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#1 (permalink) |
Location: The Great NorthWet
What get's you outa bed in the morning?
Like the title says, what gets you outa bed in the morning?
I currently have a very flexible schedule and can work just about anytime, night or day. As a result I find myself sleeping through most of the day, awake most of the night and working when I feel like it. I've always had a strange sleep schedule and when working a 'normal' job; I would find it necessary to stay up all night, one day a month, to reset my sleep schedule. Otherwise I would just stay up later and later until I was going to sleep a dawn. I've always been like this, even as a kid. To compound the issue; several years ago I read an article in either Nova or Discover Magazine about Dream States, Dream Control and Visualization; From which, I learned to control and manipulate my dreams. I'm sure I don't have to tell you just how freakin' cool it is to have your own little world and be able to manipulate it. It's incredibly therapeutic to be able to exercise your will in a free flow state of mind, think meditation to the Nth degree, while living in a world where control is mostly and illusion. And it works as an extremely effective problem solving method. Unfortunately REM state occurs when transitioning between sleep states, going deeper into or coming out of a deep sleep. For me this occurs most often around 4 or 5 am, and can continue for several hours on and off. As a result I ignore my alarm and sleep later in the day. Since I've never had a grasp on waking and getting up early, I'm looking to you, my fellow TFPer's, for a potential solution. So, what get's you out of bed? .. ... ...
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
On weekdays, the fear of being late to class that gets me up. It gets me up early, too, since I have a lot of shit I need to take care of before I leave the house. Workout, breakfast, kid breakfast, pack kid lunch, walk dogs, feed dogs, make sure everyone else is getting up on time, etc.
On weekends, it's usually a small, sweet mammal that wakes me up and the lure of a hot cup of coffee that gets me out of bed. |
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#4 (permalink) |
Custom User Title
I seldom sleep until my alarm. Usually get up an hour before I need to. Evidently I'm getting enough sleep as I don't feel tired during the day. Typically around 6 hours, no more than 7.
I'd love to know how to manipulate dreams. I never recall them. Maybe I'll catch fragments of one about once a year. If that. Last edited by Craven Morehead; 11-13-2010 at 04:21 AM.. |
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#6 (permalink) |
I Confess a Shiver
The urge to piss from drinking giant bottles of water and caffeine products all day long despite ceasing consumption after dinner.
or An incredibly sensitive (and thus faulty) computer-operated alert system that notifies me of "INCOMING, INCOMING, INCOMING." Last edited by Plan9; 11-13-2010 at 02:49 AM.. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Living in a Warmer Insanity
Super Moderator
Location: Yucatan, Mexico
The internal clock in my head that goes off at 4am every morning. Sometimes I lay there for a few moments and rest or think about the day ahead but once my dogs realize I'm awake they know it's time to go check out what happened on the beach last night. Then all is lost and it's coffee, beach time.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club Last edited by Tully Mars; 11-13-2010 at 08:35 AM.. |
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#10 (permalink) | |
Kick Ass Kunoichi
Location: Oregon
My husband usually gets me out of bed in the morning. Usually.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
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#11 (permalink) | ||
Location: The Great NorthWet
Manipulating dreams starts with visualization, which is done while awake, similar to meditation. Visualize a peaceful place: a green meadow, mountain stream, drifting on the sea, anything that is peaceful to you. Somewhere calm and safe. Something you're very familiar with works the best. See it, smell it, feel it, taste it and hear it. Be there. It took me a few times trying to get every sense tuned into the visualization. Once you can consistently go to this place and stay there; walk around and explore. This took me a few time to get down as well. When you have the wandering or exploring down, you can begin to manipulate the environment. I started by picking a blade of grass and smelling it, but instead of smelling grass, I smell toast. I used smell, because it has a very strong memory and was easy to recall. I smelled toast by telling myself, 'I smell toast'. While holding and looking at the blade of grass. I think I got that to work after the second try. You can use any sense you want for the manipulation. It can feel like sand paper, sound like a river, taste like gravy or look like a dog. It doesn't matter as long as it's something you know. What you're doing is recalling memories from your senses, teaching your conscious brain where to find these memories. Now it's time to play! Go to your place and go nuts. Do anything that comes to mind. Usually what pops into mind is the easiest to do. But keep trying different things. Paint the sky with your finger, hear glass shattering as you walk on the grass, smell grass in the middle of the ocean....... I did these visualization exercises for about a year before I realized I could do it in my dreams as well. I was sleeping one night and had one of those falling dreams, but instead of panicking and waking up. In mid fall I thought 'Fuck this, I can fly' (Flying was my preferred means of exploring my visual world) and just like that, I was flying. After that, almost any dream I was in, I could manipulate. I don't have complete control over the dreams. It's more like I'm moving along to a specific destination, but along the way, I can control every aspect of how I get there. Scenery, mode of transport, interaction, sights, sounds, smells, tastes, anything except the actual destination. I can usually even see and understand the destination. Just not change it. Does that make sense?? It's been 20yrs since I started doing this, so some of the details of how I remember doing it are a little vague, but I think this is very close. Working with things (memories) very familiar to you makes it easier. When you're unable to manipulate something in the way you want, often you'll loose the visualization entirely and have to start over. If you're not relaxed, don't bother. It's not going to work. Don't try to force it, stay calm and relaxed. Try to just think, then let it happen. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Quote:
Anything yelling "INCOMING" while I'm sleeping would be met with exactly that, likely in the form of a steel toed boot at high velocity. ![]() ..
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Kick Ass Kunoichi
Location: Oregon
Yeah, I have lucid dreams too. They're pretty neat. Also, I've discovered that I am always capable of certain things in my dreams, even if I'm not controlling the dream. I can always make a door appear, and I can always lock the door behind me with just a touch to the doorknob. I noticed when I was a teenager that I was able to control my dreams; I didn't really have to do anything to do it. It's just something that happens about 60% of the time with my dreams, and that's enough for me.
I also have a distinct "dream geography" that features prominently in many of my dreams.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
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#13 (permalink) |
has all her shots.
Location: Florida
Things that I want/need/have to do or sunlight.
I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night to feel well-rested. But even when I don't get that I find that I can't sleep once it's light outside. If I do get enough sleep then I'm just ready to get up - not one to laze around in bed awake or even half-awake. I'd much rather be up and about.
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce |
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#15 (permalink) |
Lover - Protector - Teacher
Location: Seattle, WA
I've deliberately avoided lucid dreaming because sleeping is the one time I get to 'turn off' my head and not think about anything or *do* anything that requires a conscious effort. I hit the pillow and I'm usually sound asleep until my internal piss clock wakes me up, about 7 hours after I've fallen asleep, my girlfriend wakes me up getting into the shower, the cat starts yowling or my alarm goes off. I never get quite enough sleep, because if I somehow make it past all of those obstacles, the sunlight wakes me up. I can't really sleep past 7:30 anymore. If I try to 'force' the sleep, I get some vaguely deep sleep that makes me feel groggy and get a backache.
In the "spirit" of the thread rather than the details, I wake up in the morning because I'm glad that I still can. I'm not immobilized and can leave my bed, and I'm not dead, so I'd better get up and enjoy the day for whatever it is, because I only have about 14,000 left (if I'm lucky) and I don't get do-overs or an afterlife, so I need to make use of a dwindling resource.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel |
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#16 (permalink) |
I Confess a Shiver
Guys talking about controlling their dreams and stuff. If only. I go for months without having a dream I can remember and when I do finally have one, it's usually some weird black-and-blue silent film where everybody is running and people are chasing other people. Hell, I hafta sleep with something over my eyes and earplugs. Too twitchy.
Last edited by Plan9; 11-13-2010 at 10:46 AM.. |
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#19 (permalink) | |
Une petite chou
Location: With All Your Base
The out-of-bed answer is either cats, my bladder, alarm clock, guilt, or sunlight.
What gets me awake is my internal clock (around 3:30 am many mornings), the cats, nightmares, S rolling over, the cold or heat, worries, anxiety, my back, impending sexy time...
Here's how life works: you either get to ask for an apology or you get to shoot people. Not both. House Quote:
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand
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#21 (permalink) | |
i thank You God for most this amazing day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes (i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great happening illimitably earth) how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any--lifted from the no of all nothing--human merely being doubt unimaginable You? (now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened) Lindy (now with eyes full of tears...) ![]() |
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#23 (permalink) |
More often than not, it's the second of two alarm clocks, both with a buzzer. I'd much prefer the sunlight, every day—why else does my bedroom need an east-facing window?
If one million people replaced a two mile car trip once a week with a bike ride, carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 50,000 tons per year. If one out of ten car commuters switched to a bike, carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 25.4 million tons per year. [2milechallenge.com] |
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#24 (permalink) |
Location: The Aluminum Womb
getting one step closer per day to becoming a pilot every day is what wakes me up
Does Marcellus Wallace have the appearance of a female canine? Then for what reason did you attempt to copulate with him as if he were a female canine? |
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#25 (permalink) | |
Kick Ass Kunoichi
Location: Oregon
I get up without an alarm clock--or I try to, anyway. I hate hate hate alarm clocks. I spend half the night waking myself up in a panic that I've slept through the alarm or else I dream that I've slept through the alarm. So I rely on my east-facing window and the light, and I also program my central thermostat to turn on the heat half an hour before I want to get up. I also prefer to be on a regular schedule, with the same wakeup every day, but given my unpredictable schedule at work right now, that's just not possible.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
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#26 (permalink) | |
Location: The Great NorthWet
Honorable Mention. Nice Not to be nit picky, but the 'waking-up' is not an issue. My internal alarm goes off at around 5am. It's actually getting out of bed that requires inspiration. I'm really good at just rolling over and going back to sleep. So far dogs and kids seem to be the popular motivators, but I'm allergic to the first and don't need any of the later. .. ..
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous. |
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#27 (permalink) |
Location: Central Central Florida
If those don't work, how about self-challenge? Make a list of things you could get done if you reorganize your schedule and wake up earlier.
If productivity doesn't do it for you either, try another angle until you find one that works for you. Maybe a reward might serve as your motivation.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess. Mark Twain |
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#28 (permalink) | |
Location: The Great NorthWet
I like where this is going. TY
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous. |
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#29 (permalink) |
Location: Central Central Florida
That's fine. But you have to let us know what you decide and let us help you with your progress. Accountability is sometimes a good motivator as well.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess. Mark Twain |
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#31 (permalink) | ||
Location: The Great NorthWet
LOL, Yeah, I've seen those, probably wouldn't work with the shoes, chair, dresser, bookshelf, side tables and bed, the room is about full.
Methods, application and intensity of application vary by the individual. All legal wavers must be signed before 'treatment' begins. Self 'Medicating' is not recommend. However, if necessary, it is best to have an 'assistant' or 'soft landing zone' nearby. Any and all legal issues resulting from improperly applied techniques should be forwarded to: Dewy, Cheatum & Howe, Intercourse, PA 17534. Attn: Anonymous. |
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#32 (permalink) |
Location: Backwoods, Ky
My bf has creative ways of waking me up in the mornings......I love morning sex, and he is most happy to oblige, so he tends to start caressing and kissing my body ......After having the morning O, I'm pretty darn perky & ready to face the world
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#33 (permalink) |
Knight of the Old Republic
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
My wife's Droid alarm, followed immediately by two Papitese doggies jumping on my chest and licking my face.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert |
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Tags |
bed, morning, outa |