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fallen_angel 09-22-2003 09:47 PM

What kind of animal were you in your past life?
Ok, I was thinking today, I think I was a Kitten in my past life. Purely on the fact of what you like and how you act now in this life.
Ex. I am very content when someone strokes my hair, just like when you pet a kitten. I love my tummy being rubbed, I have a pet rat, love to watch birds, constantly bat at insects when im outside. and i have even caught myself kinda purring softly when my bf strokes my hair. I love to cuddle up and or just curl up in a little ball.

ok ok im wierd, kinda. So what kind of animal were you and tell why.

GakFace 09-22-2003 10:02 PM

I figure this probly should be in the Members Playground, but I figure I was a once was another animal (yes ANOTHER), then I was probably a Platypus. Why? Cause I'm crazy enough to think it, and they're so damned cool! :)

Batman976 09-22-2003 10:15 PM

A butterfly... because nobody ever suspects the butterfly!

Wait.. that's for my next life.

Ashton 09-22-2003 11:20 PM


Because I'm lazy, I like my steak rare, and when I'm mad I like to ROAR! :D

K-Wise 09-23-2003 12:00 AM

I imagine I'd probably be one a these guys. Sleep all the damn time but when they are up they're crazy energetic little fuckers.


bundy 09-23-2003 12:04 AM


because i´m beautiful, glam, crazy and my call sounds awfully like, ¨FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF!¨

oh, did i mention i was a bit of a show-off?

K-Wise 09-23-2003 12:30 AM


Originally posted by fallen_angel
Ok, I was thinking today, I think I was a Kitten in my past life. Purely on the fact of what you like and how you act now in this life.
Ex. I am very content when someone strokes my hair, just like when you pet a kitten. I love my tummy being rubbed, I have a pet rat, love to watch birds, constantly bat at insects when im outside. and i have even caught myself kinda purring softly when my bf strokes my hair. I love to cuddle up and or just curl up in a little ball.

ok ok im wierd, kinda. So what kind of animal were you and tell why.

Actually I think thats kind of adorable...unless yer a dude....then it's scary.

(So this just in iktowya thinks I would be a packrat because I'm always carrying my shit around with me.
I think thats pretty accurate cause I always at least carry a Cd case with me that has most of my CD's and in my back pack I have: A slinky, 2 stress balls, cream savers (because I'm addicted to them), my knife, a little rubix cube, a dictionary, scissors, a little flashlight, stuff for my contacts, n sometimes little beany toys cause I get bored n shit. Along with that I carry all my school shit of course. Yeah I think thats it. Would that make me a packrat?


World's King 09-23-2003 12:56 AM

That's a good question.

I'm gonna have to go with a monkey. For only the reason that I look like a monkey.

fallen_angel 09-23-2003 01:03 AM

Yes I am female and some guys find that adorable, but hey its just me. I guess I am if you say so though. thank you. . .
My fav saying is you either love me or you hate me. . . and not many people hate me, if i dont hate them first. . . anywho I wish i had a pic to post of one of my cats like the rest of you, i didnt even think of it.

fuzzix 09-23-2003 01:59 AM

I was soo a cat in my past life. I like nothing more than to sleep half the day and be up half the night.

Loki 09-23-2003 03:38 AM

<img src = http://www.isoi.edu.pk/cobra.jpg>

i remember as a kid going to some mystic, and him telling me that i was a snake in my past life. Well, it kinda grew on me.

Snakes are innately slow moving and lazy, but given enough incentive (meal, continued existence), they are lightning fast.

Also, i love sunning myself, especially on cold winter days, and some of my mates reckon im rather venomous when i want to be :)

Sapper 09-23-2003 03:47 AM

I was a goat. :D

Nisses 09-23-2003 04:29 AM

<--- K-Wise got it in first and with the same explanation, but still, there's a reason I took it as avatar :)

Lunchbox7 09-23-2003 05:13 AM

The black wolf is my totemic animal. I guess that means I was one in a past life.

Batman976 09-23-2003 05:54 AM

Does anyone else think it's kinda depressing that fallen_angel didn't make it to adulthood in her past life? I mean, who wants to see dying kittens?

raeanna74 09-23-2003 06:40 AM

I think I would say a Loon (doesn't matter if it's was Arctic or Common either one will work). I used to collect anything related to Common loons or any other loon for that matter. I can make a call like a loon. Have even had "conversations" with them and gotten them to come close to my boat because of it. I'm crazy, a clutz (on land anyway), swim great, and love to fly. I'm also loyal to my mate and and very observant most of the time.

battlemouth 09-23-2003 06:55 AM

i think i was a frog

lurkette 09-23-2003 08:51 AM

I wonder why so many of us think we were cats in a former life?

I think I was (a cat). I am a bit fastidious, particularly when it comes to cleaning, I'm a finicky eater, napping is my favorite hobby. Plus I have this inexplicable compulsion to chase balls of string....

Giant Hamburger 09-23-2003 08:55 AM

Hail Manimals!

I am certain that I was once a vampire squid.

Can't you see the resemblance?
It's from my mother's side of the family.

The vampire squid is rather small, reaching a maximum of 13 cm ML (Nesis, 1982/7) and is very gelatinous; its consistency is that of a jellyfish. It occupies meso- to bathypelagic depths throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the world''s oceans. The second pair of arms is modified into retractile filaments that can extend to lengths well in excess of the total length of the animal and be retracted into pockets within the web. The filaments, presumably, have a sensory function.

The vampire is a phylogenetic relict and possesses features of both octopods and decapods. In addition, it has many features that are probably adaptations to the deep-sea environment. Among these are the loss of the ink sac and most active chromatophores, development of photophores and the gelatinous consistency of the tissues.

Sigh, I miss my ink sac.

Don't get me started on my suckers lack of cuticular lining.

fallen_angel 09-23-2003 09:11 AM


Originally posted by Batman976
Does anyone else think it's kinda depressing that fallen_angel didn't make it to adulthood in her past life? I mean, who wants to see dying kittens?
um ya im only 20 to me thats still kitten material. Ill grow up someday, plus ya know what they say you are only as old as you feel. And im still kickin. and that was a little mean :(

Semi-Normal 09-23-2003 09:31 AM

I must have been a three-toed sloth. They sleep up to 20 hours a day - sounds like me. :)


eci 09-23-2003 09:33 AM

Puppy. Attention-seeking, loyal, playful, spends a lot of time sleeping, and does some very stupid things because he doesn't know any better. Oh, and people tend to say that I'm cute.

Batman976 09-23-2003 01:42 PM


Originally posted by fallen_angel
um ya im only 20 to me thats still kitten material. Ill grow up someday, plus ya know what they say you are only as old as you feel. And im still kickin. and that was a little mean :(
My appologies. I didn't mean to offend. I was merely saying that it sounded strange to me that you said kitten instead of cat. Same with eci right above this post and puppies.

tigerkick 09-23-2003 05:28 PM

I think i used to be a Horny Toad.. and just by the name of it is self explanitory:)

slimshaydee 09-23-2003 06:08 PM


Originally posted by Batman976
A butterfly... because nobody ever suspects the butterfly!

Wait.. that's for my next life.

d'oh! that was my line!

TheClarkster 09-23-2003 06:50 PM

I'm gonna have to go with cat too. If I were anything like mine, you sleep all day, tear up the house all night, and not give a crap what anybody says the rest of the time.
Ahh the good life.

hotzot 09-23-2003 07:26 PM


I still eat this way!

SabrinaFair 09-23-2003 07:32 PM

Horse--stately, proud, and with a great mane! I just hope y'all don't shoot me if I break my leg.

Root_Beer_Man 09-23-2003 07:43 PM

Animal eh? i was prolly a male lion. Strong...sexy...and i get to kill all my food. the female lion does all the work, and when she gets home...Wild affrican Lion sex. ya know. i bet you wish you were a lion to now eh?

K-Wise 09-24-2003 01:27 AM

^ Ya know I read something like male Lions have sex like 5 times a day or some shit...coulda been an hour too I don't exactly know all I know is they get a lot a pussy (no pun intended.....really) So..maybe..but...no knaw rather be a ferret or a packrat.


Eweser 09-24-2003 07:13 AM

I think I must have been a bulldog. stubbornly unyielding; "dogged persistence"; "dour determination"

twotimesadingo 09-24-2003 07:19 AM

two possibilities:

Red Fox (my middle name means "red fox" in Passamaquoddy).


or, of course


a Dingo.

MacGnG 09-24-2003 06:43 PM


Originally posted by hotzot
I still eat this way!

haha i wanna be a seaotter in one of my next lives

maybe i was a cuttlefish in my past life
or maybe in another future one

either way both good choices :)

edit: i'm sure i was a dog tho, :)
eat sleep poop bark run around chase my tail.... ahhh a dog's life :D

Hanxter 09-25-2003 08:36 AM

Past... an Osprey

Future... a Wicked Weasel

thejoker130 09-25-2003 02:25 PM

A wolf. They have this "What you doin in my woods asswipe?" look.


Midlandmadman 09-26-2003 10:28 AM

I was a cheeta.........

...... yep, a cheeta.

09-26-2003 12:27 PM

i was a cow!
they taste so good!

Redlemon 09-26-2003 01:08 PM

I think I'll go with a barn owl. Just sitting back and watching most of the time.

Miekle 09-26-2003 05:38 PM

I think I was a dust myte, the one that hung out in all the cool places of corse, like under the fridge

clavus 09-26-2003 08:48 PM

I don't know what I was in my past life, but I hope I'm a pellican in my next one. Those guys have a lot of fun and enjoy lots and lots of sushi.

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