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Strange Famous 10-13-2010 10:51 AM

Everyone is Chilean today
this is probably the most feel good news story/event I can ever remember seeing.

Seeing the first guy out giving his media statement, the English translator struggling not to cry as she translated... even I had a lump in my throat.

Baraka_Guru 10-13-2010 10:55 AM

'I was with God, and I was with the devil': miner Mario Sepulveda Espina
Live feed here:
CBC News - World - Chile mine rescue: 19 pulled to safety, 14 to go

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 10:55 AM

I've been following the story from the beginning and it is awesome to know that by the early hours of Thursday they will all be out, barring any incidents.

I have choked up with every single man that has emerged (19 so far)

Pearl Trade 10-13-2010 11:18 AM

This entire story has been intense all the way through, from the beginning to now. Those guys are high-quality humans and deserve the greatest respect possible.

Cynthetiq 10-13-2010 11:21 AM

an amazing story. It's like that little girl who was stuck in the well, except there were many more people stuck down there.

ring 10-13-2010 12:08 PM


Tully Mars 10-13-2010 12:22 PM

This whole story kills my "good news isn't news' theory... really happy about that.

The_Dunedan 10-13-2010 12:27 PM

Viva Chile!

hunnychile 10-13-2010 12:52 PM

Best News I have seen in Many, Many Years!!! (And I'm older than dirt!) :)

Bet they have some intense stories to tell.

BTW........How did they determine who went first?

ring 10-13-2010 01:03 PM

24! Chi Chi Chi ...Le Le Le!

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 01:22 PM

reading between the lines, they took the two technologicaly smart guys first, then the ones with health conditions and then the non sick guys. The last guy coming up is the boss

I love that the one thats an Elvis fan has been offered an all expense paid trip to Graceland by the Elvis people

ring 10-13-2010 01:28 PM

then & plus the five?.. rescuers who braved the downward trip.

Man, I'm by far the furthest from a nationalist, but that Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le:
is infectious.


The_Dunedan 10-13-2010 01:29 PM

I would imagine that poor bugger who has his wife -and- girlfriend waiting Topside is probably trying to find a way to stay -in- that hole!

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 01:55 PM

He is already up, his Mistress was there....not his wife, the wife told him to pretty much stuff it lol

---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:48 PM ----------

Chi-Chi-Chi-Le-Le-Le is the new Huzzah!!!

ring 10-13-2010 02:47 PM

27 ..27 ..27 ...

---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

The faces of anticipation are keenly poignant.

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 02:54 PM

now this is just cool
Why American drilling hero Jeff Hart will not be at Chile mine for miners rescue - San Francisco SF | Examiner.com


Why American drilling hero Jeff Hart will not be at Chile mine for miners rescue

As the rescue of the first miners in Chile is beginning Tuesday evening, an American is being credited as being a hero in the rescue. His name is Jeff Hart.
Where will Jeff Hart be when the miners are finally being brought up?

Believe it or not, he won’t be at the mine.

He will be resting in Santiago, Chile, before flying back to Colorado on Friday. He lives in Arvada, about 20 minutes outside Denver. Hart told the Denver Post that he and his crew are flying back to Santiago where he company that employed him, Geotec, is headquartered.

He says he will be watching the rest of the rescue from Santiago.

"I want to let this become the miners' and their families' story and let them have their time," Hart told the Post.

Pearl Trade 10-13-2010 03:14 PM

Haha, the dude who invited his mistress and wife. That was super awkward to watch. Why would he invite both? Goes to prove that you can't have everything you want. That soccer chant one of the miners started was awesome.

To even imagine being stuck in the ground for as long as they were is unimaginable to me. Then they have to take the ride up in the tube, which looks insane. They're lucky that they're used to tight spaces, I would have been like "fuck that! I'm not getting in there!"

How about those sunglasses they have to wear? They must be the best sunnies in the world.

Is this the best (feel-good) story of the year? I nominate it as so.

ring 10-13-2010 04:05 PM


Watching all this hugging reminds me I haven't had one for a long long time.
Hermitage sucks today. I'm in a hole of my own making. That's sad stupid.


---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------


---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

Rescatados: 31!

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 04:21 PM

only 2 miners left!! and hopefully bringing up the rescue guys will go just as smoothly

ring 10-13-2010 04:35 PM

Rescatados: 32 !

kramus 10-13-2010 04:40 PM

I've been streaming the net video all afternoon in my studio. I find the quiet holding on to the miners by their wives when they finally meet is very moving. The mother who reached out to touch once more the face of her son as he lay in the stretcher just before being moved to the observation area was particularly heart warming. And the little girl who released her balloons to fly into the sky after she hugged her dad - pure sweetness.

And I am so glad Larry King is not braying into a microphone as I watch. That is such a nice non-element of all this :thumbsup:

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 04:46 PM

I am LOVING the fact that the close up cameras are not american. That was a great move on the chilean governments part. And I love that the CNN people were saying "lets just be quiet and watch this"

What I DONT understand is CNN's decision to switch to the stupid Delaware vote

ring 10-13-2010 04:48 PM

Riveted to the telly since 5 this morn.

It appears that the good nice boss is entering the down below capsule now..

& up up & towards!

Local Espaņol channel for the duration!

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 04:51 PM

I've been watching since last night....Im really sleepy but I just couldnt not watch it all

ring 10-13-2010 04:59 PM

Areeba areeba! Arriba Arriba!

---------- Post added at 07:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 PM ----------

whooooo doggie!

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

Mision Cumplida! ...almost.

ShaniFaye 10-13-2010 05:15 PM

Is it horrible of me that I could actually go to sleep now, even though the rescuers arent all up?

I have followed this so closely for so long I'm just exhausted now that its over.

ring 10-13-2010 05:27 PM

Shani, I went to sleep last night hours before the first man was rescued.
I tucked all the goodwill beneath my pillow & slept well.

Oh, & by the way..It's great to see you here & posting.
Sending sweet dreams your way.


Charlatan 10-13-2010 08:04 PM

I am fascinated by all of this.

To be honest, I haven't been watching but it has been impossible to avoid this story.

I get why this story has become a global story (or I think I do) but am still struck that an inherently local story has become a global one.

We live in odd times.

ring 10-13-2010 11:28 PM

The last rescue worker is climbing into the capsule...

The ascent begins...

Plan9 10-13-2010 11:31 PM

I'll be a Negative Nancy and state that there were hundreds of people that starved to death during this period of time that could have been helped if the resources that were used to move the international news media to the site had been used to move food to their location. But we don't care about that.

I mean, who cares? Those people are just statistics. I'm tired of feel-good rescue stories that jolt the well-to-do out of their apathetic comas.

ring 10-13-2010 11:40 PM

He's Topside.

Good night & good morning.


---------- Post added at 02:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 AM ----------

Plan9: Piss off.

dlish 10-14-2010 12:05 AM

id want to be either the first one out or the last one out. everyone in between is just a number and no one will remember you in a few months time.

i havent watched this at all. partly because i dont have a TV. but its just a story of survival for a week or two before they got discovered and people down did what they had to do to survive. the whole beatup since they were discovered is really killing me. they had food, water and contact with families.

sorry, i dont see the whole thing being such a big deal either.

Plan9 10-14-2010 12:07 AM

Exactly. How many people dumped their wallet for Haiti and then immediately turned around and bitched about having to pay state taxes?

I'll mark my calendar. A year from now we'll see how many people remember anything about this event. Just like those little flags on 9/11.

dlish 10-14-2010 12:12 AM

also, the whole world media scrummage wasnt about people caring, but more about how many papers you could sell, or who could get the first shot or who could get the first picture to print.

I am Chilean for lunch. Plan9 you joining me?

Plan9 10-14-2010 12:36 AM

I'm West Virginian. Those miners not only get buried all the time, but they get killed and nobody gives a "piss off."

ShaniFaye 10-14-2010 02:31 AM

I hope those of you that dont care are really never in ANY kind of situation where you need the help and resources of other caring people. If everyone felt like you those 33 men would be doomed to spend eternity down there. They are human beings. Chile was supposed to say "oh well other people need things in the world, other people are bitching about things in the world....lets just leave them down there to rot, why should we care?"

I just cant read this kind of crap anymore. Ring, you mentioned that it was good to see me posting again....its constant crap like this that has kept me from wanting to participate here anymore. Until yesterday afternoon there was no mention of these men on this forum and I was honestly flabbergasted.

You wanna bitch that the Chilean government did what needed doing to get them out while other people are starving in the world? You want to say they werent in dire straights because the were lucky enuff to have food and water and contact with the outside? Why dont we just forget that all that meant shit because there could have been another cave in at any time and they were stuck with no way out. Be my guest.

Plan9 10-14-2010 02:38 AM

Funny, I didn't say that they weren't human beings. I think it's miraculous that they all made it out alive. We've had far less luck in the United States. But good for them. And at no point was I talking about the Chilean government. Where'd you get that? I was bitching about well-to-do obese crackers in America rooting for downed miners in Chile. For being so tired of this kind of crap it doesn't appear that you're actually reading very much of it.

I can't really blame you, though. I'm an acerbic, garrulous moron.

I apologize for the threadjack but I'm tired of this kind of crap, too.


I'm curious: How do you feel about the US response to Haiti?

ObieX 10-14-2010 02:41 AM

" Everyone is Chilean today "

..i was wondering why my farts were spicier than normal.. huh.

Plan9 10-14-2010 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by ObieX (Post 2830584)
...i was wondering why my farts were spicier than normal.. huh.

And somehow I'm the problem.

genuinegirly 10-14-2010 04:01 AM

All of the miners got out safely! Whoohoo!
I love this photo:

Many of the news articles mentioned that the miners were on a diet designed by NASA, but it looks like NASA offered a lot more help than that! Here are some little blurbs from NASA's website, to offer a bit more detail about the assistance they provided, including two doctors, a psychologist, and an engineer who helped the Chilean engeneers with their rescue cage design.
NASA - NASA Provides Assistance to Trapped Chilean Miners

The NASA team includes two medical doctors, a psychologist and an engineer. Dr. Michael Duncan, deputy chief medical officer in NASA's Space Life Sciences Directorate at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, led the team. The other team members are physician J.D. Polk, psychologist Al Holland and engineer Clint Cragg.
NASA - NASA Engineer Helps Chilean Miners

"I went down to Chile with two doctors and a psychologist from Johnson Space Center in late August about three weeks after the cave-in," said Cragg. "Initially what the Chileans were asking for was medical and psychological assistance because of NASA's experience in harsh environments." But the engineer went along to see how else NASA might be able to help.

During his three days in South America, Cragg met up with a number of engineers in the Chilean Navy and others who were studying how to design a rescue capsule. "The team had a number of recommendations," said Cragg. "One of my recommendations was that NASA could help flushing out some of the requirements for the rescue capsule."

The Chileans took the NASA engineer up on his offer by email after he turned to the United States.

"I put together a team of engineers from almost every center around the agency," said Cragg. "Over the course of three days we hammered out a 12 to 13 page list of requirements for the capsule and sent that to the Chilean Minister of Health."

"After we had sent the requirements, I got some communication from one of the Chilean Navy commanders intimately involved in the design process of the capsule," said Cragg. "He told me that they had incorporated most of the suggestions we had provided to them."

For decades, the people of this agency have learned to live, work, and survive in the hostile environment of space. Our expertise in maintaining physiological and psychological health, and our technical and engineering experience in spacecraft design all proved to be valuable in a situation that is far from our traditional scope of work.

“I am proud of the people of this agency who were able to bring the experience of spaceflight down to Earth when it was needed most. As the drama of this rescue continues to unfold before us, we pray for the safe return of each and every miner.”
Oh, and Shani, it's good to see you here. It saddens me to think that you've been chased away.

Originally Posted by ShaniFaye (Post 2830581)
... Until yesterday afternoon there was no mention of these men on this forum and I was honestly flabbergasted.

In the future, go ahead and start a thread about a current event that you'd like to see discussed.

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