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Looften 08-06-2003 01:17 AM

Tilted Hobby's
I'm a fairly new member, and to my surprise, there isn't really a forum here to discuss the various hobbies our members have. Posts concerning aspects of our hobbies seem misplaced on the more specific boards available here at TFP. General Discussion is a bit too fast paced and broad to hold steady conversations and retain insightful posts for others to benefit from. Knowledge is probably the closest match, but it doesn't reflect the enjoyment that our often silly hobbies give us. Entertainment is too deeply focused on media.

I'm not sure how much interest exists for having a hobby board, so I figured I'd break the ice with an introductory post. Feel free to reply and describe your own hobby, how long you have been doing it, any personal touches you apply, and what really makes it enjoyable to you. I'll go first of course. :D

I fly radio controlled helicopters. My first, and current model I'm flyng is a .30 size Kyosho Calibur. I started with no experience flying planes, so it has been quite the adventure for me to start off with such a challenge. I've only recently felt confident enough to remove my training gear and fly it free. I've painted the standard plastic canopy a combination of red and black to add some flare. The painting process took quite awhile and I had to use the same process one would if he were painting a car. I had my first crash back in December, due to radio interference. The main and tail rotos were destroyed of course, along with the flybar and some ajoining parts. Luckily the frame and boom was fine and I had it back in operation after ordering some new parts.
Most of my fly time takes place is my fairly large and flat backyard, although I often fly at a local field. I'm the only pilot there that does helicopters, all the rest are plankers. :D

I choose helicopters for two reasons. First of all I enjoy the mechanical detail of my model. R/C helicopters use the same mechanism of real helicopters. Everything from the main rotors to swashplate are present. The biggest difference between R/C and real helicopters is the prescence of a flybar and two blades in place of the standard four blades. I think some of my most enjoyable moments in the hobby is the time I spent fixing it up after my first crash. The other aspect is the sheer thrill of flying. It takes a lot of practice and coordination to move two joysticks at once in order to control the model. It's largely a balancing act just to keep it in the air. I've always wanted to get into this hobby ever since I was a little kid, I just saw it as the coolest thing in the world, and it just may be. :D It's also a good excuse to get outside and enjoy the weather. I never had much interest in flying model planes, I just felt bound to the chopper. :p

I doubt that many, if any, members of our board also fly R/C helicopters. I'm sure there's a decent number that fly planes. I hope I don't intimidate anybody with my in depth response.

So what are your hobbies? How long have you been doing them? What makes them so enjoyable? Any tips or tricks? Your hobby can be anything from coin collecting to mountain biking to ricing up your geo metro. Let us know what you do and why it's so great. :D

platypus 08-06-2003 05:32 AM

RC helicopters have always interested me, ever since I was a kid. It's a hobby I've always felt I could embrace. But when I had the time, I didn't have the money. Now I have the money and guess what?

Currently my spare time is taken up by a number of interests:

Computers: I have five in working condition, maybe two more in parts. Surfing and tinkering take up a lot of my time. Right now this has to be my biggest time waster. So easy to sit down, flick a switch, and blow through a few hours. Especially on this forum.

Photography: I currently have five cameras (three 35mm, two digi) and loads of lenses and other equipment collected over the years. Although I've mostly gone over to the dark side (digital), I still contribute to my massive backlog of exposed film waiting to be scanned.

Guitar: Got a Les Paul, Strat, Ovation, and two other acoustics. Have played on and off for years, badly. Never took lessons, never learned theory, or my chops, so I suck at it. Someone on this forum described themselves as a living room guitar player. That's me. Except that a few weeks ago I actually got up in front of people at little roadhouse restaurant with a house band and played for my supper. Yes, alcohol was involved, but I didn't F'k up. But then Margaritaville is a piss-easy song to play.

Wood working: Got an entire basement workshop. More ways to turn solid wood into sawdust than you can imagine. More ways to remove parts of my body too (which I've done). God I love the smell of burning wood in the morning. Smells like...another ruined project.

Home brewing: Been doing this on and off for about twelve years now. Mostly off lately as the above interests have intruded, and I've cut way back on my beer consumption. Doesn't mix well with working out everyday (another tax on my time). Further evidence of my home brew neglect is the fact that my fermentation vessel (big plastic bucket actually) was most recently used to collect and transport u-pick (actually me-pick) sour cherries.

It will probably be a while before I add to my list of hobbies. Maybe after I retire. Hopefully that won't be so far in the future that my only hobbies are trying new denture adhesives and switching channels with a remote.

onetime2 08-06-2003 07:36 AM

Cool hobby. I also have been interested in RC helicopters. I guess I've always wanted to be a pilot.

I have several hobbies:

Scuba diving. Big time junkie. Whether it's wreck diving off of NJ/NY, cave diving in Florida, or reef diving in the Carib, I love it all.

Just getting into photography (mostly underwater), kind of goes along with scuba. I have a good handle on how to compose the picture but still need lots of work on lighting, exposure, apertures, etc.

Off road motorcycling. Been doing it for 20+ years but haven't been doing much lately as more often than not I'm diving. One of the business ideas I'm kicking around in my head is opening an off road track.

Home renovation. Not sure how much is a hobby and how much is necessity but I do enjoy most of the projects I tackle.

theguyondacouch 08-06-2003 08:19 AM

AAs of right now, I am into plastic scale models. I used to be into rc trucks freakin big, but I perfected my own chassis design, and my interest kind of wained.

tikki 08-06-2003 08:51 AM

I used to collect WWE action figures (I have a few hundred), but now I don't really have a "hobby" unless you considering going to the gym every day one.

Plummie 08-06-2003 09:01 AM

Sewing and restoring old furniture are my newest hobbies.

I love the fact that I can turn things from trash to treasure for very little money.

I have a lot of other hobbies, but we don't need to get into those. :)

lurkette 08-06-2003 09:28 AM

I make stained glass art. I built a shed in my backyard with a grinder and everything, and could probably have a regular cottage industry going if I put in the effort.

TwistedFate 08-06-2003 10:34 AM


Originally posted by theguyondacouch
AAs of right now, I am into plastic scale models. I used to be into rc trucks freakin big, but I perfected my own chassis design, and my interest kind of wained.
I used to be into offroad RC trucks but I was the only one i could find interested in it, so I switched to on-road for a while and competed locally until I realized the hobby was divided among the people that could afford to throw thousands of dollars at a vehicle and those of us that treated it as a hobby and finished last.

I'd like to get into RC Helo's or airplanes someday, when I have the money to get into it again.

Now I also am into scale plastic models. I always enjoyed building them more than racing anyway.

I also screw around designing and programming computer games.

Vyk 08-06-2003 11:07 AM

Small list of some of my hobbies:

Photography: I have an incredible passion for photography. Black and white, color, or digital. It's all good. (just posted a digitally manipulated color pic of mine in the photography forum today actually)

Long distance biking: I usually go about 200 or so miles a week biking during the summer as a minimum. I love being able to ride for 60-100 miles. Wind blowing though my hair, sun on my face... hard to beat that.

Computers: I am a gamer who loves to put together PCs as well.

Crafting: A lot of my guy friends rib me about being crafty and making things like Cross Stiching or Polymer Clay art but I don't care. Seeing the joy in people's eyes when you give them something you created wth your own hands is really a blessing. I can't get enough of it. :)

That's a good enough list for now :D


Originally posted by lurkette
I make stained glass art. I built a shed in my backyard with a grinder and everything, and could probably have a regular cottage industry going if I put in the effort.
that's pretty awesome lurkette. Have any pics of it you could scan and put up to share? I'd be interested in seeing it.

Looften 08-06-2003 12:14 PM

Platypus: Both my father and grandfather are big time woodworkers. According to them, a workshop is as basic part of a house as bathrooms and bedrooms. I've never had my interest in it personally, perhaps I'm breaking family tradition. :confused: My father is short a fingertip, and has similar trouble successfully completing a project, I'm sure he can relate. :D

onetime: Scuba is very good, way back when I was a kid I lived along the coast in Washington State and had always wanted to be a marine biologist, mostly for the scuba. :p Now, however, I live in Illinois, so scuba is out of the question unless I wish to wade through corn rows. I still snorkel on occasion, it's a lot of fun if you find Illinois water that isn't muddy.

That's really cool lurkette, I've never known somebody who was serious about it. My stained glass experience is limited to flailing a marker and actual glass back in grade school. It'd be really cool to see pictures of some of your works.

SiN 08-06-2003 12:32 PM

<-- another who would love to see pics of lurkette's stained glass.

my mom picked that up as a hobby about a year or so ago, and it is very interesting.

would love to see what you do :)

theguyondacouch 08-06-2003 12:51 PM


Originally posted by TwistedFate
I used to be into offroad RC trucks but I was the only one i could find interested in it, so I switched to on-road for a while and competed locally until I realized the hobby was divided among the people that could afford to throw thousands of dollars at a vehicle and those of us that treated it as a hobby and finished last.

Thats Why I didn't race, I buit up a clod for mud bogging and rock crawling.:D

tj2001cobra 08-06-2003 01:22 PM

My Car - I have a 2001 Mustang Cobra convertible that I like to tinker with. I haved a good mechanic friend that does the big jobs. The cars looks completely stock (not into "ricing" it out). Under the hood is a different story. It has a Vortech supercharger with an air-to-water aftercooler. New shocks, struts, caster/camber plates, subframe connectors, and Nittos all the way around. There is probably more, but I cant think of it.

I have three guitars and I enjoy trying to play them.

Other than that, we are getting ready for a wedding which is taking all of my extra time.

lurkette 08-06-2003 01:48 PM

For those who asked
Here are two of my stained glass works. One is a work in progress I'm doing as a commission for my mom - she needs a retirement present for a friend. But it's only half done. (It's a tree.) The other is my own design (but draws pretty heavily on Frank Lloyd Wright's stuff) and is the only piece I've actually kept - everything else has been gifts for friends and relatives. The photos don't really capture the colors, but you get the general idea.



Ralvek 08-06-2003 02:31 PM

Fishing, but work takes up much to much time as of late :(

remiel 08-06-2003 03:29 PM

My main hobbies are writing and roleplaying.

I'm in the midst of writing one comic, and I've already written another (it's at http://assassincomic.cjb.net if anyone cares). This next one myself and a friend are trying for a reinterpretation of the whole superhero thing in a historical context. Kind of like Watchmen but with a different focus. I'm really enjoying working on it.

Other hobby-wise, I sing, and I'm looking for a band to join right now, and I play guitar. Badly.

tj2001cobra 08-06-2003 03:45 PM

Re: For those who asked
Wow, I wish I had the talent and patience to do that stuff. Those pieces look great. My grandmother is making us a stained-glass tiffany lamp for our wedding. I am ultra-impressed by people that creatate that stuff.


Originally posted by lurkette
Here are two of my stained glass works. One is a work in progress I'm doing as a commission for my mom - she needs a retirement present for a friend. But it's only half done. (It's a tree.) The other is my own design (but draws pretty heavily on Frank Lloyd Wright's stuff) and is the only piece I've actually kept - everything else has been gifts for friends and relatives. The photos don't really capture the colors, but you get the general idea.



remiel 08-06-2003 03:52 PM

lurkette, that stained glass is simply beautiful. Really really great work

onetime2 08-07-2003 05:21 AM

Very Cool lurkette, I've thought about making one for my house but have not gotten around to it.

splck 08-07-2003 06:12 AM

Nice work Lurkette.

I used to fly RC planes up untill a few years ago. I also wanted to try helicopters, but never got around to it.
I've been scuba diving for many years and still enjoy it.
Hiking, skiing, fishing, hunting are my interests now, along with cooking.

raeanna74 08-07-2003 04:22 PM

I love your work lurkette. I've done a window with 54 pieces when I was in school and loved every minute of it. I wish I had th means to get some of the equipment and someplace to do it.
Your pieces are beautiful.

I have a number of hobbies, quilting, sewing (I like creating new things without patterns or only parts of patterns), Origami, Baking (and experimenting again with new stuff and personal creations), and other crafts.

Ganguro 08-07-2003 04:47 PM


Originally posted by Plummie
Sewing and restoring old furniture are my newest hobbies.

I love the fact that I can turn things from trash to treasure for very little money.

I have a lot of other hobbies, but we don't need to get into those. :)

I have always been interested in restoring/reimagining old furniture as well. what kind of tools do you use to do your work?
I wish there was a place that sold monthly time to have a workshop.. kind of like a workshop timeshare..that would rock!

My hobby right now is playing videogames. Pretty lame, i do admit.. but i'm trying to get a hold of some of my creative life back after 7 years in college. Hacing no textbooks to read, or assignments due makes me feel [i]lost[/]. This is the first time I havent been in some form of school since 1986. :crazy:

Plummie 08-07-2003 04:55 PM


Originally posted by Ganguro
I have always been interested in restoring/reimagining old furniture as well. what kind of tools do you use to do your work?
Well, depending on what shape the furniture in totally dictates what tools I use. Typically, I'll use a heavy-duty paint thinner (citristrip isn't strong enough in most cases) to remove old paint.

Then I'll sand down the piece and see what I've got to work with. Some minor repairs are often needed with a hammer and some nails. Then I'll either stain or paint the furniture (prefer to stain, but sometimes it's not feasible) and then I put a coat of poly on the finished product.

I don't own any major power tools, so that idea of a workshop timeshare sounds like a cool idea!

Ganguro 08-07-2003 05:17 PM

i dont own any power tools either.. but my dad does :)
slowly over time.. i will have to steal them and make them mine.

What i found for very detailed wood peices that works best is a dremel like tool with the little sanding bit on it.. that gets all the paint out of the swirls and nooks and crannys then give it a good was with stripper and then stain the fucker

i really really dislike painted wood furnature. Have you ever worked with metal at all?

yakimushi 08-07-2003 08:15 PM

Glassblowing: This has been a constant hobby for the past two years but now that my graduation is impending I couldn't take the class again. However, I know that wherever I end up I'll be bumming around the nearest studio and renting time whenever I can afford it.

Photography: Mostly digital, since I'm a computer artist, but I like to shoot black and white on my old Olympus OM10 SLR.

Case modding: I like to paint and otherwise modify computer cases. Unfortunately, college has also put a serious damper on it, as it has gotten too expensive. My one joy is that I'll be reinstalling my watercooling system this weekend after a few months of maintenance.

Reading: I'm a certified bookaholic, I typically read two 400+ page novels a week. I read anything from fiction, historical fiction, autobiography, fantasy, and whatever looks interesting on the shelf. Oh, and the classics, I try to read one of those a month.

Guess thats about it...

soopadoopa 08-08-2003 06:43 PM

Well I fish, hunt, restore my Mustang, and build & fly model planes, mostly the latter. And I'd love to get into helicopters.

bla 08-10-2003 02:02 AM

Mine hobbies are:
- rc-car-racing, not on a professional base but just for fun, race against a friend
- flightsimming
- biking
- drinking beer..

I realy would love to go into rc-planes.. anyone has some tips on that subject?

Stare At The Sun 08-10-2003 06:33 PM

Warhammer 40k, CCG's, driving, and xbox'ing..

Locke 08-10-2003 07:19 PM

Not too many with school going on. I read lots. Video games are up there also. I'm starting to get into biking and building model boats ( that'll be cool). If I had the cash I'd get into photography.

soopadoopa 08-13-2003 03:49 PM

Bla: find a club near you and start hanging out. Most have instructors that'll teach you at no cost. In the meantime, buy Realflight G2 RC Simulator from Tower Hobbies. It's expensive, but it's extremely realistic and you'll get alot of use out of it. I still use mine after having it for two years. Later.

Fifteen Short 08-13-2003 08:28 PM

I bike a little. Not enough to really call it a hobby. But once school starts up, It will be to school and back (ten miles each way, about 800ft elevation change) two times a week.

theinfamous 08-13-2003 10:01 PM

bodyboarding (currently riding a 42" lmnop and viper yellows), lifted trucks (fullsize gmc with 6" rcd, mtr's), video game music (like the oneup studios and oc remix stuff), anime (me and my girl watch every weekend), bartending (got license last summer), car audio (running kappa's, perfect 10.1d's and jbl amps), dj shadow, and of course basketweaving

a2k 08-13-2003 11:09 PM

Another heli pilot! I've got a Raptor 30. As a kid, I always imagined that the coolest toy - the toy to top all possible toys - was a remote control helicopter. I wasn't even sure they existed, but I knew that if they did, they'd be way too expensive for a 10 year old. 2 years ago I was telling a friend about my lifelong dream of owning an RC helicopter, still somehow holding the assumption that having my very own was not possible, and they said "why don't you get one?"

I thought about it for a minute and it hit me - I can actually afford one if I want it. So off I went. Turns out flying an RC heli is one of the hardest things I've ever done. It pretty much requires the ability to do out-of-body experiences to get your mind into the helicopter. Such concentration and focus, and if you loose it for one second, you will crash (trust me on this one).

Still, nothing beats that transcendental experience of looking at a tiny helicopter, that mechanically is basically the same thing as a full sized heli, and realizing that you are controlling it.

My gurl doesn't like it when I talk about helicopters in public. She can pass me off as a non-nerd until the topic of helicopters comes up. Yes, we need a board for hobbies.

pagoda 08-13-2003 11:50 PM

Well the biggest one is spinning, and I've been doing it a year now. I'm proud b/c the guy I had show me the basics told me all wrong, so I had to learn the correct way from the wrong by myself. DJing is alot tougher than it looks, and it's god damn expensive as well. Just getting into it with decent equipment is gonna run you about $2K new, not to mention all the records you'll start buying on a weekly basis. It becomes an addiction almost, it's nuts. But spinning is a great way to blow off stress and it's so much fun. It's great to see a room full of people smiling and dancing to what you've played for them. I need to record a demo with a little more diversity in the tracks and then I'm going to try to get a warmup gig at one of the local clubs. Hell, if they go on talent I'm in; the current dj's can't mix for shit!

I used to be big into cars, I had an awd Talon. Was a member of all the local racing boards and dsm clubs. Then I had to sell it, but I loved that thing. If I get some money, I'm buying a project car.

Aanyankah 08-14-2003 04:15 AM

How do you guys manage to keep a hobby? I've tried so many different things that I think "yes, that will keep me occupied" and then within a week or two I'm bored. I have a very short attention span. :(

I would love to have a hobby of some sort... that stained glass looks awesome. :)

TwistedFate 08-14-2003 09:38 AM


Originally posted by Aanyankah
How do you guys manage to keep a hobby? I've tried so many different things that I think "yes, that will keep me occupied" and then within a week or two I'm bored. I have a very short attention span. :(

I would love to have a hobby of some sort... that stained glass looks awesome. :)

You just haven't found the right one for you yet. When you find it, you won't lose interest. Sure your interest level may drop a little from time to time, but it will always go back up.

Fifteen Short 08-14-2003 10:45 AM

Yea, a good hobby with pique and hold your interest. Thats why I dont call biking my hobby, I ride for transportational purposes, due to the lack of car. I still enjoy it though, so its kind of an endless loop.

MacGnG 08-14-2003 12:01 PM

coins and shit, model rockets,

i have a decent collection of Opals as well as other precious stones.

as a lil kid i just collected cool rocks, still do :p

MaGlC_MaN 08-14-2003 02:32 PM

I used to do a lot of magic tricks, especially card tricks. I was pretty good, but I've forgotten a lot of them.

Also I drive a lot.

mjollnir 08-15-2003 11:41 AM

Jimmy Buffet music, surfing, huntin & fishin - traditional archery specifically, diving (scuba), playing with my kids, playing with my wife! :) , RP games- Ultima online used to be a big one with me until AOS though im still on I am quitting i just haven't found time to get my things together to sell my digital things on ebay.

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