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foods you don't like now
i was thinking about foods that i don't currently like and won't eat and why.
i won't eat pork. i was raised jewish and kept kosher (no pork for me!!!) and did have pork for the first time till i was a late teen. i thought it was rather repulsive. but i know so many people that love it, i think it's one of those things that you have to eat growing up, otherwise you just don't like very much (not all pork products, for me, it was ham and i hated it, but i hear bacon is really good). anyways, i still don't eat pork because of having ham a few times. what foods don't you like and why? oh, i also hate mushrooms. i'm fine with them if they're chopped up nice and small, but otherwise they freak me out with that whole frilly thing going on under the top. |
Mushrooms, and anything fish...The texture makes me want to puke!
Mushrooms, fish and liver come to mind.
I'm not much of a fish person. I dont like ham either. Pork chops are great though.
well, i don't like fishsticks. ;P
i'm not a big steak fan either. |
junk food in general, the whole proccessed flavour is really no good. ick. as a kid i really liked it, but mostly because it was never in the house and everyone else ate it. But in retrospect, it was a good thing because i have a great diet now without any major struggles. Thanks mom and dad!
Same thing with me. It's most sweets. For example I used to love Cinnamon Rolls but now they just too much sweet for me it's kind of overwhelming. But actual food now I can't get enough of...excuse me while I eat this pizza :D
Asta!! |
Slippery, pulpy fruits -- apricots, peaches, and other stonefruit. The mouthfeel just turns me off.
Veal, especially really young veal. The meat's so tender, I can't forget that I'm eating babies. Something that was born, maybe lived a few minutes, and was slaughtered. Eggplant -- okay, if you slice it thin, dip it in batter, and deep-fry it, it tastes okay. But so would practically anything else you did that to... Other than that, it's got nothing going for it -- taste, texture, anything. Turnips -- like a really tasteless potato, but with an awful, watery texture as well. Most franchise fast-food; overly salted, artificial-tasting, greasy. Now that I'm older, that kind of food usually makes me feel bad, too. Hot dogs, turkey franks, etc. Used to love them, but like I said I'm older now and about 90 percent of the calories come from fat. They're like lead in my stomach. |
Fried onions
Cooked tomatoes squash zucinni liver crap like that... |
Green Beans
Spinach Those are the two that come to mind right now. Turnips, zuchini, squash, tomatoes, onions, cinnamon rolls, and mushrooms are good to me ! |
i find myself eating everything that i refused to eat as a child these days... i suppose thats maturity... (not likely...haha)...
the only exceptions to this rule is Vegemite and Bananas. Being as Aussie, this is considered very very strange. |
i hate raw tomato, eggplant and coriander.
not a big fan of mushroom either. |
I've grown pretty disgusted by meat and go days without eating it now. When I do eat it I remember why I don't like it anymore.
I don't like cheese for one, but only when it's by itself. I can eat cheeseburgers, mac & cheese, cheese on sandwiches, etc, but I can't stand the idea of cheese by itself like when you eat it on a toothpick or anything like that.
Aside for that, I don't THINK I like asparagus, but it's been many years since I've tried it so who knows now. Other oddities as far as my eating habits, I'm VERY picky about fat on my meat and I also don't like to let my food touch whenever I have control over it. At Thanksgiving dinner I'll literally fill up my plate a few different times to have all the food this way I don't have to have it touch :p Oh yeah, and I'm not a huge fan of oriental food. I don't like the texture, I don't like most of the vegetables, and I don't like the ways in which it's prepared. If anything, I like Japanese food, but most any other oriental foods are pretty much out of the question except for a few select meals. |
After working in pizza places for too long, I can't stand pizzas from anyone, including my employer.
I cannot stand squash. ick ick ick.
When I was a kid there were several things I would not eat, now that I am old I like pretty much everything (I am 40 lbs overweight).
The only things I don't like are fresh fruits...don't know why. I love vegetables and one fruit, the tomato |
i used to love the flavour of it, but got soooo sick of still tasting it hours later. bleh. not for me. :) |
cream, its like tasteless D:
i like every food on this planet except olives. i don;t know what it is, they just taste really bitter to me
watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydews.... yuck!
I know I'm in the minority on this one! |
Yeah,me too with the olives,they are disgusting.
And like bundy said with vegemite. That shit makes me puke just smelling it. |
wow... this is my thread.
right off the bat, I won't eat: squash, zuccini, brussel sprouts, pickles, asparagus, spinach, ANY melons, snails, cabbage, olives, mushrooms, bell peppers, ketchup, mustard, mayo, capers, black and white jellybeans, black licorice, liver, or ANY seafood (if it lived in water, i'm not touching it). on some stranger notes: - I hate whole tomatoes or large pieces of it, i'll only tomatoes if they're finely diced and mixed with other stuff (like in chili) or when it's in a sauce - I can chew on oranges until the juice is gone, but i can't eat the pulp. - I'll eat banannas, but i won't let them touch my lips. banannas make my lips itchy. - I only eat grape jelly or jam. no strawberry, boysenberry, rasberry, or orange marmalade. only grape. - I don't like veggies on my pizza or my burgers. only meat and cheese on either. - I don't like baked potatoes, but i'll eat boiled or mashed potatoes. - like tomatoes, onions have to be very finely diced or i'll turn the food away. I won't eat large ieces of onion. I've always been a picky eater, much to the chagrin of my folks, but i suppose i've gotten along with it fine for this long, i'll just keep going with it. however... some things that i never used to touch are now just fine... I used to never eat salads, celery, or peas, but will now. |
I honestly can't think of anything I don't like. The closest I get to hating any type of food is tripe, but I have had it prepared in a way that wasn't too bad. I dunno, as I grew up I started to enjoy more and more different types of foods and now I'll eat almost anything. My six-year old girls probably eat more things than the average person, I think that's because their dad likes everything:D
They love sushi, pickled herring, raw oysters, caviar, liver, Indian curries, etc....I'm so proud of them:icare: |
Hmm where to begin. I'm a very picky eater and there are so many foods I just don't like. Almost all vegetables. I don't like broccoli, cauliflower, squash, spinich, carrots, radishes, onioins, peppers, pickles, zuccini, brussel sprouts, cucumbers, cabbage, olives, mushrooms, turnips, eggplants and I'm probably forgetting some. The only kind of beans I like are green beans. The only kind of potatoes I like are the instant kind out of a box. I like a lot more fruits than vegetables but I won't eat any kind of melon, it makes me feel like throwing up. I also don't like tomatoes. I don't like oatmeal, most cereals, pretty much all condiments like ketchup, mustard, relish, horseradish, etc. In addition to all of this, I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat any meat or food with gelatin in it. That eliminates meat, marshmallows, pop-tarts, jello and other such foods. There were some meat products that I never liked at all like bologna, hot dogs and any type of seafood. So that's what I come up with, although I'm sure I'm missing quite a few foods.
mayo, capers, cauliflower, spinach, feta cheese, cottage cheese, corned beef hash, brussel sprouts and I'm sure there is more, these come to mind first
Mushrooms, especially the pasty ones on salad bars.
Fish (except a good tuna salad sandwich) Cauliflower. Cauliflower is evil. Peppers give me heartburn. Bean sprouts. Eeyew. Spermy-looking little stringy things. Liver. Foie gras. Nasty. |
oatmeal. loved it growing up, hate it with a passion now
Pickles/relish are too sour and even when I pick them off my food, the juices still linger and totally ruin the flavor of my otherwise perfect meal. There is also a particular kind of squash or melon that I don't like eating or smelling because it makes me want to vomit, but I can't remember the name. It's orange in color and has a texture similar to mangos. Might be apricots but I'm not sure. I use to dislike eggplants, but only if they are prepared in such a way that makes it unappetizing (it's been a while and I've since forgotten what it was that made me decide that I hated the stuff). I love everything else, and will try something new at least once. Maybe twice.
There isn't really anything that I can think of.
I'm not a big fan of cake but that's about it. |
I have no qualms about eating most things... but there are a few that I avoid like the plague.
- Fast food junk, for obvious reasons, including chips, popcorn, etc. - Meat dishes where I can tell what part of the animal that was. I am a bloodthirsty carnivore, and will gleefully devour helpless baby animals while they are still warm from their mother's womb, but only as long as that piece I am chewing is not a brain, liver, kidney, heart, eye, tongue, testicle, or intestine. Any recognizible part of the anatomy makes me wanna puke. |
I don't much like ham myself either. I don't know why... We usually have it on Christmas or Thanksgiving etc, but I never much like it, especially compared to Turkey.
Mushrooms I don't really care for, but theres worse I suppose. On most pizzas they're mostly tasteless for instance, but I still don't like the texture to them. Onions I don't like. Onion rings are great.:) I don't much care for Fish either. But at the same time, there are many different kinds of fish and many ways to prepare. Some is better then others, some I can't stand though. Lets see what else... I'm not big on cake, and rarely would eat it at a party, but I don't exactly dislike it I suppose. |
I won't eat beets. My parents used to make me eat them when I was a kid and they would say if u plug your nose u won't be able to taste them. What a lie! I couldnt get my dessert until all of them were gone off my plate :(
besides crab - based sushi, I strongly dislike all kinds of seafood.
And thats about all I can think of. I like just about all other foods, and I'll try anything once. |
Fruits/Vegatables - Dont like squash, zuccinni, cooked peas, cooked carrots, turnips, radishes, olives, celery, brussel sprouts, asparagas. I dont like raw carrots alot and uncooked peas. Steamed veggies are OK, too.
I dont like any "salad" made with mayo: i.e. potato salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, etc. I dont like oatmeal. I think it is the texture. I dont like raw tomatos, but I like everything they come in like salsa, ketchup, soups, chilis, etc. I wont eat a burger that has been tainted with pickles. The juice cant be take away. I think that is about it. |
I don't like tomatoes, peas (cooked), zucchini, rutabega, eggplant, organ meat, and most cassarole-type dishes (except Hamburger Helper). Marshmallows and chunks of fruit should be kept away from Jell-o. The smell of saurkraut, asparagus, or spinach cooking will trigger my gag reflex. On more than one occasion I've had to hurry (no running in the house) out of my grandmother's kitchen, when she was cooking one of these three, in order to avoid vomiting on the kitchen floor. Most vegetables taste a lot better raw than cooked (peas, for instance). I've never had opportunity to try sushi, snails, tripe, caviar, mangos, or papaya, and I'm in no hurry to. Don't like seafood. Don't like most oriental food other than rice and stir-fried meat.
white bread. Uhhh nasty.
I can't eat fried chicken. I don't like eating most meats off of the bones, but I really can't eat fried chicken. The thought of biting on a bone makes me sick. Icky!
Papaya! That's the thing I can't stand. Thanks vermin, for reminding me. :)
Foods that I don't like are, rhubarb pie (the texture felt like I was eating grass), mangoes, (tastes like rotten fruit to me), anything with fennel seeds in it, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, and uncooked celery.
I'll eat celery if it's diced very fine in salads or main dishes, but if I try to eat it raw, it gets stuck in my throat and teeth and makes me nauseous. The fish I eat has to have every last little bone removed or it goes cold on my plate. I had a bad experience with salmon patties with the bones left in them. When I crunched down on the bone the first time, I thought it was a little crunchy from the frying process, but then it was crunchy in almost every bite so I started picking apart the patty and found the bones. My mom said that since they're soft and small that I would be able to chew and digest them with no trouble whatsoever. All I could think of though, was the sound of the monster on t.v. that ate the man and his bones went "CRUNCH!!!". *shudder* That's why I don't eat sardines. I love green beans, except in microwave dinners and restaurants. I like them to be cooked to where there is no crunch left in them, but before they start to fall apart. I can't stand oysters, but other shellfish don't bother me. It's just a texture thing with me. Snot don't do it for me. ;) I like strawberry cheesecake but I can't eat regular cheesecake. I haven't tried caviar, but something tells me "NO!". |
Mushrooms are the only things i won't eat. I just fucking hate them.
I hate raw tomatoes and cooked carrots. Well, mostly I don't like cooked vegetables in general, most of them are much better raw.
For those in AU, what's vegemite? I've never heard of it before. |
Something that really repulses me is onions. I've been getting better with them lately (which is good, because they're almost a staple in restaurant/cafeteria/deli food), but they're still not among my favourite things to eat. Veggies aren't that great, but I have no problems with eating them usually. I just don't like radishes, beets, or bittermelon (<- UGH!!).
I also don't really enjoy junk food, but that's because it's bad for you, not because of the taste. |
I've never likes mushrooms and I still dont, I also cant stand clams/oysters ect. And Olives are the only thing I can really think of right now.
Such a shame it tastes like dogshit. |
I won't eat tomatoes on their own, my tongue has an allergic reaction and breaks out (im not kidding). I hate fish. I don't like the skin on chicken (its a mental thing). I like the taste of bacon but the smell of it cooking makes me want to puke. A person I was living with went on Atkins and after smelling bacon cooking everyday for a month I hate it like poison.I don't like peas, squash, spinach, sour cream and onion chips, celery, brussel sprouts, microwaved potatoes, and burnt steak.
I read the book Fast Food Nation about a half year ago, and have not had McDonald's or Burger King since. I can go months without eating any beef or pork, it used to be good, now it just became kinda gross. I stopped drinking anything with sugar, and believe it has helped me lose about 25 lbs in the past few months.
Onions, the fruit of the devil as I like to call them.
(I know they arent fruit, but dont ruin it for me) |
I agree with the comments about vegemite tasting awful and had a similar reaction to Fast Food Nation, but fortunately, I don't encounter vegemite very often, and I reckon if I've survived this long with fast food and haven't died yet, a little more won't hurt me. At least McDonald's tastes good. I can't say the same thing for olives, which I can only stand on muffalettas.
i'm trying to revisit those things that I said I hated when I was younger.. and to my surprise most of those things I do like. Still I'm not a fan of somethings, I'm not a salmon fan, but I'll eat it if there's nothing else to eat. i'm trying to make sure that my list of things that I eat is really long so that if there is any issues in the future, I'm not going to have such a hard time. one thing i KNOW i hate... CANNED PEAS!!! |
Re: foods you don't like now
Brussel sprouts.
That's about it and, um, yes I do eat vegemite. My mind just clicked one day and I started eating it. Don't know why. Strange stuff when you think about it. |
for some reason it makes me choke. |
Cant stand onions. ew. Not for me. :)
Apple juice. I used to love the stuff when I was little, like, taking that stuff over breastmilk. One day I drank too much of it and puked, and then hated it till I was around 15. I became a juice fiend again, and I think the same thing happened. I"m on so-so terms with the stuff now.
Mushroom! Mushrooms = fungus remind me of fungus growing in my backyard. And...clams/mussels etc...nasty stuff
I can not stand anything really sweet anymore.
long list of nasty foods...
broccoli, asparagus, spinach (and all other similar greens), peas, tomatoes, squash & zuchinni & eggplant all nasty, okra, veal, grits, hominy, eggs, ketchup, turnips, raw carrots.. im sure there are others. But these all make me almost puke. Okra does makes me puke. Nasty stuff, all of it! |
that peanut butter that comes mixed with jelly right in the jar. eewww.
I will eat just about anything except pork. I used to eat it when I was younger, but I have not touched it in about 10 years. I gag at the smell of it cooking, and do not like it in any of its forms.
Cabbage is the devil
Have you seen cabbage? It is something that will never be ingested by this guy right here. Asparagus is fairly nappy as well.
Sometimes I totally binge on everything peanut-buttery but lately I haven't liked it at all.. I call them 'food moods' .. because mine switch so often, I have to keep letting my wife know what I will eat today and tomorrow because it can change soo quickly.
Peas, I cannot stand them. They make me gag.
mushroom & black olive *shudders*
hominy, beets, milk *gags* i don't understand oysters. yuk. don't like salmon, but i do like most other fish. never have & never will try caviar or escargot or sushi. and no thanks to odd body parts such as tongue, brain, etc etc etc. *screams* never had liver & never will. my dog was anemic once & i had to cook it for her. the smell is soooo disgusting! *pukes* the only part of chicken i will eat is the breast. the only steak i will eat is filet mignon. oh & i don't enjoy sweets much any more. |
I don't eat anything from the sea. I hate fish (the smell, the texture, especially the smell). I hate lobster and crabs. They look like giant nautical cockroaches to me.
But I try to eat it every now and then but fail miserably by barely being able to swollow one bite without throwing up. I need my Fatty-3 Amino Acids too. |
here's my ultimate nightmare meal: liver and onions, brussels sprouts, beet cassarole and for dessert, anything meringue. I think i'll puke now!
Mushrooms Brussel sprouts Beef Squash Spaghetti |
Baby food
I like most foods, but I won't eat oysters. I think all the pollution and toxins in the ocean get concentrated into oysters. And they are just gross texture-wise.
Asparagus isn't something I like either.. I don't like foods that are too greasy... |
When I was little, I used to eat everything. Now I'm incredibly picky. I don't eat hot dogs, pickles, onions, and a million other things that I used to like.
Canned peas, cauliflower, Cool Whip, and most margarines (though I am developing an affinity for Smart Balance spread). I also generally don't like overpowering cheeses like feta or blue cheese, but I'll eat them if they're in something.
Beets suck. Gravey (be it beef, chicken, pork, or whatever) sucks. Mericlewhip sucks. Bacon sucks. Hershey's chocolate sucks. Fake maply syrup sucks. I'll eat pretty much anything else.
If something is edible by any stretch of the imagination and doesn't cause "great" harm, I eat it and usually like it. Sometimes a certain thing has to be prepared/cooked in the right way, but given that, there is nothing I don't like or wouldn't eat. I really can't think of anything I outrightly don't like.
I hate olives, pork, and anything slimy, or overtly french in nature.
I can't stand eggs. The smell and texture just disgusts me. I also can't stand tripe, liver and other disgusting internal organs that people eat for some odd reason. Also I don't like fish either (tuna being and exception-though I'm not crazy about it) but do make an exception for crustaceons. I love crab. I usually get my Omega-3 from walnuts. Oh and I absolutely hate rice pudding, hot dogs and most processed sausages. Blah!
guacamole. Eww.
I don't eat green vegetables. None. Or mushrooms.
I used to try when I was younger, but now I know better. :) |
I don't like those really pungent cheeses. I can tolerate mozzerella, munster, swiss, cheddar, and all the common stuff - but cheeses from northern France, for example, make me hurl.
I'd say I'll eat pretty much anything but there are a few things I don't much care for. Anything like liver, kidney, or other forms of entrails, brains and paws are completely off for me. I don't like brussels sprouts, they are like little vile stink bombs waiting to explode in your mouth once you bite down. Also, the yuckiest fruit I know is called a diospiro/ kaki/ persimmon, the taste is okay but in the centre it has 2 slug like things that just make my stomach turn. Does anyone know these?
thx for reminding me - no livers, kidneys, bladders, brains, testicles or haggis.
yecchh ... |
"sweet breads" sounds sort of appetizing if they were really "sweet" and "bread". Brains and entrails on the other hand sound like slaughterhouse scraps, which I guess they ofter are.
In any case, I love sweet breads ...the brains and organs kind... very delicate flavor and texture; I also like kidneys and tripe and liver, you get the picture. I suppose this is why they called me "garbage mouth" when I was a teenager, it was not for my choice of language. I don't know about paws, where would I get those? But something I found for the first time a few years ago and thought it was a bit strange is chicken feet. Not the leg or meat, but the actual little claws that scratch chicken shit in the pen. It was in a Chinese restaurant and the gelatinous texture and cartiledge made it tasty and intersting. Oh, I have never tried eyeballs, they sound sort of weird and I've never been confronted with the opportunity yet. |
I will eat just about anything... however, when I was a kid, I was strictly a no vegetables kind of kid (my only exceptions were peas, corn, potatoes and tomatoes in a sauce).
While I will eat them I am not a fan of beets, bussel sprouts (damn Belgians) and offal (while I can eat them, I just don't enjoy it so I tend to avoid ordering it). |
I love raw onions but I hate cooked ones
My tastes have broadened considerably since I was younger though do have a few quirks.
For example: Nothing beats a crispy dill pickle with a grilled cheese sandwich, but like relish, I think it ruins a good burger. Cherry Tomatoes. I've progressed to the point where I can eat them drizzled in balsamic vinegar or in a pesto cream pasta, but never alone. That burst of sour juice makes me gag everytime. On the other hand, I love raw cherries, but can't eat them cooked. Cherry pie is the one and only kind of pie I won't eat. Again, the sour juice makes me gag. Same for fakey cherry flavoured candy. Let's see, what else... I love prepared and seedy mustard but don't like strong dijon mustard. Minimal Wasabi on my sushi please and no Cabbage rolls or sauerkraut. I don't drink coffee. In Hungary, the local cough syrup has a similar tase to Root Beer, so my dad won't touch the stuff. His old school friend is incredulous that we enjoy it. Boy I'd hate to coordinate ordering Pizza at a TFP party. :lol: |
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