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Sun Tzu 04-26-2003 05:13 PM

Whats your IQ?
If you go to www.brain.com in the left column you see three choices for for types of tests. There is several types of IQ tests, but I understand that the 12 minute test is used commonly. So thats what I took: The Twelve minute IQ test.

I scored a 126, so Im not gifted. Deerrrr Shucks. It looks like they didnt learn me likke they shudda?

I'm curous if anyone here takes the test for exceptional intelligence and how you do. If a low scored is recieved and you dont want to post thats cool, but remember everyone is gifted in different ways, I havent seen anyone in the forum that isnt a seeker of knowledge, even the ones I dont agree with.

charlesesl 04-26-2003 05:15 PM

online IQ tests are bull
i took 2 IQ tests from two differnts sites, one i got 110 and the other i got 150

krwlz 04-26-2003 05:37 PM

thats actually close enuf together to attribute to your error...not the test error

edit:after looking at a bell curve...maybe not, sorry!

Sun Tzu 04-26-2003 05:42 PM

I've taken the test for MENSA (didnt score high enough to get in) and this test closely resembled it. But just the same; thank you charlesesl your correct, but that can apply to truely anything one comes across the internet without seeing credentials and being in person.

Anyone that takes it; approach it with a level of seriousness of your choosing. Or just see it as a tool to give you an idea. Or post where there may be a universally acceptable test from a founded site. Kind of like having to take information seen at whitehouse.gov as being stuff really presented by the whitehouse.

Loki 04-26-2003 05:51 PM

Hmm... around 158 or 160 or something like that.

a very pointless bit of information though...

the only thing an IQ test measures is your ability to do IQ tests.

krwlz 04-26-2003 05:57 PM

i hit 130, but i think i could probably do better, im beat right now

Sun Tzu 04-26-2003 06:02 PM

Well alot of it seems to focus around logic and critical thinking. Doing daily exercises to expand the IQ has been shown to counter organic brain disease. But Loki your right knowing your level is not like getting labwork back from the doctor. Yours is very high.
A question you helped me formulate is why IQ tests were developed. Why is it useful to know what Einstein’s IQ level was. It appears I should have put this in the nonsense thread as the general is very serious. Moderators its your call.

rock_bottom 04-26-2003 06:14 PM

120 according to a MENSA test my ex-girlfriend made me take with her, she got a 158. Yeah, that relationship didn't last too long. That web test gave me a 135, maybe I'm not so helpless after all.
Personally, I feel like IQ is just one way of measuring intelligence. I'll beat most anyone at Trivial Persuit or Jeopardy but damned if the guy taking my order at Subway can't outdo me on an IQ test.

mongo 04-26-2003 06:24 PM

122..I panicked when I saw I only had a few minutes left so I think I can do better..I don't think it really matters though.

apetaster 04-26-2003 06:41 PM

Took 2. 139 on one, 144 on another. Both were online tests and therefore suspect (too high, IMO.)

phaulb 04-26-2003 07:00 PM

126 after 8 beers dont know what that proves ??? did the beer help or hinder LOL

Sun Tzu 04-26-2003 07:05 PM

That puts you in a small percentage MrSelfDestruct. There is one there for people that score in your range as well. Jeopardy and such is another way. THeres something called biomarkers of aging small mini tests to measure reaction, memory, and such. It gauges where a persons measured age is relative to what calculated norms are for that group. The Simon type memory test is part of it. There are memory tests at this site as well, but I havent done them. Its a good thing I didnt post the depression tests that are located there.

The_Dude 04-26-2003 07:05 PM

139 in eigth grade when i got put into this gifted program deal.

i moved that yr, so that was the end of it.

Phaenx 04-26-2003 07:13 PM

124 on 12 minute test.

shalafi 04-26-2003 07:44 PM

122 on this one but probably would have done better if i wasnt also watching tv

spectre 04-26-2003 07:46 PM

I have an IQ of 160, don't need an online test to tell me that. ;)

Phaenx 04-26-2003 09:08 PM

This one was hard, I got a 155 on a different test I took in school. I just finished the ultimate IQ test after like an hour of working through it and got the SAME score I got when I took the one that only took me 10 minutes.

charlesesl 04-26-2003 09:29 PM


Originally posted by krwlz
thats actually close enuf together to attribute to your error...not the test error

edit:after looking at a bell curve...maybe not, sorry!

apology accepted

guthmund 04-26-2003 09:33 PM

I see a wide range of numbers up there, and some exceptionally high ones.

Where are all the dummies? ;)

I've taken quite a few tests over the years and I don't put much faith in them.

I've tested anywhere from below 100 to 152 and everywhere in between over the course of my life. Does this mean I fluctuate from barely functioning to gifted from year to year?

I don't need a test to tell me I'm smart. I managed to figure it out all by myself and without the aid of Alfred Binet.

I find that most people lie about their I.Q.s anyway. So, what's the difference, really?
(mind you, I'm not accusing anyone; I'm just making a general statement)

Everyone 'knows' I.Q. tests are biased anyway....right? :p

spectre 04-26-2003 09:38 PM


Originally posted by guthmund
Everyone 'knows' I.Q. tests are biased anyway....right? :p
I don't know if they're biased, but I know a number of people with high IQ's with no common sense. To me, IQ means nothing if you do stupid shit. I've also known people who don't have high IQ's, but are so profound that they amaze me.

thenewguy 04-26-2003 09:40 PM

The 12-minute test said I got 130. I have a hard time with a test that gives you the privilege to join some society.

Phaenx 04-26-2003 09:44 PM


Originally posted by thenewguy
The 12-minute test said I got 130. I have a hard time with a test that gives you the privilege to join some society.
For 60 dollars.

orbital 04-26-2003 09:47 PM

A fast and dirty method if you've taken the new recentered SAT 1- divide your SAT score by 10, and you've got your IQ (16 SD).

sivo 04-26-2003 09:56 PM

130 according to the 12 minute test, which is about what other online tests have given me. (a little less, but the others didn't seem very credible) Never taken a real one. Still, sucks to be ordinary, eh?

sngx1275 04-27-2003 12:20 AM

damn you guys have pretty high scores. if 100 is supposed to be the median how come I have the lowest of anyone in here at this time with a 118? (12 minute test on 3 beers at 3:15am).

cheerios 04-27-2003 12:40 AM

Ferris Bueler distracted me, but 120. going by the SAT trick, it's 145. :shrug: don't care, couldn't give a shit, still can't spell.

John Henry 04-27-2003 01:08 AM

My IQ ranges from 125 to 175, depending on the test. That's nearly as vague as the Hubble constant.

eyeronic 04-27-2003 01:36 AM

Taken tests online and off. In college when getting tested for ADD and recently at this site. I scored 17 points or 12.87878787(ad infinitum)% higher online.

Two extra IQ points to the first person who can figure out my IQ.

Loki 04-27-2003 02:27 AM

hmm, eyeronic... 132? =)


Originally posted by guthmund
I see a wide range of numbers up there, and some exceptionally high ones.

Where are all the dummies? ;)

I've taken quite a few tests over the years and I don't put much faith in them.

I've tested anywhere from below 100 to 152 and everywhere in between over the course of my life. Does this mean I fluctuate from barely functioning to gifted from year to year?

I don't need a test to tell me I'm smart. I managed to figure it out all by myself and without the aid of Alfred Binet.

I find that most people lie about their I.Q.s anyway. So, what's the difference, really?
(mind you, I'm not accusing anyone; I'm just making a general statement)

Everyone 'knows' I.Q. tests are biased anyway....right? :p

guthmund: like i said earlier, an IQ test score is just a measure as to your ability to do IQ tests. Do they really measure intelligence? well, that depends on how you define intelligence.

My personal definition is that intelligence is a measure of your ability to react to stimuli, or actions that have an impact on you. I don't think IQ tests do a particularly good job of assessing this.

Also, results in IQ tests are hampered by assumed knowledge. For instance, many tests are created and based in the United States. This means that someone like me would always get a lower IQ, because i don't know what a nickel or dime is, or any other "common knowledge" that is known to american residents.

Even with my definition of intelligence though, its still impossible to measure it. A friend of mine, he's as thick as a post, he comes up with the most hilarious and witty comments about events that just happened. Another friend of mine, he doesnt do too good in academic work, but he has an ability to pick out an opportunity to make money where many people wouldnt see one. I am pretty good at academic work, but not particularly witty nor particularly good at seeing opportunities.

So why do i get a higher IQ then the other two? probably because I am doing an extremely spatially orientated course, and have loved doing spatial/logic based activies since i was a kid, so i ace the spatial/logic section. And i read a fair bit, so i understand dem big words in the verbal section.

My own personal assessment of my intelligence is that i'm smart enough to know that im not smart. =)

Cuball 04-27-2003 03:32 AM

I tested 110 on a TV show test (with some smart guys and stuff) and the general score was 98 on that test ...

on-line IQ test and stuff like that are just bs I guess, every1 can make a test and make the questions as difficult as possible or easy like nothing ..

don't care about my IQ anyway, I know how smart (or dumb) I am and that's all that counts IMO

Reese 04-27-2003 05:18 AM

I scored 122 on this test. This seems to be a little lower than the other tests I've taken but it gives more precise average.

I'd like to see a common sense test because I know alot of people with high IQs and very low common sense :)

John Henry 04-27-2003 06:39 AM


Originally posted by guthmund
I see a wide range of numbers up there, and some exceptionally high ones.

Where are all the dummies? ;) :p

I would say that you don't find the 'stupid' people here for several reasons:

1) A lot of 'stupid' people know they're stupid and so wouldn't voluntarily take an IQ test any more than I would enter a Mr. Universe contest.

2) People who have a lower IQ may not be here in the first place, because written, discussion-based activities may not appeal to them.

3) Anyone with a low IQ is unlikely to publicise the fact any more than anyone with a two-inch wang would go on the 'How big is your penis?' thread.

resipsa 04-27-2003 06:49 AM

I was given these tests as a gift (kind of an odd story in itself, a gf's parents gave it to me to help me get direction or something, I felt lke I was being screened, very strange) anyway, I think tests like these are a little more accurate in determining exactly what you are and are not good at.

zipper 04-27-2003 07:10 AM

Well, I must say, that is the hardest IQ test I have taken, I score a 122. My head hurts so bad, I need a beer to kill some more brain cells!!

Junchbailey 04-27-2003 08:28 AM

In second grade I was giving a IQ test, a real one. I got 145.

User Name 04-27-2003 08:31 AM

I got a 122 on the 12-minute test.

Double D 04-27-2003 08:34 AM


Originally posted by sngx1275
damn you guys have pretty high scores. if 100 is supposed to be the median how come I have the lowest of anyone in here at this time with a 118? (12 minute test on 3 beers at 3:15am).
I don't have time to take the test right now (gotta leave for a quick trip to FL) but I thought a score of 100 is the average or mean score, not the median. Can anyone clarify?

I agree with many of the observations here that IQ is just one tool to gather info about oneself and just one on-line test means little or nothing. While in college, I took a bunch of the standardized tests while learning how to administer them and I wan't really impressed with the results, i.e. we all pretty much know already about where we land on the bell curve.
Common sense (which ain't so common!) and the so-called emotional IQ, do factor into all this self-assessment.

GuttersnipeXL 04-27-2003 08:39 AM

I got 120 on the 12 minute IQ test. I just woke up, and drank about a case of beer last night, I'm sure that has something to do with these results. I am pleased to see that a 120 is decent. I'll try again when I don't have such a violent hangover.

Modo 04-27-2003 08:39 AM

<b><font color=FFFF00 size=+1 face="comic sans ms">What's an IQ?</font></b><p><b><font face="comic sans ms">Modo</font></b>

vermin 04-27-2003 01:13 PM

I got 135.

Took one just out of high school, scored 155. Yay, beer!

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