed me off... I was at the burger drive-thru, and my change was something like $2.13. I got the two bills and the dime, but the woman said "we're all out of pennies," gave me my food, and shut the window without saying anything else. Sure, only 3 cents, but what the hell? If I was that woman, I would've said something like "give me 2 cents and I'll give you a nickel."

That happened like five years ago, and I still haven't forgotten it.

Giant Hamburger 12-01-2003 07:55 PM


Originally posted by anleja
but the woman said "we're all out of pennies," gave me my food, and shut the window without saying anything else. Sure, only 3 cents, but what the hell? If I was that woman, I would've said something like "give me 2 cents and I'll give you a nickel."

That happened like five years ago, and I still haven't forgotten it.

Hail Anleja!

Let it go. You have carried this pain long enough. It eats at your character. It salts your vision. There is a release from your grief but you must truly want to escape the prison of hate that you yourself have constructed. The choice is yours and I wish you a swift recovery from this personal hell. I might also suggest you pay in exact change so you never suffer this indignity again.

Please continue to eat hamburgers,

mingusfingers 12-01-2003 08:27 PM

When I worked at McDonald's, I made a Big Mac and didn't put any meat in it. No complaints, either :)

omega2K4 12-01-2003 11:20 PM


Originally posted by mingusfingers
When I worked at McDonald's, I made a Big Mac and didn't put any meat in it. No complaints, either :)


Plaid13 12-02-2003 10:28 AM

i normaly dont eat places that have a drive up but when i do i always go inside. call me crazy but i want to see who makes my food. i used to work in a mcdonalds back in the day and there are plenty of reasons to want to watch whats going on. people dont make nearly as many mistakes when they need to see you face to face anyway.

skysooner 12-02-2003 10:42 AM

I went to Burger King and asked for a Whopper with no pickles and no onions. I got a bun, meat and pickles and onions only.

Miserlou 12-02-2003 11:59 AM

McDonalds put Tarter sauce on my Big Mac. I gave it back when I found out. The expression on the cashiers face was funny. She looked back at the people making the burgers and said "Tarter sauce on the Big Mac?!? Come on guys."

jbrooks544 12-03-2003 09:22 AM

No FREEKIN' straws!


MSD 12-04-2003 09:04 AM

What part of "hold the fucking mayo" do you not understand?

Who the hell puts mayo on a burger?

silent_jay 12-04-2003 06:17 PM

go to tim horton's for coffee and they can't put a lid on tight, hot coffee everywhere, and i'm a prick when i ask how for her head was shoved up her ass.

Destrox 12-04-2003 10:04 PM


Originally posted by krwlz
They forgot my fucking straw! Ever try to do 75 mph down I-90, and drink a Large coke without a straw? It doesnt work.
Oh thatsjust grand.. a road i travel daily, has somone trying to drink almost blindly w/out a straw :P

Glad to know 75 is a good avg up ther in NY, bout 75~ish here in NW PA :)

zodiac3k 12-05-2003 12:25 AM


Originally posted by dragon2fire
one time i got the worng order
yup, that about sums it up

rider6061 12-05-2003 07:01 AM

True Story
A acquaintence of mine in high school had a huge anger management problem. One day at lunch he went through the drive thru of a What-A-Burger and asked them to add or leave something off. He rec'd his order but checked it before leaving. They had not processed his order as placed and he went nuts on them screaming at the window operator. He then proceeded to unwrap the burger and launch it through the window at the poor employee and drove off in a rage. To make a funny story even better, after all he was a n A-Hole, he was soon apprehended by our local police department and charged with Assault and Battery.

Snakebyt 12-05-2003 07:23 AM

Kinda Off Topic, but i love it in lethal weapon 3(i think) when Joe Peschi(sp) does the bit about the drive thru :)

Jam 12-05-2003 09:19 PM


Originally posted by bermuDa
all I wanted was a litre of cola!
"this is officer farva... give me a litre of cola... ill come in there... arrrgh"

bukaki22 12-08-2003 01:54 PM

they always use the goddamn mayonnaise

OzOz 12-13-2003 03:53 PM

We used to get home delivery from our local Pizza Hut. The thing was, they'd get our order wrong sooooooooo many times. We'd ring up and complain, and they'd make a note next to our address to give us a free pizza next time. At one stage, we went for a couple of months without having to pay for pizza. (And yes, they honestly did stuff up our orders repeatedly - we weren't "milking" them.)

lightning 12-15-2003 09:24 PM

The very worst part of it is when they screw up your order and you don't find out until you get home and sit down to eat your big juicy burger, you open your bag and pull out McNuggets.

Phaenx 12-15-2003 09:34 PM

I've not recieved straws before, but usually it's my fuck ups.

Like the time I paid and then left the store. I started walking back to my house across the street and then realised "Oh snap, I forgot my food!"

So I run back in the store and casually walk up to the counter like nothing happened. It's a good thing a girl I knew from school worked there, she thought it was funny. Man, I didn't.

Derwood 12-16-2003 01:59 PM

ordered a taco salad at Wendy's, opened the bag, and there was no chili, chips or salsa. Just the container of lettuce.

eotlemac 12-16-2003 09:19 PM

once i went through our local taco place and instead of paying for a drink i asked for a water(i also ordered food)........well the guy at the window gave me the water while i was wating for my food and upon first sip i noticed the water tasted like beans.......so as soon as he handed me my food i returned the cup of water without the lid via "air mail"

krwlz 12-16-2003 10:12 PM


Originally posted by Destrox
Oh thatsjust grand.. a road i travel daily, has somone trying to drink almost blindly w/out a straw :P

Glad to know 75 is a good avg up ther in NY, bout 75~ish here in NW PA :)

Only problem being the speed limit og 55...

Angel 12-17-2003 10:09 AM

I always check my order before I leave the premises. I have found errors and had to go in and have them get it right. The two that probably bug me most are forgetting to put sour cream on my soft taco and not adding cheese to my chicken sandwich.

denim 12-17-2003 12:12 PM


Originally posted by krwlz
Only problem being the speed limit og 55...
Oh, like that matters! :D

I worked at a Burger King drive through for over a year, starting at the end of 1983. I almost always worked "closing", which got me some of the more... interesting... customers.

Fer instance, after the dining room closed one evening, we got a bus. The manager wouldn't open the dining room, so the poor bus people walked through the drive through. While this fiasco is proceeding, a car came with a guy who wasn't waiting for 50 people to walk through. He pulled a gun. We served him. Hey, I'm not getting shot 'cause some moron wants his goddam burger! Neither were the people in line. Nonono.

Instead, we watched as the state police, who had a barracks across the street, nabbed him on exit from the drive/walk through. Ah yes.

Turns out he had a bb-gun.

Another time, we ran out of burger buns and substituted Whopper(tm) buns. While this was around the time of the Wendy's "Where's the beef?" ad, no one said anything. It was kind of a let down. :(

Funny how all this is more interesting in retrospect than it was at the time.

As far as fucking up orders, I had this one customer who came by occasionally and ordered a burger "well done". Well, all Burger King meat is cooked for a standard time. It's put in one end of a grill, moved through on a chain conveyer belt, and pops out the other end. Try putting it in again and I doubt you'd want to eat the result.

Anyway, this guy wanted it WD. All that meant was that it'd be in the microwave longer. I couldn't see how this made any difference, but if I "forgot" to forward that part of the order, he always came back. Guess it mattered to him!

japhyryder 12-17-2003 12:41 PM

With me it is always the lack of Ketchup if, that is a big if you get it. They give you 2 packets, who the hell can eat a pack of fries with two pack of Ketchup.... Cheap bastards

Cujo 12-18-2003 01:01 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
go to tim horton's for coffee and they can't put a lid on tight, hot coffee everywhere, and i'm a prick when i ask how for her head was shoved up her ass.
How hard is it to fuck up a Large Black Coffee? It just amazes me that the retards at the drive-thru at my local Horny Tim's almost always put cream in my coffee. Pisses me off.

wry1 12-19-2003 04:49 AM


Originally posted by Pain Train
The worst was I got more then i ordered, and didn't have to pay for it:)
Only in Canada, man.....only in Canada.

wry1 12-19-2003 04:53 AM


Originally posted by Miserlou
McDonalds put Tarter sauce on my Big Mac. I gave it back when I found out. The expression on the cashiers face was funny. She looked back at the people making the burgers and said "Tarter sauce on the Big Mac?!? Come on guys."
Okay, should I be the one to tell him that it wasn't Tartar Sauce???

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