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Cheap Vodka
Being the cheapo that I am, I've decided that I can stand to get drunk on something cheaper than smirnoff. All I've really had of the cheap stuff is heaven hill, and it was shitty. Any suggestions?
I believe blue label Popov is what you are looking for. It is 100 proof and costs less than 10 dollars for a fifth. If you are looking for quality you will want to stay with the smirnoff but for ultimate cheapness go with the Popov.
Also as a warning you will be more likely to get sick off this cheap ass vodka. |
Be prepared for killer hangovers.
5 o'clock
While you'll need to check the laws in your area and I in no way condone this (plus, I'm not liable if you bugger it up), you could always just brew your own:
http://www.thickos.co.uk/index.html Though, I'd recommend using the newer stack distillers and starting off with beer rather than your own mash if you're a beginner. Before you get all gung hoo, realize the dangers: http://www.happinessonline.org/BeTemperate/p27.htm#1 Ethanol = good Methyl alcohol = bad Ethanol fuel at gas station = would be good if they didn't add benzene (ya know, makes it kinda poisonous...........which is a bad thing in my books ;) ) |
I recommend NOT DOING THAT! Seriously, life is too short for cheap:
Vodka Beer Women Cars wait...i suppose we could scratch women...heh heh..... Go for Absolut, or Belvedereand thank me later. Absolut goes down like water, baby! |
I only drink the good stuff. Ketal One.
Look for something distilled or distributed out of Lewiston Maine. Made from only the best bruised, rotting and otherwise unusable spuds Maine has to offer.
Drink Skol vodka. It tastes like shit, but it's cheap as hell.
Drink at least the middle of the road stuff. The economics force more responsible imbibing.
Reminds me of one of my friends... Wanted a white russian, but only had some cheap stuff.. don't remember what. So he went to get some milk, but only had soy milk. So he used that! White russian made with cheap vodka and soy milk. Does it get worse than that?
I think Fleischmans vodka is cheaper than Smirnoff, and is equally as good. Like WK says though, Ketel One...Grey Goose, Van Gogh orange is quite tasty....too many to list. |
I generally drink Ketal One. Somebody brought over a bottle of Sky Vodka over here last weekend at a small party I had. That stuff is on the cheap side, but it didn't taste too bad. I usually use vodka to make mixed drinks (hate it straight up), so it's hard to distinguish the good stuff from the bad when it's mixed in with a bunch of other shit.
Someone once told me that Viaka or Barton's is in the price range you are talking about and I understand they aren't bad if you use them to mix - probably wouldn't be as good straight as what you've been drinking.
Gordon's vodka has been ranked right up there with Absolut and Stoli. $7.95 a fifth around here. Vodka is one booze I can drink on the cheap. Scotch on the other hand.......
BTW, the hangover is more a result of what you mix it with. Drink it neat or on the rocks. |
Actually, duckduck, they don't add benzene. The preferred method of purifying alcohol is distillation. Distilling it normally will get nearly pure alcohol, but some water will remain. The only way to get it 100% water-free is to distill it over hot benzene. In this process, it picks up some of the benzene vapor, which is less harmful to the combustion process than water.
Jebus! Smirnoff Vodka Sucks..... I can't stand that crap, all I drink is Grey Goose........ cheap booze suxors, and gives you a hangover.... take it from a big time boozer, the money you spend for the best Vodka is well spent. Good clean Vodka will get you drunk and the next day you will wake up thinking.... WTF? I feel great :D
Believe me I know! |
Really MrSelfDestruct? I was under the impression that fuel companies that produce ethanol fuel put in additives (ie. benzene) so that people couldn't separate the fuel and get cheap booze. I always thought that they added addition benzene because of the distilling process like you mentioned. If they don't add benzene to the ethanol car fuel, what is it? While I don't distill my own, the whole "screw-the-people-outta-booze" thing the fuel companies do intrigues me. If you know anymore about it, I'd appreciate you sharing it here.
Smirnoff Vodka is the cheapest I would go.
If you are a martini drinker it is worth paying a little more. Kettle One isn't a bank breaker |
yes... it is a BAD BAD idea to drink industrial ethanol. It's will definitely have been spiked with something that makes it uncomsumable to make it tax-exempt..... |
Want to hear about really cheap vodka.
When I was in Israel for the summer of 1994, my friends and I found what I believe is probably the cheapest ever foudn in a democratic non-post-communist country. In one of the most famous markets in Jerusalem we found vodka for 4 dollars a 750ml bottle. The vodka was from a company called Kedem. They are a respectable company so it was very surprising to find Vodka that cheap. |
oh.... they might add methanol....which is methyl alcohol...
which will make you go blind..... ethanol is common alcohol |
how about New Hampshire vodka? Distilled in scenic Londonderry, NH. No finer a paint thinner...uh...grain spirit has there been.
I recommend the wonderful Kamchatka vodka. Worst...stuf...ever...But really cheap.
Cossack Vodka in the NE is pretty cheap and not too bad. Its better for mixing into screwdrivers and stuff, and I'd have a beer or two afterward.
Just dont drink the shit staight, it'll kill you. |
Crystal Palace is my fav cheap vodka. 10 bucks for 40oz.
McKormics vodka is very cheap... and tastes like shit untill youve had 7 or 8 shots of it....
i usually go with Sky vodka... |
dude, stuff the vodka thing... just try lighter fluid. mixed with coke...WOW - nothing nastier (but hey, its cheap).
I realize this is an old (ancient...) post, but I found it on google, and I joined your forums, so shoot me.
'Cheap' vodka is obvious, but drinkable is relative. Some people can stand to take shots of 5 O'Clock (less than $15 for a half-gallon around here), while some people can't stand Skyy even when it's mixed (I like Skyy, personally...) but here's the thing - and I'm amazed that more people haven't heard of this - filter it. I'm sure many of you have read vodka labels where they've said "charcoal filtered" or "triple filtered" or something of that sort. Don't think they're doing some super-scientific expensive process - because they're not. In fact, it's super-ultra simple and easy. It's weird, but I heard about this on TechTV (which is now G4, and unwatchable) during the show "The Screen Savers." (it's somewhat possible that the episode is still indexed on the site somewhere, but since G4 took over, I want nothing to do with them, or their website). Anyways, here's the deal - there's two options here, one is a little more expensive, but technically easier, and the other is cheaper but involves a little more work (go figure...). Option 1: Britta. Buy a Britta water filter, the kind that's a jug that you fill a reservoir at the top, and the liquid goes through the filter and collects in the pitcher. Among a few other minor ingredients, the major ingredient in the filter is activated charcoal. Many "top shelf" vodka producers filter their vodka through activated charcoal - once, twice, or more. The Britta filter isn't designed for this, so it's not as efficient at filtering alcohol as it is water. So instead of filtering it once, filter it about 3-4 times. Usually my friends and I (generally before a party... if it's just us, we'll just deal with the awful vodka :) ) filter our vodka about 4 times if we're using a Britta filter. Just keep the container the vodka came in (we'll usually get 5 O'Clock when doing this, oh so cheap), and filter it through the Britta, pour it back into the bottle when it's all done (the Britta filter we got holds a gallon, but the reservoir doesn't hold nearly as much), and pour it back into the reservoir and repeat. For your first time doing this, if you're skeptical, try a shot after each time you filter (you have to try one when it's in its putrid, unfiltered form too, for science's sake). After 3 or 4 filters (depending on the new-ness of the filter you've got in your Britta thing, and the nastiness of the vodka to begin with) you'll have very smooth vodka, with very little aftertaste. The burn is still there, but that's the alcohol, and unavoidable - but even then, the burn isn't as bad, and goes away more quickly. We've used one Britta filter for two gallons of vodka, and it still works pretty well. Don't expect it to last as long as when filtering water though. Option 2: pure activated charcoal This is cheaper. To find activated charcoal, visit your local Walmart/Meijer (I'm in the mid-west) etc. and find their animal supplies. If they've got a freshwater fish section, you're made. (I don't suggest pet stores as much, because they often have a higher price, but if all else fails, you can always find it at a pet store that carries fish.) There are probably other places you can find it, but I'm going with what I know :). Use a coffee filter, and fold it Chemistry-class-wise (a google search may turn something up... basically you fold it in half, then fold it in half again, then open up one of the cones [there should be two]). Fill it with some activated charcoal (more = more filtration, and it will last a little longer [ie... maybe two or three times through], but if you've got a cheap source of a. charcoal, your best results would be from changing it every time), and pour some water through it until it doesn't run grey (there's always some dust that will get through until it is washed out. If you skip that and just put the alcohol through, it will turn charcoal colored, and have some a. charcoal in it. It won't hurt anyone, but it's not as good for looks.). After it's clear, start filtering your vodka. Best results would be from changing the filter and a. charcoal after each time through, but a half-cup of a. charcoal is usually okay at filtering two or three times. Using this method, depending on how much a. charcoal you're using, and how many filtrations you let it go through with one filter, we usually say it's good enough after about 4 times through. Presto-Chango : Top-shelf vodka. So, my advice is to go buy a half-gallon of paint-thinner/rubbing alcohol vodka, and filter to your heart's content. |
Home made vodka? Noooo....
In short, don't even consider home made vodka unless you know how to avoid the dangers of methanol, how not to make yourself blind drinking it, and... if you're looking for advice here, then you don't know enough. Don't do it! :| And even if you're blind already, I bet there are several *other* nasty side effects to methanol poisoning... :rolleyes: |
Swedka is a cheap decent vodka for mixing.
Swedka is a cheap decent vodka for mixing. |
Mythbusters isn't the end-all of what is actually true.
If you think of what vodka is, then you can help yourself. Vodka is just pure grain alcohol (95% pure, as high as water distillation gets), diluted with water until it reaches 40% alcohol by volume, or 80 proof. Now that is out of the way, there are two things you can purify, the water or the alcohol. The only thing that separates the good vodka from the cheap vodka is the filteration and purification. Less purification, less manufacturing costs = cheaper price. The Brita filtration system does work! |
Hangovers are actually caused by low electrolytes.
Your body measures the amount of fluid inside based on the electrolyte levels. When you drink a lot, you pee a lot, and there go your salts. As a result, your body retains fluid. The symptoms are a headache from the extra pressure and cotton mouth from your mouth being sealed up to retain fluids. Sweat mixers also make you feel bad, especially when you can no longer pee because your body is sealed up. The best cure for a hangover is prevention. Just drink a quart of Gatorade or Power ade, etc. before going to bed. It's always worked for me and everyone I've shared this tip with. Or, get up and go with a little hair of the dog! |
I'm not sure what part of the myth Mythbusters was testing, but Brita filtered cheap vodka definitely tastes better than non-filtered cheap vodka. It tastes clean, as predicted, without the mineral-y crap taste you usually get., though obviously without the finesse flavors of Chopin, Kettle One, Grey Goose, etc.
It's a bit of a pain in the ass, and there's no getting around that, but if you don't believe it, I'd definitely try it. I think you'll be surprised. |
I would never want to be the kind of drinker who always looks for the cheapest stuff around. My friends would hate to party at my place. But then, that's just my personal opinion. ;) |
Well. . And the whole 15% to 90% gasoline content of the ethanol ;) |
I tried some regular Mohawk Vodka a week ago - cheap stuff, 375ml for $4 - and I actually kinda liked the taste of it. Even by itself. Plus, no hangover.
Qualifier for above statement: My sense of taste was never that strong. You may hate it. Second qualifier: I very rarely get hangovers, even when I forget to drink water and get wasted. And even with the rarelies, there was never a headache. Come to think of it, this reply may not be all that helpful. |
this thread makes me want to go buy a brita filter, a gallon or so of vodka, and get hammered.
the electrolyte thing is truth. drink some gatorade or powerade and it helps so much. |
How to make cheap vodka taste good. |
Here's the forum on the Mythbusters website - has a thread about filtering cheap vodka. The show's conclusion was it can taste better but not as good as top shelf vodka.
http://community.discovery.com/eve/f...6/m/1391989528 If you mix it, it really doesn't matter. I normally drink it over the rocks and can tell a difference between some brands. But only on the first two drinks. :p :edit: After reading the thread I just cited, who knows what the hell was proven! Dang, they are all over the place on this one. |
never been a big fan of vodka myself, more of a beer guy, but if i were to recommend i would go with absolut, though i find it hard to believe that if you are going to get shnockered on vodka you wont wake up with a hangover anyway. but at least you got your hangover from quality vodka.
Threadjack ahead.
Some time ago, a former co-worker, shared some top-shelf, russian potato vodka. You can see that most common vodkas are made with grain. (I spent about 20mins, looking through the selection at a local store, with lots of vodka.) I have seen a few which appear to be actual potato vodkas, but have not seen one I have liked. At the price of better vodkas, I dont really want to have to buy shitty vodka in pretty bottles, to find a good one. I spent WAY too much on some Glacier,(rubbing alcohol)"vodka". Total suck!!!! Any way, anyone check the label lately on their favorite vodka? Grain or Potato? |
There are actually two components of a hangover:
Dehydration and impurities. The dehydration hangovers usually happen when you drink beer. In those cases, drinking a Gatorade before bed (if possible also a multivitamin) will help immensely. However, if you drink red wine and get drunk, a nasty hangover will probably ensue. Same for darker liquors. This is the impurities that are in the liquor. No avoiding that (except more expensive liquors). |
Well i have to tell you all that you need to try One-O-One Vodka. Especially if your an Absolute Fan, eww There's nothing smooth about a vodka that smells like rubbing alcohol. But if your a high end Vodka drinker especially a woman like me who likes there Vodka smooth, without that disgusting Vodka taste, and no hangover hangover, I recommend 1.0.1 VODKA. Yeah, its the only Vodka on the market that calls themselves the NO HANGOVER VODKA. I don't know about this claim for everyone but I've been drinking it for the last 2 years and I can agree with it!!!! Plus, its better than Grey Goose and like $10 cheaper.:thumbsup: -----Added 9/10/2008 at 04 : 11 : 06----- Quote:
Well i have to tell you all that you need to try One-O-One Vodka. Especially if your an Absolute Fan, eww There's nothing smooth about a vodka that smells like rubbing alcohol. But if your a high end Vodka drinker especially a woman like me who likes there Vodka smooth, without that disgusting Vodka taste, and no hangover hangover, I recommend 1.0.1 VODKA. Yeah, its the only Vodka on the market that calls themselves the NO HANGOVER VODKA. I don't know about this claim for everyone but I've been drinking it for the last 2 years and I can agree with it!!!! Plus, its better than Grey Goose and like $10 cheaper.:thumbsup: |
There's really only two vodka's worth drinking and that's Ketal One and Chopin.
Cheap vodkas are cheap for a reason. Quality over quantity.. |
Dubra is terrible, Popov is a margin of a step up in price (costs $1 more or less usually) and is considerably better, though still terrible. Smirnoff is a fairly good vodka for the price, though the flavored Smirnoff vodkas can give you a hangover even if you don't get drunk.
As far as higher end vodkas, my favorite would be Jewel of Russia, it is smooth and has a very pure flavor, less expensive than Goose/Belvedere and other higher end vodkas. |
I never get a hangeover from vodka. I feel like shit the next day if I even approach tipsy with red wine, and we usually get pretty good wine.
A fun Brita tip, if you like flavored vodka, throw your favorite spice of fruit in the top before inserting the vodka. Cold weather+red pepper flakes+vodka=yum. But have a chaser ready. |
I once got a 40 pounder of Fleischman's Vodka from the duty free at Niagara Falls. $9.00 Canadian. Never knew they made vodka. then again, I never bought another bottle. It's been Belvedere for me lately.
polish vodka made from potatoes...name???...cheap and good...xoxoxoo
To answer the OP's inquiry, there's a cheaper-than-smirnof vodka out there called Viking Fjord. Handles are like 18 bucks, and it's actually tastier and smoother than Smirnoff red label could ever hope to be.
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