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Liquor Dealer 07-28-2003 05:21 AM

Bob Hope Dead at 100+

It was just announced that Bob Hope has passed away.

I guess all that needs to be said is "Thanks, for the memories"!

troit 07-28-2003 05:28 AM

He was one hell of an entertainer and will surely be missed....

geodaro 07-28-2003 05:37 AM

Bob who? Do you mean that guy who liked to play golf with Johnny Carson? I thought he died years ago. Maybe I was thinking of the guy who smoked cigars and pinched girls butts all the time!

wondash 07-28-2003 05:53 AM

Bob Hope dies at 100
Bob Hope Dead At 100

Cynthetiq 07-28-2003 05:53 AM


He used to live in Toluca Lake, not too far from the Original International House of Pancakes, and the first Bob's Big Boy and near where I grew up. Growing up people would have parties at his house in his private golf course.

When he didn't tour this year to the men in uniform, I figured he was just too old to travel anymore.

Kadath 07-28-2003 05:53 AM

Normally I don't go in for venerating old people, but Bob Hope is pretty fucking legendary. Respect to the departed.

tenchi069 07-28-2003 06:00 AM

::takes hat off

dogma13554u 07-28-2003 06:04 AM

Well, he gave us some great years. He's a comedy ledgend that will be sorely missed.

Bill O'Rights 07-28-2003 06:08 AM

Even though you knew that it was coming...It's hard to imagine a world without Bob Hope in it. So long Bob...there'll be a lot of angels-or whatever-laughing their wings off today.

bullgoose 07-28-2003 06:09 AM

It's kind of like hearing that the Statue of Liberty died; I wasn't a big fan, but he'll be missed. It's going to be a cliche, but "Thanks for the memories" Bob.:(

90degree 07-28-2003 06:09 AM

I guess 100 is a pretty good go.. and I am sure he had a very good life.. brought happiness to lots of people.. played a large part in entertaining the troops in recent wars.. .. A human that made contributions.. nice.

rockogre 07-28-2003 06:13 AM

I salute Bob and have a moment of silence.

miked10270 07-28-2003 06:22 AM

It's sad to see him go. A briliant comic and a dedicated man.

Fibrosa 07-28-2003 06:51 AM

Eh, he lived a good long life. I suppose it had to happen eventually, right?

MikeyChalupa 07-28-2003 08:53 AM

As I drove into the base this morning, I saw the flag at half mast and wasn't sure why. Then on my lunch break I heard Tony Kornheiser on ESPN Radio talking about Bob Hope and figured it was he that the flag was half-masted for. Guess this confirms it.

There has never been, nor will there probably ever be, an entertainer who so loved the troops that he traveled to countless war zones to bring them a little slice of back home to cheer up an otherwise shitty time. A true American icon.


This is the USNS Bob Hope, the lead ship in a new class of Military Sealift Command cargo ship that was named for him in 1997. Already it has served with honor in many theaters, carrying troops and their gear, but also supplies and morale items for the forward-deployed men and women in uniform. Just one of Bob Hope's legacies.


wondash 07-28-2003 09:14 AM


Originally posted by Fibrosa
Eh, he lived a good long life. I suppose it had to happen eventually, right?
True. The sad thing is, I don't see icons like Bob Hope ever being replaced. It's not that I'm even a fan of his, I'm not that old, but I do recognize his contributions to the entertainment world. But life is much more complicated now, and I can't see my kids ever remembering any current day icons the way people will remember Bob Hope and others from his generation.

MontanaXVI 07-28-2003 09:17 AM

sad to see a true media icon pass away


baaa 07-28-2003 09:19 AM

That's what he gets for bieng so old

Maveric 07-28-2003 10:22 AM

i once heard that bob hope is the world's most recognized comedian... like you can go almost anywhere and they will know who he is...

Stare At The Sun 07-28-2003 01:48 PM

:( RIP Bob hope. :(

Phaenx 07-28-2003 02:39 PM

Bob Hope: Dead at 100 years old today.
No story yet, just heard on Fox news. Bush orders flags to be flown at half staff on his buriel day.



Legendary comedian and showman Bob Hope (search), who traveled the globe performing for millions of American troops stationed overseas through four wars, has died. He was 100.

His longtime publicist said Hope died Sunday night of pneumonia, while surrounded by his family at home in Toluca Lake, Calif.

He is survived by his wife, Delores Reade Hope, his four children, Linda, Anthony, Honora and William Kelly Francis, and four grandchildren.

Hope's daughter Linda said his death was peaceful and serene, with family members, a priest and the doctors and nurses who had tended to him over the years around him.

"Dad had an amazing send-off," she said at a press conference Monday. "All of the family was together with him and he died peacefully last night around 9:30." She said the "good vibes that he put out during his lifetime came back to take him up."

She said she would remember her dad most for being "full of fun" and that "laughter and joy brought him the most joy."

A memorial service is planned for Hope August 27th, she said.

President Bush joined the nation in mourning the death of the comedian. "Today the nation lost a great citizen ... Bob Hope made us laugh and he lifted our spirits," Bush said Monday as he boarded Air Force One en route to Pittsburgh.

• Photo Essay: Thanks for the Memories
• Video: Bob Hope, Part One | Part Two

"Bob Hope served our nation when he went to battlefields to entertain thousands of troops from different generations," the president said. "We extend our prayers to his family. God bless his soul."

Former first lady Nancy Regan said in a statement that “Bob Hope was one of our dearest friends for over sixty years — losing him is like losing a member of the family.

"Ronnie always said that Bob was one of our finest ambassadors for America and for freedom, spending his lifetime entertaining servicemen and women away from home and overseas, especially in time of conflict. He showed people around the world that American spirit and enthusiasm are unstoppable."

Senator Joe Lieberman also expressed his appreciation for Hope's humor. "I can't think of another person who brought more laughter into the lives of men and women, particularly service men and women," he said Monday. "I have the greatest memories... I want to join a united nation in expressing our gratitude."

Phyllis Diller told Fox News that her fondest memory of Hope was when she accompanied him to Vietnam to entertain the troops. She said they performed at a natural ampithetre where 20,000 GIs sat on the soil to watch. "He would look at them with such affection," Diller said of Hope. "I knew he generally cared about them and it touched my heart."

"I loved him madly, and he's at peace now," Diller said.

Comedian Pat Cooper spoke of his admiration for Hope to Fox News: "His talent had talent."

"When Bob Hope walked into a room, there was magic about this man," said Cooper. "He served more time in the service than serviceman. Christmas, Easter time, holidays. That's when he was in the trenches."

Actor and comedian Dick Van Dyke compared Hope with writer Mark Twain, saying they both had a sense of humor that was "uniquely American."

Hope's 85-year-old nephew Milton says he hopes his uncle is remembered not just for the jokes but also for donating money and time to charities. "All I can say is he sure made a lot of people happy," he said.

Known for his mastery of the one-liner, Hope was a true king of all media who during a career spanning eight decades rose to the top of vaudeville, stage, radio, movies and television.

Best recognized as the star of his own perennial television specials, which ran for decades and earned strong ratings even in his last broadcast in 1996, Hope had largely stayed out of public view in recent years, spending most of his time at his sprawling home in Toluca Lake, Calif.

Born Leslie Townes Hope on May 29, 1903, in Eltham, England, Hope was the fifth of seven sons of William Henry Hope, a stonemason, and Avis Townes Hope, a former Welsh concert singer. When he was four, his family moved to Cleveland, Ohio.

Hope began his historic show business career at the age of 10, when he won a Charlie Chaplin (search) imitation contest. His first stage performance soon followed in a Fatty Arbuckle (search) revue in Cleveland. Arbuckle, then a popular comedian, helped Hope and his partner George Byrne get booked in an act called "Hurly's Jolly Follies."

Hope was soon dancing in The Sidewalks of New York and debuted on Broadway in 1932 in Ballyhoo, which followed with a string of hits over the next four years, including his first substantial role in the musical Roberta. It was at that time he met a singer named Dolores Reade, who would soon become his wife.

But Hope didn't become a bona fide star until he appeared in his first of more than 50 movies, Big Broadcast of 1938, in which he sang the signature tune that would become his theme song, "Thanks for the Memory."

The film, starring W.C. Fields, depicts a race between two ocean liners. Hope plays a master of ceremonies for shipboard entertainment. As a plot twist, all three of his fictional ex-wives happen to be on board for the Atlantic crossing.

Famed columnist Damon Runyon cited Hope's duet with Shirley Ross as a highlight of the film, writing, "What a delivery, what a song, what an audience reception!"

The song was an instant hit and won composer Ralph Rainger and lyricist Leo Robin the Academy Award for best song.

In 1940, Hope made The Road to Singapore, the first of seven "Road" flicks with Bing Crosby, in which he created what has been called "a comic persona of transparent bravado, glib repartee and ingratiating mediocrity."

In a string of Paramount pictures — Caught in the Draft (1941), Let's Face It (1943), The Paleface (1948), Fancy Pants (1950) and My Favorite Spy (1951) — he tended to play would-be ladies' men who almost never got the girl.

Hope simultaneously honed his wit on radio. After guesting on Rudy Vallee's Thursday night radio program in 1937, Hope got his own NBC radio show the next year, going on to perform on 1,145 radio programs in 18 years. By 1944 his show was the top-rated program on American radio, competing with the likes of Jack Benny, Fred Allen and Edgar Bergen.

In 1950 he debuted on NBC television, but declined to do a weekly show. Instead, he opted for monthly and semi-monthly specials and a legendary franchise was born. The Bob Hope Special aired more than 300 times and remained a ratings hit through the '90s.

The specials featured musical skits by a bevy of celebrities as well as appearances by athletes, cheerleaders and other bombshells — always following an opening monologue of Hope's quips on the news of the day.

Hope is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the entertainer with the "longest-running contract with a single network." The book also calls him "the world's most decorated and honored man in entertainment."

Hope hewed to the mild side of comedy. "I think a long time before using a joke that's on the borderline of hurting someone," he said in 1975.

But despite his expertise with a joke, Hope's compassionate, humanitarian nature was revealed in his tireless, life-long dedication to entertaining America's servicemen and women. During World War II and the Korean War, Hope became a staple of USO shows, boosting the morale of more than 10 million troops.

"How do you do, fellows? This is Bob — this is Bob 'Command Performance' Hope telling each Nazi that's in Russia today that crime here doesn't pay," Hope joked during World War II.

Between 1948 and 1972 he shepherded 22 star-studded Christmas tours everywhere, from Korea, Vietnam and the Pacific to Greenland, Newfoundland and Alaska. Newsweek described him as "USO's perennial Santa Claus." The shows were filmed beginning in 1954.

Hope was given distinguished service awards from every branch of the armed forces. He also hosted the Academy Awards a record 15 times, beginning in 1960.

In his spare time, Hope was an avid golfer. In his prime, he averaged 15 to 20 celebrity golf benefits a year.

Hope had even died previously, at least virtually. In 1998, he witnessed his own alleged passing when a pre-written Associated Press obituary was released and members of Congress began paying tribute to him on live television. Other media organizations picked up the story before news of the comedian's survival — he was eating breakfast at the time — was revealed.

"When you live to 95, I guess these things can happen," said daughter Linda at the time, noting that the mix-up had occurred before.

In May 2000, Hope attended the opening of the permanent Bob Hope Gallery of American Entertainment in the Library of Congress, funded with a $3.5 million donation from the Hope family for the upkeep of the items and mementos — including 88,000 pages of jokes given to the library by Hope as well as letters, photos, videos and other mementos.

"His career pretty much parallels the history of American entertainment. He excelled in all the mediums," said Library of Congress spokesman Craig D'Ooge. The gallery is "both a history of Bob Hope and a history of American entertainment."


All I have to say is: "=("

algore 07-28-2003 03:11 PM

hmm...while newsworthy, you are quite a bit too late...

first thread on bob hope's death

Phaenx 07-28-2003 03:25 PM

Son of a bitch.

wiseguy1100 07-28-2003 03:29 PM

he was truly one of the best and most talented...will be missed

aedenji 07-28-2003 05:36 PM

My favorite line he said was for some Navy thing and he was making fun of being on a boat and he said " I won't say it was windy, but it was the first time I ever spit in my own eye" That has stuck with me all my life. Bob will be missed!!!!

KeyserSoze 07-28-2003 07:18 PM

Thanks for the memories Bob........Rest in Peace

laxative 07-28-2003 08:19 PM

i'd make fun of just about anybody else. he was the last one living. i guess ronald reagan is still alive but he's retarded.

pangavan 07-28-2003 09:22 PM

Its wierd. He hasnt performed for 6 or 7 years but I feel that I'm gonna miss seeing him

KeyserSoze 07-28-2003 09:31 PM


Originally posted by laxative
i'd make fun of just about anybody else. he was the last one living. i guess ronald reagan is still alive but he's retarded.
Thats a pretty stupid remark. Lets see how you are when your mind goes to a horrible disease.

Phaenx 07-28-2003 10:11 PM


Originally posted by KeyserSoze
Thats a pretty stupid remark. Lets see how you are when your mind goes to a horrible disease.
Yes, please show some respect for the greatest President there will ever be.

hotzot 07-28-2003 10:22 PM

hmmm, well an ok president anyway

dmay 07-28-2003 10:38 PM

That Man Was A Class Act> One Of A Kind <Thanks For The Memories....You Can Make God Laugh Now!

Tickford 07-28-2003 11:56 PM

Its said to see him go...... The tributes on the TV have been a great reminder....

bob117 07-29-2003 06:00 AM

i salute him. hope i will make it at least to 80 :)

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