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Old 08-14-2003, 04:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
Prince's Avatar
Location: LV-426
Odd request, but...freebies?

I dunno if asking this is cool, but here goes...

I haven't lived in the States for long, moved in from Europe just this April. As I am trying to fit in and FEEL like I fit in, I'm trying to find "me" things, stuff that is "mine". Guess it is hard to explain, but try selling everything you own except a Playstation and two suitcases of clothes and moving to a strange country...and you'll be wanting to find things you can call your own, too.

Aaaanyway...back in Europe I used to have several magazine subscriptions, that were free, mostly computer mags. Since I cannot afford to buy subs right now, do YOU know of any magazines that offer free subscriptions? While waiting for my work permit, I have nada to do all day, do I'll take Home & Gardening if I can get it for free for all I care.

It's an odd request...but help if ya can. I'm just looking for free subs to mags, preferably without strings attached.

Who is John Galt?
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Old 08-14-2003, 04:56 PM   #2 (permalink)
clockworkgreen's Avatar
Location: DC
the website www.fatwallet.com has a forum on freebies. I'd check there first.
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Old 08-14-2003, 05:38 PM   #3 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
MSD's Avatar
Super Moderator
Location: CT

That's for Maxim magazine, there's another one for "Stuff" that I can't seem to find, I think it was linked to in that thread.
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Old 08-14-2003, 06:02 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Take a look here:

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Old 08-14-2003, 06:02 PM   #5 (permalink)
There are several freebies listed on the gotapex "got deals" forum. I can't vouch for whether they work or not, but I found some good deals on that forum in the past....

Got Apex Forum Link
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Old 08-14-2003, 06:08 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Earth

the best list of freebies..all of my (too) many subscriptions are free
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Old 08-14-2003, 06:09 PM   #7 (permalink)
Originally posted by clockworkgreen
the website www.fatwallet.com has a forum on freebies. I'd check there first.

yup, and the thread you want is this one...

The "official" FREE magazine thread....
dimbulb is offline  
Old 08-14-2003, 06:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
Magazine Name Date Added//03 - Mag link NEW

Advance for Nurses - http://www.advancefornurses.com/comm...etup=Subscribe

Advanstarmags - 70 of their publications 7/23/03 - https://www.advanstar.com/subscriptions

Alternative Sports Magazine 7/23/03 Comes out at the end of 2003 - http://www.alternativesportsmag.com/prsubscribe.html

American Baby - https://secure.americanbaby.com/bhg/...?promoCode=L12

American Trucker - http://www.trucker.com/subReqAT.asp

Art and Frame Review 7/23/03 (Dedicated to providing news and information to the art and picture framing communities.) - http://www.go-star.com/framer

Austin Report - Magazine for Coin Dealers - http://www.coinzine.com/feedback.htm

Automotive Design and Production 7/9/03 (Automotive Design and Production, focuses on the processes -- technological and managerial -- that are available to or employed by the leading automotive manufacturing companies in the world)-

Aventura (Aventura has received your request for a free subscription. When we begin printing the magazine, we will send you our first two issues free) - http://www.aventura-mag.com/english/...cription.html, spanish-http://www.aventura-mag.com/spanish/freesubscription.html

Baby Talk 7/10/03 (America's #1 guide to birth and your baby's first year of life) -

Biography 7/23/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailbio01welcome.htm

BioMechanics 7/23/03 - http://www.biomech.com/subscribe.shtml

Black Enterprise - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailenterprise01welcome.htm

Blender - http://complimentarymagazines.com/cg...gi?setup=music

Boating Mags - Passagemaker, Angler, Cruising, Sailing World, Go Boating, Boating life, Lakeland, Good Old Boat - http://www.boatowners.com/

Body Scource (Anticipated release of the magazine is March 2004, so you'll have to wait a while to receive it) - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailbodysource01welcome.htm

Bowling Digest - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailbowling01welcome.htm

Breakthroughs - http://www.pnl.gov/breakthroughs/subscript.asp

C/C++ Users Journal 8/11/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailcplus01welcome.htm NEW

CadenceWeb - http://www.cadenceweb.com/contact/freesub.html

Chips (mailed every 3 months) - http://mirage.norfolk.navy.mil/chips_sub/

CIO 7/9/03 (CIO magazine addresses the issues vital to the success of IT and business executives.) -

College Parenting 7/19/03 (College Parent Magazine is dedicated to providing parents of college and college-bound students complete and reliable information about important issues such as financial aid, admissions, campus life, and much, much more.) - http://collegeparenting.com/pn

Comedy Scene 7/28/03 (Possibly a trial subsciption, as it is only for 3 months. It doesn't ask for a CC# though.) - http://www.comedycalendar.com/subscriptionform.htm NEW

Compound Semiconductor, Opto & Laser Europe, Wireless Europe, FiberSystems America & Asia, FibreSystems Europe - http://www.iop.org/ma.html

Computer World - http://www.cwsubscribe.com/cgi-win/cw.cgi?finder

Cruise Travel 8/11/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailcruise01welcome.htm NEW

Cure (for cancer) - https://www.securedvirtualnet.com/pe...bscription.htm

Digital Home 7/15/03 (This is a prepublication offer, projected first issue delivery May 2004) -

E-circ.net - A ton of business Magazines 7/23/03 - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...et+&lr=lang_en

Eweek - http://www.omeda.com/ziff/ewk/ewk.cgi?ZDSUBS

Family Tree Maker. Genealogy 7/23/03 - http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com...ome=1058879252

Feat Magazine (From Rockport. On the bottom righthand side) - http://www.rockport.com/scripts/cgii...ure/italy.html

NONE from ValueMags. I believe they will have more shortly. 7/8/03 - (sign up here https://www.valuemags.com/member/Cre...sp?cmd=NewUser)

Golf Digest 7/23/03 - http://www.magscentral.com/golfdigest

Golf for Women - http://www.americangolf.com/spirit/wmag.cfm#

Golf Tips 7/23/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailgolftips01Welcome.Html

Golf World (46 issues) - http://www.magscentral.com/golfworld/gwa3.htm

Graphics Network 7/14/03 (They have 4 differant magazines. Just go to the site and click which one you want, put in the priority code, S37PLS, and submit. Choose from: Print & Graphics, Printing Journal, Printing Views and Southern Graphics) - http://www.printingjournalmag.com/pghome.html

Her Atlanta 7/9/03 - http://www.heratlanta.com/magazine/h...ribe/index.htm

HighDef Magazine
7/23/03 (Learn about High Definition stuff) - http://www.highdef.org/magazine/subscribe.htm

Hispanic 7/15/03 - https://www.ezsubscription.com/cgi-b...NIC&key=7INETC

Hispanic Trends - https://www.ezsubscription.com/cgi-b...END&key=7WWW03

Home Business Connection - http://www.freemoneymakingmagazine.com/?a=7526

Home Depot’s Style Idea Magazine - http://www.styleideas.com/

InformationWeek - http://www.informationweeksubscripti...NPAS&k4=WNNPA2

IT Wireless 7/23/03 - http://www.it-wireless.com/prsubscribe.html

Kiplingers Personal Finance and Budget Living 7/23/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/edgarkiplingers01welcome.htm

Latina - http://www.magscentral.com/latina

LEGO 7/20/03 - http://club1.lego.com/registration/s...=x&locale=2057

Life Extension 8/11/03 - http://www.magazine-city.net/lifeext...eextension.asp NEW

MacAddict - www.freebizmag.com/macaddictad03welcome.htm

Magazine.com - A ton more non-mainstream mags. 7/23/03 - http://www.magazines.com/ncom/mag?subject=67

Maxim 7/14/03 - http://www.bbqsweeps.com or http://complimentarymagazines.com/cg...?setup=maxim24

Mens Journal - http://www.batteries.com/survey.asp

Morningstar Health ( 2 free issues) -

Motor (On right side of page) - http://www.motor.com/

Natural Home - http://www.naturalhomemagazine.com/propartners

Network World - https://www.subscribenw.com/subscrib...REQUEST=NewSub

New England Bride Magazine 8/11/03 - http://www.nebride.com/asp/register/register.asp NEW

NurseWeek - http://www.nurseweek.com/subscriptio...ption_free.asp

101communications Free business mags 7/23/03 - http://www.101com.com/subs.asp

Opera News 8/13/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailopera01welcome.htm NEW

Outdoor Photographer 7/31/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailoutphoto01welcome.htm NEW

PC Magazine (Digital format; convert to print format by filling this out -http://www.zdmcirc.com/zdmcirc/digital/index.html#change) - http://www.freebizmag.com/pcmagdigitalad01welcome.htm

PC Photo 7/29/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailpcphoto01welcome.htm NEW

Pennsylvania Landscape and Nusery Magazine 7/23/03 - http://www.plna.com/assets/downloads...iptionCard.pdf

Penton Media. About 40 magazines 7/23/03 - http://subscribe.penton.com/index.php

Pet Product News 7/23/03 - http://ppn.magserv.com/cgi-bin/subscribe

Plane & Pilot Magazine 8/11/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailplanepilot01Welcome.Html NEW

Postcards - http://www.carlsontravel.com/Magazine/magazinea.htm

Proccesor.com - http://www.processor.com/forms/subsc...ormtype=NEWSUB

Remedy (for if you are over 45) - http://www.omeda.com/cgi-win/rx.cgi?p=realage

Sales Promotion Magazine 7/23/03 - http://www.sp-mag.com/subscribe.html

Sante, The Magazine for Restaurant Professionals 7/23/03 - http://www.culinaryconnect.com/sante/subs.asp

Seventeen 7/23/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/seventeenad03welcome.htm

Sex Health 8/7/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/sexhealthad03welcome.htm NEW

Sleep Review 7/23/03 - http://slr.magserv.com

Software Developement 7/20/03 - http://www.submag.com/sub/sd?ss=shrtfrm&pk=sdna02

Sporting Goods Business - https://subvnu.com/SGB?P=YZZDD1

Sporting News 8/7/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailsportnews01welcome.htm NEW

Storage - http://storagemagazine.techtarget.co...ml?From=NonReg

Stroke Connection - http://www.strokeassociation.org/pre...dentifier=2541

Submag - A ton of business mags 7/23/03 - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...rch&lr=lang_en

Tactical Response 7/23/03 - http://tac.magserv.com

T.H.E. Journal - http://www.thejournal.com/magazine/s...?fsubaction=NS

The Reporter - http://www.pub-serv.com/sf/thr/thr_f...5&promo=NWBS01

Saltwater Fly Fishing 8/5/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailsaltfish01welcome.htm NEW

The Scientist
7/23/03 - http://sc.magserv.com/index2.php

The Wheel - http://www.ashford.co.nz/FreeMagazine.asp

Tips and Tricks - http://www.freebizmag.com/realonetipstrk01welcome.htm

Todays Chiropractic 7/23/03 - http://www.todayschiropractic.com/pa...iption-us.html

Tradepub. Professional Trade Publications. - http://magazinevalues.tradepub.com

Travel America 8/11/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailtravel01welcome.htm NEW

24-7 - Medical magazine - http://www.kwikinfo.com/leadin.asp?pubcode=24X7

Two -http://a388.g.akamai.net/7/388/1603/0001/www.freebizmag.com/emailtwo01welcome.htm

Vegetarian Times 7/29/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailvege01welcome.htm NEW

Veterinary Practice News 7/23/03 - http://vpn.magserv.com

Vim and Vigor - http://www.vigormagazine.com/keep/index.htm

VNU Magazines - A ton more business magazines 7/23/03 - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...com&lr=lang_en

Wall Street and Technology Magazine 7/23/03 - http://www.wallstreetandtechsubscrip...ty_Code=WMCSWM

Washington Golf Monthly (Only for midatlantic states) - http://www.thewgm.com/misc/subscribe.htm

Western Interiors and Design 7/15/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailwestern01welcome.htm

Wine Enthusiast 8/2/03 - http://www.freebizmag.com/emailenthusiast01welcome.htm NEW

Working Mother 8/03/03 - http://www.magscentral.com/wm/wm3w3.htm NEW

Yard and Garden 7/13/03 (Yard & Garden Magazine is edited for primary decision-makers in outdoor power equipment dealerships, including general managers, parts managers and service managers.) - http://www.magazines.com/ncom/mag?id...mid=0000006034

YM 7/15/03 - http://www.teenfreeway.com/magscentral/ym1.htm

CHOOSE FROM 1 OF THESE: Automobile, Aging With Style, Allure, Architectural Digest, Bicycling, Black Enterprise, Blender, Modern Bride, Business 2.0, Car Craft, Child, Conde Nast Traveler, Details –Fashion, Discover, Disney Adventures, Disney Magazine, Elle, Entrepreneur, Espn, Family Circle, Field & Stream, Glamour, Golf, Gourmet, Gq-Gentlemen's Quarterly, Inc Magazine, Interview, Kiplingers Personal Finance, Latina, Maxim, Men's Journal, Metropolitan Home, Money, Motor Trend, New Yorker, Outdoor Life, Parents, Popular Science, Razor, Rolling Stone, Self, Spin, Stuff Magazine, Teen People, Teen Vogue, Travel Holiday, Vibe, Vogue, Wired, Working Mother, Worth Magazine, Y.M. Just make sure you say you wear contacts! - http://www.dailiesadvantage.com/default.asp

supposedly $250 worth of magazines - https://host34.ipowerweb.com/~maxmag..._CMS/index.php
dimbulb is offline  
Old 08-14-2003, 07:23 PM   #9 (permalink)
The GrandDaddy of them all!
The_Dude's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
i checked about some of them and they require you to be involved in the business of the magazie.

is it OK to lie on their to get the free subscripts?
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Darrel K Royal
The_Dude is offline  
Old 08-15-2003, 12:18 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Near Gainesville, FL
i never would have guessed
Yes I am a Pirate 200 years too late,
Cannons don't thunder
theres nuthin to plunder
I'm an over 30 victim of fate...
mjollnir is offline  
Old 08-15-2003, 01:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: BEAN_TOWN
Hey Dimbulb....great links thankx
As soon as I have time I'm going to hook myself up!
"Nothing That Gives Pleasure is Bad"

Quality is for those who know
what they want and are at peace with what they have.

"S/M is about emotion; the erotic tension between my impulse toward something and my resistance against it."-- Virginia Barker

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butfreebies, odd, request

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