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dlish 05-13-2010 08:06 PM

Would you 'Make the Bitch Itch'?
Would you 'make the bitch itch'?

A new website is supposedly selling crabs as a form of payback to ex's. while it seems like a funny way to exact your revenge on someone, is it appropriate? Since it is non permanent damage, is it ok to pass it on?

if it is ok, how would you pass it on if you're longer with 'the bitch'?

if its crabs now, what is next? and where does it stop? i can see how something like this can really get out of hand real fast.

personally no amount of bitchness could make me want to give her the itchness.

Your thoughts?


A WEBSITE in Britain called crabrevenge.com says it sells pubic lice.

Crabrevenge.com (WARNING: Contains material that may offend) reportedly does not endorse giving "crabs" to people, saying the lice are for "novelty purposes only".

However, it says, "Make that bitch itch. If you want a method of revenge that doesn't involve permanent damage or risk of personal injury or jail time, you have come to the right place," according to CNews.

The website says the company was started "by a group of fellows who happen to know a thing or two about biology and revenge".

CNews said the company based in the British Isles offers three options to choose from when ordering lice:

Green package - One colony that can lay as many as 30 eggs for about $20.

Blue package - Three colonies to share with your friends or freeze a batch or two for about $35.

Red package - A vial of "shampoo resistant F-strain crabs" which can take up to two weeks to kill for about $52.

The website also includes testimonials.

"I never knew revenge could be so sweet," wrote one satisfied customer.

A similar site extists at revengecrabs.com, whose tagline is "watching them itch and burn is half the fun".

blahblah454 05-13-2010 08:13 PM

Most of me thinks thats really sick and can't believe anyone would do anything like that.

A very very small part of me remembers back on what its like to be cheated on by someone you care about and wants to giggle like a mad man in the corner while I think about the person and her new (or several new) partners all getting crabs.

So the sane part of my brain wins out on this one and thinks that this is probably a bad idea.

Martian 05-13-2010 08:29 PM

I'm wondering about the delivery method myself. Sounds unpleasant.

I vote no.

Punk.of.Ages 05-13-2010 11:18 PM

One word response time:


freeload 05-14-2010 12:11 AM

I guess these crabs aren't going to make it on Discovery's "Deadliest catch" ;)
Unless she figures it out and plan for a revenge.

*rushes to register revengehiv.com and revengeanthrax.com*

Fire 05-14-2010 12:23 AM

I wonder, in addition to the difficulty of delivery, if in our new era of terrorism and such if infecting someone knowingly with these could be made to count as some form of bio terrorism- that could suck quite a bit, as one would certainly face many years in PMITA fed prison if that turned out to be true......

Baraka_Guru 05-14-2010 03:51 AM

The problem with revenge (including something like this) is that it conditions you to believe that you can deal with your problems by being a dick.

And in the end, nothing gets resolved...but now you're a dick...a pathological dick.

LordEden 05-14-2010 04:04 AM

I'm in the same boat as Blah, a small part of my brain (most likely a bigger part than blah cause I'm a bigger dick than he is) would love to do this to every girl that cheated on me then dumped me.

The rest of my brain knows this is just petty and won't solve a damn thing. To each his own tho, I just wouldn't ever order there.

mixedmedia 05-14-2010 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2787871)
The problem with revenge (including something like this) is that it conditions you to believe that you can deal with your problems by being a dick.

And in the end, nothing gets resolved...but now you're a dick...a pathological dick.


This about sums up my thoughts.

Idyllic 05-14-2010 04:28 AM


"method of revenge that doesn't involve permanent damage or risk of personal injury or jail time"
I guess they don't take into account the variables of the human allergic reaction, to not only insects that bite, but also the products necessary to kill them. Not to mention the mental anguish and embarrassment that this could inflict upon somebody.

I could see this used by jealous teen girls against each other, I could also see their suicide rates increase as a result. Peer pressure and peer teasing/torment has driven many young people to their deaths, this is just more fodder.


"watching them itch and burn is half the fun"
People who think like this are why lawyers are so rich, and I'd happily pay a lawyer to take every ounce of mirth out of people who do things like this.

I do believe if a woman did this to a man the odds of him murdering her would increase greatly, as I also believe that the odds of women murdering men would rise too.

Just another repulsive way to spread hate under the guise of vindication.

Mister Coaster 05-14-2010 05:50 AM

Non perminant damage? So anything that doesn't kill, maim or scar someone is OK? Whoemever came up with this idea is a small, small person.

Iliftrocks 05-14-2010 05:55 AM

This is assault and battery. It does cause harm, both physical and emotional. The people selling this should be put on trial for conspiracy to commit, regardless of whether anyone has purchased their product yet.

You know a slap doesn't cause permanent damage either? Did you know that? Except it does, so do crabs. The very idea of this pisses me off.

Spanxxx 05-14-2010 06:54 AM

I agree with every sentiment against this written above. There's nothing "good" that can come of this type of behavior.

I like the idea of nabbing them for bio-terrorism.

AquaFox 05-14-2010 07:36 AM

kinda cruel. i would imagine it would be time consuming to kill all the lice on affecting clothing and bedding... and if the lice gets onto your hair, that would suck even more.

settie 05-14-2010 08:00 AM

What a fucking pile of assholery.
I don't care how bad your ex treated you, you have to stand up and be the better person.
Don't be an asshole and hurt them physically or socially.
Ugh, this thread makes me angry.

Ourcrazymodern? 05-14-2010 08:05 AM

I wonder how the suppliers maintain their stock? As ideas go, I think this one sucks.

snowy 05-14-2010 08:06 AM

Yeah, this seems like a lousy idea.

Baraka_Guru 05-14-2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2787987)
Yeah, this seems like a lousy idea.

Yeah, I agree; it's a lousey idea.

(See what I did there? :))

snowy 05-14-2010 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2787990)
Yeah, I agree; it's a lousey idea.

(See what I did there? :))

Hey now, don't try and claim this pun as your own by adding an e. You don't need it and now you've just invented a word. :p

Baraka_Guru 05-14-2010 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2787994)
Hey now, don't try and claim this pun as your own by adding an e. You don't need it and now you've just invented a word. :p

Forgive me, but I myself am an insufferable louse. I didn't mean to louse up your joke.

snowy 05-14-2010 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2787996)
Forgive me, but I myself am an insufferable louse. I didn't mean to louse up your joke.


Baraka_Guru 05-14-2010 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2787998)

Be careful. You don't want to catch anything. :paranoid:

LordEden 05-14-2010 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2787990)
Yeah, I agree; it's a lousey idea.

(See what I did there? :))

You know, people that steal jokes really get under my skin. It makes me feel like I've got a itch I can't scratch. It's like something is eating away at me. I can just feel it crawling all over me and I just want to want to pull my hair out by the roots. You people kill me.

See what I did there?

Baraka_Guru 05-14-2010 08:23 AM

You don't have to get all crabby about it. So I'm socially awkward...you don't have to egg me on....

LordEden 05-14-2010 08:29 AM

Sorry about that BG, it's just something that bites my ass. I really need to get my head right, you know, down to the bare essentials. Sometimes I feel like I just put the pinchers on people around me and I just hop from person to person. Makes me feel so dirty, like I'm sitting around on the seat of a public bathroom toilet.

Baraka_Guru 05-14-2010 08:31 AM

Well, you just keep forcing yourself into hairy situations. One of these days, you're going to get creamed.

FuglyStick 05-14-2010 08:37 AM

I'm gonna give crabs to all the awful punsters in this thread.

LordEden 05-14-2010 09:55 AM

Oh fugly, that's a mean thing to say, you having a lousy day? Feeling the pinch of everyday life? Itching to do something new with your life? I can feel your pain man, it's a burning deep in your soul...patch.

Lindy 05-14-2010 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2788003)
You don't have to get all crabby about it. So I'm socially awkward...you don't have to egg me on....

Make a film: Sex, Lice, and Videotape:)


Idyllic 05-14-2010 11:28 AM

Sometimes we can all act like a bunch of pests, sometimes I bet you just can't wait to get rid of each other, we should just stop nit picking.

dlish 05-14-2010 11:31 AM

ive spent the day away from the computer today and ive been thinking about consequences.

one that comes to find is if the delivery and adminstration is somehow successful, how the 'ex' could possibly infect their current partner, thus causing more heartache and pain to someone else.

isnt there a law against sending bioterror through the snail mail system?

Ourcrazymodern? 05-14-2010 01:50 PM

That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger, at least conceptually. It's like a law...

blahblah454 05-14-2010 03:30 PM

Like cancer ocm? I hear that makes survivors pretty strong.

This thread has turned very pun-tastic!

Punk.of.Ages 05-14-2010 06:38 PM

I feel like I stumbled into an episode of fucking CSI...

Horrible puns.

Craven Morehead 05-14-2010 07:20 PM

this really bugs me

Manic_Skafe 05-15-2010 12:47 AM

And to think you used to be able to get crabs for the cost of a few drinks.

Although it's an awesomely douchey, it seems like a scam to me since they're not accepting credit card payments. I'd be willing to bet that regardless of the package you select (...), nothing will ever arrive and if you're dumb enough to make a payment directly from your bank account then you'll be lucky to have a cent left by the end of such a transaction. Instant karma.

flat5 05-15-2010 05:10 AM

Something I learned when I was 18.
If you get crabs on your balls, don't use Absorbine Jr. to try to kill them.

Lindy 05-15-2010 08:05 AM

I had a guy cheat on me a few years ago. Last time I went out with him I slipped a little packet of a very persistent erectile dysfunction virus (permanentius softejohnsonus) into his beer. It's still working, from what I hear.:)


Ourcrazymodern? 05-15-2010 01:22 PM

So it didn't work?

CinnamonGirl 05-15-2010 07:00 PM

I actually feel bad that someone came to mind who I'd be tempted to do this to.

Would I actually do it? Nah. I'm not the vindictive sort.

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