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I cut all the sides off my steak before I’ll eat it........I HATE HATE HATE when ppl put shoes on my bed.......When I play foosball I have to tap the ball twice on the table before I can put it into play
When I am really thinking hard about something, trying to figure something out, or extremely focused mentally, I wll start to whistle odd little scraps of tunes out of the blue.
:surprised: |
Ah, finally got one.
If I see a tie, or wallpaper, or a rug, or any textile with a pattern in it, I need to figure out just where the pattern repeats. I'm aided in this by my ability to cross my eyes and superimpose two images, and I can focus on both of them at the same time. |
u guyz r freeks. :o
This one's embarrassing. But what do I care. None of you know me lol. Whenever I've been on the computer for a while and / or I'm bloated, I'll catch myself sitting back like Al Bundy, with my hand tucked in my pants. It's comfortable, OK????? lol http://www.nerve.com/CS/blogs/therem...2/Al_Bundy.jpg |
If I'm home alone or I have just one friend over and beer is being consumed, I use a straw. It just seems to go down so much nicer that way. And I have a hard time consuming cold beverages without straws due to some sensitive front teefs. So yay straws.
Oh Jesus Fuck...
Well, as I explain in my OCD thread... I have a lot. I won't get into all of them. I have about four bars I am a regular at. I have my seat in all of them. It's not that I have to sit in the same side of the bar or in a certain section. I have a stool that is mine. At the end of the bar. The last one next to the server's station. And if someone is in that seat, I will ask them to move... or a staff member will. I can't cook barefoot. Not even just socks. And I can't cook in my PJs. I have to be wearing actual clothes and shoes. Everything has to be done in even numbers. Don't question me. Just do it. When I was waiting tables I couldn't wait on odd numbered groups. My managers hated me. If an odd number of people order water, everyone gets water. And for the love of God, don't order an odd number of toppings on your pizza. I'm gonna add extra cheese. I have to have something in all of my pants pockets. I carry two wallets, one in each back pocket. Keys in my left pocket. Cell phone in my right. And a small lighter in the little pocket on the right side. I'll admit more later... Gotta run. |
If I'm cooking eggs, I take them out of the carton from opposite ends, opposite sides.
I put 7 rubs of deodorant under each arm. Never 6 or 8. When I shower, I always wash my hair first, then my face, then my body, then shave my legs, in that order. Top down. I eat sandwiches around the edges, so at the end the last bite looks like a Scotty dog. |
Well, I kind of always have to have everything with me. Often times I'll have a backpack with my cell phone charger, MP3 player, charger for that, sometimes a Nintendo DS and a charger for that.
When it gets colder my leather jacket holds all of these things without any visible bulges or lumps, which is why I have developed an unnatural need to have the jacket on when I can wear it. My friends have to ask me to take it off more than once if I'm sitting with them at their place, otherwise I just naturally keep it on. They don't get it, they feel like I'm always ready to do, which in a sense I am. If I wanted to/could get a gun permit/CCW, I'd have custom work done on this jacket to allow it to holster a weapon. So I think while people could mug me and take my wallet, phone, electronics without a word from me, I'd probably try and run, or fight them if they were to lay their hands on this jacket. That's how attached I am. |
Funny to see just how many of these involve eating or sleeping...
I'm with Redlemon on seeing patterns in things. I never thought of this as a quirk until I read his comment. I'm with Borla on the large beverage thing. If I have a smaller glass, I'll just end up refilling it several times during a meal. Also with the cold. I'm always comfortable when everyone else is cold. Or I'm overheating when everyone else is just fine. Misuse of the apostrophe drives me batshit insane. I almost never sleep under the covers. Mrs. Coaster can always tell when I'm coming down with a cold, that's when I sleep under the covers. Often, but not always, I'll eat a little over half of a burger the normal way, then I'll take off the top bun, eat it, then the next thing, eat it, repeat until I'm down to the bottom bun. |
lol no
I caught myself doing it the other day while laying down on the couch. I was laying on my side and all mushed up under a blanket when I realized I had Bundy hand. |
I can't sleep with the closet door open.
That's where the wild things are... |
I prefer symmetry and straight lines. If there are things on a table, I will (without even really thinking about it) straighten them so they all run parallel to each other, or at least form straight lines of some kind- and always so their straight lines are relative in some way to lines or edges of the surface they're on. I am not, however, a person who demands everything always be put away properly, "in its place", etc. It just gets adjusted wherever it is, if it's askew.
I always sleep with a comforter only, no sheet. I always have a fan going overhead (or blowing on me somehow) and then I curl up into the comforter. We're not talking a dead-of-winter super thick comforter, just a normal one. I gotta have it cool in the apartment. Currently, I have it set to 70. I can't sleep clothed. If I have to, I don't sleep well. I fidget all night. If I crack a knuckle, I will complete cracking all the rest. Again, not a conscious demand, it just happens, but it always happens. The second I get home, or anywhere else it's feasible, I take off my shoes and socks. I really can't relax in any way with shoes/socks on. I absolutely cannot cannot cannot be wearing socks without also having shoes on over them. The feeling drives me nuts. My bedroom door must be closed and locked while I'm asleep. If I lay down in bed on my stomach, I will never fall asleep. If I start on my back and never turn over, I will never fall asleep. I have to start on my back until I'm "ready" to fall asleep (whatever that feeling/trigger is), and then turn over onto my stomach, and then I fall asleep right away. |
I have so many that most of them are normal to me, not "quirky". That said:
When I leave the house and lock the door behind me, I have to try the door three times and say "1,2,3" to be sure it's locked. I've argued this point with myself while driving away-- "You SAID three. You're done. Go to work." If someone else is with me, I try to let them lock the door instead so that I don't have to test it out. I trust the other person. The flour goes in the fridge. (This nearly broke ratbastid once.) When I'm stressed, I need someone to put a hand on me- preferably the back of my neck. When I'm at work, I'll have a coworker that I'm comfortable with put her hand right on top of my head. |
I walk away. Simply walk away from situations, people, anything.
I might find you later or you might find me, but it is unlikely you would undestand. I would probably begin to cry and walk away again. I cant explain it. Sometimes I just cant speak. |
OK, so I'm not OCD'sh at all and I thought this is better here than in the trends thread.
I am annoyed like hell by the writing style first envisioned by roachboy. It began with only him, then sooner than later squeeeb picked it up then now Cynthetiq. CAPITALIZE YOUR DAMNED LETTERS PLEASE! Thankyou. |
I have more? Whoever would've thought?
-- I have Radio ADD. With a few exceptions, I never listen to an entire song on the radio. I also have the buttons set so I can hit every station on the dial within 4 clicks (well, except the gospel, news, and rap stations.) I have to conciously think about NOT changing the station when someone's in the car with me, since it seems to drive other people crazy. -- Anytime I use a straw, I immediately tie the wrapper in a knot. -- I think I've mentioned this one, but every time I get in an elevator, I imagine what would happen if it got stuck, and play out the different scenarios in my head. -- I make up silly songs and sing them to my dogs. -- I'm pretty much constantly singing. At work, in the shower, in the car, in the grocery store. One of my managers refers to me as "The Human Jukebox." -- I always have to have at least one hair tie around my right wrist, though I prefer two. No real reason, other than it just feels weird and wrong if I don't. |
If I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt, I will always shove the cuffs up to just below my elbow.
-And redlemon! That's the exact spot. Base of the neck. It calms me right down and makes life better. |
I'm not a real grammar nazi about many things, but the goddamn apostrophe... :shakehead: I have this on the door to my office... http://adland.tv/files/bob-the-angry-flower.gif |
And I didn't even have to follow the link to know what comic you had linked. :thumbsup: |
At restaurants, I like to sit against the wall. I don't like people behind me. It isn't anything I HAVE to do, but if I can, I will.
I always chew food on the left side of my mouth. First thing when I get up, even if I did the night before, I have to take a shower. I rip all the foil out of my cigarettes and bend the back corners in so they never get caught on the lid. I'm a language nazi (thanks to my mom). I can't stand words being used incorrectly, and will point them out to people. I probably do this too much. I put pepper on almost everything. I hate ice in my drink if the drink is cold before adding ice. T-shirt tags sticking out must be tucked back in! |
I CAN'T watch a movie or TV show or read a book without reading a the plot summary in the back of the book/box or in program info it if happens to be a tv show. I don't know why I have to know the basic plot beforehand because I've found that I actually enjoy TV shows more if I don't read the description.
I'm not really sure. Everything I do seems perfectly normal to me. Lucifer might have a different take on that.
Oh I have many.
I can not sleep if I havn't brushed my teeth. I brush my hair obsessivly. I have to brush my hair before I leave the house, after I get home, Before i get in the shower, after I get out.... I have a specific shower routine. I get in, I wet my body and my hair, then i shampoo, conditioner, shave, face creme, one last rinse, out I go. There are three odd colored tiles in my parents kitchen and I can't stop on them or on the horozontal line they are attatched to. I always look at the roof while I'm brushing my teeth. My hangers have to have the hook facing left, like a question mark, and must be away from me. I can't fill something half full, even if I only want half a glass of juice, I have to pu a full cup, or get a smaller cup. Im sure there is more. |
Here's another: I can't stand seeing pictures hanging crooked on a wall.
I'll straighten any I see - no matter where they might be....as in: Dr. offices, my bosses office, my dentist's office or any other place that I can get my hands on 'em! Also, I don't like eating in a large group of people, (esp. where everyone orders different items) such as at a business meeting. |
While at home chilling on the couch or on the computer, I must have a blanket on me. Even if I have company. I have one for the living room and one for the office. I guess it's a security thing? Nah - just a comfort thing prolly. I can never have too many blankets. I adore them.
I check locks. I always feel like I forgot to lock them.
I wash my hands a lot. I hate touching trash. I prefer being naked but I don't get a ton of naked time. If I start to clean something, I have to do it right. I usually can't half ass when it comes to cleaning. When I organize money, I like for all the bills to face the same way. I hate public bathrooms. I don't get how people can have sex in them. ---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ---------- Quote:
I'm supposed to go on an airplane for the first time soon and I'm not sure I will be able to convince myself to get on board. |
*i twitch a lot. just in the face. usually a quick snap and snap-back of my head. dunno why. also make a sneezing sound in the back of my mouth, like i'm smoking weed or something. don't know what started this.
*i'm ALWAYS pacing and it makes my co-workers really nervous, though I think they should be used to it. i cannot sit still at all, so if i'm forced to sit, i'm usually tapping my fingers, looking around, and bouncing my knee. *i can't sleep worth a damn on a mattress, but on a couch i am fucking princely. need a small sleeping area or i'll be up all day. *obsessive cuticle trimmer. |
I started the same twitching about a year ago. It's far from any sort of medical condition like Tourrettes, as I'm aware of it. And after I do a twitch, I feel better - like a slight release of stress or something. For me, it's usually with my upper lip, like I'm making a look of hatred. Hard to explain but I know where you're coming from.
And my couch is more comfortable than my bed. I understand that too lol. |
i know right? i just love burrowing into the space between the back and butt cushions.. |
I'm starting to wake up with backaches when I sleep in my bed. Since it's just me, I do pass out on the couch quite often before making it to the bedroom for the night. I wish my bed was comfy, so I didn't wake up on the couch feeling like a frat boy after a night of partying or something lol. But my couch is a very squishy, oversized piece. Wonderfully comfy!
*makes look of hatred real quick* lol |
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