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Uppercase consonants & lowercase vowels...
I just don't get it. I've seen some folks use this kind of scheme in their typing sometimes. Where did this kind of cosmetic mutilation come from?? :confused:
And if you do it, why? What's the point, other than to annoy people like me? :P Mods feel free to move this to tilted nonsense or something if that is more appropriate, I'm just curious... |
J00 ME4N 50m3tH1N9 L1KE +h1S???
http://www.geocities.com/mnstr_2000/translate.html typed personas are hard to differentiate, but each person has their own written style like they have their own spoken style. Can you give any examples? |
Ahh.. r337 5p34/<
I first saw it back in the old BBS days, long before Mosaic and the WWW, back in gopher days. |
Yeah, it strikes me as, uh, rather similar to 31337-speak. :)
I hate to point out an example, but if you insist. I was looking at SiN's signature... and it struck me that I've seen the style before.. e.g. BuDDaH's name. I'm sure there are plenty of others who use this style. Maybe there is no reason why. Maybe they just like the style? |
1 4r3 +3|-| 13373r +|-|@|\| J00!
looks like, too much effort to me.. hell i'm too lazy to capitalize my i's and first words in sentances and names and anything else worth capitalizing... wow i'm a lazy bastard... :D
Yep, that's me too. I'm a lazy bastard, but also a pedantic one too, hence the capitalization and punctuation. But I just CaN'T WaSTe My TiMe TyPiNG LiKe THiS! :p
Bugs the hell out of me. In names and sigs I can tolerate it, but in conversation and posts, it makes me wish I had a button that could send a few thousand volts through their keyboard.
No iT'S MoRe LiKe THiS ReaLLY, NoT So MuCH LiKe oTHeR KiNDS oF eLiTe SPeaK. iT'S NoT aLL THaT HaRD ReaLLY To TYPe LiKe THiS, BuT i THiNK iT iS a LiTTLe HaRDeR To ReaD THaN oTHeR KiNDS oF eLiTe SPeaK...
a LoT oF MY FRieNDS uSeD To TYPe LiKe THiS a CouPLe oF YeaRS aGo aND iT WaS iNCReDiBLY aNNoYiNG. THe aMaZiNG THiNG iS THouGH, THeY CouLD TYPe aT aBouT 30-40 WPM aFTeR a WHiLe. PRaCTiCe MaKeS PeRFeCT!
aesthetics. just mine, no one else's. hmm, i think because i generally prefer the look of a small letter versus a capital, type/font-wise. and i've got a fondness for vowels. as in, i prefer them to most consonants, so they get to be small and cute. and because all small letters or standard capitalisation is a bit too boring for something that's making a 'statement' (ie - nick, sig, title, etc etc..) i use sometimes the small vowel thing. sorry to annoy, but i surely will continue to do so. (don't worry, i won't start doing that to my posts or anything...) :p |
and then there are those weirdos who refuse to capitolize anything they type unless it's work-related and completely necessary. bastards, all of them. :D
one's typing style is an extension of their online persona. some people are extremely anal-retentive about perfect spelling, grammar, and capitolization, others are more lax, and some like to be creative with it... it's just a part of them. |
even when i write with pen and paper, i choose to use a lowercase "i" when referring to myself.
it's funny, getting to know ppl's personalities online. after a while it's easy to spot big egos sometimes. i know this one person who types everything in lowercase except "I", when referring to himself. |
Thanks, guys. I figured as much. Now that I've had some sleep, I think this was a pretty stupid question. :D
After all, some people are bored, some are lazy, some are pedantic, some are artistic, etc. etc. There is no why. There just is. |
for me, it's not an insignificance or an insecurity, i just think the wee little i is cuter. ;) |
WHaT aBouT "y"? SHouLD iT Be CaPiTaLiZeD "SoMeTiMeS"?
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