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Whats your ethnic background?
Both your mom and dad
Mine is... Dad German Mom French |
http://www.33ff.com/flags/XL_flags/Netherlands_flag.gif 1/2 American mutt: Icelandic, Welsh, German, and French |
Scottish and Norwegian, mostly, from my mom's side.
Mexican from my dad's. |
Cherokee/Welsh/German...and people wonder why I'm so damn stubborn
Let's see....
On my father's side I have Irish and French (Québécois). On my mother's side I have English, German, and Dutch. |
Mom's Side: English (grandmother) and Canadian (grandfather)
Dad's Side: Scottish (grandmother) and Welsh (grandfather) As a result of the grandfather on my Mom's side, I am a 20th generation English Canadian. For English Canadians, going that far back is not all that common. |
Jewish, of course. But that begs the question.
On my dad's side: second generation American. His dad and family came originally from Odessa, but had to flee from the local mafia (his dad's dad was a bit of a shady character). They went to Galitzia, which used to be a small semi-autonomous territory not far from the Ukraine, on the border between Poland and Austria (it used to change hands on an almost weekly basis between the two powers). It was there that my graddad met my grandma, whose family had lived in Galitzia for time out of mind. Her dad was a Hasid, and used to walk from Galitzia to the Ukraine a couple of times a year to spend holidays at the court of the Chortkover Rabbi. He accompanied my grandparents when they emigrated to America in the late 1920s, but didn't live long once they got here. On his deathbed, he predicted that my grandma (who had been childless for years) would have a son, and instructed that they must educate that son Jewishly, because that boy would follow in his (my great-granddad's) footsteps. My dad was born less than a year later, and they named him for my great-granddad: my dad did grow up to be a rabbi. On my mom's side: sixth generation American. My mom was not only fifth generation American on her mom's side, but also fifth generation Chicagoan. My far ancestor on that side opened what appears to have been the first stationary store in Chicago, and owned the building it occupied, right on Michigan Avenue. Unfortunately, he was uninsured, and lost everything in the Great Chicago Fire. So much for our family fortune! The stationer and his family came to America in the late 1850s from mostly Vienna and Saltzburg. On my maternal granddad's side, I am third or fourth generation American: the ancestors mostly came from Munich and its environs, and we don't know too much about them. One was the town shochet (ritual slaughterer) in Musketeen, Iowa around the turn of the century. He and his children were mostly teetotalers, due to the pervasive influence (even on Jews) of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. They seem to have been a solemn lot, but solid folks. |
My father: English/Scot
My mother French/English |
I'm a typical American - Cherokee, Dutch, and English on my Dad's side
Choctaw, French, Irish and English on my Mom's side An interesting tidbit: the last of my ancestors to emigrate to America was my great great grandfather on my dad's mom's side. He came to America alone at the age of 15 and jumped ship in the harbor when the boat docked. I'm not sure why, but I'm sure it was for nefarious reasons :D |
Jewish Jewish
Cherokee, Scotch/Irish, English, German, etc, etc. There is a hint, that I'm trying to investigate, of some more recent African heritage, but my Dad's family is either closed mouth or vehemently against the investigation...
lebanese ..and proud aussie too |
Double Extra Cracker
1/4 Japanese (mother was half), 3/4 American.
I have no idea what that American is, I'm white. |
I'm uh...a purebred Vietnamese living in the US.
My mother is English back at least 5 generations on both sides, and my dad is English back to John of Gaunt on his mother's side (seriously). We don't know who his father was.
I'm a full bloodede european. English, Irish, Scottish. That's it.
My Father's lineage traces back through the Muir family (notably naturalist John Muir, who is a direct ancestor's uncle) on his mother's side, and Clan Gordon in Scotland on his father's side, as recent as 4 or 5 generations.
My mom's side is all-american. We trace back to the revolutionary war, and had a pair of ancestors on the Mayflower (John Howland and his future wife, Elizabeth Tilley). |
so how do your family ties tie into spectre's?
I am not at liberty to divulge such information at this time. :p
I swear there was a previous thread on this but I couldn't find it. I'm positive I even created a flag-colored pie chart and everything. Oh well.
50% Italian 37.5% German 12.5% English Thanks dlish! http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/attachm...-ethnicity.jpg |
Never would have guessed with that epic accent you got going on... |
Funny. Just a few days ago Mom & I were sorting through stuff,
and she smirked and asked me if I wanted some of these, 'Pedigree Papers.' I said yeah, that might be a hoot. I should join the D.A.R. and be a spy. My Father is from Greece. I believe his lineage is Macedonian. I wonder how adopted children/adults feel when asked this question? http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/h...ile0001-60.jpg |
Those papers beat the Prince's, don't they?
Mom is German/Norwegian/Scotch-Irish/& French with something else I don't remember, having mostly considered such things irrelevant. Dad was a Finn. |
I was born in Canada myself, but I come from a family that came to Canada during their lifetime, so I feel very European.
My mom is Italian. Her parents moved to Canada along with other friends and relatives shortly after the war, to fight for a better life. I don't know too much about my family, but I know that those that still live in Italy are farmers, and they live off the coast....Northern Italy I think. But I'm not sure. My mom's also said a few times when talking about her family, that they were royalty, or had royal blood. I dunno. lol. Someday I'll do those tests to find my ancestors. My dad was Polish. He moved to Canada when he was 9 or 10 with his family, again, looking for a better life during the 60s. Most of the family stayed in Poland, it was 2 or 3 brothers (my dad's dad's brothers) that came to Canada. I was lucky to travel back to Poland with my dad in 2000. I saw where he lived, everything. I got to meet the family, and spend a month on their farm, and go to a wedding. It was fantastic. So yeah, I'm Polish/Italian. I look Polish, mostly. And its funny, cause within both families, there is a ton of polish/italian weddings. A. Ton. Some bizarre physical attraction beween ethnicities is going on there. lol. We're all a mix of the two in some way. |
I wish I knew more (anything) about my biological parents but I'm not worried about it. I got a family and I love them as much as the love me. I think this question would bother my mother more than it would me. ***** Punk, you love my accent, admit it. |
Dad: Irish, only.
Mom: Czech, Norwegian, and Irish. |
On my mother's side, we're Cherokee, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English. We're rumored to be somehow related to Jim Bowie, but my great aunt Lottie was the last who knew the story, and it somehow "shamed the family", so she'd never tell anyone.
My father is 50% Italian and 50% German. His mother came over from Germany when her father didn't like where that country was headed... sometime in the 1920s when my grandmother was about 3. My father's father's father came over from Italy about a decade earlier than that, and changed his last name upon arrival. There are two stories as to why... one is to evade the prejudices against Italian immigrants at the time... the other is that it was to evade the Mafia. There are many stories linking my paternal grandfather's family to the Mafia, but they mostly date from before my time, so I don't know a lot about it. |
I'm a child of the North. Swedish and Norwegian on my fathers side. Inuit, Swedish and Russian on Mom's side.
Lindy |
Blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin.
Irish English. |
Mom's side is Irish & British, but that's a long way back. You'll understand my family better if you stop at my grandmother's parents, who were from the mountains of Tennessee.
Dad's side is German, British, and a little Scottish. |
Erm...most people are listing nationalities, not ethnicities.
I'm white. My mother is Scottish, my father is English. I was born in England. |
Mom: South African with strong Dutch heritage.
Dad: English who's roots can be traced back to the 1400's. |
Myself, I am a proud Lousiana Creole. I have within my veins both Cherokee and Lakota Native American blood, plus the European flavours known as Irish, Scottish, Ulster-Scots, Welsh, Dutch, German, Spanish and French. And then for added flavour and to improve even further upon my legendary genetic sense of rythmn, several Grand-pappy's back they were kind enough to add a heapin' helpin' of Caribbean and African Black.
I am proud to say that I am a mixture of almost every enthnicity that ever gave the British Crown a bad night's sleep. |
My mother is split pretty evenly between welsh and french, and so is my dad, so I always just say 50/50. Yeah. It's my stigmata.
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