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Esoteric 10-30-2003 02:52 PM

Women Go Public With Topless Equality Fight


Women Go Public With Topless Equality Fight

MERRITT ISLAND, Fla. -- Ten women in Brevard County, Fla., including a 74-year-old woman and a 14-year-old girl, who filed a federal lawsuit to abolish laws that prohibit women from going topless in places where men are permitted to go shirtless went public with their legal fight.

The "Top-Free Ten" women said in the suit filed in U.S. District Court in Orlando that they want the right to go top-free for sunbathing, gardening, swimming or mowing their front yards.

The women said that laws preventing them from taking their shirts off in public are similar to Muslim laws requiring women to cover themselves from head-to-toe.

"I don't believe there is any inherent evil in my breasts or a man's breasts," Norma Mitchell said. I don't believe my breasts are harmful, immoral, dangerous, lewd or frightening."

Jan Frandsen, a 46-year-old wife and mother, said the law as it stands is discriminatory.

"Bascially, this type of law labels women as being genetically inferior," Jan Frandsen said.

It's only a matter of time before women can remove their blouses when and where men can remove their tops, according to the group of women.

"I'm just hoping for equality," Jamie Hooper, 74, said.

No hearing schedule was announced

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
Personally, I don't necessarily disagree with it, but you may get those peeping tom's or perverts that will spy on you while you garden and what not. Also, the thought of seeing an older woman topless gardening isn't the greatest sight..no offense. Your thoughts?

shalafi 10-30-2003 02:56 PM

they'll probly respond by making men wear shirts too

spived2 10-30-2003 02:58 PM

I agree women should be able to go topless if they so choose, i just hope I dont have to see Jamie Hooper topless while mowing her lawn


dy156 10-30-2003 03:19 PM

At first, I thought if they started to walk around topless, it might make it not so cool to see boobies. But then I thought about it, and if all women started mowing the lawn topless, I don't think it would demystify it. I would still want to watch that. Imagine the bouncing when they tried to pull the cord and get the mower started.

But then again, how many women actually mow their lawn instead of having someone else do it?

Kaos 10-30-2003 03:24 PM

It's legal now here in Ontario :) ...though there really isn't many women doing it at all anyways :(

GuttersnipeXL 10-30-2003 04:05 PM

It's legal in New York as well, the last I knew. I don't have any problems with it. I really don't see the problem, other than the fact that there are people, specifically lawmakers, that feel the need to regulate what we can and cannot view. It's censorship in a way. The female upper torso, is not to be viewed in public. It makes no sense.

krwlz 10-30-2003 04:15 PM

They can go topless if they want... I dont care. If they went topless as often as guys, no one would even think twice about it. Well, maybe us guys would think twice, but only twice... I promise.

tangledweb 10-30-2003 07:31 PM

This thread made me think of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry's girlfriend always walked around naked and she did some 'ugly' naked stuff. It totally blew it for him and I think that is where I would be with it.

I love topless women but I think seeing some slouching, crouching, odd positions might kill the mystique.

guthmund 10-30-2003 10:19 PM

Who needs mystique?

If I get to see "free-range" boobs, then it's alright with me.

dragon2fire 10-30-2003 10:48 PM

i am all about this

woman walking around topless

really no problem here

Czernobog 10-30-2003 10:53 PM

I think that even if it gets passed, most women won't really care enough to run around topless. As stated somewhere above, its a pointless law. I'm interested in seeing breasts just as much as the next guy, if not more, but I think these "Top free ten" are just a touch too militant about it.

Reese 10-30-2003 11:05 PM

I'm fine with this. I think the women have the best intentions, but I really don't think the rest of the public is open enough to accept it just yet.

If they win, which I doubt there will be a small parade of women walkin down the streets topless while 50000 horny men sit on the sidelines and watch. Then a week later, The only one's left will be Jamie Hooper and Jan Frandsen.
Nastradamus has predicted it...

arcane 10-30-2003 11:15 PM

if a girl wants to walk around without a shirt it should be her decision. granted she will know that some (most) guys are going to find it sexual because heh...they're BOOBIES!!

thejoker130 10-31-2003 04:45 AM

Now you know exactly what is going to happen if they win. Maybe a small group of women are going to start exercising their privledges, guys are gonna look, then the topless ladies are going to call sexual harassment. It's as predictable as a Steelers game.

erion 10-31-2003 06:21 AM

My wife and I talk about this issue from time to time, and she personally believes that a man's chest can be as much of a sexual object for a woman as a woman's breasts are for a man. I'm all for torso-clothing equality.

I agree -- this will probably get turned around so that men can't go shirtless anymore.

Kurl 10-31-2003 06:41 AM

Im all for it. Jsut dont look at the old lady that is topless :) And with the signifigant increase in women who get boob jobs, it wouldnt be as bad as you think. If they were allowed on the beach topless :eek:

dy156 10-31-2003 08:39 AM

has anyone seen the picture on the link of these top free ten? I can't put it on here, for some reason, but it puts a different perspective on this discussion.

erion 10-31-2003 12:04 PM

I don't know why people get it in their heads that certain body types of women are less erotic than others, and therefore less worthy of being put on display. I believe that it was dy156's intent in referring us to their picture to say that the 10 women working for this topless equality somehow shouldn't be the ones doing it.

All people are beautiful. If you refuse to look beyond a few socially defined norms of beauty then I have a great deal of sympathy for you.

ironman 10-31-2003 12:14 PM


Originally posted by dy156
has anyone seen the picture on the link of these top free ten? I can't put it on here, for some reason, but it puts a different perspective on this discussion.
Damn!! They should be condemned to be dressed head to toe!!!

Redlemon 10-31-2003 12:26 PM

Looks like it is time to say this once again...

nudity does not equal sexiness.

These women aren't looking to be nude for your viewing pleasure. If you have ever been to a nude beach, you would understand.

GakFace 10-31-2003 03:39 PM

hmm.. I thought I was Legal... Maybe I heard it about New York.. and that it just never caught on. Gimmie a petition and I'll sign it. Like redlemon said. "Nudity does not equal Sexiness." All this damn taboo and repression shit, this is just another barrier... I say we tear down the wall.

BurntToast 10-31-2003 08:07 PM


Originally posted by redlemon
Looks like it is time to say this once again...

nudity does not equal sexiness.

These women aren't looking to be nude for your viewing pleasure. If you have ever been to a nude beach, you would understand.

I feel you underestimate the sleezy/hornyness of the average male mind. Although they may not be meant for our veiwing pleasure, we take it upon ourselves to think that they are.

Nefir 10-31-2003 08:14 PM

I respect the desire for equality, and think these "decency laws" are just dumb to begin with (topless laws, prostitution laws, etc.), there is such a thing as common sense and common decency. No laws are needed to dictate either.

Still, its all fun and games until the 74 year old woman takes her top off in the middle of the street, just cause she can....

TIO 10-31-2003 10:07 PM

Topless chicks aren't really that sexy, if they're just doing everyday stuff. Sure, if it's your girlfriend and she's acting sexy, that's all good, but I can't see anyone's tits being particularly sexy while they're mowing the lawn.

billege 11-01-2003 02:18 AM

Do you all not know how many people we have in this country whose religion/s lead them to see the human form as: evil, somthing to be ashamed of, disgusting, etc.

They'd never stand for that. They see tits as just another way for those perverts to molest children. So on, and so forth.

GakFace 11-01-2003 05:11 AM


Originally posted by BurntToast
I feel you underestimate the sleezy/hornyness of the average male mind. Although they may not be meant for our veiwing pleasure, we take it upon ourselves to think that they are.
How do you expect this to change? Sure if this law passes it might be a little strange for a few years, but past that? It'll be like things are now hopefully.... except that the law will have been passed. Sure some people are horny bastards, but once women being topless has been around for a little while all that hype will have worn off and things will be cool. Gotta do something to fix it right?

mattevil 11-01-2003 12:05 PM

personally i think their is a diffrence in the biological nature of the breast between men and women to justify men being able to take their shirts off. ours (men)don't do anything. women use theirs in breast feeding,for attraction,etc. as much as I would like to see boobies all the time i think allowing to show them all the time would demystify the attraction. i remember some study about males that worked in titty bars had a harder time getting an erection because nudity was so commonplace to them.i'm really split on this too cause I think women should have a right too but the appeal would be gone.

raeanna74 11-01-2003 02:32 PM

I wouldn't take advantage of the freedom to go topless all that often I think but there have been times when I'm out and it's sooo hot that I just wish I could take my shirt off- especially when I see guys walking around shirtless and my shirt is soaked with sweat. I probably wouldn't mow topless either. I usually wear Jeans and not shorts when mowing too. I've run into to many rocks and sticks that get thrown. BTW I do the mowing when we have lived where mowing needed to be done.

I find it interesting that the point of these women is to show that breasts should not be thought of as purely a sexual object and yet most of the posts here are written with a sexual undertone regarding the appearance of breasts.

My reason for liking this is that when I was hot and needed the freedom I could remove my top instead of feeling forced to dress more warmly than men in hot weather.

james t kirk 11-01-2003 03:54 PM


Originally posted by TIO
Topless chicks aren't really that sexy, if they're just doing everyday stuff. Sure, if it's your girlfriend and she's acting sexy, that's all good, but I can't see anyone's tits being particularly sexy while they're mowing the lawn.

I would fucking love to see my 24 year old neighbour mowing the lawn topless.

I would sit for as long as it took her to complete the work and love every second of it.

Women can go topless in Ontario, very few do, except maybe the odd one down at the beach. It's still a thrill trust me.

The best was 2 years ago when Toronoto was over run with squeegie people just walking up to your car and cleaning your window (a fucking pain in the ass by the way and i feel like just running them over sometimes). A few of the more enterprising females decided to do it topless down by Skydome. The cars were lined up for blocks then. :lol:

m0rpheus 11-01-2003 05:22 PM


Originally posted by Kaos
It's legal now here in Ontario :) ...though there really isn't many women doing it at all anyways :(
I know. I think I've seen about 2 women topless in public since the law was changed about 5-6 years ago (maybe more).
I really dont have a problem with it though, if we guys can go topless on a swealtering hot day than the ladies should be able to as well.

Bluenoser 11-02-2003 03:46 AM

Well, I hate to say it, but I would have to stare...not intentionally, but I definately would:rolleyes:

Jimbob666 11-02-2003 10:14 AM

Women fighting for the right to show us their tits? Where do I donate to their legal fund?

Redlemon 11-03-2003 06:42 AM


Originally posted by BurntToast
I feel you underestimate the sleezy/hornyness of the average male mind. Although they may not be meant for our veiwing pleasure, we take it upon ourselves to think that they are.
I am male, I love porn, and my wife has an amazing rack. This doesn't change my above statement. I greatly enjoy nude beaches, but it isn't a horny thing.

Sledge 11-03-2003 07:19 AM


Originally posted by raeanna74
I find it interesting that the point of these women is to show that breasts should not be thought of as purely a sexual object and yet most of the posts here are written with a sexual undertone regarding the appearance of breasts.
Yes! That... bothered me.

My girlfriend and I were talking about this a couple weeks ago. She opined that the fact that women couldn't be topless in public was a form of gender discrimination. That didn't make sense to me at first, but then I thought about it and I really do think it illuminates an unfair double standard.

I think that a woman who goes topless is probably going to be harassed by other people. That's just the way our fucked-up society is, and I see no easy solution to it. However, I completely agree with the Brevard County women when they say that the LAW is unfair: it shouldn't be obscene for women but not men to be topless.

hobo 11-03-2003 05:13 PM


Originally posted by Kaos
It's legal now here in Ontario :) ...though there really isn't many women doing it at all anyways :(
REALLY?!?!?! I didn't know that!

james t kirk 11-03-2003 07:59 PM


Originally posted by hobo
REALLY?!?!?! I didn't know that!
Yeah, it's been legal for 7 or 8 years now. Ever since Gwen Jacobs went for a stroll in Guelph sans top and got busted. She fought it and got the law thrown out.

Here's a link to the background on the case. No, there are no photos either.


More power to ya i say.

GakFace 11-03-2003 09:23 PM


Originally posted by mattevil
personally i think their is a diffrence in the biological nature of the breast between men and women to justify men being able to take their shirts off. ours (men)don't do anything. women use theirs in breast feeding,for attraction,etc.
Alright then, Guys should no longer be able to show their pecs and abs. Many use those for attraction. You can't tell me that EVERY guy looks great topless. So many people here are saying that they couldn't fathom seeing an ugly woman take her shirt off... Well? We see guys topless and some of them many people feel disgusted to see... Yet its still legal.


Originally posted by mattevil
as much as I would like to see boobies all the time i think allowing to show them all the time would demystify the attraction.....i'm really split on this too cause I think women should have a right too but the appeal would be gone.
How many guys look at porn? Rather, how many guys do NOT look at porn? How often do a lot of guys check it out? I mean, people look at porn, and porn involves Nudity.. I have yet to see a guy that looks at a lot of porn and then doesn't get excited when they are with the gender they are attracted to. I don't think it'll demystify a thing. Just a few more cents from Gak.

druptight 11-04-2003 07:41 AM

i remember when it happened in NY, when i was younger, and i think it's probably been legal for like 10 years, and i've only seen it actually happen once, the year in which it became legal at this street festival.


Originally posted by GuttersnipeXL
It's legal in New York as well, the last I knew. I don't have any problems with it. I really don't see the problem, other than the fact that there are people, specifically lawmakers, that feel the need to regulate what we can and cannot view. It's censorship in a way. The female upper torso, is not to be viewed in public. It makes no sense.

wannabenakid247 11-04-2003 07:53 AM

Why the hell shouldnt women go topless anywhere that men are allowed to do it. It doesnt make a difference what they look like either. Women have to put up with seeing men of all descriptions topless so whats the difference?

Holo 11-04-2003 09:01 AM

I disagree with their cause due to the simple fact of American sexualization of women. Breasts are sexual objects in American sexuality, and to walk around showing them in regular places like city streets would cause accidents galore due to men(and even women) not paying attention to their driving when these ppl go walking down a sidewalk. It really doesn't matter the attractiveness level of the person...it'll be a shock to all to see a woman with her tits bouncing for all to see. A hottie would just make things worse, since they would pay even more attention to get a good look.

Our society has made boobs a sexual thing...to do this is the same as me walking down the street with my cock and balls hanging out. Genitals are sexual objects and boobs are part and parcel of that. If society started to sexualize male breasts to the degree female breasts are I would be willing to bet our freedon to expose our chest would vanish. Point is most of society sees no sexual arousal in manboobs, and that's why they can be shown in public.

It would cause a lot more problems than it would solve IMO.

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