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platypus 08-03-2003 05:33 AM

"Burqa Band": the Afghan girl band made in a day - WTF?!?!
I wasn't sure where to put this - Entertainment or Nonsense.



<b>"Burqa Band": the Afghan girl band made in a day</b>

Sun Aug 3,12:45 AM ET

BERLIN (AFP) - It began in Kabul as a joke, but with the help of a few German musicians Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s all-girl rock group "Burqa Band" was formed in the space of a day and has hit the airwaves and clubs in Germany.

All that remains of the ephemeral alliance of the Burqa and rock is an amateur video clip and a song remixed by Berlin DJ Barbara Morgenstern which has become a modest summer-time favourite.

The female trio appears on screen as three blue ghosts in a makeshift studio in Kabul; bound by their robes they nevertheless let it all hang out on the drums, electric bass and microphone.

"You give me all your love, you give me all your kisses, and then you touch my burqa, and don't know who it is..." the lead singer moans in halting but determined English.

"Burqa, burqa bluuueee" they sing, in ironic lyrics that still manage to tell the tale of how Afghan women were oppressed by the former Taliban regime.

It's a surprising image in a city where cultural events were virtually outlawed and dance steps can be made out under the gyrating robes, moves that would have meant almost certain death a few years ago.

"There is almost nothing left of the traditional musical culture from before the Taliban. The instruments and infrastructure was all destroyed," said Kurt Dahlke, a music producer sent to run a workshop by Germany's Goethe Institute.

Dahlke, from the Ata Tak record company, and two colleagues arrived in Kabul last October with the aim of helping to re-awaken Afghanistan's musical sensibilities and spread some "traditional music" influence.

They played a mix of Persian, Russian and Indian sounds on local percussion instruments, a harmonium and the Afghan violin.

But they also wanted to spread some rock gospel so they brought records with them and gave some improvised concerts with modern instruments, and in the end they handed over the baton to the locals.

About 100 people attended their workshops, but not a single woman was amongst them.

"One day, my colleague Saskia asked our Afghan translator if she wanted to play around on the drums," said Kurt, whose colleagues helped pen the lyrics.

"Two other women, who made the tea, got excited about the idea of playing in a group. But in fear of the reaction in society here, they don't want their names made known," he said.

Despite their precautions, making the video clip proved tedious.

"We locked the room. The male students were knocking on the door all the time, they thought our meeting behind closed doors was suspicious. We had to open the door all the time to calm them down," said Kurt's colleague Frank.

They had to abandon an original plan to film the women dancing in a local bazaar, because Afghanistan's taboos remained too strong.

"We haven't show the video in Afghanistan, people there aren't quite ready for it yet," Kurt said.

Recorded western music is tolerated but concerts are unheard of. While Kurt and his colleagues were in Afghanistan, fundamentalist gunmen burst in on a party and fired on the band, killing two musicians.

The Burqa Band has since returned to their families and they are unsure about whether they should ever play again, let alone unmasked.

"Burqa bluuueee... my mother wears blue jeans now, things are changing faster, I don't know if it's good."

JumpinJesus 08-03-2003 06:51 AM

Wonder if they'll release an album titled "Unmasked".

Sounds like some sort of joke or publicity stunt if you ask me. But since I'm an idiot, don't ask me.

oldtimer 08-03-2003 07:22 AM

Hey, don't "WTF??" things about arabs anymore. I'm serious. I'm sure if it was an american band like 98 degrees, you'd call them gay but not "WTF??". The concept is unlike anything you've heard before. In my mind that's a good thing. Let them enjoy their newly brought freedom. :thumbsup:

Edit: Didn't say the lyrics were <b>good</b> though!

gov135 08-03-2003 07:28 AM

Shows you exactly how much "talent" is needed to form the Spice Girls of the world. Less than one day.

tenchi069 08-03-2003 07:29 AM

yet something else prefabricated for the masses.

platypus 08-03-2003 07:53 AM


Originally posted by oldtimer
Hey, don't "WTF??" things about arabs anymore. I'm serious. I'm sure if it was an american band like 98 degrees, you'd call them gay but not "WTF??". The concept is unlike anything you've heard before. In my mind that's a good thing. Let them enjoy their newly brought freedom. :thumbsup:
Hey, I'm not gonna walk on eggshells for anyone, least of all a group of people whose <b>radical elements</b> wish to violently end my way of life.

But my WTF reaction has nothing to do with Arabs.

<b>1. 'Afghan girl band'.</b> If this group ever gets on a stage in Afghanistan, some Taliban whackjob will blow them to tiny little pieces. They'll enjoy their newfound freeedom, all right. Right up until the point at which their heads are freed from their shoulders.

<b>2. 'band made in a day'.</b> Give me a f'ing break. If this isn't enough to ellicit a WTF reaction, I don't know what is. These poor girls will be used and then thrown aside as soon as the novelty wears off. I give it about 6 months.

<b>3. Did you see the picture?</b> Chick(?) completely covered from head to toe thumpin' a bass guitar. Yeah, right. Might as well be wearing oven mitts for all the fancy fretwork she'll be demonstrating.

On the whole, I think this has nothing to do with reinvigorating Afghanistan's lost <b>"traditional musical culture"</b>, and everything to do with taking advantage of a beaten down people.

oldtimer 08-03-2003 08:04 AM

All you say is right. But I had to assume one of them, right? I'm glad if it wasn't based on simply being from the middle east. Though, most of the time it is, you must admit. Yes, in <b>one</b> day is something to <i>wtf??</i> over but living in America you bring it to shame. MTV, please tell me you've heard of it? How much crap is formed every single day? Lil' Romeo.......blast you Master P........Puffy Combs....oh, I'm sorry! Was that <b>Mr.</b> P. Diddy? Point is, with all the icons in the music business over here, yes counting the really really stupid ones, is it fair to just kill the Afghan's dreams so quickly? In America, we can bitch and moan all we want and MTV won't change a thing but a simple comment as your <i>wtf??</i> can make, at least those three women, feel bad for simply trying something new.

platypus 08-03-2003 08:53 AM

I'm not trying to kill anyone's dreams. But I would bet that the dreams of these women never went further than the desire for an education, decent healthcare, children who live past their fourth birthday, and not being beaten for walking alone on the street.

I suspect that someone is attempting to lure these women, with promises of the MTV/Hollywood success dream, into an experiment that could possibly end up costing them their lives. If this latest Spice Girl incarnation is actually launched, someone will make money just on the novelty aspect, but it won't be the women. And it won't last. And upon return to Afghanistan, they will be ostracized by a large portion of the population. Not much of a return for the promises made.

If the intention here is to reestablish a lost musical heritage, then I'm all for it. But if these women are going to be marketed to the world in the American MTV way, then they are in for a hell of a dissappointment.

zfleebin 08-03-2003 09:23 AM

This has to be a hoax. Look at the way she is playing the bass. It would be extremely difficult to get the sound out of a bass while your hands are covered in any type of cloth. Any time you held down a note on the left hand above the lowest string your cloth would be muting the strings below it. Her right hand would be just as fun to play with because the cloth would be dampening the string as she plucks it and immediately after. I know this is a little bit technical but unless she has her hands free and unobstructed this would be nearly impossible to achieve. Think of the keyboardist. I officially call shenanigans

oldtimer 08-03-2003 02:22 PM

Ooooh, just noticed the Spice Girl comments. Never again....should something like that rise.

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