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dlish 12-10-2010 07:56 PM

weird or funny names in your phone
zombiesquirrels post gave me an idea about starting this thread

how do you identify strangers that you put in your phone?

usually i identfy them by putting their name followed by the place where i met them.

i once had:

[mother in laws name] DON'T ANSWER

my wife didn't think it was very funny.

so what weird names do you have in your phone? and have you ever thought who the hell is this person in my phonebook?

Grancey 12-10-2010 11:25 PM

I met an instructor who happened to be great with snakes. This guy is really into venomous snakes and going out looking for and catching them. He has been out a couple of times, once to retrieve a deceased rattlesnake and once to look for water mocassins. He is listed in my cell phone as The Snake Handler.

The idiot who messed up my computer a few years ago was listed as Computer Doc. Need to purge that listing.

bagatelle 12-11-2010 12:56 AM

My younger son had named his father "Mr Dork" on his phone, the friends also had funny nick names.

This turned to be handy, when son had dropped his phone somewhere in school and couldn't find it. Two class mates had found it and started making prank calls to some of those numbers. Since this buddy didn't realize "Mr Dork" would be an adult, hubby also received a call and he could tell it's not our son calling.

He used some kind of service to track whereabout the call had come. It didn't give an accurate address, but thanks to the kids' call, we knew the phone was safe somewhere and not lost in some bush behind the school back yard or beside the road, where it would have been hard to find, especially after battery had died.

We had planned to take the matter up with teachers next day, in fact I think we already called my son's teacher in the evening, so that they would question next day, who has the phone. But next morning someone saw the other boy trying to hide his act by putting the phone in a coat pocket of some 1st grader.

The boys got detention, we were happy enough to get the phone back and didn't want to push it to make them pay the calls, there weren't many. I hope the boys learned a lesson, they should have returned the phone, because they knew, who it belongs to - I can sort of understand the temptation to make prank calls, but they were afterwards trying to frame a younger kid, which is not acceptable, they also lied about taking the phone home, when obviously either one of the boys took it home according to the tracking service - they said they had hid the phone at school over night.

Well, they were 11-12 then and usually kids that age make mistakes. Either they learn not to do bad stuff again or they will learn to plan it more carefully...

im2smrt4u 12-11-2010 01:05 AM

I had a Mike Hollywood for a while, so I totally understand ZS.

I'm pretty anal, so it is rare there is a non descript name in my phone. Though starkizzer's best friend doesn't use our names...I am love muffin and she is huge tracts of land lol

nabbers 12-11-2010 05:35 AM

I knew this guy who had a stroke and his work asked for there phone back then couldn't work out who was who in his contacts! It can be good to keep it coded!

jewels 12-11-2010 07:44 AM

Guys I've dated who were total jerks lose their names and become assholes with a number. It started with Asshole some time ago, but now there was an addition this year who was Asshole1. The prototype kept calling for a while and that caller ID reminded me to ignore those calls.

snowy 12-11-2010 10:28 AM

The only one I've had recently was "Idiot in Redmond." Someone from Redmond, OR kept calling my phone, every day, for a week straight and beyond sporadically. I had to put the number on my phone to customize the ringer to silent.

LordEden 12-11-2010 11:03 AM

I have various TFP people's handles in my phone (Zombie Squirrel and Snowster are the funniest ones), plus the listings of Crazy Bitch (1, 2, 3) and a DON'T ANSWER. Had a Tits McGee at one point and a Drunk Bastard.

Right now most people are listed by their names.

snowy 12-11-2010 11:30 AM

Yeah, I'm lame--even my TFP contacts are all listed by their real names.

Xerxys 12-11-2010 10:29 PM

"Big A$$"
"Black hole"
"Club 1 Red dress"
"Club 2 Mini skirt"
"Club 3 Big A$$"
"Hot Stuff"
"That one"
"The One with the eyes"

I can't delete them. They serve a very important purpose in my life.

Cynthetiq 12-11-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2850792)
Yeah, I'm lame--even my TFP contacts are all listed by their real names.

I have both, TFP names followed by real names.

ZombieSquirrel 12-11-2010 11:29 PM

I cleansed my phone lately of people I met at bars. It was usually firstname bar. Eric Pub. Or name and distinguishing characteristic. Jen Hot Tatt. I also purged the people I don't date anymore...like Don Juan. I called him that because his name was Don, not because he was smooth.

I tend to list people as nicknames. In life I tend to call people by nicknames anyway.

My brother is listed as "Bark." That's his childhood nickname...don't know why. My s-i-l is listed as Megatron.

My neurologist gave me his cell phone number. He's listed as Dr. McCutie DO NOT DRUNK DIAL!

I have a lot of funny names in here because of rugby. People tend to have great nicknames. Like DickSmack.

I have a friend listed as Motorboat....the first time I met her I learned about motorboating boobs.

My friend's boss is in my phone. He's listed as bossman.

I just don't want my contacts to be boring.

ItWasMe 12-12-2010 12:34 AM

Wash Square Dicks ... I'm assuming that means Dick's Sporting Goods from Washington Square Mall. I'm hoping that is what it means, since it is not one that I put in the phone (my husband and daughter have entered a few names)

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