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BadNick 08-12-2009 03:49 AM

Poor young dink killed by falling tree she didn't hear since she had headphones on :(

Falling branch kills newcomer to city out jogging | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/06/2009

"...Police say she was listening to an iPod while jogging and may not have heard the 30-foot-long branch crack and fall from a tulip tree, also known as a tulip poplar..."

As for myself, I don't own anything portable that I could listen to out of the house...well, technically I do own four ipods and various other portable gadgets but my kids are always using them. So add two more up-and-coming dinks to our count since they contantly have their buds on...today we'll try transferring my big one's musc downloads to his Blackberry since his ipod seems to be on the fritz and the Apple store can't diagnose it until tomorrow (pretty sure it's totally busted...again)

LordEden 08-12-2009 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2686595)
"Dink" makes me think of Dink Smallwood. /geek.

Just when I think you can't be geekier, you surprise me in a new way. This is a good thing. I mean, who else know that game. Rock! :thumbsup:

new man 08-12-2009 06:01 AM

Wow, what a bunch of judgemental pricks regarding the bluetooth headsets. So it's ok to tell everyone around you to "fuck off, I am wearing headphones", but someone who might actually have an interaction with someone, even over the phone deserves to be kicked in the crotch. Hey, here's a judgement that is actually worth something. If you are running in crowded areas like across city streets, or if you bicycle or ride a "snort" scooter and you wear headphones, you are an idiot. You cannot hear shit, and that makes you more vulnerable. In the end, it does not matter if you are right, you are still injured or dead if someone runs you over. And in most places, it is illegal to wear headphones while driving a car. BTW, ipod headphones suck. they have no clarity or bass, and they are uncomfortable. I use silicone earbuds, because they don't fall out and they can allow you to listen at lower volumes in the gym, because it cuts out whatever horrible screechy club or "hiphop" artist is being played. "brella, brella, brella". Hit her again Chris, she is skipping.

SecretMethod70 08-12-2009 06:47 AM

Far North Side jogger shot in robbery attempt - Chicago Breaking News


A Rogers Park jogger who couldn't hear what his assailants wanted because he was listening to loud music through earphones was shot when he ultimately pushed their gun aside and tried to run away, police said.

Originally Posted by new man (Post 2686723)
Wow, what a bunch of judgemental pricks regarding the bluetooth headsets. So it's ok to tell everyone around you to "fuck off, I am wearing headphones", but someone who might actually have an interaction with someone, even over the phone deserves to be kicked in the crotch. Hey, here's a judgement that is actually worth something. If you are running in crowded areas like across city streets, or if you bicycle or ride a "snort" scooter and you wear headphones, you are an idiot. You cannot hear shit, and that makes you more vulnerable. In the end, it does not matter if you are right, you are still injured or dead if someone runs you over. And in most places, it is illegal to wear headphones while driving a car. BTW, ipod headphones suck. they have no clarity or bass, and they are uncomfortable. I use silicone earbuds, because they don't fall out and they can allow you to listen at lower volumes in the gym, because it cuts out whatever horrible screechy club or "hiphop" artist is being played. "brella, brella, brella". Hit her again Chris, she is skipping.

Actually, I agree with you about the headphones too. Wearing headphones while riding a bike or crossing a street or doing anything where hearing is a reasonably necessary matter of safety is stupid. As for bluetooth headsets, it's pretty accepted these days that it makes you look like a fool if you're not actually using it, or using it when it's unnecessary. Again, the difference is that I can tell when you're probably not using the bluetooth, I can't tell when you're not using headphones. If I could tell that someone wasn't using headphones but was wearing them anyway, I'd think it makes them look just as stupid.

Bill O'Rights 08-12-2009 06:56 AM

Dink has so many meanings these days. When I was a kid, back in the mesozoic era, dink was common vernacular for dork, nerd, geek, tool, what have you. Now, of course, it also means Double Income No Kids. And, I've embarassingly come to find, is also a derogatory term for people of asian decent. Who the hell knew? What? Gook, chink and slant weren't enough? These asswipes had to co-opt "dink"?

As far as headphones in public go...who cares? I'm just glad that it helps to save me from having to listen to the wearer's horrid taste in music. Personally...I think that they should be made mandatory for any owner of a $400 hooptie with a $4000 sound system.

Those bluetooth thingys, on the other hand, annoy the holy hell out of me. Especially when someone is standing in line behind me and appears to be striking up a conversation with me. It triple annoys me when the device is covered by thier hair. Of course I'm the one that comes off looking like a "dink" when I start to respond to this persons conversation.

Psycho Dad 08-12-2009 09:31 AM

While I agree that headphones are not to be worn when it is important to be aware of traffic or other aspects of your surroundings, I doubt the headphones had much to do with the guy getting shot. The gun he pushed out of the way should have been a visual clue that he needed to pay fucking attention. Of course I didn't read the whole article yet, but still...

SecretMethod70 08-12-2009 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Psycho Dad (Post 2686876)
While I agree that headphones are not to be worn when it is important to be aware of traffic or other aspects of your surroundings, I doubt the headphones had much to do with the guy getting shot. The gun he pushed out of the way should have been a visual clue that he needed to pay fucking attention. Of course I didn't read the whole article yet, but still...

Well, yes, but it was amusing to me to see that article today while this discussion is going on :) Maybe they wouldn't have pulled the gun had he heard them the first time.

biznatch 08-12-2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by World's King (Post 2686462)
I wear my headphones while I commute. Which is by bicycle, scooter or walking. Do you listen to the radio in your car while you commute?

Bike and Scooter?? Well, that's illegal, first of all, but most importantly its' dangerous as fuck. If you're riding a vehicle you should be able to hear what's going on. Even with the radio on in the car, most people can hear enough to be aware of their surroundings.
Headphones cut you off from the sound around you.

I wear mine while walking, but I look around more than I would without them(also if I crash into someone while walking, it's not like they're gonna die). They're big can-type headphones, and they allow me not to hear someone ask me for a dollar for his/her basketball team, or talk about their stupid religion.
I hate earbuds. It sounds like the sound is inside your head.

kutulu 08-12-2009 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by new man (Post 2686723)
Wow, what a bunch of judgemental pricks regarding the bluetooth headsets. So it's ok to tell everyone around you to "fuck off, I am wearing headphones", but someone who might actually have an interaction with someone, even over the phone deserves to be kicked in the crotch.

This. People need to get over themselves. I have a cellphone so I can talk to people. I don't give a fuck if it bothers you, I'll talk all I want while I'm in line behind you.

I also don't get why it is such a big deal for someone on a bike or scooter it doesn't mean they have to be maxed. Cars are so soundproofed these days that even if your radio is only at a relatively low volume you can hardly hear anything outside the vehicle.

CinnamonGirl 08-12-2009 01:10 PM

Because, unless you're singing along with the headphones (which I've already expressed my annoyance with), you're QUIET. With a bluetooth, you're talking to someone. It's not much different than a regular ol' cell phone, true. (except, I can't tell you the number of times I've looked like a dumbass because I thought someone talking on a Bluetooth was talking to ME.) But in certain situations, people need to get off their cell phones, too.

SecretMethod70 08-12-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by kutulu (Post 2687065)
This. People need to get over themselves. I have a cellphone so I can talk to people. I don't give a fuck if it bothers you, I'll talk all I want while I'm in line behind you.

You are, of course, free to feel this way. You're in a shrinking minority though. More and more people are recognizing this as rude behavior.

mrklixx 08-12-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by kutulu (Post 2687065)
This. People need to get over themselves. I have a cellphone so I can talk to people. I don't give a fuck if it bothers you, I'll talk all I want while I'm in line behind you.

And I am also free to suddenly realize that I have suddenly come down with a violent case of whooping cough.

Psycho Dad 08-12-2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2687087)
Because, unless you're singing along with the headphones (which I've already expressed my annoyance with), you're QUIET. With a bluetooth, you're talking to someone.

That isn't what bothers me. I don't give two shits that they are talking on the phone, they just look douchetastic when they wear them when they aren't needed. Like the next call the guy in the stained WWF t-shirt is going to be the one that lands him an Obama cabinet position. And maybe that is the most ridiculous looking thing... People who aren't talking on them but look like there isn't anyone that would call them anyway.

Yeah I'm a judgmental prick sometimes.

allaboutmusic 08-12-2009 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by kutulu (Post 2687065)
This. People need to get over themselves. I have a cellphone so I can talk to people. I don't give a fuck if it bothers you, I'll talk all I want while I'm in line behind you.

You have the right to this opinion, but I think you should be aware that many people would consider this not only rude but inconsiderate. Personally I don't mind as long as the person isn't yelling into their phone. People talking into their phones at a level I can't hear is perfectly acceptable to me.

Pet hate though: people playing music on their mobile phone speakers on public transport. That along with the cost and complete lack of reliability of public transport are why I gave up going green and drive instead.

JumpinJesus 08-12-2009 04:18 PM

Everyone's opinions are stupid. Just dumbly stupid.

kutulu 08-13-2009 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by allaboutmusic (Post 2687254)
You have the right to this opinion, but I think you should be aware that many people would consider this not only rude but inconsiderate. Personally I don't mind as long as the person isn't yelling into their phone. People talking into their phones at a level I can't hear is perfectly acceptable to me.

Pet hate though: people playing music on their mobile phone speakers on public transport. That along with the cost and complete lack of reliability of public transport are why I gave up going green and drive instead.

I don't see the difference between talking on the phone and talking to your friends next to you. I agree on the second part though.

Schwan 08-13-2009 12:03 PM

My ears are incompatible with headphones, so I'm kinda envious of anyone who can run around with things stuck into their brain. As for the bluetooth thingums - I second what kutulu thinks, and these things still annoy the crap out of me. It's just like talking to a person right next to you. Still - red hot rage.

MSD 08-13-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by SecretMethod70 (Post 2686337)
They can be useful when used appropriately. That means not wearing them when not in use.

The point of wearing a headset is so you don't have to reach into your pocket, take out your cellphone, and put it to your ear. Why the hell would I keep a headset in my pocket where I have to take it out and put it on my ear anyway?

People raging about bluetooth headsets (which, by the way, is a bluetooth headset, not a bluetooth,) sound like the people who were complaining ten years ago that anyone with a cell phone was just trying to look rich and important. You're all just whiny.

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