Tully Mars |
11-13-2010 03:42 AM |
Another Arrested Politican
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A married pair of top officials in a Maryland county is accused of tampering with evidence after FBI agents said they recorded the husband telling his wife to flush a $100,000 check from a real estate developer down the toilet and to stuff almost $80,000 in cash in her underwear.
Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson, whose second term expires next month, and his wife, Leslie, who was recently elected to the County Council, were charged with witness and evidence tampering and destruction, alteration and falsification of records in a federal investigation.
The charges grew out of a 5-year-old investigation into allegations of real estate developers in the county offering rewards to county officials in exchange for personal and business favors.
Story here
The story goes on to detail how he called his wife and told her to flush a 100K check down the toilet and how when they arrested her she had 80K in her underwear.
Of course they claim they're innocent. Looks like the evidence says otherwise.
I'm tried of hearing about politicians, regardless of party, who are scamming the system. Also tried of seeing them sent off to "Camp Fed" after they've been sentenced. Most of these guys have ripped off the public for 100's of K or even millions. I say send them off to a standard federal prison and let them serve real time.
Any thought on the types of sentences these folks get?
Anyone live where this guy worked? Know more about it/him?
Or just have thoughts regarding getting ripped off by the people we vote into office?